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republican explosion

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posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 10:29 PM
not only is ATS exploding(ie members in 24 hours)

but the conservative side is coming out of the dark. there has been a great amount of solid pro-bush posts and threads......

keep up the good work guys...

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 11:43 PM
Proof that ATS has finally turned into a political site. Oh, for the old days. :shk:

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 11:44 PM
For once, wait, maybe a few times, I agree with your sentiments.


posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 11:51 PM
I'd be nice if we had more intellegent conservatives rather than sheer numbers though.

There seem only to be a bunch of crackerjack conservatives coming into the board (barring a few I'm sure).

Ah well, I don't think we'll get far with vitriol, but that seems the way it is around here. So play ball I guess.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 11:53 PM
You know, we've been here for a while. We'd just get flamed up the wazoo when we'd make our claims. Some of us, myself included, continued. I come from a family of lawyers and thrive on arguement, so it never bothered me.

But ATS hasn't entirely become a political website, it's expanded. When I tell people about this website, I tell them this is where I go to talk God, politics, NOW, and reptoids. Everybody has a political opinion. But few would come to a conspiracy site. All of our members signed up to ATS to talk conspiracy. We all have that mentality. It would be expected that conspiracy theorists would have strong political beliefs, which would cause strong debate.

We join for the conspiracies, we actively participate because of the politics. There aren't enough worthy conspiracies to cause 3 or 4 threads to be posted on every minute. But because 3 or 4 threads are posted on per minute, people stay and pay attention, and read about the conspiracies. You can't tell me that conspiracies aren't posted on here anymore, just politics. It'll never happen.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 12:15 AM
Is there really such a thing as an intelligent conservative. Maybe conserving conservative,maybe reluctant conservative,maybe unsure conservative,maybe afraid conservative,maybe unexperienced conservative,maybe,maybe,maybe.
Isn't the word itself contradictary to intelligent. I mean the thought of intelligence is forward thinking,isnt it?
Oh, i see. Maybe forward , just slower(more conservative) than the rest.
Nevermind, your right.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 12:15 AM
I must say - I really didn't expect to find so many Conservatives on this site - it being conspiracy related and all. I must say, I was very happy to learn that not only are there conservatives - but well informed conservatives who actually know what they are talking about. Being in my 20's, I don't really get to talk politics with people my own age that often, unless it's with my fam - and thats just basically agreeing with each other.

Anyways, let's keep it up, and try to inform these Liberals.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by ashley
Is there really such a thing as an intelligent conservative. Maybe conserving conservative,maybe reluctant conservative,maybe unsure conservative,maybe afraid conservative,maybe unexperienced conservative,maybe,maybe,maybe.
Isn't the word itself contradictary to intelligent. I mean the thought of intelligence is forward thinking,isnt it?
Oh, i see. Maybe forward , just slower(more conservative) than the rest.
Nevermind, your right.

Sigh. It's so sad when someone regards their political beliefs as a religion and refuses to see the other side. Politics is not religion, countries change. God doesn't (though his message has to because we, as a civilization, do).

If you want to insult, instead of debate, be my guest. I'll just put you with the list of ignorants here. However, if you want to discuss the issues instead of throwing mud (I know it's the mud pit), be my guest.

I am a conservative. I am called an extreamist by many, some of which are my family. However, I do recognise some things. Many of our beliefs, liberal and conservative, that is, are true on both sides. For example, taxation. I know that if you give the less fortunate a tax break, they will go out and buy more of Mr. Business man's product, thereby increasing the economy. I also know that if we give Mr. Businessman a tax break, (s)he will be able to hire more people, giving those people more money to buy Mr. Businessman's products, increasing the economy.

Both ideologies are right, we believe what we believe because we think our way is more effective. Then there are the few, conservative and liberal alike, who are ignorant. They refuse to hear the facts. They refuse to listen to Rush and NPR, because one upsets them, dispite the fact that both are nuts. So they just listen to one side of the arguement, and can't understand how anyone could disagree with them.

Coming from a family of lawyers, I've learned to question the "truth". I arived at my political conclusions based on an enourmous amout of studying. That's why this will be the first election I vote in, despite being 25. Before I wasn't informed, and I knew I wasn't informed. Now I am, and I feel I have the right to a say in the nomination of our president.

As for those people that just punch the "All Republican" or "All Democrat" on the ballot, I think those ballots should just be thrown out, those people are uneducated on the politicians, and just vote as mommy and daddy told 'em to.

For example, I live in Illinois. Our last governer, Jim Ryan, was as crooked as a line that take a 179 degree turn every 5 agsrom units. Yet he was a republican. I was rooting blagoyovich, even though he's an extreamly liberal democrat. The whole point of this website is to deny ignorance. When I see posts like that, I start to think that even this site is doomed to failure. Very uncool.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by ashley
Is there really such a thing as an intelligent conservative. Maybe conserving conservative,maybe reluctant conservative,maybe unsure conservative,maybe afraid conservative,maybe unexperienced conservative,maybe,maybe,maybe.
Isn't the word itself contradictary to intelligent. I mean the thought of intelligence is forward thinking,isnt it?
Oh, i see. Maybe forward , just slower(more conservative) than the rest.
Nevermind, your right.

I've had plenty of words with you ashley, and while you have gotten better, this is a serious backtrack on your part.

Although time marches on, progress is not always needed, and even sometimes reversion is also needed. Conservatives recogize that fact while liberals seem to want to pile more wood in the fire. More and more and more and more.

More social programs.
More involvement
More tolerance
More acceptance
More spending
More abortions
More illegals crossing the boarders (it is after all a good portion of some members votes.)

The only thing I see them wanting less of, is the military, which seems contrary to national security unless you want to limit overseas bases (which is fine by me).

But let's just assume you're right. Baseless and not thought out, but you must be right.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by junglejake
We join for the conspiracies, we actively participate because of the politics. There aren't enough worthy conspiracies to cause 3 or 4 threads to be posted on every minute. But because 3 or 4 threads are posted on per minute, people stay and pay attention, and read about the conspiracies. You can't tell me that conspiracies aren't posted on here anymore, just politics. It'll never happen.

I think you're wrong about this. Unlike the old days, people have started to sign up JUST for the politics and not the other stuff. Come on, when someone has the name Bushfriend, you know they're here for freaking politics.

I could just as well not hear anything pro or agains Bush and/or Kerry, conservatives and liberals. I'd rather hear about a Chupacabra in someone's freezer.

There's a million websites out there that talk politics and have liberals and conservatives screaming at each other 24/7. This doesn't have to be one of them. ATS USED to be something different, something unique.

As to the assertion that this board will never be all politics, I say don't be sure. It easily can turn that way, and it IS turning that way. If you're "actively participating because of politcs" you need to take a look at the old threads.

IMO, I don't thing ATS has to be ALL about conspiracy's and such, but it shouldn't be partisan back and forth like 70 percent of the threads are. Please, it's not like we're going to change anyone's mind with our Bush/Kerry bashing/loving. This partisan stuff dirties the website. It leaks into every thread and rots it from the inside like some kind of.....diease.

I admit, I participate in the politics even though I've tried my best not too. It's just I can't stay quiet when I see some of the crazy right (and occasionally left) wing stuff posted. The mold infects us all...

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 02:03 AM
Well, then, my question to you is how do people find this website? I found it looking for experimental weapon technology. I'm sure others found it looking for Reptoid theories. I've looked at ATS's meta tags, and search engines aren't going to bring up ATS as a political webiste.

Now people with names like BushSucks, or BushRules, or BushIsATwinkie (bloom country reference) probably have srong political feelings, but why ATS? What made them decide to go to ATS instead of, say, (dunno if it exists, the is the only message board I've ever gotten into)?

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 02:04 AM
"IMO, I don't thing ATS has to be ALL about conspiracy's and such, but it shouldn't be partisan back and forth like 70 percent of the threads are. Please, it's not like we're going to change anyone's mind with our Bush/Kerry bashing/loving. This partisan stuff dirties the website. It leaks into every thread and rots it from the inside like some kind of.....diease.

I admit, I participate in the politics even though I've tried my best not too. It's just I can't stay quiet when I see some of the crazy right (and occasionally left) wing stuff posted. The mold infects us all."

Well, I one of the ones that signed up BECAUSE of the politics discussed here. There are days when all there is is UFO, religion, greys, etc. I suck it up, occasionally participate but I don't bitch about it. Sometimes there is something to learn.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 09:17 AM
I understand how politics got invested in this website.

It is next to impossible to talk about conspiracy without talking about what groups are involved, who they control, what means they use, etc.

In a lot of cases it involves the government and sometimes legislation or events.

Perhaps a focus change needs to happen, but through all the bickering, I know that even the most educated around here learn.

That is the real point of this site, considering the ignorance (lack of knowledge) is what we are supposed to deny. To share and learn (at least that's my impression).

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
I understand how politics got invested in this website.

It is next to impossible to talk about conspiracy without talking about what groups are involved, who they control, what means they use, etc.

In a lot of cases it involves the government and sometimes legislation or events.

Perhaps a focus change needs to happen, but through all the bickering, I know that even the most educated around here learn.

That is the real point of this site, considering the ignorance (lack of knowledge) is what we are supposed to deny. To share and learn (at least that's my impression).

The sharing of broadbased knowledge is good. It only goes bad when someone interjects with a unsubstantiated lie and attempts to distort the actual picture to push their personal view.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 07:46 PM
A "Republican" explosion?

Or just a "Conservative" one?

I've noticed over time that even the most "dyed in the wool" Republicans that venture to ATS and stick around for a bit eventually admit somewhere, on some post, when cornered, and faced with gnawing off a limb or recanting one thing about "Republicans" will a majority of the time begrudgingly say...

"Well, I'm not really a Republican, I'm an Independent or a LIBERTARIAN *cough, cough*"

Mind you not all, I'm personally aware of THREE long term board members that LOVE 100% of being a Republican and admit no wrong or shame. Having said that, however, I'm aware that alot of conservatives here will be voting Bush regardless...

But I'm just letting you know, if you ever admitted on any post, anywhere on ATS that Bush and the Republicans aren't perfect...and you're REALLY less of a Republican than an X, Y or Z.... I made a mental note for future reference.

Tit for tat... I will say I'm NOT an Independent and NOT a LIBERTARIAN as I am a 100% YELLOW DOG DEMOCRAT and proud of every plank in the platform...

Can anyone else say the same about the platforms they'll be voting? Don't lie. God is watching. :shk:

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by RANT
A "Republican" explosion?

Or just a "Conservative" one?

I've noticed over time that even the most "dyed in the wool" Republicans that venture to ATS and stick around for a bit eventually admit somewhere, on some post, when cornered, and faced with gnawing off a limb or recanting one thing about "Republicans" will a majority of the time begrudgingly say...

"Well, I'm not really a Republican, I'm an Independent or a LIBERTARIAN *cough, cough*"

Mind you not all, I'm personally aware of THREE long term board members that LOVE 100% of being a Republican and admit no wrong or shame. Having said that, however, I'm aware that alot of conservatives here will be voting Bush regardless...

But I'm just letting you know, if you ever admitted on any post, anywhere on ATS that Bush and the Republicans aren't perfect...and you're REALLY less of a Republican than an X, Y or Z.... I made a mental note for future reference.

Tit for tat... I will say I'm NOT an Independent and NOT a LIBERTARIAN as I am a 100% YELLOW DOG DEMOCRAT and proud of every plank in the platform...

Can anyone else say the same about the platforms they'll be voting? Don't lie. God is watching. :shk:

Um, no. I would say that the detailed views of the two parties platforms would not fit to mold over most people's opinions.

A perfect fit would be rare at best.

I hate the Republican party with serious venom and vitriol that is actually greater than my hate for the Democratic party.

They both thoroughly discust me and pundits in both camps make me want to go postal half the time (and that is be "conservative":lol

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 08:04 PM
But you're still working through the "hate" to vote for Bush right KJ? I'm guessing; I honestly don't know.

But I assume alot of conservatives will be begrudgingly voting Bush. So they say.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
Well, then, my question to you is how do people find this website? I found it looking for experimental weapon technology.

Lol, mine is worse. I found it while looking into using black hole made photon strings with a light plasma to power the frequency vibration of the strings and amplify it. Although of corse it's just a theory (being that no one knows if the "fuzz" around an event horizon is even a string) but I was hopping some crack pot somewhere had at least done some basic research on it that I could read about to get my daily theoretical physics fix.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by RANT
But you're still working through the "hate" to vote for Bush right KJ? I'm guessing; I honestly don't know.

But I assume alot of conservatives will be begrudgingly voting Bush. So they say.

Nah, I'm going with Brewster on this one. I am voting none of the above.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
I also know that if we give Mr. Businessman a tax break, (s)he will be able to hire more people, giving those people more money to buy Mr. Businessman's products, increasing the economy.

Yeah but will Mr Businessman use this tax break to hire more staff? Not usually, it will likely go straight into his pocket... thats why giving low income earners the tax break is the better thing to do because they will spend it (or most of it) on neccesities and basic luxuries, where as mr business man will likely use it to expand his multi million dollar mansion or buy a ferrari...

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