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India threatens Pakistan with deadline for WAR

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posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by MilitieTempliSalmo
if this is true... at least we'll have some cool fireworks for new years eve...

What would be even more cooler would be if they come down on your house.

What a lovely way to celebrate new years eve - the deaths of millions of people.

I see your keeping in the Christmas spirit...

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Oh so now india's crazy for defending its own country?
What about Pakistanis sending military trained terrorists into mumbai, massacring hundreds, what about the dozens of other failed attacks against india since kargil, perpetrated by Pakistan? That isn't 'crazy'?

India are giving pakistan the opportunity to hand over the militants but they reufsed. There is definately something suspicious , i'm not saying the Pakistani goverment directly had a hand in this, but like usual all evidence gathered by american, indian and british intelligence suggest an ISI involvement.

Fortunately they don't have big brothers USA or China to bailt hem out this time. What goes around comes around, this time they must face the military might of india alone - and they deserve everything they get imo.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 08:16 AM
I dont think India will attack Pakistan as India has everything to loose and Pakistan nothing to loose.For India it will be a setback to its emergence as a economic giant but for Pakistan it will be only a step further down towards the abyss towards which it will eventually reach. Unfortunately the real powers to be in Pakistan have no love for the betterment of the people and would like to keep them in this robot like state devoid of common sense. Pakistan needs a leader who can overcome this tendency to play populist ideology and take the country and the people on the road to prosperity and peace.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by KonigKaos

I have no idea what "Scrafice" is, but I doubt anyone ever "scraficed" anyone in the name of the Lord, and was a true follower. There has never been a single crime in history EVER committed by a true Christian. True, many have repented after committing crimes and found God, and some back slid, but, a true Christian, never. And please, don't even claim for one minute the Templars, and the Pope and the crusades had ANYTHING to do with Christianity. Catholicism is paganism. Thus, there has never been ANY war attributed to Christianity, only groups working for Satan claiming to have some link to our Lord, just as Satan is very good at. For this reason alone, the argument that doing away with all religion is completely baseless, because true Christianity was never responsible for any crimes of the Catholic church and it's anti-christ popes. I love my religion, because it is the only one that will actually prove itself to be correct in the end, the only one, and we're the only one that does not attempt to achieve any means through the use of violence or hatred.

Love you brothers and sisters.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Jinni

Originally posted by MilitieTempliSalmo
if this is true... at least we'll have some cool fireworks for new years eve...

What would be even more cooler would be if they come down on your house.

What a lovely way to celebrate new years eve - the deaths of millions of people.

I see your keeping in the Christmas spirit...

Well, tis the season to be surly.

It's not like it isn't going to affect us though. What with all the nuclear crap that will end up in the atmosphere if they do get it on.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 11:32 AM
Did you get rose color glasses for Christmas? Any conflict which may or may not include nukes is a concern of the world as a whole!
reply to post by KonigKaos

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by unruly1
Did you get rose color glasses for Christmas? Any conflict which may or may not include nukes is a concern of the world as a whole!

Exactly!The world shivered when the Nuke plant blew up in chernobyl, can't really imagine two nations blasting each other with nukes annihlilating more than a quarter of world's population as China will also get effected by the radiation pollution.And if China feels that it's doomed with the radiation pollution it might well decide to take out it's enemies along with it.

As you can see the whole nuclear scenario will cause a domino effect.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by t0ken

yeah...I really doubt China would start nuking over getting radiation fallout. But in regards to the story, I really have doubts that this will turn into anything big. I really don't see nukes flying, pak and India are not suicidal last I knew.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:37 PM
I want this game over now!!!! if ENDIA wants to attack Pakistan so let it be,Pakistan Army and Airforce maybe smaller in number but are 100 times better trained and equipped that bloody ENDIANS.I want Pakistan to occupy the rest of the Kasmir region and put an end to this menace that India has started,but i guess barking dog seldom bites.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 07:17 PM
Hey all,
Dunno but seems to me if India and Pakistan started then all kinds of people (Countries) may get involved to the point of no return.

Pakistan's a brutal place dictated ("Democracy") by brutal people and siblings ready to die for what ever it is on the menu any given day. India's a ("Democracy") that will probably strike hard in return and at the cost of of MAD.
If I seem to be less favorable to Pakistan it's because they still don't seem to understand that tribal regions mean nothing to world communities wishing to pull-out and destroy Binny and his supreme staff of maniacs.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 09:28 PM
I think it is Dec. 26 there already...

Nothing worse than taking a big bite of fresh doom and realizing it is stale.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Decoy . . .
Pakistan's a brutal place dictated ("Democracy") by brutal people and siblings ready to die for what ever it is on the menu any given day. . . .

Um what?
They have siblings over on Pakistan?

Nuke em fast!
I've got six siblings, and I can tell you THE WORLD WOULD BE BETTER WITHOUT SUCH TERRIBLE FIENDS!!!

My poor mother had siblings ready to die for what ever it is on the menu any given day too.
In fact one of hers (a chemist's apprentice,) died for arsenic paste on his toast at breakfast.

She says he spread it on his own toast, but I caught her stirring arsenic into my food when I was a kid, and she told the police I'd done it myself too.

(true story)

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by pluckynoonez
I think it is Dec. 26 there already...

Nothing worse than taking a big bite of fresh doom and realizing it is stale.

it is still too early in the morning.... wait till afternoon or something, they don't want to fight on empty stomachs.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 11:51 PM

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Kailassa


Sorry I have no idea how to respond to your posted thought? But I wanted to say something.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:25 AM
Could this be planned for by the U.S? India and China are the U.S's main economic rivals if India/Pakistan have a nuclear war the fallout would also destroy China as an economic power??... for a long time anyway. The U.S dollar would probably fall but the Amero would emerge as the next dominant economic power ....along with the Euro.

The west keeps it's dominance over the world.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:32 AM
the west is not a dominate power. If it were our dollar would not be failing... Also as we out source to india the war will help lower the cost that we have to pay those folks from india... the west wants outta china and the only ones that will work for anything close to the chinease is india.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:50 AM
Maybe they made a deal with India you take care of Pakistan while we(the U.S) takes care of Iran and we will give you our business.?

I'm just throwing this stuff out there,I really don't know what's going to take place but maybe this is why they are building the missile preparation?

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:29 AM
I doubt India or Pakistan are dumb enough to go to war over each other,
I mean, what will either gain?

I think, if we are going to see anything, it will be limited, precision missile strikes on camps. Camps so far in Pakistani 'tribal' regions, that pakistan wont dare to really make a fuss.

But, I find it strange how you have this small slither of land, at the top are taliban/alqaeda militia.
On the bottom, you have other terrorist groups, against india's, and all be it a 'westerns' stance.

Yet, in the middle we've got a democracy (remember Musharraf) worth fighting for.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:48 AM
I don't know about that,I don't think Pakistan will let any attack on it's soil go unanswered.

Pakistan Warns India Against Attack

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