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Palin and the hypocrisy express

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posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by jamie83

You're absolutely right, Jamie83. You can tell by all of the wild, uncontrolled flailing at Palin from the left all across the internet that the left knows it just got screwed, but they aren't quite sure HOW they got screwed or how to combat it.

I think what we'll see in the coming weeks is that the Republican ticket will add yet another name that you've mentioned: Joe Lieberman. I think you will start hearing an awful lot of hints dropped that Lieberman will be the Secretary of State under a McCain administration. By doing this, they further strengthen their position on the experience issue and largely negate Palin's weakness on the issue, as they can correctly state that Lieberman, a longtime senator, would be by her side advising her should something happen to McCain.

Now the Dems again will jump all over that without thinking and accuse Palin of being Lieberman's puppet in foreign affairs if that would be equally fair to say that Obama will be Biden's puppet in that regard. Checkmate.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Oh Noes! a person strange to Washington might get elected we ares all gonna die!

thank you my thoughts exactly,

I thought we were looking for change.

One thing we must remember she fought againt her OWN PARTY, and made a lot of enemies.
Some of those good ole boy politicians would love to take her down.

She is change, and was once an independent, now independents are using that against her,

maybe she is to good of a person for Washington!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[edit on 113030p://bTuesday2008 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

Well, if you're going to argue the front on experience all I have to do to counter you is say this - If, God forbid, something should happen to McCain as President and the POTUS spot goes to Palin, she will do exactly what Barack Obama plans to do if he becomes POTUS, which is surround themselves with experienced people (aka Biden).

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by sos37

My favorite quote on experience,

Washington is full of the experienced,

Do you think they are doing a good job?

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by sos37

My favorite quote on experience,

Washington is full of the experienced,

Do you think they are doing a good job?

Hard to answer that question as it's a blanket statement seeking to blame everyone in Washington. I believe there are both Democrats and Republicans alike in Congress and in Washington who are there to do the right thing. But I believe those people can't make any headway because of the corrupt, which also exists on both sides. Electing one person on the hopes of "change" to the position of POTUS isn't going to make any difference at all unless America follows it up in two years by ripping out all of the lazy, no good incumbents from Congress who have built their careers on spin doctoring and lying (aka Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi).

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

you're comparing a VP candidate to a Presidential candidate? Why?

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 12:09 PM
I just made a thread about this. Its amazing how truly orwellian the liberals have become. The issue isnt whether Mccains pick is hypocritical, since Palins isnt at the top of the ticket. The hypocracry is on the part of the democrats who believe that Palin is unqualified to be Veep, yet somehow also beleive that Obama is Qualified to be President.

Do liberals not understand the difference between President and Vice president? Do they not understand that every attack the Obama camp makes on the Bottom of the Mccain/Palin ticket, highlights the glaring inaqequcies at the Top of the Obama/Biden Ticket?
On what alternate world does having a less experienced VP argue for a less experienced POTUS? How exactly do libbies think that they will be able to attack Palin without Obama becoming even less electable?

Alos can anyone explain to me how being a "community organiser" counts for as much as the smegma on the end of a fly's phallus when it comes to experience? I really dont understand what the big deal about being a "community organiser" is. Sicne when is that the profession of profundity?

The other thread I started


Since Mccain announced Palin for Veep, I hear many democrats and liberals questiong her "qualification" to be veep. But isnt it hypocritical to believe that Palin is UNqualified to be VICE-President, while also beliving that Obama IS qualified to be President? And if not, why not?

Bottom line, on the republican ticket, someone has to die to put an "inexperienced" person in the hot seat, on the democratic ticket, the "inexperienced" person IS the ticket. To me, thats a huge difference.

[edit on 9/2/2008 by Shazam The Unbowed]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by vor78

Right on and I have to re-iterate some of your thoughts. Regarding Lieberman I also am fairly certain that he will have a place in the McCain cabinet. I know exactly what is troubling the Donkeys at this stage of the game. The McCain ticket and possible administration may very will turn out to be the the most centrist the republican party has had in a very long time. Bringing Palin and Leiberman into the fold will only serve to fortify the perception of a republican move toward the center and thus pushing the Obama ticket even further to the left. That's got to have an effect on the perception of the Democratic party as catering to the far left! Thus the knee jerk reaction of Obama supporters looking for anything (anything at all) to deride this candidate and his running mate. This will not only alienate Hillary voters but more importantly Reagan Democrats and Southern Democrats who refuse to see themselves associated with the likes of Move on and the plethora of Left wing fringe bloggers as we are witnessing this week.

Finally, I don't see pouncing on inexperience as an issue of hyprocracy. We could go back and forth for days on that. Here is the hyprocracy!

How does a candidate and a party who's campaign mantra is...."Hope and Change, bringing change from outside Washington", who has used the word "Change" a billion times, select a 36 year incumbent Senator as a running mate?

Change? Suuurrreeeee....

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by sos37

I understand she fought corruption in Alaska,

I was wondering, if they really think she is such a bad choice, you would think they would be happy and content.

Resting assured Obama will win.

Why, what should be the fear?

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

O horrible, O horrible, most horrible!

Could lady Palin steal your thunder?

O most pernicious woman!
O, villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!

Let her not walk i' the sun: conception is a blessing: but not as your daughter may conceive;

Still harping on my daughter:

Words, words, words.

In the secret parts of Fortune? O, most true! She is a strumpet. What's the news?

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

What a piece of work is a man!

That he should weep for her?

We are oft to blame in this, —
'Tis too much prov'd, — that with devotion's visage,
And pious action, we do sugar o'er
The devil himself.

Get thee to a nunnery: why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?

O, woe is me
To have seen what I have seen, see what I see!

The liberals doth protest too much, methinks.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by southern_Guardian

Well you see most Obama supporters are not arguing as to the amount of experience Mrs Palin has... My post here is to highlight the hypocrisy from the McCain campaign and their "experience" talk over these past few months. The mans a hypocrite for choosing a lesser experienced VP two heartbeats away from taking the main position, after months of "experience" talk.

Ok so this is a case of the inexperienced calling the experienced a hypocrite for choosing an inexperienced? What exactly is the experience that the inexperienced has in order to judge who has proper experience?

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by sos37
reply to post by southern_Guardian

Well, if you're going to argue the front on experience all I have to do to counter you is say this - If, God forbid, something should happen to McCain as President and the POTUS spot goes to Palin, she will do exactly what Barack Obama plans to do if he becomes POTUS, which is surround themselves with experienced people (aka Biden).

Tell me what Palin was doing before she was governor?
go on, tell me, infact go onto good and try to find out what Palin was doing before 2002-2006. Now you see, the experience arguing has used as the soul reason why you should elect a person, that has been the CORE republican arguing, and look what McCain did?

If yall want to leave the experience BS alone now, im happy to move on.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by wutone
Ok so this is a case of the inexperienced calling the experienced a hypocrite for choosing an inexperienced? What exactly is the experience that the inexperienced has in order to judge who has proper experience?

broken records.

"experience" has been the core arguement from righties to justify McCain as the only "rational choice", you guys couldnt care as to whether the candidate had good judgement or whether he voted 95% of the time with the worst president in history afew months ago. Now I am using the "experience" arguement as you all so brag about and there you go, I highlighted the fact McCain goes ahead and chooses somebody less experienced after all.

Now as for Obamas pick, no I dont think his hypocritical for choosing Biden because he never made the "exeprience" arguement as sole justification for being elected, it just wasnt the only reason. Republicans have made it the CORE reason.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:26 PM
if im not mistaken

isnt the McCain campaign the one comparing Palin to Obama?

Unbelievable how short term memory has faded from the conservative mindset.

[edit on 9/2/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

They are indeed Andrew. Have you ever heard that song "we didnt start the fire", I think its fitting for this thread.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
if im not mistaken

You are

isnt the McCain campaign the one comparing Palin to Obama?

No, it started on those left wing trash sites as soon as she was picked.

get you facts straight before you go smearing feces on the boards.

Me facts are straight, most of the feces spread on this board started @dkos.

Unbelievable how short term memory has faded from the neocon mindset.

Remember, we are also traditionalist who look past the recent blunders by the left and maybe concentrate on our heritage too much.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Dronetek
Ok go for it. It only cements the fact that Obama isn't ready to be president. Palin isn't running for President you know. Obama is and you guys are admitting now that experience does matter. So, doesn't that disqualify your candidate?

Nobody said experience wasnt important, The Obama camp has been arguing that it shouldnt be the core reason, yet righties have turned it into the core reason. Do you get it?

I am making experience a big deal because it was righties that have been making it a big deal for months now, and then they elect somebody with half the experience Obama has.

1. Experience is actually a bad thing

I never said that, but since you feel the need to add words into what I say to suit your arguement, well shame on you.

2.The VP choice doesn't really matter.

in McCains case it does, the mans 72years old running for a position that will add 6 extra years to your life every year your in office. The VP choice matters and I recall not too long ago that Republicans were making a BIG DEAL about it. The VP position represents somebody who is second in line to the whitehouse, and this is significant especially in McCain case. His choice of an inexperienced VPer goes against his core arguement and shows us howmuch of a flip flopper he is, and since he chose somebody nearly half that experienced than Obama, well then that arguement is in a favour now isnt it?

Now you're trying to argue exactly the opposite,

And where did I argue opposite? I stated that experience has been the core arguement and reason by righties to vote in McCain depsite his history of flip flopping and Bush kissing, now Im using that very arguement against McCains joke of a choice.

because you are threatened by Palin?

Oh and what on earth makes you think that? Are trying to reassure yourself of something here?

If we are supposed to beleive that experience now DOES matter, than why in the world would you vote for Obama, who has almost no experience and is running for the presidency (unlike Palin)?

Don I clearly indicated where Mrs Palin was less experienced than Obama, if you want to go against my arguement then tell us just where Mrs Palin has more experience. Limbaugh and the other rightiwing media sources and blogs cant seem to tells us why Mrs Palin is more experienced other than her state geography. All I seem from them is fake praise for the woman, I hear talk of more experience but no specifics. Maybe you could give a better answer than them?

If you ask me, McCain knows what hes doing. It forces you guys to admit experience does matter, which undercuts your candidate for PRESIDENT..

Obama has nearly double the amount experience and certainly is more educated, theres no comparison with Mrs Palin, only a rightwing created illusion.

Once again people have every right to launch at Mrs Palin and her "experience" credentials because Republicans have made this their core arguement through the entire election. The Obama campaign has not made experience the core reason for POTUS, so therefore I have every opportunity to show you all what a hypocrite McCain is.

I see the righties are doing damage control again, more raids to cover McCains flop of a choice.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

oh yay! 'nother female bites the dust.

yippee! wooohooo.

it's no wonder i 'm so disillusioned with politics.

see ya in 4 years from now, when we'll see the same thing, rinse wash repeate' ad nauseum. you're all a bunch of partisan bigots. (and that goes for the repubs too!)
you'll sell your own gender down the river. your mom, your aunts and grandmas. hell, what do they know anyway! just a bunch of old women who couldn't screw in a light bulb unless they put on their make up first.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by undo]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by vor78

mccain wanted lieberman as vp. his campaign (whoever that may be) forced palin on him.

my prediction is that she's going to withdraw.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

SO if you look at the polls since PALIN....

and you think number have anything to do with the outcome...

Mccain is now down 15% in ohio from 3 days ago

Down another 2% in colorado since yesterday- total of 10% in 3 days

Down another 2% in Florida - where MC still has a hefty lead

Down a crap load in nevada ( I don't know because as of three days ago it seemed a Mccain lock so I did not pay attention) -Mccain & 53% down like- 15 -20 points in two days.

AND the BIGGEST change PER this GREAT website is VIRGINIA-
DOWN LIKE 35% in three days. A SUPER LOCK THREE DAYS AGO - today Mccain at 40%

HERE is my post from last night... the source is included.

Just so all get some perspective, I will be posting in all PALIN posts.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:24 PM
Ok all you Neocons...

The McCain arguement against Obama is he has less experience. That and Obama's black, but right now we're focusing on his experience.

Now McCain has turned around and chosen someone with LESS experience than Obama.

That is the flip flop. That McCain, and you Neocons, have been screaming for weeks now that Obama has less experience,(And he's black oh noes!) and so shouldn't be elected then turn around and nominate someone less experienced then Obama.

And it does matter. McCain is old. He's even said his SS number is 8 so he knows he's old. He might not even make it to election day. So his VP choice does matter as he probably won't make it to the end of his term.

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