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Mystery Object Called Inter-Planetary Craft

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posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 05:11 PM
Afternoon KD,

Originally posted by kdogga
wow another sighting report among millions...this really proves beyond a doubt that ET's have visited us! not!!

i think the most likely explanation is the government has had awsome technology for many years however in the fear of losing it to other countries has kept it all under wraps which is a perfectly rational thing to assume

also on top of this it is also rational to assume that everything that people have seen over the year's is just the governments ships doing god knows what

It's difficult to pic a place to begin; however, suffice it to say, that when "the Air Force" gave birth to the acronym, "UFO," (in 1952) it was because the objects being seen all over the United States (for years at that point) and other countries defied "rational" and or "conventional" explanation!

This incident, "on it's own merits" can no more prove the ETH, then it can prove that it was/is some covert technology by the government. Conversely, what it does do, is add to the preponderance of evidence in support of ETH. Still in order to recognize that, one would have to have a better understanding of the subject matter then you seem to possess given your statement. (No offense).


posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 05:39 PM
Heh the topic to this thread is silly.

As if a human could look at a alien space craft and tell just from that that it was a "inter planterary craft" as if knowing alot about human aviation gave him any insight on the technology of people from another planet. Heh.

Given that Earth is the only planet in this solar system out of the 8 that are inhabited, any aliens must therefore come from a planet in another solar system.

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