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This Makes Me Sick To My Stomach With Rage!!!

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posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by 0010110011101

yur right my friend, there is no need for that, there is a justice system that involves court and whatnot, not a beating!! as i heard once " an eye for an eye makes the world go blind " peace and love to you all

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:37 AM
I think it happens a lot less now that they know that there are people out there with cameras that can film them.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:41 AM
It would have been a lot smarter to wait until they got him in a cell back at the station and then 'Tune Him Up'! Any idiot that puts others in danger because he wants to get away from an arrest is, first of all a MORON, and second of all, not worthy of my sympathy if he gets his head handed to him. Smart people just let the cops arrest you and let the lawyers sort it out!


posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by 0010110011101
Hmmm, so because someone does something wrong, it's OK to kick them in the head, torture and beat them, even kill them?

Do people still not see the irony in the death penalty? "We" think killing is wrong, so we're going to execute you?

This planet really has no hope does it.

Out of curiosity whats your stand on Abortion?

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by hounddoghowlie

You forgot to mention that this Ass-clown, lead the police on a half-hour chase endangering innocent people; I think the criminal got what he deserved. Give that cop a medal.

Now on the other hand if a cop kicks an innocent person who just happens to be hanging out on the corner then that cop needs to loose his job.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

It was unnecessary. The guy gave up, and the cop could have placed him in cuffs with no hassle at all. The cop needs his butt handed to him in the worst way possible. He probably got all bent out of shape because he was headed to the doughnut shop when the incident started.

[edit on 14-5-2009 by SpacePunk]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

Not that it bears much relevance to this thread but in my opinion abortion should only be allowed for rape victims.

Dont get yourself pregnant in the first place if you dont want to have a baby.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by 0010110011101
Hmmm, so because someone does something wrong, it's OK to kick them in the head, torture and beat them, even kill them?

Do people still not see the irony in the death penalty? "We" think killing is wrong, so we're going to execute you?

This planet really has no hope does it.

Irony is not lost... but neither will any more lives be lost due to the killer that was killed.

However, I also have no problems with eye for eye per the bible either. Personally, I believe a life for an eye if done with malice (so to speak)... but I have grudge issues.

That is my personal fault that I cannot let a grudge go until that person is dead. Having the hardest time letting grudges go.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by 0010110011101

The reason why I asked is because I have some people are for abortion and against the death penalty I was curious to the fact if you were one of those types of people. Now that I understand you’re position, I can respect what you say.

Make since?

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by jjkenobi

The guy commits a crime, then flees in a high speed chase endangering the cops and every person on the road, causes public property damage, finally gets cornered and thinks he can just lay down and nothing will happen to him?


When he surrendered he should have expected to be placed under arrest and taken to jail where he will await a court of law.

While the officer may have whitnessed offences such as speeding and failing to obey the order to stop, edangering public safety and such, it is the officers job to place that person under arrest and thats it. The accused is entitled to the process of law, and while it may have seemed an easy conviction the role of police ends after the arrest and corresponding report.

The police officer made a summary judgement and delivered a sentance of jackboot to the head. What I saw was an example of police assuming the role of Judge, Jury, and Executioner.

Is there not a high demand for enemy combatants to be protected from such treatment?

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by SpacePunk

Maybe it was, but you were not that cop, I think the cop did the right thing. What would have happened if that Jerk had killed innocent people in his mad dash to elude the police?

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by AlienChaser

Um exactly I have seen Enemy combatants get roughed up after a harsh fire fight and they were taking prisoner.

And really that cop was trying to sit an example for other idiots who continue to run from the law, if your dumb enough to attempt to run from us this will be your head that gets kicked.
Good Job officer....

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

Yes, I understand where you are coming from.

I'm glad we reached an amicable resolution!

If only all disagreements were so easily solved!!!

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

The cops job is to take him into custody, not kick him in the head when it's clear that the guy is no longer resisting.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

there is the rule called the use of deadly force, which put in simplist trems
means , a officer can not use more force than needed. now if they would have used the used the pilth or pit manuver not sure what the name is,while he was running that would be different. the officer is not the court and he can not hand out punnishment because he thinks that what the suspect desverse, no matter what he personaly thinks.

[edit on 14-5-2009 by hounddoghowlie]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by 0010110011101
Hmmm, so because someone does something wrong, it's OK to kick them in the head, torture and beat them, even kill them?

Do people still not see the irony in the death penalty? "We" think killing is wrong, so we're going to execute you?

This planet really has no hope does it.

Well, he didn't kill the guy. But, yes if someone kills they should get the death penalty, you know why? Because even if they're in the system, meaning prison want not, they will and most often do, kill again! So we should let the psycho run loose in our prison killing other prisoners or maybe even a gaurd?! What about people who kill innocent children? they should be able to go get knocked up and kill another one of their children??? You know what not having the death penalty says? It's Ok to kill, we'll just put you somewhere where you'll get free cable, free meals, free gyms, etc. etc. and you can kill your fellow inmates and gaurds, cause hell we don't care!!!! You know what having the death penalty says it says we care if someone kills one of our citizens and you will pay if you do it. This also curbs anybody thinking about killing someone, I know it works for me. If they didn't have the death penalty there are plenty of people I'd like to have killed!!!! Thank God I fear the dealth penalty!!!!

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by SpacePunk

Maybe after a half hour of chasing this guy, the officer thought, what if he attempts to get and run again or even worse go for my gun? A good kick to the head will deter that.

You guys were not there you have no idea what that type of situation is like, I believe the cop showed considerable restraint under the circumstances.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by AlienChaser

And really that cop was trying to sit an example for other idiots who continue to run from the law, if your dumb enough to attempt to run from us this will be your head that gets kicked.
Good Job officer....

The example that is set is it's in your best interest to kick the cops ass because he's going to kick yours anyway. If I know that someone is going to act violently against me, no matter what I do, then I will act violently first.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by SpacePunk

You guys were not there you have no idea what that type of situation is like, I believe the cop showed considerable restraint under the circumstances.

You were not there either. What we have is the video, and the video clearly shows the cop assaulting the guy after he submitted. That is what we have. There's no excuse. No amount of lack of doughnuts, his boyfriend leaving him, his wife beating him, drug use, perhaps someone didn't pay up on their protection money, etc... None.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by SpacePunk

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by AlienChaser

And really that cop was trying to sit an example for other idiots who continue to run from the law, if your dumb enough to attempt to run from us this will be your head that gets kicked.
Good Job officer....

The example that is set is it's in your best interest to kick the cops ass because he's going to kick yours anyway. If I know that someone is going to act violently against me, no matter what I do, then I will act violently first.

Only if you are a criminal should you have to worry about being beat up on by the cops. The best thing to do if you are approach by the cops is 1.) Shut the hell up and answer with short questions. 2.) if they are going to detain you go willingly and call you a good lawyer, if you are innocent then why worry it is probably a misunderstand.

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