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What The Heck Happened To This Thread?

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posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by Lebowski achiever

asala is, as understand it, the super moderator who handles the twitter points.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 08:56 AM
Would anyone here who knows be able to post about the reasoning behind the thread's move to RATS. Is it due the the exposure level of RATS to the internet search engines or something else.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 09:10 AM
Will someone answer RoadGravels QuestioN!?

Really disspointed with this.... I subscribed to the thread with the intention of reading it today (as I didn't have time then!) and i got the error message.

I didn't know that threads could be moved to RATS, I thought they just originated there.

I have heard a lot of bad reports on RATS, so wasn't that bothered about joining... can someone just hint at why this thread was moved and then I might consider it!

I can see how this might annoy alot of people.....

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 09:18 AM
My guess is the guys who run the bot were starting to get really ticked off that their material had been circulated(i mean really ticked off) on the net and then set about contacting all site owners to convey their disgust and possible legal proceedings, im willing to bet that someone on ATS got the call aswell. The bot guys remind me of Metallica when kids started downloading music for free.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Lebowski achiever
Who is Asala and how can she give you points?

Don't know asala? Jeez! She's the boss, and she's a all woman! A double whammy if ever there was one!!


posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 09:49 AM
I wish the mods or whoever moved threads would at least replace the initial thread with a message saying why it was done. Is it so much to ask?

And does ATS get paid by Twitter every time someone signs up? Seems deceptive telling people to sign up on Twitter in order to view a forum... which is why I've never done it.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by AshleyD


I'd forgotten about that.

What factors contribute to such being moved there?

It was a bit startling to see it gone so swiftly . . . particularly given the topic.

May have to bite the dust and spend some points! LOL. Oh, that's right, we can spend them from either forum. Good.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Kruel

Well, you're not supposed to join it just to get into the RATS forum. It's was a reward for following ATS and using Twitter.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 10:20 AM
I am extremely disappointed that the Web Bot thread got moved to RATS also...

The thread was started by questioningall...

So yesterday I u2ued her and asked about it...

She said because of all the complaining about the copy write stuff she requested for it to be moved to RATS...

I can't help but feel unhappy about that decision...

I thought these alternative sites were so we could keep up with the real news going on in the world...The WEB BOT ALTA report is some of the hottest news going on right now...

And...To get to see on ATS...we have to pay for it...???

I am unhappy about that...It doesn't seem right to take the information away after posting it for free...It seems like a racket...All about the money...Or like the powers that be...Only a CERTAIN GROUP of people get that information...Yes I am not happy...At least I saved the ALTA report to my computer for further viewing...part 1 thru 5...

I have seen blog threads with pieces posted on the net..Guess I will just have to go to those to keep up with any new information about the We Bot stuff...

I don't mean to sound hateful but...I am SICK of all of the you have to be in this GROUP MENTALITY...Guess it we aren't a part of that crowd we get LEFT OUT...

Just doesn't seem right to me...

ps.. I have listened to many of the audio interviews about this lat ALTA report...With Cliff...

Can we start a thread with summaries about what has been said to share on here...FOR FREE...???

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by pazcat
My guess is the guys who run the bot were starting to get really ticked off that their material had been circulated(i mean really ticked off) on the net and then set about contacting all site owners to convey their disgust and possible legal proceedings...

They didn't seem to imply that at the site.

If it were the case wouldn't removal of material be appropriate, not semi hiding it.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by sapphirearaidia

The thread was started by questioningall...

So yesterday I u2ued her and asked about it...

She said because of all the complaining about the copy write stuff she requested for it to be moved to RATS...

The owners of a site that state they promote enforcing copyrights by their T&C and how others link to material here rely on a member to make those decisions. Sounds like that isn't the issue.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 11:24 AM
Well from what I can tell someone is going around threating people who have the ALTA report posted making them remove it...

Here is a copy if you scroll down to the comments a poster called TheGasman...Told this person to delete the ALTA report from their blog...

If you want a copy of it saved to your computer I would suggest you copy this blog NOW...Before it is deleted...

Here is the link...

I can't understand any of this...Since from what the Cliff and George have said...The harm has already been done...???

It has already been released...

Just trying to share what I am finding...

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by roadgravel

You are right about that, there main concern is that by having it in circulation corrupts their data, thats what they were getting more ticked off about and they were contacting other sites telling them they dont want it put up because of that. But i dont see it as that is their whole concern, if it is it proves their data collection method and system is flawed. As many have said before its just a grab for cash. Either way im now a RATS member so its not all bad.

[edit on 25-4-2009 by pazcat]

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 11:37 AM
Can somebody that is a RATS member tell me if Part 6 is posted there? Or, maybe post a notice here if Part 6 is ever found/poster? Or better yet, post a summary of what is supposedly so terrifying as to prevent any person from posting it...

That would be really awesome.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 11:39 AM
It seems odd to me that ATS would encourage members to sign up on Twitter. But maybe that is the conspiracy part of me coming out. As a general rule, I try to limit the number of websites that have info on me. I do not even have a cell phone to track me from.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
It seems odd to me that ATS would encourage members to sign up on Twitter. But maybe that is the conspiracy part of me coming out. As a general rule, I try to limit the number of websites that have info on me. I do not even have a cell phone to track me from.

Commerce, my friend.

Besides you don't actually have to be an active user of twitter to join. Double the conspiratorial irony!

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 01:34 PM
Something really strange is going on about this thread.
Even yesterday was not easy to find the thread even though that was one of the hottest topics, it was confined on the "prediction" section, and removed the shortcut from the hottest topics. Why?

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 02:04 PM
What happened to the thread,

Well, let me tell you.

I ASKED - a mod to have the alta report deleted, since I found out that Clif and George did not consent to the report being published online, which I had assumed they had, since it was in many forums and blogs.

SO, instead of the mod deleting the report it has been moved over to RATS- In RATS - it is out of the prying eyes of the public search bots and engines. It won't mess up any future searches they may do.

I wanted to keep ATS and my own integrity intact - due to the webbot dudes not condoning the release.

OH BTW-- guess what?

Someone found a section of Part 6 -- it is in the thread!!!!

HHMMMM - what to know what it says?

Have to join RATS!!


It is my fault it was moved!

BTW: a little secret - you might want to

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 02:44 PM
Excellent, looks like we got an answer.


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