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Prepare yourself,it is over.

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posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 02:11 AM
It is time to stop trying to convince people that something is terribly wrong when they have permanent blinders on and refuse to see what is going on all around them.We are past the point of casting pearls before swine.Prepare yourself, it is over.Work with people who are awake to this madness.It is sad what is going on in the world right now.Fear and violence couched in mindless fluff rule the airwaves;which should be there to educate.All rational thought is silenced by the maddening noise of this assault on our reason.The time is here for you to take a serious personal inventory,and to start thinking about what you would do if the worst happened and to plan accordingly.

I don't care if you agree with me.I am talking to people who do.Any attempt to try to belittle me or say I am overreacting I will view as further proof of an inability by some to break out of their Orwellian conditioning.I do not think that I am smarter or better than you.I,and many others like me,are just different.I feel sorry for you.I am afraid you will not fare well in the near future.This is not an end times apocalypse prediction that has been made throughout the ages and been proven wrong over and over again.These are not the end times for everyone,it is the end of this stage of human existence as we know it.It is time for a type of tyranny that mankind has never experienced before.This is not the devil doing this,it is man,and Jesus will not "rapture"you away to safety while everyone else is burned.YOU have to take personal responsibility and do what you can to save you and yours.

Take heart in the fact that no plan is perfect,and that humanity will persevere.It may be next year,next week,or the next ten minutes.I am not scaremongering.You have MUCH less to fear if you are prepared and confident in your planning.NO PLAN IS PERFECT,YOURS AND THEIRS.Be alert.Be adaptable.Tell others who are of the same mind to prepare.Buy a cheap survival guide from your local book store.You may learn some techniques that could save your life or the life of someone close to you.It would do us well to discuss things that pertain to surviving a disaster.Has anyone else thought about what they will do?How will you react?Are you prepared?

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 02:14 AM
This doom is fresh and like spaghetti, meatbally, and intricate in its ATSyness of impending need to flee population centers. Thank you.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 02:18 AM
Uh... What?

If this is about the economic thing floating around at the traps, just relax and sow a veggie patch, or pack a bug out bag, or something.

People need to remember that starvation claims the lives of thousands of people in the third world every day - but we don't cry "apocalypse!"

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 03:16 AM
I've been thinking about it since I was about 12 years old and had dreams of great tsunamis cresting over the Santa Monica Mountains to my house. Decades later I would have vivid dream of mass UFO fly overs. Then 10 years ago I had a heavy psychic connection with the NSA a couple days after a likewise heavy spiritual experience that changed my life for the better. When the book "Above Black - Project Preserve Destiny" came out, it confirmed a lot for me. So, I'm won't get a ticket to an underground base to dodge whatever is coming, but I feel fine with the challenge of survival..... I'd rather tough it out with the common man and woman. One thing I personally, strongly believe: not all grays are sinister aliens from sci-fi land. The ones that have been here for a long time hang out with angels on occasion and check out gray types from other worlds the same way we gaze at them... it's one very big universe
and questions abound for all types of beings. Lately I've found a lot parallels with the grays and the "Life Carriers" in the Urantia Book ("the "alien bible and highly recommended). Better click out before I'm timed out. Love to you all.... it's the key, you know. Paul Perner

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 08:06 AM
Run for the hills! The end is nigh! Death! Destruction! Fear!

Which is the same as saying: get scared so the elitists can do whatever they want without intelligent coordinated opposition from a force millions of times stronger, ie, the people of the world.

All these silly threads are imo memetic manipulation. Look at the 11:11am time stamp, probably designed to trick the weak minded into thinking this is a message from god or their higher self or santa.

Here's a tip, and I'm sure at least some of you will understand this: don't trust synchronicity from digital systems. All digital systems are interconnected and centralized and all digital information is alterable with the apropriate degree of technical knowledge. Synchronicity can be meaningfull if analog imho.

And never ever be scared unless it's an honest fight or flight reaction to a physical threat in real time. It's pointless and clouds judgement. Also it's the only real weapon in the NWO arsenal, once neutralized they have nothing.

NWO is not just politics and economics, it's also psyops and religion.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by daeoeste

I don't care if you agree with me.I am talking to people who do.Any attempt to try to belittle me or say I am overreacting I will view as further proof of an inability by some to break out of their Orwellian conditioning.I do not think that I am smarter or better than you.I,and many others like me,are just different.I feel sorry for you.I am afraid you will not fare well in the near future.This is not an end times apocalypse prediction that has been made throughout the ages and been proven wrong over and over again.These are not the end times for everyone,it is the end of this stage of human existence as we know it.It is time for a type of tyranny that mankind has never experienced before.This is not the devil doing this,it is man,and Jesus will not "rapture"you away to safety while everyone else is burned.YOU have to take personal responsibility and do what you can to save you and yours.

You should read this paragraph again.everything this paragraph says makes your statements redundant.Please re-read and carefully consider what I am saying.I do not rule out organized resistance.It is 2:11 on the time stamp,not 11:11.I am talking to people strong enough mentally to see what is going on right now.I am not religious.I am not saying you should be afraid,I am encouraging you not to,and I give you reasons why you should not be afraid.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Zepherian

And never ever be scared unless it's an honest fight or flight reaction to a physical threat in real time. It's pointless and clouds judgement.

This is circular logic.maybe you were trying to write something like this.:''And never be scared.It is pointless and clouds judgment.''Being prepared stops irrational fear.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 10:46 AM
To a physical threat. People should never react at the most basic emotional level to the type of warnings you and a million other prophets of doom blurt out at a constant rate. The chances of accuracy are very low, although I admit that over time inevitably someone will get one right. What people should do, if the source appears trustworthy, is to verify the veracity. If true then some dose of fear could be lifesaving, but then we have a physical threat, not just some psyop.

The timestamp thing is obviously on my end and valid for anyone in the same timezone. The point stands, as we live in times where people are meddling with belief systems and it was intended as an example as to how supporting data might not support anything.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by daeoeste

" It is time to stop trying to convince people that something is terribly wrong when they have permanent blinders on and refuse to see what is going on all around them.We are past the point of casting pearls before swine. "

I get it, and yes I'm guilty of trying to wake up those in darkness. It is a waste of time. Not to try, but to keep trying when they just don't get it.

Too bad you're not saved, you're just missing a few pieces of the story.

Sorry, I must run errands.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 06:23 PM
Ok.It is just that you seemed to imply that I was aware of the time stamp,which is most certainly not the case.And I am not among those who say it will all end,I explicitly stated that it will not be the end of the world.Just the end of the world as we know it,into a new type of tyranny.A scientific tyranny that is all encompassing.Most of us may even live during the transition.But under what circumstances we may be living is dire indeed.This is a warning.Listen or don't.I could care less.At least I am mentally prepared.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 06:42 PM
They won't be able to pull off the scientific tyranny. Why? Because their science isn't really that good, and they made plans 50 years ago without considering the degree of change a population of 7 billion can generate. They lost the plot.

Sure, a few people will get hurt, but things are different now, and I am starting to wonder if they can even get away with a bank run these days.

Let's see if I'm right, as you're right about the attempt not being long now.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 06:49 PM
i love how the people who make these threads are so high and mighty and if you dont agree with them youre contribution is not valid. get off your high horse mate. your post loses all credibility the moment you start preaching about how if someone doesnt agree with you theyre wrong

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by Zepherian
They won't be able to pull off the scientific tyranny. Why? Because their science isn't really that good, and they made plans 50 years ago without considering the degree of change a population of 7 billion can generate. They lost the plot.

Sure, a few people will get hurt, but things are different now, and I am starting to wonder if they can even get away with a bank run these days.

Let's see if I'm right, as you're right about the attempt not being long now.
fair enough.I still think people who are smart enough to do it should prepare.oh yeah,and as of right now,they did make the run on the banks.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by otto2294
i love how the people who make these threads are so high and mighty and if you dont agree with them youre contribution is not valid. get off your high horse mate. your post loses all credibility the moment you start preaching about how if someone doesnt agree with you theyre wrong
I am not on a high horse.I was not asking for any contribution from people not in agreement.I knew they would come of course.To discount information because you dont like the way it is presented is not very is fine have been warned.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 06:54 AM
Yes there is alot of things happening right now but I dont think its the end. I think its what we make of it. We just need to prepare for the worse. The worst is yet to come as my mom always use to say. We never know what tomorrow will bring so why not be ready before something happens. I personally have just started helping others to realize that lately. There are so many folks that are losing there homes due to the facts they cat pay there payments that I have started giving classes on how to save money. I have helped out over 150 families already, But we need to prepare for what may be around that next corner. I dont think it will be death and destruction but it may be losing our homes and jobs.


posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by daeoeste
It is time to stop trying to convince people that something is terribly wrong when they have permanent blinders on and refuse to see what is going on all around them.We are past the point of casting pearls before swine. ...

I don't try to "convince people" anymore. At most I will say "An economic collapse is coming that will make the depression look like a sunday school picnic". Then I leave it at that. If they ask more questions, I point them to the headlines, and "connect the dots" for them (but only a little).

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:03 AM
But they haven't got away with it... And to clarify, by bank run I meant provoked financial chaos and collapse of the system so the big boys can consolidate, not the petty 700b theft that's going on in congress, I meant the actual population running for their deposits.

If people are smart they won't bother and leave the bankers with egg on their face and under legal action.

Let's see how it goes...

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 12:38 PM
oh ok.I have only heard of a couple of cases where people are making a run on the banks.They then went and bought gold.I cannot afford to do this.I am a struggling student.Some of these ''golden parachute'' deals are sickening.These people belong in jail,not in their million dollar homes with a windfall of cash because they failed.I am waiting to see what happens with this.The whole point of this post is to get people to realize that it is wasted time trying to convince people who believe that nothing is wrong and that''everything is under control.''You may be interested in another post I put up a while ago,It did not get that much attention,but it does dull the ''doom and gloom''aspect of my warning.I think that these people have more up their sleeves than most of us

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Zepherian
To a physical threat. People should never react at the most basic emotional level to the type of warnings you and a million other prophets of doom blurt out at a constant rate. The chances of accuracy are very low, although I admit that over time inevitably someone will get one right. What people should do, if the source appears trustworthy, is to verify the veracity. If true then some dose of fear could be lifesaving, but then we have a physical threat, not just some psyop.

The timestamp thing is obviously on my end and valid for anyone in the same timezone. The point stands, as we live in times where people are meddling with belief systems and it was intended as an example as to how supporting data might not support anything.

Hello my friend

Just wanted to point out that "People should never react at the most basic emotional level to the type of warnings you and a million other prophets of doom blurt out at a constant rate." Is what makes us human and has been the cause of many wars, battles and arguments throughout history.

And another point to mention, fear is very healthy actually, fear keeps you on edge and it keeps you alive, ask any soldier presenting serving or former and I'm sure they will tell you the same.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by pluckynoonez
This doom is fresh and like spaghetti, meatbally, and intricate in its ATSyness of impending need to flee population centers. Thank you.

plucky,will you marry me?

also,plucky rhymes with some thing nice.

oh and yes its nearly over ,were not in kansas anymore folks,texas,earth,i dont even know where we are ,buts its its not kansas or koscher and the skies are gray.

most cant see it ,there blinded in their artificial realities,silver screens and sunday soccer.


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