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How the HPV vaccine will cause cancer.

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posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 02:34 AM
As I am sure you are all aware its get your child vaccinated against cervical cancer time. SO what does this vaccine actualy do to the body of young women?

, in three of the girls he saw tissue damage, and in the fourth he saw drug residue. In each of the four cases, on reporting back to the patient what he was observing, he was informed that the girl had recently received the cervical cancer vaccine. All were virgins.

Tissue damage in the uterus is what he sees in women who have had such things as abortions and prolapses, and can be a precursor to cancer. It can also cause infertility

here is another vaccine that will have a negative effect not a positive one.
Its only going to protect your child for 5 years! at a cost of aprox 500 dollars
whats wrong with using a condom?

lets have a look at some of the "Reported Adverse Events"

Syncopal Episodes and Seizures.
Arthralgia, Joint Pain and Fever.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome

GBS is a serious disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. The first symptoms of this disorder include varying degrees of weakness or tingling sensations in the legs. In many instances, the weakness and abnormal sensations spread to the arms and upper body. These symptoms can increase in intensity until certain muscles cannot be used at all and, when severe, the patient is almost totally paralyzed. … Vaccinations can trigger onset of GBS


Purified inactive proteins (not proven safe)

amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (aluminum adjuvants at levels comparable to those administered to Gulf War veterans can cause motor neuron death)

sodium chloride (salt)

polysorbate 80
(these 2 drugs in combination can cause blood clots)

sodium borate ie Borax

is a fire retardant, as an anti-fungal compound for fiberglass, as an insecticide

So not only is this vaccine going to cause more cancer than prevent it, the chemicals also present in the vaccine are dangerous.
Just so you know what you are paying the Rockefeller family to pump into YOUR children.

Remember the film Children Of Men?

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 02:54 AM
It would have been worth mentioning that the first link was referring to findings made by an iridologist, i.e. a person who claims to be able to diagnose various diseases by just looking at the irises of the patient's eyes and comparing the findings to an iridology chart. However, there are several different iris charts used for this purpose.

Is there any good evidence that iridology can reveal bodily disorders and diseases with any accuracy worth mentioning? If there are any real medical studies about this, I would very much like to see a link or two!

[edit on 8.9.2008 by Doc Lithium]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 03:01 AM
Oh boy.This isn't evidence.Looking in eyes.Wtf?
My niece had this vaccine and hasnt had any reactions at all.
My daughter is 10 maybe she will need to have it when she is 13?
I think the risk and seriousness of cervical cancer is far outweighed by the small risk associated with reactions.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by Interestinggg

Pick 1 thing about my post, the iridiologist, and its all crap? so alternative medicine is not your thing , ok
So you would be happy putting borax into your child, or aluminium?
and all for a vaccine that lasts 5 years, lets do the maths, 13 + 5 = 18, i guess she wont need protection after 18?

whats wrong with you people?

[edit on 8-9-2008 by beefeater]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 03:21 AM
Really? you think the risk and seriousness of Cervical cancer outweighs the risks of Guardasil? are you educated about cervical cancer? Do you know how many women get it, and what the mortality rate is? Now, about 4000 women die annually in the US due to cervical cancer....keeping in mind that aspirin and other NSAIDS kill 7000 a year, that makes cervical cancer a little less than half as dangerous as aspirin. Ok, oooooooo, sounds real scary. Secondly there have already been 16 fatalities and over 2000 hospitalizations from guardasil, and this vaccine is not even proven to work! Its only been tested on teenagers, and for a maximum of 5 years, for a disease that mostly effects women in their 30's and up. So go ahead, give your daughters an exorbitantly expensive vaccine and risk death or debilitation for them to protect them from a disease that is half as deadly as aspirin.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 06:08 AM
seizures and genital warts are a known side effect of that particular vaccine

i find the passage about potential infertility quite revealing. the next best thing after autism?

alos see previous ATS threads on the issue_

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by beefeater
Pick 1 thing about my post, the iridiologist, and its all crap? so alternative medicine is not your thing , ok
So you would be happy putting borax into your child, or aluminium?
and all for a vaccine that lasts 5 years, lets do the maths, 13 + 5 = 18, i guess she wont need protection after 18?
whats wrong with you people?

People who think they can look into peoples eyes and diagnose serious illness's should be arrested.
Its not natural therapy its just stupidity and faith healing rubbish.
That could KILL people.
To post an attempt at any serious facts based on this is just as ridiculous.

Originally posted by pexx421
Really? you think the risk and seriousness of Cervical cancer outweighs the risks of Guardasil? are you educated about cervical cancer? Do you know how many women get it, and what the mortality rate is? Now, about 4000 women die annually in the US due to cervical cancer....keeping in mind that aspirin and other NSAIDS kill 7000 a year, that makes cervical cancer a little less than half as dangerous as aspirin. Ok, oooooooo, sounds real scary. Secondly there have already been 16 fatalities and over 2000 hospitalizations from guardasil, and this vaccine is not even proven to work! Its only been tested on teenagers, and for a maximum of 5 years, for a disease that mostly effects women in their 30's and up. So go ahead, give your daughters an exorbitantly expensive vaccine and risk death or debilitation for them to protect them from a disease that is half as deadly as aspirin.

And of course you have no credible information or data on this right?
Your quoting figures to me from where?
This I would like to see.
The fact that you are both trying to tell me that, my sister is MURDERING my niece by trying to protect her from cervical cancer.
And that I will be in fact MURDERING my daughter trying to protect her from cervical cancer.
Makes me rather angry.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by beefeater

Pick 1 thing about my post, the iridiologist, and its all crap? so alternative medicine is not your thing , ok
So you would be happy putting borax into your child, or aluminium?
and all for a vaccine that lasts 5 years, lets do the maths, 13 + 5 = 18, i guess she wont need protection after 18?

whats wrong with you people?

[edit on 8-9-2008 by beefeater]

I didn't mean to pick on the iridology when the main issue is much more important. The iridology is one thing, so far I have no further information about it. It may have something to it or not. Just like acupuncture which has little scientific basis but seems to work for many issues. There's much we don't know yet.

But about the vaccines themselves... Well, there seems to be a sort of an issue with Gardasil and probably its sister vaccine Cervarix as well. How surprising. We play with viruses or viral proteins and pretend to understand their every mechanism. However, when Big Pharma has gotten the wheel rolling, it's not a very good idea to try to stop it by throwing yourself in front of it. You can imagine what may happen.

Here we have a very big public advertisement campaign that says "You can protect yourself from cervical cancer" and of course it's all about HPV vaccines for young girls. And it seems to be effective only BEFORE the first HPV infection, which may actually happen during the birth, from mother to the newborn baby. Most of the people have some sort of Papilloma viruses in our bodies, but the most usual variants cause no noticeable harm (apart from being susceptible for many cancers).

And nobody talks about the OTHER way to prevent those type of HPV infections that cause cervical cancers, as such education in schools has been prohibited during the 90s at least in my country -- due to a large number of immigrants from Middle East & Africa whose religion prohibits sex education! I'm not being rasistic here, but I'm very happy I went into school during the free 70s and 80s, when Christmas was still Christmas and not a Winter Party as it is now called in our schools.

You can't always win the enemy even if you seem to have defeated it by killing all its soldiers after the attack to your castle. Still, you may have lost some very valuable and irreplacable resources in the face-to-face battle as your only weapons were hand grenades that shot shrapnel to every possible direction.

Sometimes you need to prevent the enemy from attacking in the first place, by doing wise choices of action.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:57 PM
Annual Causes of Death in the United States
Tobacco 435,0001
Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,000
Alcohol 85,000
Microbial Agents 75,000
Toxic Agents 55,000
Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,347
Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs 32,000
Suicide 30,622
Incidents Involving Firearms 29,000
Homicide 20,308
Sexual Behaviors 20,000
All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect 17,000
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin 7,600
Marijuana 0
From the published Drug War Facts,

From the public health and education site we have stats on Cervical Ca

Kaiser Daily Women's Health Policy
Public Health & Education | Number of Cervical Cancer Deaths in U.S. Declining, But Certain Groups of Women Most Affected, NCI Report Says
[Jul 27, 2005]

Although the number of annual cervical cancer deaths in the U.S. has consistently declined since 1975, certain groups of U.S. women are significantly more likely to die from the disease than other women in large part because of disparities in accessing health care services, according to a report released last week by the NIH National Cancer Institute, Reuters Health/RedNova reports. Black women in the South, women living along the Texas-Mexico border, white women in Appalachia, American Indians in the Northern Plains, Vietnamese-American women and Alaska Natives are among the U.S. women who are most likely to die of cervical cancer, according to the report. Women in the groups with high cervical cancer death rates also were more likely than other U.S. women to be low-income, have little formal education and be diagnosed with other diseases, including breast cancer, colorectal cancer and heart disease. In addition, these women were less likely to have a regular source of health care or use preventive services (McCook, Reuters Health/RedNova, 7/22). Most early cervical cancer cases are caught through regular Pap tests and are highly treatable, but most cases of invasive cervical cancer occur among women who have not had a Pap test in at least five years. About 4,000 U.S. women die from cervical cancer annually (Neergaard, AP/Newark Star-Ledger, 7/26).

and then info on those injured by guardasil....
Through June 30, 2008, there have been reports that at least 17 to 20 deaths have occurred following GARDASIL and were filed with the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), although the FDA has yet to admit even one death is causally related to the vaccine, suggesting that the girls would have died that day even if no vaccine had been given. Many of the teenage girls ,who die suddenly after vaccination without explanation, were among the brightest and the best and in top physician condition. This was true for 17 year old Jessica Ericzon, a New York softball player, snowboarder and honor roll student who dropped dead within 48 hours of getting a GARDASIL shot. A coroner could find no cause for her death after an autopsy.

There have been so many reports of reactions, injuries and deaths following GARDASIL vaccination (20-25 percent of all vaccine adverse event reports being filed with VAERS are for GARDASIL vaccine reactions) that the FDA and CDC issued a statement defending the vaccine's safety on July 22.

If you doubt any of these sources, i can find you MANY more damning sources on gardasil

[edit on 8-9-2008 by pexx421]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Interestinggg
The fact that you are both trying to tell me that, my sister is MURDERING my niece by trying to protect her from cervical cancer.
And that I will be in fact MURDERING my daughter trying to protect her from cervical cancer.
Makes me rather angry.

i politely suggest you avoid sarcasm which you might later regret.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Interestinggg

I take it youve never been to get you eyes tested then, the doctors can tell if you have high blood pressure, glycoma and other major heath issues.

"The fact that you are both trying to tell me that, my sister is MURDERING my niece by trying to protect her from cervical cancer.
And that I will be in fact MURDERING my daughter trying to protect her from cervical cancer. "

im not trying to tell you anything, the facts speak for themselves. Boron alone been injected directly into the blood stream is something i would not do to my children, but I guess you now how to raise your children and introducing them to toxic substances is ok in your book.

have you presented your daughter with the facts and asked her to make her own mind up or have to dictated to her what she will and will not be alowed to put in to her body?

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Interestinggg

I take it youve never been to get you eyes tested then, the doctors can tell if you have high blood pressure, glycoma and other major heath issues.

"The fact that you are both trying to tell me that, my sister is MURDERING my niece by trying to protect her from cervical cancer.
And that I will be in fact MURDERING my daughter trying to protect her from cervical cancer. "

im not trying to tell you anything, the facts speak for themselves. Boron alone been injected directly into the blood stream is something i would not do to my children, but I guess you now how to raise your children and introducing them to toxic substances is ok in your book.

have you presented your daughter with the facts and asked her to make her own mind up or have to dictated to her what she will and will not be alowed to put in to her body?

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by beefeater
im not trying to tell you anything, the facts speak for themselves. Boron alone been injected directly into the blood stream is something i would not do to my children

From Wikipedia:

Boron occurs in all foods produced from plants. Since 1989 its nutritional value has been argued. It is thought that boron plays several biochemical roles in animals, including humans.[10] The U.S. Department of agriculture conducted an experiment in which postmenopausal women took 3 mg of boron a day. The results showed that supplemental boron reduced excretion of calcium by 44%, and activated estrogen and vitamin D. However, whether these effects were conventionally nutritional, or medicinal, could not be determined.

I don't know how much boron is in these vaccines, nor in what form or compound. But containing boron is not sufficient proof that something is dangerous. Most chemicals have varying ranges of toxicity -- to say that "injecting x into the bloodstream is always bad" is almost always a fallacy.

Edit: changing an "open quote tag" to a "close quote tag"

[edit on 9/9/08 by americandingbat]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:29 PM
Unprotected sex causes some of the cervical cancer, so the key here is not getting a vaccine that is going to allow unprotected sex but teaching the young girls (that are the target by the pharmaceuticals here) to wait until old enough to have sex and when ready to make sure they do so with protection.

Plain and simple, anything else is nothing more than bad parenting that happens to be plaguing our nation lately while pharmaceuticals make profits out of it.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:39 PM
One problem is that condom use is not always effective against HPV -- a fact which should be more widely known.

It's a couple years old, but here's a study that reports that nearly 1/3 of women who used condoms 100% of the time for a year contracted HPV anyway.

Also overlooked is that while cervical cancer (if caught early) is easily treatable, neither the diagnosis nor the treatment is nonconsequential. Diseases that don't kill are still worth avoiding.

It seems clear to me that Gardasil was rushed to market way too fast, but I think it should be up to the individuals to determine if the risks are worth the benefits while we (consumers) put pressure on the drug companies to produce a better, safer vaccine.

Edit: for the same study reported with opposite spin, see CNN's Health Library, which says:

Limiting your number of sexual partners and using a condom every time you have sex can significantly reduce your risk of contracting HPV. There are no guarantees, however. Even with appropriate condom use, HPV can spread through skin-to-skin contact with any infected part of the body.

[edit on 9/9/08 by americandingbat]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by americandingbat

It seems clear to me that Gardasil was rushed to market way too fast, but I think it should be up to the individuals to determine if the risks are worth the benefits while we (consumers) put pressure on the drug companies to produce a better, safer vaccine.

I agree that it seems very rushed but what I find surprising are the mass campaigns mobilized in many countries regarding the immunization program. The Healthcare and Education systems are footing the entire bill in several countries and it's an expensive vaccine.

This may be the reason why...

It's interesting to note the - key: must be same party

Many of the large pharmaceutical companies are some of the oldest established companies around. Most are not in competition with one another but rather a controlling monopoly over the entire medical industry. That's why the above graphic basically represents Big Pharma.

A quote in the OP may be another reason why it seems very rushed...

the primary owners of the main pharmaceutical companies, including the manufacturer of this vaccine, are the extremely wealthy and powerful Rockefeller family. It is well documented that this family prefers to work behind the scenes, and they have also expressed a strong belief in population control. David Icke in his book entitled, "... and the truth shall set you free", wrote:
In 1952, after decades of funding and supporting eugenics, John D. Rockefeller III established his Population Council, which still exists today. This Elite front has been calling for zero population growth in the United States and, in the words of its 1979 annual report: ... "the spread of the zero population movement... in the developed countries."

G Edward Griffin said the same type of things in his "Politics of Cancer" lectures/books. Funding for the cancer research institute as well as the vaccination/immunization program has early roots and influences thereafter.

Whether people allow theirs to be vaccinated or not should be based on the research they do themselves. Ultimately this blanket vaccination campaign is already underway. If there were any longstanding effects regarding fertility it should be possible to see it in that age block.

tests are lacking in this area

Cancer would always be a lot harder to determine

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by americandingbat

my bad i meant borax not boron
and as i said i would not put borax in my children, i wouldnt eat borax in any quantity but its ok to inject?

rushed on to the market, marketed in the media as essential, sold to the public

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:20 PM
One more thing, while pharmaceutics keep targeting women and now girls when it comes to sexual protection for unwanted diseases actually the ones that need to be taken care off is the boys that will be the ones spreading HPV that may causes cervical cancer.

But girls are the ones that have become the target here, makes you wonder.

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 10:46 PM
I just watched this great video on the dangers of vaccines.

It contains a good bit on the Gardasil vaccines, how it has not been properly tested and how its not proven safe.

And also this is a good site listing the contents of vaccines, including the animal contents such as chick embryo , aborted fetal tissue , monkey kidney cells , vesicle fluid from calf skins , bovine gelatin , rhesus monkey fetal lung cells

take the mmr vaccine for example, it contains..

hydrolized gelatin, chick embryonic fluid, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

wanna inject that into your child?

[edit on 11-9-2008 by beefeater]

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 11:12 PM
I wouldn't trust the word of an iridologist about the adverse effects of any vaccine, or anything.

But HPV vaccine is one of the vaccines that I think is unnecessary IMHO for the following reasons.

HPV vaccine only protects against about 70% of the HPV virus serotypes that causes cervical cancer. -It protects you from certain types of HPV but not cancer.

Cervical cancer is one of the few cancers that can be detected at a very early stage by a simple Pap smear. If detected it could easily be cured and prevent any invasive disease. Even if a girl did have HPV immunization she should still undergo regular pap smear when she is of age.

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