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AIDS - We've been lied to.

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posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by angelx666

now thats interesting.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:36 PM
This is stupid and destructive to anyone searching for actual information. AIDS is a Syndrome (hence the S). Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome. HIV leads to it in most cases. Many other things can cause this Syndrome. Anything that impairs the immune system to the point of being unable to fight off infections or common cancers the body destroys daily. That being said many people have had HIV for well over 10 years and not formed AIDS. Others develop the syndrome within months. This is an individual matter.

Nobody in the scientific community claims HIV is the sole cause of AIDS. The linkage of this statement comes from 20+ years of study. Then; theres the fact that the early cases all formed AIDS without.. thats WITHOUT any of the drug cocktails people claim 'actually creates AIDS'. To say "People have AIDS but are HIV negative." Is ignorant of usable details at best. Intentional lie feeding at worst.

If I seem hostile you will have to get over it. I have some direct experience with this BS in the form of a friend who got in with the 'HIV is fine, it doesn't cause AIDS' group. He contracted HIV within the year and was dead 6 months after that because he refused the the 'drug cocktails that cause AIDS'. He died from simple tumors that got out of control because of.. you guessed it: AIDS.

This garbage pseudo-science kills people. Do some actual research.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:36 PM
Of course we have been lied to.
We have been lied to about virtually everything.

There's a new day coming -
- and the turds are floating to the top for all to see.
Disclosure is no longer a choice that the "elites" make -
It's a choice we (the commoners) have made.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by MR BOB
reply to post by angelx666

now thats interesting.

if you really want to know, i can point you to the direction, this was a topic of my research for two years

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:05 PM
i also found what John Lear had to say about AIDS to be very interesting...

The Aids virus was developed by the Department of the Navy in the middle 80’s. The doctors name was R. M. Donner who actually developed the virus.

Bob Lazar and I made several attempts in 1989 and 1990 to contact him at his house in the southwest U.S. I obtained his address from CIA contacts. He was never there, or at least, never answered the doorbell. We also tried to meet up with him at this place of business, a small shop in a small town in New Mexico where he worked part time after his retirement from the Navy.

Aids is a virus that is protected by a protein coat on the RNA preventing the antibodies (T-4 cells) of the immune system from detecting and eliminating it.

The alleged cure for AIDS lies in the excrement of the white fungus that’s grown from the Chinese cucumber trichosanthes kirilowii. This excrement (which develops after about 2 or 3 weeks) is separated with hydrazine sulfate and an acidification process which dissolves the protein coat on the RNA and exposes the nucleus of the virus that’s detected by the antibodies of the immune system. Regardless of how weak the immune system is the virus will be destroyed.

No more than 20cc dose per 36 hour period should be administered. No antibiotics should be used during this period. The 20 cc’s are metabolized in 36 hours having dissolved the protein coat of the virus.

Over the past 19 years several I have been party to several attempts to get samples of the trichosanthes kirilowii out of China, but all have met with failure. The last samples having been ‘cooked’ during departure procedures.

I am not a doctor. I am not saying I have the cure for aids. What I have written above is about all I know so please don’t hammer me for more information. If there is an error in the technical information above maybe I have worded it wrong from the information that I have. And maybe a member of ATS can help me correct that wording. I only offer this information because ATS has an incredible information source through its members. Maybe one of those members can use this information to advantage.

In closing: Attention Dr. Strecker (producer: The Strecker Memorandum). Bob, if you are reading this call me. You know where I am.

...i posted "The Strecker Memorandum" on the previous page

[edit on 26-9-2009 by adrenochrome]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:35 PM
there is no virus- cure for aids is simple- clean thymus from benzene (oxygen therapy, chelation therapy) and remove bacteria (rhife zapper)

easy, then just make sure you dont consume benzene, such as if you are gay dont use vazeline, poppers etc, in other means dont consume anything with benzene) there are some/most condoms benzene lubricated, benzenated lubricants (that says on labels 'for external use only', therefore preventing factory for suing) etc

all african water polluted with benzene

once you start digging, you will never stop

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by angelx666

Since you did no less then a research on the subject, care to explain why antibodies for HIV show after a heavy meal??????
Because i am sure that you are aware of existence of lots and lots of different antibodies that our immune system produces , and how specific it is. Thymus and other stuff involved. How HIV antibodies appear after a heavy meal? Because HIV antibodies test screens for specific antibodies. And few cases of false positive are found also, because there are another,less sensitive tests ,ade to those who appear positive in anti-bodies one..

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
reply to post by angelx666

Since you did no less then a research on the subject, care to explain why antibodies for HIV show after a heavy meal??????

here, from my ex blog (keep name a secret)

How drugs breaks down immune system:

The white blood cells in a body attack anything that is non-itself, anything that is not native to the self. The ingestion of food is even attacked by the antibodies of the self, to break down the food, which makes it digestible and thus, energies are taken from the food and turned into energy for the body. They are called enzymes and in some cases, antibodies.

When there is a foreign body that does not break down easily, as with a disease of some type, the white blood cells around it attack it and destroy it in a kind of massive suicidal attempt or war, to rid the body of this particular foreign element.

The white blood cells do quite well with foreign objects that are introduced to the body, but when toxins such as drugs, vaccines, either recreational drugs or pharmaceutical drugs are introduced into the body, the white blood cells end up sacrificing themselves in great mass, with very little benefit or result against the toxins of these drugs and become weakened and the body has difficulty producing them fast enough to handle all the toxins that may be coming into the body.

.As time passes the body’s immune system becomes weaker and weaker because the white blood cells are the main part of the immune system.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:56 PM
This thread is pretty interesting. Nice find on the video so I thought I would give it a bump since that is the only reason I came across it myself.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by angelx666

Yes. Immune system attacks. White cells, and other stuff,toxins... And ,since you speak about white cells branch, in order for T cell to attack it has to know that what it attacks is an enemy. One (most efficient) way to achieve this , is by flagging the bad guy. Antibodies are what is used as this flag. And they have one side that is highly specific to only certain bad guy. Antibody for steak protein would not "stick" to HIV virus. Or to cell it infected. Thus it would not stick to test strip that contains sequence similar to HIV one. So why meal would interfere with HIV antibody test?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
reply to post by angelx666

Yes. Immune system attacks. White cells, and other stuff,toxins... And ,since you speak about white cells branch, in order for T cell to attack it has to know that what it attacks is an enemy. One (most efficient) way to achieve this , is by flagging the bad guy. Antibodies are what is used as this flag. And they have one side that is highly specific to only certain bad guy. Antibody for steak protein would not "stick" to HIV virus. Or to cell it infected. Thus it would not stick to test strip that contains sequence similar to HIV one. So why meal would interfere with HIV antibody test?

alleged 'HIV test' is not specific to 'HIV antibodies'and the test cannot be checked against a "gold standard": purified HIV., as HIV has never been purified and there is no prof of it

all hiv test labels required to have a legal disclaimer that 'any test results should not be considered to indicate the presence of HIV nor to predict progression to AIDS', so then people cant sue them for 'emotional damages', acquired by false/fake diagnosis

for a reasons why antibodies happenning see my post above

[edit on 26-9-2009 by angelx666]

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:53 PM
I haven`t watched the video yet, reason being because I`m watching The Esoteric Agenda while surfing(all about NWO, Illuminati, etc GREAT 2 hour film, I don`t believe everything I hear or read but this documentary is amazing, it`s on youtube in full).

Anyways as I said I haven`t seen the video yet, but this is a subject that interests me greatly. I am a 28 year old male that is HIV positive. Last May(I was 27 then) after being infected for approx 2 years at that time I fell ill and got extremely sick. In the 6 months leading up to that point I watched and experienced my body just seem to breakdown and decompose.

My entire body was covered in dollar sized black spots that eventually turned into open lesions. I became bed ridden and my 5`11 frame lost almost 50 lbs. bringing me down to around 120 lbs. My joints were so wear I honestly thought any sudden movement on my part would snap my boned. I became so tired, all I did was sleep, and believed those would be my last days. I looked so deathly my reflection reminded me of the horrific fate of the 80`s AIDS epidemic.

My immune system was so low my doctors warned me I might not make it to my 28th birthday in October. Anyone HIV+ with a CD4 count lower then 200 is then diagnosed with AIDS. My CD4 count was 46. Going by history, my body should have shut down by July.

But it didn`t.... I did go the new Apripla pill(3 meds in 1), and made a full recover. It come with a huge list of possible side effects, but luckily I only got the most common one of vivid dreams. My dreams were always pretty vivid, but that medication makes you feel so conscious in your dreams it`s like your in some parallel universe. I actually looked forward to going to bed every night to go into my dream `world`.

My doctors burned into my memory the same thing over and over before starting the medication. Once you start taking it, you can`t ever miss a dose for the rest of your life. If you miss doses the HIV can become resistant to one of the medications in the pill that stays in the body longer then the other two. When it`s by itself the HIV can apparently gang up on it and mutate becoming resistant.

I took my first bottle, but stopped after that.... It`s now almost 2011, and I haven`t been on HIV medication since last summer, and as of last week my CD4 count is 798, and my viral load is undetectable. Basically that means my immune system is just as healthy, of not more so then the average person. While I do believe the medication worked in repairing my immune system from my AIDS diagnosis I don`t think it`s necessary for a HIV diagnonis as long as you are keeping yourself healthy.

I eat well, and work out, and live pretty stress free now. I now weigh 175 lbs, and all the black spots that covered my body have faded away and healed. I can`t even believe it, but all those open lesions I had closed up and I wasn`t left with one scar. I actually look better then I ever have in my adult life. All this with just eating the right things, and taking my vitamins.

So I really don`t know what to believe about the immune killer, but I am here and alive and healthy after rebounding from AIDS just 6 months ago.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 12:53 AM
In SA we've had AIDS denialism for 10 years under President Thabo Mbeki.
I wouldn't be surprised if a human hand was involved in the creation and spread of HIV.

However, the fact is it exists.
Mbeki attempted panels with the Aids/HIV skeptics/denialists and qualified scientists (many of whom were actually involved with Aids patients).
The trouble was that the skeptics couldn't agree amongst themselves:
- Some said that HIV doesn't exist
- Some said that HIV exists, but doesn't cause Aids
- Some were just anti-ARVS, and pushed a number of unproven, overpriced "alternative medicines".

Mbeki and his inefficient, alcoholic Minister of Health (the late Manto Tshabalala Msimang) told us that garlic, lemon juice and beetroot would cure us.
Before that they pushed a cure called Virodene, which turned out to be an industrial solvent.

In the meantime, activists were fighting big pharma, and opting for little pharma from India and Brazil.
Big pharma dropped prices and even donated medicines.
Mbeki still stalled the process, even for mother-to-child transmission medicines.

Our solution to AIDS was a vegetable stand, and various expensive vitamin concoctions!
And yet, people were dying - even some of the richest people with the best nutrition and vitamin treatments.

Eventually Mbeki was toppled by his own party.
It is now estimated that his denialist tendencies caused the preventable deaths of 350 000 people.

The people who believe this dated, discounted rubbish are welcome to do so.
We've had every vitamin salesman in the book.
We even had one who fed people one ARV, telling them it was vitamins.
Most just rode on the success of people's ARV treatment, and claimed their concoctions caused the improvement. People who stopped their effective treatment could do so for a while - but ultimately the virus would rebound, now resistant to our 6 publically available ARVs.
Well, we saw who lived and died. The people who stuck to their treatment lived.

I suppose it's like a religion - you can't really argue with that alternative world-view.
The big rip-off nutritionist pharma.
That's fine.
As long as they can never impose their willful blindness, and reckless stupidity on people again.

PS.It is not true that people can never stop treatment. People can even go on a treatment holiday under close supervision. However, with every treatment non-adherence one risks viral mutation and resistance.
Dealing with a lot of HIV-narrative, there are people with a CD4 count of 10 who look fairly healthy.
However inside they were heavily infected with TB and cancer.
edit on 22-12-2010 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

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