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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Reality-check
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

I have already answered most of your questions but, I would like to say thank you for the welcome. It's nice to be welcomed as another human being and not treated like a person of philosophy or as a person who believes in aliens, powers, or otherwise. Oh, while I'm here I may as well explain the process so I can at least stick to the thread. It starts when I'm relaxed or in a semirelaxed state (such as boredom). I will just be goingabout my way when I will thinl something it doesn't have to be much. It can even be a question and in a few hours to about three days time the event will happen or I will get my answer. Everytime I try to convince myself it's a coincidence, it happens again. This has also has been happening, with a few weeks break in between, for four years. Any questions please ask. Reality-check.

You sound like a person whois telling the truth. The described powers you have allowed us to know is real. There are psychics and there are psychics, but other psychics are at a "higher level" in the psychic range. Yeah, the weight is on your shoulder to use your power(s) to help the world.

How about *IF* maybe you can want to try this. Whatif, if you can try and make it rain in Africa, and think about the energy as you use your powers so the rain does help whatis growing in the farm-s. Use your powers to help people.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by alien

You bring up a very good piont but you see the thing is I don't know when I've done it until it happens. I know it sounds odd but, that's just how it is. It catches me off gaurd almost every time. Reality-check

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by Reality-check
reply to post by alien

You bring up a very good piont but you see the thing is I don't know when I've done it until it happens. I know it sounds odd but, that's just how it is. It catches me off gaurd almost every time. Reality-check

You are the one who is in control. It would be something like your about to fire a weapon. At first you need to *AIM* the weapon, and then you would need to *FIRE* the weapon...Aim, focus and fire your power. When your bush-bike, you had to *Practice* to control the bike. I really hope my help does help you.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Reality-check see the thing is I don't know when I've done it until it happens. I know it sounds odd but, that's just how it is. It catches me off gaurd almost every time.

This may seem like a wierd question, but: When these 'events' happen, does it feel like a "Oh whoa, this is what I wanted to happen!" almost epiphany feeling mixed with a De Ja Vu feeling??

...yeah...wierd question...

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by alien

Yeah it's kind of like that but, most of the time it's like "I thought that yesturday!" or however long the time frame is. Then I'll be like "Woah" and start flipping out 'cuz like I said almost everytime it catches me off gaurd.Reality-check

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Reality-check

Alittle test. Ok... Can you *picture* as you normaly do, but this time, can you try and picture not one event, but three at the same time.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by Reality-check

Thanks for your reply.

Another question if I may:
You say;

most of the time it's like "I thought that yesterday!"

...just seeking a little more clarity on that bit. Are the events something you thought about happening? ie:Hmmm, what if a car crashed just at that intersection...

OR are the events something you desired to happen? ie:I wish a car would crash just at that intersection...

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by alien

Sometimes it's a wish but, most of the time it's just a thought.Reality-check.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by gordonwest
I'm curious to see. Why would a person want three at a time?Reality-check.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Reality-check

Okay. So it's principally a thought prior to the event.

Again I'm wondering if its possibly precognition.

The reason I'm wondering that is I'm picking you're young? Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

What relevance does that have? Maybe nothing, maybe explain: I've known a few young people who have experienced what might be precognition. I'm saying might as it could also be something far more simplier and more logically explanable etc.

However - they also initially felt that it was THEM that was causing these events...they felt it was them that had brought these events into the world due to their thoughts prior to the events happening. As if they 'willed' those events into existance.

The thing with that in relation to age - and please I mean NO offence to you or other younger people by this, as I certainly know younger people who don't fit this 'generalisation' - is that sometimes age/youth can also carry a sense of 'things are centralised around me', around my wants, my thoughts, my existance.

I may well be slammed for saying this, and so be it, but its just been my experience that youth can at times be quite self-centred...rather than collectively focussed, externally focussed, less involved with *self*...and so perhaps more likely to relate everything back to themselves. And again I assure you I mean no offence by that and certainly know a few older guys my age or older who are extremely self-focussed!

As those young people got older, and as these *events* continued to happen, they also gained a deeper understanding, became more conscious of the thoughts/feelings they were experiencing, became more familiar with how it all 'played out'...and actually identified that it was more a case of precognition, or just sensing an event before it happened...rather than any 'visualise-actualise' type *willing it to happen*.

How they managed it was to actually journal it. When it happened (starting with the event to begin with) the jotted down what happened, their thoughts, what they *remember* thinking prior when they first had that inkling that something may happen.

They looked for patterns via that journalling...they looked for precusor indicators, commonalities...such as one person I know experienced something similar to 'Epileptic Auras' (despite not suffering Epilepsy) immediately before these possible precognitive *thoughts* occured.
They were able to then recognise the process of these thoughts, what happened before them etc so became more 'tuned in' when they happened and gained a bit more clarity about the *thought* itself as they were already conscious a *thought* was likely to happen.

The added benefit for the person above in particular was that they could then put aside some of the guilt they were feeling in regards to a tragic family event that they thought they may have willed into existance - as they had *thought* it before it happened. However, they then had to work through the next phase of "If I saw it, maybe I could have stopped it"...though through their journalling they also identified that perhaps what they experience isn't about *interferring* with the course of events...but maybe simply bearing witness.

So a suggestion perhaps is to keep a journal. Jot down when these happen, what you remember about your thoughts you had prior. What was happening for you when you had those thoughts, how were you feeling at the time, did you recall anything - a sound, a smell, a sense, anything prior to the thought...

...sometimes even the smallest detail can hold the largest puzzle-piece... safe, be well.


posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by alien

Hmm...thank you that truly is something to think about and I hope to keep a journal (I'm not to much of a life writer). The reason I say I might make this happen is because I have never pictured an event happening, only ever thoughts. Still I have to agree many people, in youth or not, can be self-centered. Thank you very much and now if you will excuse me I have a lot of thinking to do. Reality-check

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by alien

Yea i have the same thing either its precognition or I'm some kind of psychic transponder, it seems as if though like when u said your relaxed that i feel in the right, even often when i am wrong. I sometimes have to make an effort though because i know i have this ability and sometimes something will pop into my head that seems insulting and sometimes is. Another thing i notice is that people over time get used to this and with comfort and respect magnify then melt taking the ability of the other person and merging it with yours this could be a social occurence, as when you cannot view someones face its harder to understand what there communicating.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 03:45 PM
I would have to agree with Reality-Check on this possibly being precognition.

As for the learning how to use it, here's how I am learning mine. I thought I had the ability to control electricity with my mind. Making lights go out, and turning things off and on by concentrating. By meditating, i quickly learned how powerful this is. At first I just tried sitting in a chair, closing my eyes and clearing my mind. Nothing for a couple of months. Then I decided to try the meditating position you see everywhere (indian style with feet above knees and hands on respective knees). I did it while laughing at myself for doing it as I held no hope in it working. I soon found out that it is key in meditation. Almost instantaneously I felt energy. Not much but it was there. I concentrated on it for about 3 hours in this position and the energy grew. I then took it upon myself to study these meditation processes and it has progressed immensely.

This power over electricity, i believe, can be manipulated/created with my hands. About a month ago (11 months into meditation) while trying to 'coerce' the energy into my hand, it froze. I couldn't move my hand for 3 full minutes. It scared the bejesus outta me at first. Then I realized that I was a step closer to understanding this ability. I have come very far in the last month. 2 days ago, I had my hand on the shoulder of a friend for about 4 minutes (obviously grounded). I concentrated and at the end of the 4 minutes i felt the energy travel down my arm and into my hand. I forced it out of my hand and into my friends shoulder. He quickly jolted his shoulder from my hand saying that I had shocked him.

My advice is this...
Meditate, study how to meditate, then meditate on your meditating.
Key word = MEDITATE

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:04 PM
Another thought I'd throw into the mix is this:

Sometimes things simply need time. Time to 'grow into them'.

I'm one of those 'things happen for a reason' type people. We may not know and/or accept the *reason* immediately...but my own experience, being a fair bit that the reason does come eventually.

Sometimes seeking a reason doesn't bring it upon you any faster...with some things you may find the answers come not via asking, via seeking...but by simply *listening* and letting them come in their own time.

How do you deal with your experience now? I guess thats over to you - just as each persons experiences and how they cope with them is over to them for the most part. We can but deal with them how we can, where we can and when we can. What we can do is firstly accept what we've got...and then keep faith that answers will come.

That may well bring you no solice whatsoever...but I do feel that with these *things* the rhyme and reason does eventually be strong of heart.

And you always have this place available to throw around ideas.


[edit on 14-11-2008 by alien]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by alien
Sounds more like perhaps a case of some form of reflective that perhaps you *feel/sense/insert-whatever-term-you-choose-here* an event approaching and so in some way consciously dwell upon it, think about it etc...

...just a theory and maybe not a good one...

[edit on 11-11-2008 by alien]

That's what I was thinking, I've experienced something similar before. Along the lines of "It'd be really weird if I bumped into person A right now." and sure enough 5 minutes later I did even though said person lived nowhere near there. It does feel more like a "sensing" something coming rather than influencing an outcome.

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