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Is there any credibility in this? (Martial Law Plan)

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posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:34 PM
It's saying that a memo is circulating around congress called the "C&R" document. Conflict & Revolution. I just woke up and am new to all of this so I don't know if it's really trustworthy.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:50 PM
I believe it would certainly be something worth looking into. Being awake I imagine you mean you are waking up to the conspiracy theories, etc? One of the things you have to do while searching for the truth, is researching it on your own. I could tell you it is credible, but that really doesnt show you anything, part of being fully awake is seeing it with your own eyes. Part of being awake is researching and watching all the little pieces fall into the puzzle. Then it is alot harder to deny what is or isnt going to, and therefore you will be more likely to do something about it.

There have been several congressman that have said martial law was brought up while discussing this bail out bill. It is certainly a possibility that russia or china would get a little angry if we defaulted on our loans. Also our government is arrogant enough to believe that Russia or China pose more of a threat then WE THE PEOPLE!!

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Truekn

Maybe it just means 'Cut & Run'.

Don't you feel sorry for them?

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Truekn

In Congress, CR also refers to "continuing resolution".

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 04:23 PM
I wouldn't put a lot of stock into anything from Alex Jones. I'm sure there are threads of truth in his stuff but I think he draws conclusions without any real evidence. When I was "waking up" a few months ago to all this stuff I read an article on his website about FEMA going around and putting red, yellow and blue dots on mail boxes marking how people would be divided up in a marshal law scenario. Well I checked my box and found a red dot and just about freaked out because the article said red dot people would be killed on site! After settling down a little I googled 'dots on my mailbox' and realized they are used by newspaper carriers to mark who gets the daily or sunday paper. That type of fear mongering doesn't do anybody any good.

I wouldn't doubt the government has worked up marshal law scenarios, but that doesn't mean they are likely to happen.

That being said I've been stocking up lately just in case.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 04:28 PM
if the powers that be were ready to spring nation wide martial law on us, they would have done so a couple of times already. for years people have said all it was gonna take was a major event, a disaster, to give them the excuse to do this, but why haven't they done it already then? Katrina would have been a good platform to do this, as well as many more disasters that we did not emerge from with a martil law type of ruling. true, on a local level it was much like a police state, but i'm talking nation wide. our government has has very favorable opprotunities to do this in light of these terrible events, but they have not done it. i believe that martil law scares most of them as much or more than it does us. it would be so hard for them to pull off, so many would die as a direct result, AND in places like the southeast where i live, it would be downright cival war, we would separate from the U.S. and fight for our rights here, they could never come and take our guns and control us down here, i know dozens of people who are stocking up on assault rifles before the next election because of fear of this very thing.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:24 PM
I have been awake now for several years and let me tell you that Alex Jones may be the voice of conspiracy theories but he is also the information you can not get in mainstream T.V. He knows his stuff and in fact predicted 911. He knows and I gotta tell you there is indeed much to be concerned about.

I like what the first replier had to say about your journey of awakening. It is important that you see each peice placed into the puzzle. However, if someone asks me for my opinion and based on research of sound reasoning, I sure as heck will never hold it back.

Hell yes there is validity to that and if you want a good reliable place to look for evidence, start at government websites!! Look at the

Executive Orders implemented by the President. Read them.

Read the Patriot Act 1 AND 2

Read the military commissions Act

Then if that is not enough to scare the crap out of you I suggest finding a news clip on the 800 empty facilities our government has created in and around the USA that resembvle concentration camps. The reporters use those words not me. They are there and you can see them yourself. I am sure there is more than one in your area.

Additionally and I must say that the dots in the mailbox explanation does not fly here in Arizona. The newspaper is not printed by the federal government and mailed to you. It was last I looked illegal to touch anyones mailbox if you are not a federal postmaster employee, let alone deliver local papers or colored dots to mail boxes!! That report and reason is a lie and I would like to hear the correct reason for those colored dots. I am sure mine is red also! In other words Alex Jones is not going to jeopardize a lifetime of work by fabricating a story on red dots. Does that make sense? I could see them relating to sort or to media by which should or should not be delivered, but your google response is clearly not possible for the United States.

He may be a lot of things but a liar is not one of them. is a good place for real news although all the focus is on the situation at hand. You can find writers contributing from around the world there on the subjects. I have found the perspectives of other countries to be invaluable when dealing with truth. The economy and its meltdown was predicted long ago there and has been unfolding exactly as was predicted. This is only the beginning of what is yet to come.

The goals must first be seen in its whole picture before it is possible for us to see what is actually happening. It will take far more than months to get there and even when you can see it will likely not be all of it. The truth is that we live in a unique time and it will be difficult at best to get through what is coming. My best advice is this... Love your family each day and Love your fellow man even more if possible. We shall need that love to survive as a species. In the US, outside of a mass awakening and total revolution it is my opinion that nothing can be done to stop them. The problem is that martial law would happen before the chance of revolution. Once that happens there is no way to organize, no way to assemble and no way to educate the ones who are yet asleep. We in trouble and to tell your friends and family is making yourself out to be a conspiracy nutcase. Trust me I know first hand. Lock and Load works for me though. I have been hoping for us to wake sooner, but later will have to do.

At this point I wish I had taken the blue pill instead!!

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Enigma Publius

Katrina would not have been nearly big enough to do the trick. However a Global Economic Crash is.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Anonymous Avatar

well i can understand that idea. but what about when the la riots happened or any other event that has the country in upheaval? i suppose we will have to wait and see, but i still believe, and this is only my opinion, i still believe that the powers that be are just as worried as us about a police state being started. i just know too many folks here in the 'ol "dirty south" that would fight for their rights, it would indeed be a civil war.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 06:55 PM
Wow I thank all of you very much. Clearly the people that responded here are very articulate and have excellent critical thinking skills. That's the one thing everyone around me seems to lack. If you actually open your eyes and THINK about what you're seeing rather than just soaking up everything that comes out of the tube; you might actually have some opinions of there own.

The way I got started on all this stuff is actually kind of strange. I moved up to a dorm in North Dakota for school. At home I used to drink mostly bottled water but once I got up here I had to pay for everything so I started drinking out of the tap. The first glass I had was disgusting. It had a weird flavor and it actually smelled a little like toothpaste. When I take showers the water just reeks all over the place. I started searching google and found out about the fluoride, so I called up the water department and sure enough they have some super high concentration of fluoride in the water. I got sick for like two weeks.

P.S. I really need to get a passport and rifle...

[edit on 8-10-2008 by Truekn]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Iweegon
I wouldn't put a lot of stock into anything from Alex Jones. I'm sure there are threads of truth in his stuff but I think he draws conclusions without any real evidence. When I was "waking up" a few months ago to all this stuff I read an article on his website about FEMA going around and putting red, yellow and blue dots on mail boxes marking how people would be divided up in a marshal law scenario. Well I checked my box and found a red dot and just about freaked out because the article said red dot people would be killed on site! After settling down a little I googled 'dots on my mailbox' and realized they are used by newspaper carriers to mark who gets the daily or sunday paper. That type of fear mongering doesn't do anybody any good.

Um... Although this is off-topic, and you're likely not at risk... Could it be that they set up the page to "explain" the dots...? I mean, if a page like that popped up, to quell people's fears, and any newspaper carrier would think OTHER carriers did that...

And it seems some of the search engines are in cahoots - specifically Google. I stopped using them for that reason. I use Yahoo or AllTheWeb and a few others, but am boycotting Google because they play with the "hit" numbers relative to things like Codex Alimentarius and other health-related issues.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Enigma Publius
if the powers that be were ready to spring nation wide martial law on us, they would have done so a couple of times already. for years people have said all it was gonna take was a major event, a disaster, to give them the excuse to do this, but why haven't they done it already then?

They're still not done milking us. But soon....

Katrina would have been a good platform to do this,

Not really. It was a practice run, but though we all felt for those people, the incident was localized. It might have seemed as if 9/11 was too, but really, it touched virtually every one of us personally. There is a big difference between feeling empathy for and feeling personally.

as well as many more disasters that we did not emerge from with a martil law type of ruling.

Can't think of any, m'self. None that touched us all, personally. None that riled virtually ALL of us (except maybe the bailout, but that has not yet lead to riots here - just rants on the web and elsewhere).

And in order to be taken seriously, to dupe soldiers into thinking the orders are "necessary," it has to be something that hits virtually every one of us.

true, on a local level it was much like a police state, but i'm talking nation wide. our government has has very favorable opprotunities to do this in light of these terrible events, but they have not done it.

Until we riot, I can't see them building a credibility base.

i believe that martil law scares most of them as much or more than it does us.

Not really. Most of them are itching to get the party started. But they have to have a strong enough credibility base. Wait 'til the "terrorists" (read: Elite) nuke a city (false flag) here in the States. THEN they will have the base they need. Or if a pandemic (weaponized bug) hits... But it has to affect us all.

it would be so hard for them to pull off, so many would die as a direct result, AND in places like the southeast where i live, it would be downright cival war, we would separate from the U.S. and fight for our rights here, they could never come and take our guns and control us down here, i know dozens of people who are stocking up on assault rifles before the next election because of fear of this very thing.

Unless... They manage to convince you that there is no better choice than what is being done. Depending on the circumstances, they may convince enough, a majority, even...

Remember, they have been planning this a VERY long time. They have patience. They will milk us dry, and then take over, playing us like a virtuoso on a piano.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

i found your reply very thoughtful and intelligent and it has given mew much to think about. i think i was missing many key points that you helped me on. thank you for taking the time to do that and in a manner that was not condecending or ugly like many users on here are fond of doing. much for me to reconsider now.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Enigma Publius

You're most welcome.

It is my goal to open eyes as gently as possible. [smile]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:14 PM
Only on info wars can you find crap like this.
Info wars will tell you anything so long as it promotes impending doom for freedom. To date none of their martial law/FEMA/ID chip/Amero/Real ID stuff has come true. I have no idea where they get there info from but when they interview people it looks like they could have been on cops or jerry springer.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 02:15 PM
Alex Jones is a tinfoil hatter a couple of notches below Art Bell in credibility.

I'd wait for corroborating evidence from at least a couple of other sources before I'd swallow this hook, line, and sinker.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 02:51 PM
Yes Alex jones and his never ending war on Valid information. I saw one of his "documentaries" on the Bilderburg group which consisted of an hour and a half of him and a few other people waving signs and shouting outside a hotel.


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