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Bush camp exposed as serial liars

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posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 10:06 AM

US President George Bush and his four top advisers made a combined total of 237 misleading public statements on the threat posed by Iraq.

The claim was made in a congressional report released on Tuesday.

It's highly interesting that such a report would be created, and yet ignored by American media. Considering how everyone likes to claim a "liberal bias" in the media, you'd think they'd jump all over this report.

[Edited on 3-17-2004 by sminneman]

[Edited on 3-17-2004 by sminneman]

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 10:19 AM
Look at the source. Aljazeera?

Good luck trying to convince people that they are an unbiased news source.

[Edited on 17/3/04 by COOL HAND]

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 10:28 AM
I am not a fan of GW, but don't you think you could come up with a news source more reliable and objective than Al Jazeera?

Hell, I'd sooner believe Pravda or the National Enquirer.

[Edited on 17-3-2004 by bios]

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 10:36 AM
Seriously,you would get a better readership if the NY Times reported tha a politician actually told the truth about something. Lie=status quo.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 10:43 AM
For a better source, here's a link to the full report:

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 11:00 AM
Great find....NOT.
If that the case, as you insist.....

Be sure that you throw in that same "pot of lies" in /on Iraq:

Clinton and his Administration
The defunct United Nation's
The US Senate
The House of Representatives
The Armed Service Committee

and myriads more.....

*edit* oppps, can't forget SPAIN, also.


[Edited on 17-3-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 11:12 AM
I must admit to paying little attention to Iraq during the Clinton years. What lies did he tell about Iraq?

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:07 PM
Sweet and simply to the point, without taking the time to find the links I have provided in various other threads and topics....

Iraq had/has WMD, etc., etc., etc.


posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:08 PM
Pay him no mind, since the Bush team can do no wrong in his eyes.

THIS has been put into the Congressinal record.
THIS IS NOT a newspaper piece by some Middle Eastern vent box against the evil US.
THIS WAS compiled at the behest of a US Congressman who is the ranking member on the Comittee for Government Reform - Special Investigation Division

The report is talking about THE EXAGERATIONS, MISLEADS AND WILLFUL MISTATEMENT OF FACTS that were used by the Bush administration to gain 'legal' support for the war from Congress, and the manipulation of facts AFTERWARDS.

HERE is the report from the US House of Representatives website.

You Bushies are really starting to border on TREASON with the SYCOPHANT levels you'll sink to in order to legitimize your boy.
The need for the war is a different debate.....what's being brought out in the light here is the criminal way in which it was manipulated into being by this administration.

[Edited on 17-3-2004 by Bout Time]

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:34 PM
When it comes to Iraq there it seems that both administrations (clinton and bush) believed in the false intelligence.

The difference:

The Clinton administration used strategic bombing campaigns against military or suspect targets and worked with the UN to contain the leadership of Iraq.

The Bush administration invadedthe country, took over and has done a poor job running it.


posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:36 PM
Here's a little video of Rummy caught lying on tape.
Clickee, clickee...
How short does he think the memory of the American public is? It's pretty scary to think that these people are running the country.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:49 PM


Dubya has the sense of a head of a cabbage and he and his cronies are in the process of trying to gut the economy and destroy the civil liberties of this country in order to bring about the nwo

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 01:55 PM

Iraq had/has WMD, etc., etc., etc.

How do you know? Even Tenet has back down and you still cling-a-ling. How can you be sooooo sure. It's like you worked for Saddam or something and seen the weapons with your own eyes. My god, it must be taxing to be so damn stubborn. You've got no evidence other than the word of intelligence officers and Iraqi exiles....and Tenet tap dancing--"language used by policymakers in public doesn't uniquely comport word for word with the complexity of intelligence analysis"--oh come on! Just say it doesn't matter. The lies are evident Tenet: "When I believed someone was misconstruing intelligence, I stood up and said something about it.---Cousin, seekerof, that is a admission." He admits that the Bushies stepped out of line several times when making the WMD case--specifically the nuclear case, the case made for mobile biologicial weapons labs, the case for drones able to fly into the US carry WMD.(

Tis over, they lied, oh well.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 02:20 PM
You might want to properly use my words and use them in the context they were given, maybe? Your rambling rhetoric was wholly using my words out of proper context, as par for you anyhow.

And as par for Bout Time, the diversion to "here and now"? How ironic, indeed. Do you still not openly admit that Clinton and his presidential goons, err, administration continually preached that they knowingly, and admittedly, and continually stated that Iraq/Saddam had WMD? That they were also developing them also?! Do you, Bout Time, also openly deny that the president of the previous administration, along with virtually every Democrat, including JOHN KERRY expressly stated and believed, up to the day of the Second Iraq War, that Iraq/Saddam had WMD........along with the defunct United Nation's, France, Germany, Spain, Russia, etc., etc (their intelligence reports/documentations on this is open and public knowledge, mind you).?!

Admit it, won't hurt ya in the least bit.

(Without digging up my old links on this)

Clinton Believes-January 2004
Further Clinton Belief
Oh, look! Clinton's believed in the Saddam/Iraq and Al-Qaeda Connection
Clinton has no doubts that Saddam will use WMD again
The Democrats' WMD fraud
To many more links on Clinton's belief of WMD in Iraq


[Edited on 17-3-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 02:29 PM
Wow, this post proved Bush and his camp to be serial liars. Such a great source since aljazeera is my favorite read!!! Are you kidding me??? Wow, the source says it all and can't be worth a grain of salt. I don't buy this thread as for it's weak.

Bush has lied as has every other Pres's. I do think he is more of a straight shooter than most though. Why do you think so many hate him? Because he doesn't care what opposition thinks. He tells them he is going to do something and he does it. He doesn't play half the BS games a lot of other politicians play. He doesn't sell out.

A news flash, all politicians are liers anyway
Just some more than others.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 02:30 PM
Anyone who thinks that Bush and Clinton had different opinions about the Iraqi WMD issue is wrong. They all thought the same thing, it all comes back to what actions they took.

Which is a major difference in the approach to foriegn policy. Who was right and who was wrong? You know every American has to make that decision for themselves and vote accordingly. I believe that in most issues you will find that Democrates and Republicans slide to the middle. Bush has offered us a significant difference though to base our votes on. Let democracy work and cast your vote regardless of how you feel. I hope this election has the highest voter turn out in history, let us enter the next 4 years with no doubt that the majority won, how can that not stabilize this nation?

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 02:58 PM
My b, Seeker. So you don't believe Iraq had/has WMD? Seems that the Bushies aren't the only ones backtracking these days.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies


Dubya has the sense of a head of a cabbage and he and his cronies are in the process of trying to gut the economy and destroy the civil liberties of this country in order to bring about the nwo

Thanks man. I try.

Whenever I see something like this, it makes me sick to my stomach. He falt out lied and was called on it. Then he tried to act like the lie wasn't his fault.
It amazes me that people out there still support the Bush administration.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 04:50 PM
the point is that THE GOVT regardless of the administor...has been setting up a road of lies about iraq..of course sprinkeled with some truths. now the question is this case aljazeera only reported what was already there...funny how the media hasn't said anything about this..why???? is it true that..anybody who is anybody in the media has been 'bought' be the cia..or who ever?? would it be to damaging the the current administration?????? I invoke the John Titor clause
could be an interesting election........if it happens

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by bios
I am not a fan of GW, but don't you think you could come up with a news source more reliable and objective than Al Jazeera?

Hell, I'd sooner believe Pravda or the National Enquirer.

[Edited on 17-3-2004 by bios]

Hah... pravda = truth, in a few slavic languages (russian, ukrainian)...i guess that crap is far from it.

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