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Who won tonights debate?

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posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

The hypocrisy is blatant, I agree. I will not vote for Obama and thanks to McCain's lack of good judgment concerning his choice for VP, I am now 100% certain that I will not be voting him either. What concerns me though is that most people are not concerned with the issues but rather seeing their party "win" regardless of whether they really agree with their party or not. When you change your opinions on any subject matter simply because of the "party" that you associate yourself with, you are helping to draw the dividing lines and are a wishy washy person who deserves to be told what to do.

You should stand firm in your values regardless of the politicians... and because too many people have been fickle about values in favor of remaining loyal to "their side," these roles of leadership in our country are jokes that are being filled by clowns putting on a good show. Yes, in this debate, Biden won simply on the basis of what the objective should be in a debate, but he is just as fickle as those voting for any of these "actors."

It is obvious to those who can think for themselves where those who are fickle on their values so that they can remain loyal to their party get their opinions from
This video focuses on one side, but rest assured, this applies to BOTH sides. Way to let others do your thinking for you, America

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 07:26 PM

I can both believe she is completely unqualified as a VP, and at the same time believe women are just as qualified as men.

yeah, you can do that. fact is though, we've never had a female president, or even a VP and for the same reasons you've witnessed recently. if she's a democrat, she's xyz. if she's a republican, she's xyz. people claim they give the ladies a chance, but they don't, not really.

back in the late 70's, i graduated from high school. my dad had been diagnosed with prostate cancer, a few years prior and only had a short time left to live. he could no longer work and mom's paycheck was our only source of income. but dad needed her to take care of him. so i went to work. at the time, the equal opportunity bill had just been passed, and the various businesses had to fill their quota of minorities. since the area i lived in didn't really have a racial variation, the only remaining minority was women. so i got a job, because of the equal opportunity bill, working in a pepsi can making factory.

it was difficult, dangerous, loud, chemical and lead infested environment. we had to wear plugs in our ears, masks on our faces and safety glasses on our eyes. there was no heat in the winter and no air in the summer. it was hard work. i made pretty good money because it was part of the steel workers union. but the men, they did not want women in their factory. they made the job very difficult. they didn't know i was there because i was the only support system my dad had left. as a result of the job, i was able to buy him the only color tv he would ever have in his lfe. i was able to make it possible for mom to take care of him for the last 12 months of his life, which were very hard on all of us.

men sometimes just don't think past their own circumstances.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by undo

Listen, it isn't just WOMEN who aren't getting the chance. It is anyone who isn't *A* or *B*..

Case and point.. we just had a VERY qualified man who was ousted because he wasn't *A* or *B*.

This isn't an issue of male vs. female. It isn't an issue of black vs. white. It IS very much an issue of *who "they" (whoever THEY are) want and *who SHOULD be in there.

Obama doesn't deserve this role any more than Palin. McCain doesn't deserve this position any more than the black man and the woman. None of these people that are seriously being considered deserve this. They have all been wishy washy, ignorant to the values of the country, liars, blah blah blah.

Either side that makes it into the white house will not stop the train that we have boarded as a country.

What we NEEDED was someone who had REAL solutions and understood that it was up to US to stop the train... not a politician. We failed the grade in getting that necessity and now we are going to get what we deserve as a country.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by justamomma

so basically what you're saying is.... the USA had a chance to get a woman in the white house but the only way she got in was as the wife of the president or the wife of the VP, and now, it's too late, we're all going down the tubes or some such, yes? and even if we get a woman VP, it will be just long enough to see the whole place crash and burn ?

this forum can make a person physically ill.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by undo

haha, I am not sure how in the hell that you derived that meaning from my post. Not at all what I am saying. Obviously you are taking this "woman" thing far too personally.

The way you come across, you sound like you would vote a crack whore into office simply based on the fact that she is a woman. A woman should not get into office simply because she is a woman just as a man should not get into office simply because he is a man.

AAAHHHH!!! Does nobody see the MANIPULATION that has been grounded into our brains?? Why can't we start basing our decisions on things that REALLY matter.. like REAL values that are based on the documents this country was founded on?? If you people would quit letting them divide us by illusions of sexism and racism blah blah, maybe we could join forces and kick these clowns out of office.. ALL THE CLOWNS regardless of race or gender.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by justamomma

i realize this. i don't think hillary or sarah are the equivalent of crack whores, and examples such as that crack whore comment, are precisely where the problem is. there will never be a woman good enough for office in this country because she will always have the prejudice of the people and the opposing party's microscopic criticism massaging it for all its worth.

if in the hereafter i find out this decision was made by a bunch o' pagan guys, i'm gonna be livid, then i'll hug 'em and forgive 'em, cause that's what we ladies do best -- fix the booboos....except as presidential candidates. in that case, we're idiots and ball busters.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 08:18 PM
Criticisms like the following?

Originally posted by undo
notice how they always say, well i would have voted for hillary or i'm not her fan but she's better than palin

By the way, I ignored the rest of your comment earlier, but your femi-natzi views clearly trump rationality. You have shown that the only perspective that matters is your agenda filled perspective.


[edit on 4-10-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 08:21 PM
i'm not a femi nazi
. that's ridiculous. i just call a spade, a spade. which you claim you are also doing....calling a spade a spade. okay for you, not okay for me?

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by undo
f in the hereafter i find out this decision was made by a bunch o' pagan guys,

Not sure what that means. Are you prejudice against pagans?

It's not that I don't agree with some of the principles you are talking about, because I do. I just think you are extrapolating stuff from our posts that simply is not there. It's like the ink blot tests, you are seeing what you want to. Look prejudices against women are real, no doubt, so you don't need to intentionally fabricate it from our posts to explain that point.

I don't think Palin is qualified. I don't think it's sexist to address issues about her character. Nor do I think it's sexist to think Tina Fey's skits are funny.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

well this is the theory i'm currently working on:

this country was founded by a bunch o' pagan guys.
by pagan i mean, they weren't christians, jews, muslims or buddhists.
they were guys who worshipped something called logic, reason, science,
and nature. they were deists and agnostics, and so forth. i dunno anything about those topics tho, cause i'm a woman.
just for the record. women can't be logical because we are emotional, too emotional. and if we happen to make sense, we are told our logic is flawed or that we are being emotional (even if we make sense).

so maybe these guys that founded the country, all got together and said, NO MORE QUEENS.
NO MORE NUNS! ya know, that kinda thing, and made a deal with each other that whenever and if ever, a woman gets close to such a position as the vp or presidency, get rid of it with extreme prejudice. then it hits the media like a wildfire.

of course, that could be totally wrong. it may just be my imagination that israel had a female prime minister 30 years ago, and in the last 30, so did britain. maybe it really isn't a good thing for our country to have a female leader. maybe she will break out in a menstrual fit and blow up the whole planet (ignore the fact that golda meir and margaret thatcher didn't blow up the planet) on second thought, perhaps you're right. palin's too scary, in fact, women are too scary, knowing myself as i do, i know i would blow up the planet first time someone taped pallet tags to my nipples or dropped 100 lb band of steel on my foot.

you're right.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by undo]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
This sexist cry out coming from the right is just one more example of the McPalin hypocrisy express. The manner in which they treated Hillary when she began her campaign and when she was sky high was just unbelievable...

Are you referring to the comments made in this thread by certain members or is your comment just a general observation?

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
This sexist cry out coming from the right is just one more example of the McPalin hypocrisy express. The manner in which they treated Hillary when she began her campaign and when she was sky high was just unbelievable...

Are you referring to the comments made in this thread by certain members or is your comment just a general observation?

Could qualify as both in any case. I think its pretty crazy that the "feminazis" can have such a double standard. They accuse males of generalizing them into sex objects, while at the same time they generalize men as, well, d***s. Personally, my view is that if you want equal rights, then you have to accept equal treatment. If you're going into a field where the applicants get grilled up and served as dinner, or at least given a dose of cyanide and expected to run a marathon, then you have to accept that just because unworthy ones of you gender will get toasted. Sure, it can be sexism, but sometimes its just the standards of the work. If you want to be equal to a man, then you gotta be willing to take it like a man. It's a hard world. You think you're as good as any man? Prove it. Be so good that they can't even look at you.

And now this thread is totally off-topic.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Lifeadventurer

I'll assume your repeated use of the word 'you' was in a general sense. lol

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:32 PM

because unworthy ones of you gender will get toasted

and i keep going back to the point, that it's not about her worthiness. it's prejudice coupled with opposing party massaging that prejudice. look at it this way: do you think we would accept a muslim or buddhist or pagan president any time in the next oh, decade, willingly?

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:45 PM
Jeopardy music kicks in.


Nope. not gonna happen. Why? Because the other side knows exactly what buttons to push to get rid of the opposition. so the only way they are gonna get that position, is to pretend like they aren't what they are. Problem is, women can't pretend they aren't women, so that's one minority, you will probably never see running the country (unless a woman gets a sex change at an early age, manages to cover it up her whole life, and pretend she's a man...but what are the chances of that happening?

i mean do people actually believe sarah palin is gonna be the president?

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by undo

Sorry, had to answer that question. Yes, I think there is a damn good possibility that Sarah Palin could be President if they are voted into office and that is a VERY sobering thought to me... not because she is a woman, but because she has not only NOT shown she is competent enough, but has in fact shown the opposite.. and part of the latter has to do with her showing that she can't make rational decisions not based in emotions, which is a typical characteristic of the female gender.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by justamomma

i rest my case.
*does some drama queen flourishes, and exits stage left*

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:08 PM
(p.s. i just thought i'd quote the first and last part of your statement:
"not because she is a woman, "
"which is a typical characteristic of the female gender."

so wanna tell me how it's possible for it not to be because she's a woman if your rationale for not trusting her decisions is because she's a woman, displaying typical characteristics of the female gender?

i'm not a lawyer, but i don't think that statement would hold up in a court of logic.

(Edited it so it made more sense)

[edit on 4-10-2008 by undo]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by undo

What is funny is that you are kind of proving that women tend to let emotions get in the way of their ability to be rational. Being a woman though, I understand. Have been working fervently to discipline myself on this for about the last two years now and it never fails that something happens to show me how far I am from achieving this trait that is a natural trait to men (although, I am not trying to achieve this to fulfill any other male role than what it will serve for the sake of my sons... want to teach them what their father has no intention of teaching them).

Now, as this pertains to your reply.. if you were not being so "emotional" about this and being more "rational" you would have understood what you took to be a contradiction was not actually so, but using logic actually makes perfect sense.

I am not against her simply based on the fact that she is a female, but the fact that she has shown that she lets her natural tendencies AS a female cloud her perspective on things is A reason, but hardly the only one, that I don't think she is fit for a leadership role such as VP of this country.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:27 PM

she lets her natural tendencies AS a female cloud her perspective on things

so to be a president, you must not act like your gender, if your gender is female? wow, they've brainwashed everybody, even us ladies. oh gawd, i hate myself now.

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