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So what would you have done (exactly) if a ship HAD shown up?

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posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:03 PM
I created this thread to bring some levity to the situation. I suppose most of us were hopeful, but logically minded in that we did not really expect any lightship to appear in the sky Oct. 14th.

That being, said what would you have done if a real ET ship did appear and be specific. Who would you call? Where would you go? This is all just speculation for entertainment's sake so lets get creative and amusing.

Apologies its wednesday and I need a pick-me-up. My beloved Grandmother (91 years old) passed away the morning of Oct.14th.

[edit on 15-10-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:05 PM
Well, I know a lot of us would come here and post, "Opps, my bad" replies to the threads bashing the UFO.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:05 PM
Well I would've called the mothership... hey guys can you come pick me up? Earth is going to #...thanks..

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:07 PM
I would have called my friends and family, tell them to turn on the news, then i'd probably just up and leave work and go to the house, turn on the tv, get on ats, and figure out what would happen next.

Since i really have no idea what would happen, i think that i would just go w/ the flow of everything that would happen

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:08 PM
I would first apologise to believers for doubting them (I only believe in the possibility of aliens visiting you see)

Then I would feel naturally high and dizzy with wonderous anticipation at how it would change mankind, hopefully for the better, uniting us.

Then I would get seriously worried about the possibility of the US governernment attacking it (I'm anti-US government, not anti-US people btw)

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by NightVision

First, I would have calmed myself down with some orange slices and fetal spooning. Then I would have wiped my sweaty L Ron Hubbard lip, and called uncle quark to assess the situation.

(TOOL joke)

[edit on 15-10-2008 by schism85]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Corum
I would first apologise to believers for doubting them (I only believe in the possibility of aliens visiting you see)

Then I would feel naturally high and dizzy with wonderous anticipation at how it would change mankind, hopefully for the better, uniting us.

Then I would get seriously worried about the possibility of the US governernment attacking it (I'm anti-US government, not anti-US people btw)

I woulda called Michael Shermer and the Amazing Randi and said "HA!" and then promptly hang up.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:11 PM
I would have tried to calm down everyone who freaked out and let them know it is probly ok, they most likley come in peace....

then I might load up my van and head for the hills????

Not sure.

In my MIND I would be all brave and supporting others, but something THAT big might hit my panic buttons in reality.

I have seen SMALLER UFO's and didn't freak out or feel scared at all though, because in the back of my mind I though they could have been made by US, but something THAT big i would know for sure it wasn't just US or a hoax, and may or may not panic a wee bit???

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:12 PM
Id have stayed as far away from it as humanly possible and avoided any "gatherings" of masses like the plague.

That way assuming they decided to wipe out humanity id have a better chance at not putting myself into a nice convenient mass target zone for them

If Aliens ever did arrive I certainly wont be making any assumptions of their fuzzy friendly intent. Id probably study all the footage I could see looking for indictators of rank and military based hierarchies to get a better idea on what their motives migth actually be

Wont be getting me into a cattle corral for the great cull thats for sure!!

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:17 PM
I would have, in the following order:

1. Totally crapped my pants!

2. Logged onto ATS to discuss it while watching the coverage on TV.

3. Gotten my butt to the location of the ship to see it for myself!

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:19 PM
I'm sure that I would, at first, be cowering in fear like everyone else.... IF the event lasted long enough for THAT to drown out of my fears, I would walk outside to get a better look....

I would look at it for a little bit, get parnanoid again, and go back inside to cower some more...

This is all, of course, awaiting instruction from the craft itself. If that didn't occur, I don't really know what I would do. Probably cower some more... Until eventually I realize unto myself that I have anticipated with hope this very moment for most of my adult life and I would start trying to help others overcome THEIR fears.

Realize folks, an event like this would put a stop to global functions all together until the issue was resolved.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:20 PM
I would have taken a clear picture using a tripod and the highest settings along with background trees and building for correct scale and I would have posted that picture on ATS.

I bet it would have been labeled a [HOAX]


posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:20 PM
You know, I would have thought the same thing, about coming on ATS if something happened. But when I thought about the thread moving so fast last night (oct 14), it was hard to understand and sift through the posts. Imagine if something did happen, how ats, and that thread would be. I think ATS would have been utter chaos.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:22 PM
Thought everyone got the U2U about not creating more october 14th threads!

Where are the mods?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:25 PM
You know it would be.

Hell, CNN could be covering it live and just so long as ONE dude was in the background of the camera acting like Jim Carey (swinging by a rope, acting like he is humping the newslady etc... reference probably lost) Most people would label it a scam.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by schism85

In reality, nobody would even be here.

BUT, if something genuine were taking place right now and it wasn't THAT significant, the ATS servers would have a VERY hard time keeping up.

Hell, on that particular thread you speak of last night, I started reading at the LAST page currently in action when I got on, by the time I finished that ONE, there were like 10 more! No joke.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:27 PM
what would i have done?
i am not sure
guess i would have started to tremble and thinking that it would seem so unreal
i would have been angry not possing a camera
and i would have called a good friend to share the moment
and hoping my son would be home soon.

i would have been really afraid i guess

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:27 PM
I would have made a WHOLE bunch of "I told you so!" calls......right after my brain started processing more than 2 words at a time ie: holy $^*^ HOLY #%&*

Definitely tv, definitely video cam, don't think I would go out on the roads.

Get the guns out of storage, drink a bunch of vodka and enjoyed the ride.

And yes, I do realize that there would have been a global shut down. I would think something was very seriously out of order if there wasn't.

But, you know, our govt (here in the US) are such freaks, who knows how much worse they would have made it?

I surely understand the need for a little pick-me-up!

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
reply to post by schism85

In reality, nobody would even be here.

BUT, if something genuine were taking place right now and it wasn't THAT significant, the ATS servers would have a VERY hard time keeping up.

Hell, on that particular thread you speak of last night, I started reading at the LAST page currently in action when I got on, by the time I finished that ONE, there were like 10 more! No joke.

I would not of been posting for one. I would have been watching the whole thing unfold, non-stop. Last night, the thread was super hard to read, let alone get a word in yourself.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:34 PM
i would have loaded every gun possible and grab every bit of non perrishable food and headed for the hills.

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