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They made a mistake by giving us TIME to plan. (looking for suggestions of real actions we can take

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posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 01:36 PM

The object of this thread is to discuss plans for immediate actions to take during a NWO dissident roundup / declaration of martial law. I am interested in creating a plan of action that we could each share with our immediate neighbors and family to actually be organized ans stand a fighting chance. Perhaps how to manage an emergency neighborhood action group, maybe pooling money to buy supplies, etc. What are the best current technologies you may know of that we should all have that could make the difference between life and death.

So yes it is far reaching and open ended, but I had a dream where the SHTF and in it, I had this feeling of "I had all this forewarning, and I didn't use it" and I instantly was just as f#ck*d as everyone else.

Imagine instead if that moment ever came, whether it be biological, economic, political, nuclear, and instead of feeling isolation and fear, you instead look over at your neighbors and realize that you are not alone in your resistance.

And imagine if every other neighborhood had a small group of people who were doing the same thing.

And imagine if ever neighborhood in the country did too.

Millions of people who stood up and did something.

Because they took the TIME to ORGANIZE.

Any ideas...

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 01:52 PM
the thing is, it will take time for everyone to realize what's happening. We have time to plan but a lot of people don't believe it will ever happen, so until it happens they'll be no help.
Basically, it will be in the last seconds of the game that we find out if we will come out on top or not, and we are definitely the defeated underdogs.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 01:53 PM
OK. You stock up on food, water, medicine, guns, ammo, precious metals and misc supplies...and then the big black bus w a 6x6 truck loaded with paramilitary civil defense forces pulls up and says "Time to go. You have 1 minute to leave and you can take nothing with you. Any one who hides and stays behind will be shot as a looter!" Then, of course, the 2nd team goes thru and confiscates whatever they want for the state under Executive Order 12345. While the clock is ticking you ask the armed guy who is now inside your door what this is all about and he says, "every civilian has to be moved from this area to a govt quarantine facility, that's all I know. You have 30 seconds." What are you going to do. To resist is to might die at the "camp" but what if the rumors of the new flu are true and it is in your and your family's best interest to leave,,,.
Uncertainty, Doubt, Denial and HOPE coupled w the survival instinct suggests that 99% will go and not make a fuss. Comply or Die.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 02:46 PM
However unfortunate I think it is, the guy above is right. For now that is. We're the base of the pyramid, we far outnumber "them." GET ANGRY THAT YOUR RIGHTS ARE BEING TAKEN AWAY. BE ANGRY THAT WE'RE BEING TRAINED FOR COMPLACENCY. SPREAD THE TRUE WORD OF FREEDOM. ENCOURAGE THOUGHT. We are all human beings, inheritors of great power, most of us just don't know it. We should be the ones piloting those lights in the sky, we should be the ones living in "Atlantis," and colonizing Nibiru when the time comes. Sadly 'they' control so much play-money that the multi-billions of the rest of earth's inhabitants are slaves.

Nowhere in the constitution does it lay rule or regulation for an army or navy, only "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States." (Art2Sec 2 US Constitution)

Simply put congress shall use funds from taxes,
"To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;" (Art1Sec8 US Constitution)

The original idea of a militia was to be staffed by all able citizens, similar to the concept of the national guard, but not executively controlled except in times of great need. To be called up in times of disaster, such as post-Katrina, to secure drinking water and supplies as well as to deter looting; or in times of invasion or attack (not fake attacks, like The Lusitania, Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, USS Cole, 9-11 to name a few.)

Awakening is fast approaching. Live and love fellow beings.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 02:57 PM
Well if paramilitary comes to my house no ones gonna be home...

they can know all they want I will be in my underground bunker with all my guns and ammo, go ahead open the door see what happens upstairs. BOOM

just kidding lol

But on a serious note if anything of the sort happens then it will happen and we will have no say or choice in our future, we are the sheeple.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 05:12 PM
Okay the possibility is there that this could happen and I agree that it is not going to be as easy as you make it sound if they come without warning. Your only hope is that you will have to take preemptive action. You will have to see it coming and be gone long before they show up at your door. This too is going to be very difficult because thanks to sophisticated surveillance techniques they will know exactly were to go to find you. Being a subversive you will probably not make it back to the camp. If you are able to barricade yourself in snuggly they will just fry you with their lasers. So the only way I see out is to leave the country but where would you go? A stranger in a strange land during distressing times is not the best spot to be in though it may beat the spot you left behind.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Game_Over

As I have said before and I will say it again as I have said it before and said it yet again here.

Every action has a reaction.

Do not do it!

Notice that a lot of these solutions seem to be from anonymous sources even in this thread????

See what is right in front of your nose and refuse to be led.

A lot of people are preaching false teachings based on truths. One is, problem, reaction and solution.

Do you really think that your reactions will create a solution of benefit?

Read it carefully and you have your answer.

Its funny because they tell us all to look for a wolf in sheeps clothing do they not? A lot of us are becoming that very thing for we know not what we are doing!

[edit on 8-1-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:06 PM
we need a thing that makes supierior a weapon,or item

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Game_Over
The object of this thread is to discuss plans for immediate actions to take during a NWO dissident roundup / declaration of martial law. I am interested in creating a plan of action that we could each share with our immediate neighbors and family to actually be organized ans stand a fighting chance. Perhaps how to manage an emergency neighborhood action group, maybe pooling money to buy supplies, etc. What are the best current technologies you may know of that we should all have that could make the difference between life and death.

So yes it is far reaching and open ended, but I had a dream where the SHTF and in it, I had this feeling of "I had all this forewarning, and I didn't use it" and I instantly was just as f#ck*d as everyone else.

Imagine instead if that moment ever came, whether it be biological, economic, political, nuclear, and instead of feeling isolation and fear, you instead look over at your neighbors and realize that you are not alone in your resistance.

And imagine if every other neighborhood had a small group of people who were doing the same thing.

And imagine if ever neighborhood in the country did too.

Millions of people who stood up and did something.

Because they took the TIME to ORGANIZE.

Any ideas...

Great post, and some great points made! I'd like to hear some answers from the people who have already taken steps to fight the NWO. The theme of this thread is timely, because I feel like 2009 is going to be a tumultuous year. And while I realize that people have been falsely predicting events for a long time, no one can doubt that we face enormous upcoming events relating to the economy.

Some people think that the economy will soon begin to rebound, but the experts and lawmakers I've been listening to are still giving warnings. Bailouts cannot solve the real problems.

I have many of the same questions as you. One recommendation that I can make is to talk to those around you first. They'll probably be the most understanding, and if they start to understand/agree with what you're saying, they can begin to talk to their friends/relatives next.

Also, websites like Meetup might offer some possibilities, depending on where you live.

The NWO planners are already aware of the growing resistance. That's why you get the NWO boot-lickers coming into ATS' NWO-related threads and trying to convince you that we have no hope.

As H.G. Wells said, in his 1939 book "The New World Order":

"... when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people."

Good luck

BTW: I've just started a thread of my own, discussing the recent Economist article written by Henry Kissinger, in which he says that the new world order is most likely coming in 2009. Check it out:

Kissinger writes: 2009 will mark beginning of NWO

[edit on 1/8/2009 by Warrior of Light]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:29 PM
Why look for an idea rather than a literal thing?

What good is an NWO roundup with raptured individuals leaving behind only false individual bodies running by non-living who-programs?

Just go in portal door innerly if and when it open.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:52 PM
Here's some to start.

1.) Start compiling a list of "insiders". Intelligence would be critical in making any resistance anything more than futile.

2.) Infiltrate key areas with trustworhty informants. You will need people working in the military, police departments, fire/police/emergency dispatch centers, and government offices. You will also need these informants to verify that the informants in number 1 (above) are not double-agents other wise your resistance will be over pretty quick.

3.) All the other normal stuff you would do to prepare for a life w/o stores in any kind of disaster (i.e. food, water, medicine, batteries, etc.). The main difference being that martial law would elevate the need for arms and ammo exponentially when compared to natural disasters.

4.) Create a novel coded, cryptic method of communicating and educate a close circle of others because using telephones, cell phones, and the internet will be completely off limits. It must be desinged in a manner that will allow quick and obvious modifcations whenever it is believed to be compromised.

Without No. 1 and No.2, you will simply be surviving. If you want to plan effective resistance 1 and 2 are critical.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 12:03 PM
Solzenitzen gave you your game plan in "THE GULAG ARCHIPELIGO". He lamented that "..if only we had met them with clubs" so as not to make the 'round-up' too easy. This may make them think it is too costly a venture to continue. The voice of experince should guide us. #4 buckshot should suffice.

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