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State Verifies Obama's Birth Certificate

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posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 01:43 PM

HONOLULU -- The state's Department of Health director on Friday released a statement verifying the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama birth certificate.

I guess this should settle all the nonsense. I wonder what Philip J. Berg has to say about his frivolous lawsuit?

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 01:44 PM
It won't... just watch

there will be some reason that this isn't legit... The idea behind these attacks isn't to seek truth, or resolution...

They just want to smear and mudsling.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 01:53 PM
I agree... this won't stop anything... except maybe Mr. Berg's supreme court appeal. I predict allegations will be made that "pressure was brought to bear on said HI Dept. of Health director, and that he caved to that pressure".

The question I would like to ask this guy is, why the hell he waited so long to make such an announcement?

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Resinveins
I agree... this won't stop anything... except maybe Mr. Berg's supreme court appeal. I predict allegations will be made that "pressure was brought to bear on said HI Dept. of Health director, and that he caved to that pressure".

The question I would like to ask this guy is, why the hell he waited so long to make such an announcement?

Berg's appeal was already thrown out. Happened yesterday apparently.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 03:54 PM
"Moreover, even if Sen. Obama could have somehow been deemed "natural born," that citizenship was lost in or around 1967 when he and his mother took up residency in Indonesia, where Stanley Ann Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen. Berg also states that he possesses copies of Sen. Obama's registration to Fransiskus Assisi School In Jakarta, Indonesia which clearly show that he was registered under the name "Barry Soetoro" and his citizenship listed as Indonesian."

"Berg cites inconsistent accounts of Sen. Obama's birth, including reports that he was born at two separate hospitals--Kapiolani Hospital and Queens Hospital--in Honolulu, as well a profound lack of birthing records for Stanley Ann Dunham, though simple "registry of birth" records for Barack Obama are available in a Hawaiian public records office."

wow really? 2 different hospitals? hmmm fishy

not saying i trust this site yet but lets just say thanks to that and other things you can find out as easy as doing a search......... make you ask questions?

your telling me he dosen't work for the bilderberg group? check this link out.

and so on you must be telling me that they couldn't alter a small thing like a birth certificate?

questions and yet more questions......... fishy!

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 04:10 PM
Now, in the interests of fairness, we need to take McCain to court.
I demand he show evidence proving he was born human, and not hatched, smooth-faced and white-haired, from a reptilian egg.

Until he produces this proof in court, I'm afraid we can't really say we know who the real John McCain is.
After all, if he's innocent, why should he be wanting to hide the evidence from us?

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 04:17 PM
Quiet from the right... crickets really..

Of course most sane people already knew this, including those on the right. but there are the select few , even on ats, who refuse to believe this.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 04:21 PM
Its actually getting funny observing the faint foundations on which these useful idiots will try and perform their mudslinging.

Apparently there is no depths to either their stupidity or their willingness to lie for their chosen cause. Perhaps a combination.

Let me finish by admitting that I myself might have been guilty of clinging to rather thin straws of hope when it's George W standing mud target...

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:16 PM
No attention paid to this thread. I bet my thread here will get more attention and it has no basis.

People are so dumb.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:24 PM
I called it this morning

This thread won't matter because it disarms many of the mudslingers and fear mongers, and they can't have that... They'll ignore it, or say that someone held a gun to someone's head..

Who cares about the truth when fiction is so much more fun!

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by nj2day

Yup. They'll just lay low until some nutty blogger posts up some more unsubstantiated claim. Then they'll come back, gang-attack anyone who disagrees, and pat each other on the back about the ignorance they all share together.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:30 PM
we'll see at least 4 posts about McCains SNL appearance tonight

This will be fun

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by nj2day

Watching it now.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 12:01 AM
SO they released a "Statement", but they will not release the Certificate itself, why not?

Two issues are still in play, and so far no one has been able to answer:

-Why was his Birth Certificate conveniently sealed within 48 Hours of Senator Obama's visit to his "Ailing Grandmother"?


-Why, for the past 5 months, has Senator Obama (and his Campaign staff) done nothing but file for Case Dismissals and Injunctions, when he has potentially exonerating evidence, which when admitted, would have lead to an immediate Case Dismissal without question?

The Case delaying is HIGHLY questionable in of itself. I know of individuals who were looking to receive Certified Birth Certificates for Ancestors who were born in the Early 19th Century, and it took them all of 30 Minutes to obtain a Document in relation to such.

ALSO, where in the statement does Hawaii State Health Department Director Chiyome Fukino, MD declare ANYTHING beyond the fact that such a Birth Certificate exists? She simply declared that she has the document, and is currently sitting on it.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

Why is it that when he released evidence people just ask for more? He released his COLB and people just called it a fake and asked for the Long-Form instead.

I'd say screw you too. Who would really want that put out on the Internet for all to see?


Since you think there's no problem doing so, why don't you go ahead and post your full birth certificate here.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
SO they released a "Statement", but they will not release the Certificate itself, why not?

Uh, because medical records aren't just given out to any Joe the Plumber that asks for it. The only way they could give it to someone is if they have "tangible interest" and considering Berg and company can't even prove they have standing I don't believe his ravings count as tangible.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by FightLies

You have to be back in the United states 12 years if you want to seek the presidency.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 12:20 AM
If every political candidate took the time to rebut every single allegation thrown at them, they'd never have time for anything else...

If he produced absolutely every piece of evidence that you asked for, it wouldn't be enough, that much is already made clear. People would rather listen to sensationalism...

Knowing that all the evidence in the world wouldn't be enough, why would he decide to validate the claims any further?

besides, why does he need to prove he's a citizen. At this pace, everyone is beating down that door so hard it starts to make him look like a victim.

All he needs to do is sit there, and have voters sit there and listen to the baseless arguments online all the time... The voters will then think he's being "Attacked" and will see the republicans as evil politicians. "Viral Campaigning"... kind of a neat premise if it turns out to be true.

These rumors have been circulated for a while, and more and more people being polled are thinking that the Republicans are running a negative smear campaign.

If the "Viral" approach is what his campaign was going for, it's working...

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by nj2day

Oh, don't say that. I remember a few months back when Obama was down in polls the democrats were saying McCain was stepping over the line with attack ads. They said it would hurt them in the polls. Rush Limbaugh laughed and said the democrats were getting desperate and that the attack ads would help, not hurt.

Shortly after, Palin boarded ship and Obama began to get the edge on the polls. Attacks on Palin were plenty and Rush Limbaugh said it was going to backfire on the democrats - not realizing that he contradicted his previous statement about attack ads.

My point is that when dealing with partisanship, you can't win any way you look at it. No matter what happens they always look at it as a win for their party.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 12:31 AM
I think the Obama campaign has been particularly careful not to attack Palin out of fear that it would backfire... The attacks are coming from other sources, not the campaign..

Obama's camp has been pretty nice to Palin for some odd reason... We both know that Biden is a genius at debate, and could have had palin for lunch...

They aren't being so nice to McCain, but they are using effective and subtle means of attack... so people listening to all their spin, unconsciously disregard the negative, and see Obama's campaign as mostly positive.

Its all in the propaganda... Although, after tonight, I'm a big fan of the Double Maverick strategy he discussed

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