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American was a Christian Nation-What happened?

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posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by davion

thats sort of an attack agaisnt christains right there. Its not direct, but its ridicule, much like me saying that *maybe* elephants should stomp the S*** out of atheists

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:43 AM
I believe the reason would be that since the bible is an est. 2000 years old, and contains many ideas that require you to believe in miracles that rationality is becoming more commonplace. It is not so hard to believe that our earth was formed over trillions of years by cooliding meteorites, as it is to believe that a god created the entire earth in 7 days. Don't give me any of that it's not literal stuff either. Science has begun to explain many of the things that religion was created to make up explainations for.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:44 AM
America was/is not a Christian nation nor was it founded on the Christian belief system. America is a diverse nation, from start to now, will continue to be a diverse nation, no matter which particular religous belief has x number followers.

Just look it up, I believe its called "Freedom of Religion", which means anyone has the right to practice whatever religion they believe in, worship as they see fit, or to not worship or believe in any religion at all.

THAT is what America is. And it is what the founders intended America to be.


[edit on 26-12-2008 by RFBurns]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:46 AM
America was a nation of Religion but not just a Christian nation. Our founding fathers put freedom of religion in our Bill of Rights for a reason and that was so that not one religion would rule and that an individual could choose or not choose a religion. Christians wanted God in the political system like it was in Rome or Greece and other countries. It was a bad idea and suppressed freedom of speech, freedom to be an individual, freedom to choose and freedom to find the truth. Our fore fathers knew that religion had it's good but also it's bad and the separation of church and state was the answer. It didn't matter if you were atheist or Christian, you still had an opportunity to run for an office. America was built for freedom and to have true freedom Christianity and all religions were excluded from the possibility of ruling in our government. We the people of all denominations are therefor encouraged to vote, run for state and federal offices or to be a citizen of this country without being harassed on whether we believe in a God or not. So no! America was not a Christian nation but a nation that was free to worship your God or to not worship a god.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:48 AM
us Hispanics came here and forced the Catholic churches on you... lol have no clue but the US for multiple religions. not christian specific.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:52 AM
Why America is not Founded on Christian Principles

The claim that America was founded on "Christian principles" [sic] is a tired, outworn attempt to hijack the greatness of the American experiment in order to credit it to primitive mysticism. In many minds, this seems valid, principally because they've been told this is the case over and over, and many will insist vociferously that America is indeed built on Christian principles. I would like to draw your attention to a few points why this cannot be the case.

I just found this with but a quick search.

As for the pledge of allegience shouldn't that be earned (whether it says God or not) and not brainwashed into our kids from the earliest of times.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by ATruGod]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by bandaidctrl
reply to post by Byrd

Really? What was it before? I'm only 20 so under God has always been apart of the Pledge I've known.

In fact that's the first I've heard of it being changed too >.

The original form is "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

"to the flag" was added before I was born. "...under god" was added in 1954. For several years after, you could hear garbling when it was recited in a group as some kept the older pledge while others adopted the newer one.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:13 PM
It sure is annoying when OT refers to himfanaticalself in the 3rd person.

I am an American, and agree with the many intelligent folks on this site who believe we are all free to believe what we wish individually. However, you christians are pretty difficult to cohabitate with. Personally, i feel most of you are judgemental, nosey, hypocritical, and usually just plain rude. If you truly had faith in your version of god, you would be comfortable with others who believe differently, but you don't and you try and drown out your own doubts by focusing your attention on everybody else being evil. Get over it, and butt out.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:16 PM
America was built on people running away from the church who where pagens, but pretended to be christians.

Your country was never a christian nation, and never will be.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by OldThinker

The best way I can phrase it is that America was built socially on Christian principles but it was not politically built of Christianity. Our nation's history is steep in Christianity even if it was not official. The decline of our social Christian roots does sadden me greatly especially when I see our society down spiraling in connection but take heart: Jesus said His kingdom was not of this world. Don't except the governments of this age to be on Christ's side as even one of the Messianic prophecies stated the government would even be upon the Messiah's shoulders.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:27 PM
Posters, just a quick check in, I'm out returning some gifts, too small...OT gained some weight this yr...

Appreciate all the thoughts, I'll get back with you all later...


posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:30 PM
No its like mormons, on the face of it, they pretend to be christian, but underneath they are not.

The world has its best chance in 100 years to turn its back on america, will it take it????

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by OldThinker
Posters, just a quick check in, I'm out returning some gifts, too small...OT gained some weight this yr...

Appreciate all the thoughts, I'll get back with you all later...


The Sin of Gluttony?

Maybe the answer to OT's OP is simply because Christians can't even even follow thier own Scriptures?

Sorry this wasn't a personal bash, just a touch of....ironic humor.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by OldThinker

“Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.”-Bertrand Russell

“Of all religions, Christianity is without a doubt the one that should inspire tolerance most, although, up to now, the Christians have been the most intolerant of all men”-Voltaire

When religion is in the hands of the mere natural man, he is always the worse for it; it adds a bad heat to his own dark fire and helps to inflame his four elements of selfishness, envy, pride, and wrath. And hence it is that worse passions, or a worse degree of them are to be found in persons of great religious zeal than in others that made no pretenses to it. --William Law

In order to justify their behavior, they turn their theories into dogmas, their bylaws into First Principles, their political bosses into Gods and all those who disagree with them into incarnate devils. This idolatrous transformation of the relative into the Absolute and the all too human into the Divine, makes it possible for them to indulge their ugliest passions with a clear conscience and in the certainty that they are working for the Highest Good. And when the current beliefs come, in their turn, to look silly, a new set will be invented, so that the immemorial madness may continue to wear its customary mask of legality, idealism, and true religion. --Aldous Huxley

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by ATruGod

Originally posted by OldThinker
Posters, just a quick check in, I'm out returning some gifts, too small...OT gained some weight this yr...

Appreciate all the thoughts, I'll get back with you all later...


The Sin of Gluttony?

Maybe the answer to OT's OP is simply because Christians can't even even follow thier own Scriptures?

Sorry this wasn't a personal bash, just a touch of....ironic humor.

So my bubbles in the middle, doesn't that mean I'm on the level?

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:54 PM
OT! I cannot say that I blame you for being angry and having righteous indignation. But I need to ask:

What's the solution?

Is the anger coming from the outside, or really is it; coming from the inside?

I could not understand so many things when I was Christian. So many answers are self evident now, that I am not religious. know I believe in God!

I think many Christians are having a tough time with it's exposure, and the fact; that Jesus isn't stopping it. Why would Jesus allow this? Why is he not protecting your religion?

The Bible prophesied that religion would be attacked - didn't it? Are the reasons we were taught as Christians that this would be the case - enough?

Can you not find peace in YOUR understanding of how; you believe it is all to come down? Regardless, of what we believe? After all, time will expose all of us (and our beliefs), as it is doing now.

An unwelcome thought:

Perhaps it has outlived its usefulness? Perhaps God doesn't have use for the middleman anymore? Is it time to go to the next level of awareness and in so doing, it is time to leave behind man's influence and get to the purity of what is reality, or possible REAL Godly truths?

Supposing Jah has something else in store for us, and religion is now part of the problem, and not part of the solution!

Could God, with his dwindling patience, be holding everything accountable, including religion, for its bad track record in history? This would include the bad track records of faithless nations, also?

The question is: where has man gone wrong?

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:11 PM
America is a melting pot.

Are you familiar with the following?

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Doesn't say anywhere about ONLY CHRISTIANS WELCOME

And let us not forget the SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE...
There's a reason for that.

Why can't we all just let everyone worship how they see fit and leave them the hell alone? Isn't that REALLY what America is about?
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?

[edit on 26-12-2008 by jfj123]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Why can't we all just let everyone worship how they see fit and leave them the hell alone? Isn't that REALLY what America is about?
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?

Sometimes the simple solution is not complex enough for the simple minded.


posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:15 PM
Why have professors, Judges and historians 'messed' with our American history?
To get rid of competition for the NWO.
Faith in God played the MAJOR roles in our establishment from the Mayflower untill now.
Some founders may have been deists, but even deists believe in God!
Also, I don't guess that many of you know masons can be VERY religious!

Children being threatened by courts with 7 years incarceration for mentioning Jesus at school?
No public religious expression?
You won't hear this material at University!

Google Video Link

[edit on 26-12-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:25 PM
I especially enjoy the smugness. Interesting to see that even though we are to believe the overwhelmingly myopic viewpoint of America's ( and ATS's) Christians are under "attack", the smugness remains firmly intact.

Christ always managed humility. Always best to get your information on an organization from the top. The PR people tend to get it wrong.

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