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The 4th Dimension explained in simple terms

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posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by science lol

Originally posted by constantwonder

Originally posted by franspeakfree
what about the entities/beings recorded by over 90% of case studies that 'appear' after a dose of '___' and begin to show us Humans the true part of life?

thats called hallucintations this is the sci/tech forum lets try to keep this metaphysic crap to a minimum. There has never been any indication that '___' or any other hallucinagen has opened up anything other than an occult beliefe in the degredation of the mind as a path to enlightenment forgive me if you will but ill try to stick with impericle measurable data for my science

Well said. Quite frankly I'm sick of people thinking they're enlightened because of nonsense experiences of drugs. How further detached from reality do they want to be?

-'___' doesn't create contact experience in 90% of cases studies - it is around 25-50%.

-it is not metaphysical crap. '___' was actually clinically studied for about 10 or 15 years in the US and Mexico by Dr. Rick Strassman, and he was forever changed by the results of the study. science, friend- go see what it found.

-I don't think anybody here claimed to be enlightened by hallucinogens.

Whoever brought up '___' did it rightfully. People have experienced states of consciousness with it that are beyond the 3rd dimension. They see things which defy the laws of physics and are in fact "impossible" for them to get a grasp of, even when it is being shown right in from of their eyes.

This response is for people who are familiar with these things, not for skeptics who could go on all day about the con's of hallucinogens and how its frying brains like egg on a pan. Save your breath.

[edit on 23-2-2009 by nemazasho]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 09:36 AM
Since someone mentioned Fifth Dimension, then it is only fair that this be mentioned as well:

Buckaroo Banzai was the only one to successfully cross the 8th Dimension.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by nemazasho

Right on! I completely agree!

Further more I am sick and tired of all the MODS and their "no '___'" talk BS who keep on WARNING ME just because i mention going to another freaking dimension on '___' which, IMO is one of the most earth shattering topics that people SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DISCUSS here on ATS.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
reply to post by nemazasho

Right on! I completely agree!

Further more I am sick and tired of all the MODS and their "no '___'" talk BS who keep on WARNING ME just because i mention going to another freaking dimension on '___' which, IMO is one of the most earth shattering topics that people SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DISCUSS here on ATS.

Thank you!

Anyone who claims to adhere to science yet does not accept that psychedelic (mind-manifesting) entheogen use and their strikingly curious responses with the human system.. is being a monomaniacal dog of blind science. IMO! Anyway, to do research on entheogens is research. To take them yourself is definitely a scientific approach. Don't hate what you don't understand! I propose that '___' psychonauts have been doing (on a much more personal level) what SETI has always dreamed of doing: Communicate with extraterrestrials. One could argue they are more extradimensional than extraterrestrial in nature, but eh.. If you can get schooled by a light being and be charged a mere 10 minutes of your life in exchange for a lifetime of profound insight... It doesn't seem like a bad deal. I was also reading (in Rick Strassman's book) that a single '___' experience can cause a heroin addict to completely stop using heroin. In this sense, the "drug" is also a "medicine"..but so, so much more as well. Do not forget that you (the reader) are already a veteran '___' user. No '___' = brain death.

This just may be one of the most important topics that Science© could turn it's stubborn gaze toward. There is a good reason why this is not so, however, and TPTB have placed it as a Class A substance for a reason. To protect us? What, from a non-addictive drug with no real side effects except some inherited (applicable to 3D) wisdom? No, not to protect us... To protect themselves from being overthrown by a vastly aware society of psychedelically enhanced posthumans. It's ok tho, we get booze and cigarettes to keep up "content". Wait a minute, the legal drugs are much worse for you than the "Class A" Dimethyltryptamine?? Hmm.. now that seems odd, eh?

"'___' is Class A under the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act. This means it is illegal to produce, supply or possess in any form. Maximum penalty for possession is seven years in jail." ...(from the same folks who will assure you that a border, while largely intangible, is a real thing)

According to this logic, every human who has ever dreamed owes the penal industry 7 years. Or is it 7 years per use?? We may be looking at consecutive lifetime sentences for everyone on Earth! OMG run away!!1!

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 01:21 AM
We would call the 4th dimension time, as per our understanding. It can actually be a 4th spatial dimension, but since we are restricted to 3 dimensions of space we must comprehend higher dimensions as something else.

Take less advanced animals for instance that have no comprehension of being. They cannot perceive or think about past/future. They are locked strictly in the third dimension. Humans can remember the past and project it into the future. It is like we are preparing ourselves to be able to function in 4d space in the future (and maybe grasping "time" as the 5th dimension)

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 09:33 AM
S&F for the Carl Sagan vid.

I hadn't seen that one before, but he's clearly a man who's indulged himself in certain endogenous substances. The description of Mr 2D trying to explain 3D land to his friends is utter, utter genius and rings big bells with me. The shadow-construct ideas are also brilliant.

Those that talk about the 4th dimension being 'time' misunderstand that we're talking about spacial dimensions in this 'ere thread rather than spacetime. Time is arguably just a measure of entropy, after all, our most accurate measure of time is the vibration of an atom... it's just a construct we use as a way of breaking down a sequence of events.

[edit on 29-7-2010 by eightfold]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by constantwonder

Originally posted by constantwonder

thats called hallucintations this is the sci/tech forum lets try to keep this metaphysic crap to a minimum. There has never been any indication that '___' or any other hallucinagen has opened up anything other than an occult beliefe in the degredation of the mind as a path to enlightenment forgive me if you will but ill try to stick with impericle measurable data for my science

It's inevitable that '___' will come up in a conversation like this, as anyone who's supplemented their built-in daily dose will identify with the concept of perceiving another dimension - of leaving the room even tho the door is closed.
That Carl Sagan vid strongly, strongly hints he's had a go. It's common knowledge he was a massive cannabis smoker, so it seems likely he'd be open to experimentation.

There have been numerous studies into it, and it's definitely more than 'just an hallucinogen.' As to 'degradation of the mind as a path to enlightenment' - er, what? There's no suggestion that it causes damage of any description, it actually has numerous uses in the treatment of depression and drug abuse, aswell as helping with visualisation of other dimensions.... which is what the thread is about.

Interestingly enough, Strassmans research into '___' (in The Spirit Molecule) was funded by the masons, who clearly have no interest in geometry at all?

[edit on 29-7-2010 by eightfold]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 10:24 AM
Within science i have been thought to view the 4 dimensions like this:

Height. Length and Width. These 3 dimensions represent the infinite dimension that holds the 4th.

The 4th dimension has its own sides "dimension" And they only exist for a period of time.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:31 PM
In regards to the Carl Sagan video....

I conjecture that the whole flatland analogy in unequivocally flawed. Why? Well, because we reside in a supposed 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time. This is what defines existence. If one were to drop anyone of those defining dimensions, you are left with nonexistence.

We humans developed the mathematical language to describe the universe around us and its constituent parts. This leaves dimensions to be looked upon as a mathematical construct to thus view existence in quantity. In other words, dimensions are a mathematical construct to better view/describe existence.

Furthermore, there is a interdependence between these defining dimensions. For the 3rd dimension to exist, 0-2 must exist. Conversely, for 0-2 to exist the 3rd dimension must exist. One can also apply the temporally.

Therefore, I assert that it is absurd (perhaps impossible) to cast an analogy between 4 & 3 spatial dimensions and 3 & 2 spatial dimensions, because 2 dimensional objects cannot exist, due to the fact that they are merely a mathematical construct used to describe 3 spatial existence.

Obviously what I have written above is just "logic" based and not proven by tradition scientific methods.

EDIT: thinking about this some more, my current logic may need some work. Just wanted to state my opinion I guess. However, I do think we must draw the distinction between what we desire to be "true" and what actually falls in accord with "true".

[edit on 29-7-2010 by Unlimitedpossibilities]

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by Unlimitedpossibilities

I think people have a big problem with distinguishing between the dimensions of a solid/dense object compared to the dimension of space.

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 07:49 PM
My heads spinning from reading through this but its very interesting.
One thing I want to know is how does the 4th dimension effect us in our physical being, and if it dosent then does it still exist?

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
How would you describe the shift of conciousness and space time after the subject has taken '___' and also how do you imagine (with or without maths) the other dimensions to be. i.e if we were to transcend through dimensions we would see our lives as one continuous stream from birth to death, alot like the plasma stream coming from Donnie in the film Donnie Darko.

Short answer: consuming one of the most powerful hallucinogens on the planet will (unsurprisingly) distort your perceptions. I wouldnt look to deeply into it

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Holly N.R.A.
When one compares dimensionality with with reality, one should be able to define "reality". Not in the terms of the human concept...but in terms of the universal concept.
It is my belief that very few human beings understand the universal concept of reality, therefore, any explanation of dimensionality, would be subjective to the dimension experienced. At this point in our existence, most inhabit only the Third Dimension, ergo...get my drift????

It's all conjecture.
The three spatial dimensions aren't conjecture, are they? Nor is time.

String theorists have been working on 10 or 11 dimensions for a long time. But we have yet to see any real-world proof that string or membrane theories are true. That doesn't mean they aren't true, but what it does mean is that until we have some proof, it's not unreasonable to call the extra dimensions above 3 spatial and 1 time, conjecture. To me the extra dimensions are mathematical constructs.

We can simulate what a 4D object intersecting with our 3D space might look like to us 3D observers, and I've looked at those simulations, but I've never seen anything like that sober (experiences induced from sleep deprivation or alcohol aside

Originally posted by science lol
Quite frankly I'm sick of people thinking they're enlightened because of nonsense experiences of drugs. How further detached from reality do they want to be?
I understand why ATS chooses to not allow people to discuss personal use of illegal drugs though much of the time those types of comments don't bother me, but for some reason in this thread they do bother me and even if people hallucinate extra dimensions on drugs it doesn't mean they exist. Hallucinating people can hallucinate all kinds of non-existent things, that's what hallucinating is about.

Main Entry: hal·lu·ci·na·tion
1 a : perception of objects with no reality usually arising from disorder of the nervous system or in response to drugs (as '___')
or '___'.

No reality. By definition.

Let's keep it real folks.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 03:56 AM
Are we talking about mathematical dimensions here or perceptions of reality?

For argument's sake, let's say a grasshopper experiences the same three spatial dimensions plus time as we do but it's fair to say that it doesn't experience reality like we do. You can't teach it maths or chemistry but it doesn't experience life in any less dimensions than we do.

Perhaps the same could be said about spirituality and experiences such as D.M.T. intoxication. Are you experiencing more "dimensions" or just a very different take on reality that cannot be adequately conveyed via conventional means of communication?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by science lol

Just curious, what would qualify as an "enlightening" experience?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 04:18 AM
I want to add my further two cents to this thread.

The Fourth and Fifth dimensions, are not time, but realms. Everything exists ontop of one another. The fourth and fifth lie ontop of our 2nd and 3rd dimension. The perspective of time is RELATIVE TO THE OBSERVER.

Insects, while they live in our 3rd dimension, experience time on a much quicker scale than we do. I use the example of crickets because its easy to understand this. When the sounds of crickets chirping are slowed down immensely, you hear all the intricate sounds of a symphony orchestra. It is beautiful. Insects experience the world at a much faster rate. They interact with it on the same level as the majority of 3d animals and insects do (flight time etc) because they live here on the 3 dimensional world. Hence they die faster but live a fuller richer life than we might imagine.

This unusual recording contains two tracks:
1. the natural sound of crickets chirping
2. the sound of the crickets slowed down to match and mirror the length of the average lifespan of a human being.

The angelic chorus you hear accompanying the sound of the crickets is NOT a synthesizer or a chorus singing. It's the crickets themselves (slowed down) creating the effect. Really an amazing thing they've accomplished here. This recording can be played continuously in the background to create a natural soothing atmosphere for calming and healing.

The spirit world is the relams of the 4th and 5th dimension. You can leave your body and enter these realms when we dream. Dimensions are perspectives, thats all.

When I entered hyperspace, I understood the 5th dimension and higher. I could see everything around me 3d but all at once, all at the same time. I had unlimited perspective and time was non existant- and because it did not exist there- it seemed endless to me. Of course I was only in Hyperspace for a matter of minutes, but much like dreams, trips to hyperspace can last a lifetime of years while your away.

[edit on 2-8-2010 by xynephadyn]

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by FSBlueApocalypse

You explain that in the 4D perspective, there are adjacent 3D realities. Do you mean adjacent or are the 3D realities actually overlapping the same space? Is 4D involve a different frequency (less dense and solid, faster vibration reality) or is it the same frequency as our 3D reality just in another spacial direction?

Thank you!
edit on 26-2-2013 by lauraj because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 08:01 PM
You explain that in the 4D perspective, there are adjacent 3D realities. Do you mean adjacent or are the 3D realities actually overlapping the same space? Is 4D involve a different frequency (less dense and solid, faster vibration reality) or is it the same frequency as our 3D reality just in another spatial direction?

Thank you!
edit on 26-2-2013 by lauraj because: spelling error

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 08:44 PM
So that's what UFOs are, cross sections of 4D objects. as per the first video they fade on and out and move quickly across our field of view.

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