One word - History.
Firstly, let's get away from the word "wrong". It's entirely possible that you may be one of the few who has interpreted Chrisitanity in a
different way to that which the Church feeds it. There are those who believe in the teachings of Christ but recognise the events that surrounded his
life have been manipulated. When the Church was first founded, they were put to death as heretics. Early Christianity was forced on it's followers -
it doesn't have to be forced now as it's insinuated itself into our conciousness from our earliest days. We are raised with it and it's very
unusual to question it. But when you do, you can see some glaring errors and manipulations in it's doctrines.
Christianity itself is a pagan religion. There is absolutely no denying this fact, although the Church lies through it's teeth and classes paganism
as heretical. It was founded on the basis of some of the greatest and most ancient pagan religions that existed - it's one of the greatest ironies.
It's based on Judaism, Egyptian mythology and dozens of religions where ressurections were the main theme. It's doctrines, it's symbols, it's
festival dates, some of the rituals it carries out and even some of the buildings where they are carried out, all have been taken from paganism. The
idea behind this was to hit as broad a range of worshippers as it could, to strengthen it's power base and give it a chance to spread and take hold.
The Church has lied, murdered, stolen and comitted just about every crime known to man to keep up the appearance that it is a unique religion and the
only true religion.
Even popes have shown their contempt for their followers and the religion that they have forced on their followers - "It has served us well, this
myth of Christ".
Pope Leo X.
If you wish to follow a Church line then do so - but if you are going to follow it you have no right to criticize anyone else's church - after all,
if your church
has got it right, it won't need defending will it? My argument comes when people from different faiths start arguing over whose
is the better as clearly, it is an argument that no-one can win. Each has to toe the party line, no matter how ludicrous. And each will stick to it,
no matter how ludicrous because of dogma. Some will state that dogma is not a valid part of religion, yet every single one of them suffers from it.
Why should I care and why should I get involved in this sort of thread? Why defend Christianity from an attack and then seemingly denounce it? Well,
the way religions are interpreted and the differences between religions directly affect my every day life. It may look like I'm just an enemy of
Christianity, but to me,
all religions have the ulterior motive of exerting power over people. They have
all lied to and cajoled their
followers. To this day, they are the greatest cause of suffering in this world.
When you have one religion arguing against another you create a very real animosity that overspills into real life. Nearly all of mankind's problems
have come about because of differing re-interpretations of God. And the amazing thing is that nearly all of these religions claim that their god
stands for peace, love and harmony. And is there any wonder why they cause such harm? Throughout history and even in the present day, most religions
can't even agree amongst themselves what is right and what is wrong - you even see Churches who can't agree about fundamental basics within their
own authorities about what their beliefs are and how they should be practiced. If even the people controlling the conspiracy don't know what is going
on, how can you be expected to learn the truth from them?" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">
Karl Marx said that religion is the opium of the masses. I disagree
and agree. An opiate sedates it's patient whereas religion excites him and
causes him to act irrationally, sometimes causing him to carry out acts of utmost cruelty. But opium does also have the ability to stupify and numb
the human mind.