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India investigating politicians' involvement in Mumbai Attacks

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posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:21 AM

India investigating politicians' involvement in Mumbai Attacks

India onderzoekt rol politici bij aanslagen Mumbai Uitgegeven: 22 januari 2009 19:53 Laatst gewijzigd: 22 januari 2009 19:53 NEW DELHI - Er zijn aanwijzingen dat Indiase politici en hindoe-extremisten mogelijk achter de aanslagen in november in Mumbai zitten. Mogelijk wilden topfunctionarissen van de staat Maharashtra, waar Mubai in ligt, het hoofd terrorismebestrijding uit de weg ruimen en tevens Pakistan in een kwaad daglicht stellen. Het hooggerechtshof van Mumbai heeft een onafhankelijk onderzoek gelast. Dat berichtte het Indiase weekblad Radiance donderdag. Aanslagen Antiterrorismetopman Hermant Karkare was een van de 163 mensen die omkwamen tijdens de aanslagen in Mumbai in november vorig jaar. Karkare was op het spoor van een terroristische samenzwering van de Indiase hindoeïstische terreurorganisatie Hindutva, die achter verschillende aanslagen zou zitten. Karkare zou bedreigd zijn. Onafhankelijk onderzoek moet uitwijzen welke politici uit Maharashtra wilden dat Karkare zijn functie neerlegde. Schutter Ook zouden volgens de minister van de belastingdienst van Maharashtra politici logistieke en financiële hulp hebben gegeven voor de aanslagen in Mumbai. Het weekblad stelt tevens, dat de enige schutter die levend is aangehouden, een Pakistaan, mogelijk al voor de aanslagen in een Indiase cel zat.

(visit the link for the full news article)

Related thread:

[edit on 23/1/09 by Lebowski achiever]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:21 AM

There are indications that Indian politicians and Hindu extremists are behind the attacks in Mumbai last November. It is thought that statesmen of Maharashtra wanted to get rid of the head of the anti-terrorism bureau, Hermant Karkare, whilst putting the blame on Pakistan as reported by Radiance, a weekly magazine. Hermant Karkare was one of the 163 victims killed during the attacks. Karkare was investigating the hindu terrorist group Hindutva suspected to be planning an attack and had received death threats. An independent investigation is underway to find the politicians who demanded Karkare's resignation and which of them has provided financial means for the attacks. Remarkably, the only gunman who was captured alive, a pakistani, was already serving a sentence in jail for another crime.

This is a very scary story that has confirmed a lot of ATS members' fears. It does happen and India is showing its mettle investigating and hopefully bringing to trial these criminals. I would say that the illegally released prisoner is the smoking gun
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Lebowski achiever

Oh good find. Star for you.

I am not really surprised.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:33 AM
It is fitting that the MSM has not jumped on this. I am sure this will die a quiet death and no-one will know the outcome. It is too close to home, doncha think?

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Lebowski achiever
It is fitting that the MSM has not jumped on this. I am sure this will die a quiet death and no-one will know the outcome. It is too close to home, doncha think?

Well considering the Obamathon goin on right now everything will be like during the race for the white house. you know Jan 1st 2008-November 14th 2008.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:14 AM
Well it is no longer speculation but fact. I think that the investigation would not have happened unless there was overwhelming evidence that Politicians had a hand in the attacks. Maybe even instigating them. 167 people died during those attacks and they should be hung. I am not clear on the motives other than the Head of Terrorism displeasing them for some reason. I wonder what those reasons are. What did he do to deserve their wrath?

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:28 AM
if it could be posted in english would be good.

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[edit on 23-1-2009 by Gemwolf]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 08:48 AM
The translation of the article is in the second post. There it explains what has happened. I have not yet found an article with the same content in English so my translation will have to do. However, if someone does find one, please post here.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 03:45 PM
I am surprised that no one actually has commented on this. If ever there is proof of a conspiracy rather than speculation, this is it. Bump, therefore.

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