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Protecting Your Bug Out Site

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posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 07:06 PM
Ok, So it happened

You followed your plan to a T, and your now situtated.

You have your supplies, your shelter, and your doin fine

Then you start to hear and see other people, but they weren't

prepared , they have nothing!

Do you use your weapons to persuade them to move on?

Do you share your provisions, knowing that it will deplete your

planned time frame.

It would be a whole new world, with new rules, what do you do?

Maybe some kind of early warning system, cans on strings, I mean

dont wanna do they trap thing to hurt people , it would be hard to

penalize someone because they didn't see it coming

Mod Edit: Fixed spelling in title

[edit on 3/30/09 by FredT]

[edit on 30-3-2009 by Seany]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 07:21 PM
Hard to call in a way. The people begging for food might have a family.
The people trying to steal your food might have a family.
But me, don't get to close to me and my family. I won't share. I have a wife and 2 kids. That 4 mouths to feed.
If it was a kid then I would take him in, but adults are on there own.
My location should be pretty sound but I have reinforcement so to say. So I should be ok.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 07:24 PM
They will come back at night with their own weapons, be they sticks and stones, but they will still kill you if your asleep and take your guns.

If sitx goes down, and I'm out in the wilderness, your getting shot before you see me and I'm hiding your body.

I even thought of putting a head on a stick like in predator, but like the governator, I don't think it'd stop them, it would just let them know I'm here.

If sitx goes down, all bets are out the window... it's kill or be killed, survival of the most supplied.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 07:26 PM
I would tell the men that they are on their own. The children would be helped and fed for sure. Maybe the women, but of course the mothers of young ones.

But the men? I'd tell them to get busy hunting and providing for theirs, or get busy dying. Somewhere else.

If they convince me that they just need a bit of help, I may toss them a knife, and if I have some spare line and hooks - maybe.

This would be an extreme situation to be in. You and yours, or them and theirs.

Unfortunately, kids can't help it if their parents are idiots.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by breakingdradles

Man I agree with you so much ....but..we have that humanity thing in us

I dont know, what would be best for me is if they came at me hostile,

then I could just protect myself

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by dooper

I know man, G D it , kids throw a whole wrench in the works

Gotta hope there wont be kids, Im too soft hearted

probably be my down fall

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 07:40 PM
Have you not seen the movie defiance? Numbers are what we need, to turn your back on a fellow citizen, well your just as bad as the tyrants that drove your sorry beep out.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 07:47 PM
If people are walking around and discover where you are, you picked the wrong place to bug out to.

go to the Wilderness, by the time they find you, they are so close to death due to starvation and lack of water you can then make the call on weather you want them to join your community or not.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 07:52 PM
For the people that have warned others about SitX, you don't have help anyone including children.

If you have been living the past two years being called a tin-foil hat wearing / paranoid / crazy conspiracy theorist... and you find yourself in a situation where you are out in the woods living off your own supplies, then it sucks for the rest of society that you tried to warn.

I don't think there is any way, shape, or form I would possibly help out the society that has labled me an outcast.

I have a wonderful soul, and a wonderful heart... thats why I'm telling everybody that I conversate with to get prepared for the worst.

When the SHTF, I don't expect anybody to help me, nor do I plan to help anybody except through my prayers.

Are you warning others to get ready?

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Doom, I dont believe you my friend

Ive read your threads , I know your a family man and you do

your utmost to warn others of 911 and impending changes incoming

Honestly , you could turn a mother and child away

Im not sure I could, hard to say, thats why Im hoping they come in

hostile, easier that way

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Seany
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Doom, I dont believe you my friend

Ive read your threads , I know your a family man and you do

your utmost to warn others of 911 and impending changes incoming

Honestly , you could turn a mother and child away

Im not sure I could, hard to say, thats why Im hoping they come in

hostile, easier that way

Today is Monday, I might feel diferently on Friday.

But you are right,... who am I kidding,... I'd probably help my own enemy.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:06 PM
Your asking one of those questions I think most people can't really answer until the time comes. The moment you give someone food then they know you have food to give. The moment you take them in they know what you have and they don't. A mother with a child or even a child alone may be a scout for the rest of the family. However, if you have some resources to live off the land and the land around you is at all suitable to that then you have a greater food supply than your own reserves.

I believe I will rely on the Supreme Being to put the people I should help in my path. Too many times street people have asked me for money and I've failed to take then to a cafe for a meal. Those are among the moments I regret the most. Serving others is caring not only for their spirit by my own. Being selfish and self focused is caring more for the leather bag and the comforts of the world than my own spiritual welfare. I don't think I care to defend worldly objects even my body over the welfare of others. That said, if I sized someone up as selfish or abusive that would be different. If people like Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld came knocking for a hand out it would no go well for them. I would not be inclined to help someone who I perceive as having the goal of establishing themselves so as to better take advantage of others. However, harming them is abhorrent never the less it may be necessary for the welfare of others.

In another light, if I say someone who was blatantly taking advantage of others I would be strongly inclined to defend the weak with extreme measures.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by ReelView

What it comes down to , imo, is rations

If they have none , and im getting depleted , its the highway

heck, who knows , maybe if they come with rations , ill be the agressor

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:48 PM
Now you speak of rations
define rations for me if you could .. if your speaking of rations you have saved up before i.e food / water hell even firearms , then you have to ask what use they would have on the number 1 thing you have all left out.... the Predator , the top of the food chain , the supplier and the demander , if you haven't figured it out already im speaking of the Government... sure the worlds most easy to "aim and spray" AK-47 is effective... but whatever "antique" weapons you bring along

surely the government will find ways around them i.e the swat team is trained to handle extreme enforcing , im sure we will see a whole new breed of "Peacekeepers" or whatever they want to call themselves when they come to place judgment on the awake and self condemned.

MARK MY WORDS your best , and number one priority , SET TRAPS the severity of the lethal extremity you use for them is your own consciousness.

With a trap you can keep the "unwanted" until negotiations between you and them have been made .

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:56 PM
Whatever you decide, you're going to be the one who has to live with that decision down the road.

I too, have been asked for money, and I never give a man money. But if a man asks for money for food, so far (knock on wood) I've been able to spot an eatery nearby and tell him, "Come on, I'll get you something to eat."

While to date I can say I've never turned away a hungry man, that could drastically change under other circumstances.

In the first place, my location would be difficult to find, and very difficult to approach.

Once discovered by anyone, to remain is to invite trouble.

So what to do . . .

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by dooper
Whatever you decide, you're going to be the one who has to live with that decision down the road.

I too, have been asked for money, and I never give a man money. But if a man asks for money for food, so far (knock on wood) I've been able to spot an eatery nearby and tell him, "Come on, I'll get you something to eat."

While to date I can say I've never turned away a hungry man, that could drastically change under other circumstances.

In the first place, my location would be difficult to find, and very difficult to approach.

Once discovered by anyone, to remain is to invite trouble.

So what to do . . .

If you feed an animal , it will by instinct return not by intelligence but by survival , if you accept visitors into your " Haven " you best be prepared to either welcome him into the family as his return alone or with others will almost be guaranteed .

More then likely the government has a department monitoring sites like this as anyone can join . dont be afraid to show strength in self preservation . as I will be waiting and laughing at any sheep intruders wanting to donate to my new wool sweater .

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Saytun

If you feed an animal , it will by instinct return not by intelligence but by survival , if you accept visitors into your " Haven " you best be prepared to either welcome him into the family as his return alone or with others will almost be guaranteed .

More then likely the government has a department monitoring sites like this as anyone can join . dont be afraid to show strength in self preservation . as I will be waiting and laughing at any sheep intruders wanting to donate to my new wool sweater .

well said

il look at it differently now

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 10:53 PM
I think if you are traveling light, and are just your own man, with no one else with you...then bugout of your bugout as soon as you have any intelligence it may be or may be soon compromised. Your survival increases because you truly are the only one you have to focus on keeping alive. If you keep well aware, scout, and take keeping all your intelligence up to date, you should be able to pick and choose your battles in this fashion.

If you start out with other other people, even if it's just a wife and kid, once you have numbers, the more numbers you can maintain the safer you are. Put the weak and the sick on the exterior, keep the young protected inside a ring of the healthiest, strongest and most able in the center. Manage resources, allocate resources, and secure resources as a community. No one has to struggle against one another for the dominant position if there are no dominant positions or stakes and all are equal.

If you are on your own completely, the best way to stay a step ahead, is by being a step ahead, I wouldn't worry about, or rely on anything I could not grap and exist with at a good trot in sixty seconds or less. If you have a significant stash of supplies, burry them as far and wide as you can travel on your own two feet, to multiple locations around a terrain you have well mapped out and are comfortable with. You can always visit those locations later to retrieve things as you might need them, if you aren't bogged down in a herd.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 04:08 AM
Great thread guys with some good moral-testing statements and questions being asked.

Just wanted to suggest that everybody goes down to your local cheap shop and buy a packet of those party poppers... for the post sit-x party!!!

Not really... best use is one of these babies tied to a bit of fishing wire, in a tripwire setup on entry points to your bugout location. Anyone walking in will set the popper off. Scaring the poop out of them, and alerting you to their arrival.

For the sake of $4.00 you can have a pack of 100 mini-disposable alarms.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 05:37 PM
After the fallout of any given situation, I would not share my resources. If someone could not accept that, I would kill in self-defense if they became malicious.

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