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Do you actually LIKE George Bush?

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posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:15 AM
He totally overdoes the stupid doesn't he. I wonder if it was the temporary anoxia from the pretzel incident tho. Ya. I love the guy. I just want to hug and squeeze him. But I also like snakes and vermin. By the way, you are killing me tonight Weedwhacker! As usual. Those plasma aint cheap. Keep the shoes on.
Ok lets see. War room strategy. Ummm, errr, if I act like a retard...ummm poeple won't expect that much right? Got it.reply to post by gluetrap

[edit on 8/13/2008 by jpm1602]

[edit on 8/13/2008 by jpm1602]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:17 AM
Is this what Above Top Secret has been reduced to?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:28 AM
No, I hate the guy. I don't get the whole "I'm sure he's a good guy to drink with" thing. He seems like an arrogant jerk IMO. And that's saying nothing about his politics.

He's just wayyy too conservative and hawkish for me. I want a true liberal to be president.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by tasteslikethunder

I think someone asked this question a few years ago. I doubt that the consensus has changed for the better since then.

I like GW. I think that he's a great president, even though I have disagreements with his policies from time to time.

The most important thing about Bush is that he came into office with an agenda that did not include the worst foreign attack on US soil in history. In the wake of that, he has charted a course that has set our enemies in full retreat, captured or killed their important leaders, and banished bin Laden to some rocky lair in the middle of nowhere, that is, if he is still alive.

There have been missteps. Americans have been inconvenienced with onerous airline travel regulations and delays, high fuel prices, a slow economy and a prolonged war in the Middle East.

However, on the brighter side, we are not in a recession and however slow, there is economic growth. Oil prices are beginning to slip. The dollar is rising. No one who doesn't want to contribute to the war effort can stay at home and bitch and moan and harass recruiters, wear baggy pants, do drugs and otherwise act like a horses ass.

Considering the prospects we faced after 9/11, things aren't really so bad as some would have us believe.

[edit on 2008/8/13 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:34 AM
I think he and Cheney should do a late night show, like the Tonight Show.
I don't believe George to be an evil person, but I do believe that he, just like other presidents and candidates eventually find out, that the international bankers and other high-dollar people run the show and that presidents are just figureheads. Money talks, BS walks.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by TheOracle
Yes I a sure when Time reveals that the 9/11 was an inside job, a lot of people will see Bush highly.

that was sarcasm, just in case...

[edit on 13-8-2008 by TheOracle]

I bet...that even then,those who like him and support him now wont change their minds.

If it was an inside job that is.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:11 AM
heres a prediction; a year after Bush leaves office there will be a horrible terrioist attack on he US and the people will be clamering for a POTUS like GWB

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:21 AM
I love. And I need to mention three things:

1 His speeches are unintentionally funny and he looks like APE
2 He does not care about anything or anyone - just does what he is told to do
3 So far he is the greatest mass murderer in 21st century

He is great because he gets away with all that and much much more!

Who else can do that? (thats rhetoric question)

[edit on 13-8-2008 by FIFIGI]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 09:25 AM
It is easy to determine how good President Bush is, just see how many people are like David Letterman. Seething Hatred!!!!!

I think GW Bush is probably one of the Best presidnets in the History of the US He has risked everything to lead our country against Terrorism, which is the largest threat this nation has ever faced. He has stood up and pressed forth his war on terrorism. He has done it all with the media completely opposed to him. He has done with half of the country hating him for it.

For goodness sake this is the only man protecting the free world formt he SUICIDAL TERRORIST MURDERERS.

Nothing is perfect but at least he has the BAlls to dowhat is right unlike the traitor of a Presidnet Clinton---there I said it he is Clinton is a traitor. (very rare that I would say that)

Thank you God for GW Bush the only man on the planet with Balls, well except Putin. I think thaty match off pretty well.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Cool Hand Luke

Actually it came out yesterday that 2/3 of American corporations, and no foreign corporations that work here, pay taxes.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
George Bush is probably the most hated President since......Abraham Lincoln.

Future historians will rank Bush highly.

Bush's popularity will rise after he leaves office. Mainly because of the mess McCain or Obama will create when they take office. We will be wishing we had a leader like Bush back in the White House.

The few the proud the correct!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Tippys Dad
President Bush does not run this country based on opinion polls. Right or wrong, he does what he believes is best. Sometimes he is wrong about things, but, more often, he is right. For the haters who acquire their view of world events from bumper stickers, I don't expect you to understand.

Nothing personal, but I sure as hell hope he isn't running the country on "what he believes is best". He is there to follow the laws that have been put in place, not feel his way through the presidency. We vote people into place that represent us and make the laws based on that, he follows those laws. Now if we could just get our elected officials from city level all the way up to quit spending all of our money then we would be better off.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:18 AM
Here are a few more thoughts.

90% of the poeople Hate Cheney and Hate RUmsfeld but they could not give you 1 reason why, other than they are bad, evil mean people.

My taxes were cut, thereby giving me more money in pocket--democrats will tell you the tax cut for only for the rich, I am not rich and I got a tax CUT--Thank you George

The US is at war with basically a religion of Hate, the terrorists are following the Koran to the letter and Bush is fighting back. At lease he is FIghting back, unlike France, Germany, Spain, the UN. ALl of which were guilty in the Oil for food issues. No wonder they were against an invasion.

The US economy is being assaulted by the world. Lets face it the stated goal of Al Queda is the economic destruction of the USA, at least Bush is fighting that head on.

Bush has done more for racial equality than just about any American Leader to date. he has given more positions to African Americans thatn any other President EVER--Yet they still hate him. Bush has done more for Africa and its Aids problem than every other Nation in the world COMBINED.

I only wish he would have our borders policed better. ALl of these nubs cry about the US war Expenses yet we spend upwards of 250 billion a year on the illegal alien problem.

Bush and company executed the Invasion of Iraq and the Invasion of Afganistan in record time with the least American Deaths possible. The idea that this was accomplished is truly amazing, yet they call him stupid.

Bush has protected this great Nation,

Thank you GW, some of us support you, the ones who dont have an Agenda, the ones that love our country.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by Standingby]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:21 AM
Nobody likes anybody, sheeese,

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:26 AM
Look, action speak louder than words. The man was found blatantly lying on numerous occasions, kept speaking on how the economy was "not" in a slump (even denying Greenspan!), established the infamous "Patriot Act"...I don't need to go on. To see the actions this man been a part of or authorized, and to praise highly him, is just ignorance at its best. Now, his cabinet is very much to blame for these "performances" as well, and is the main source of these actions. People who solely point the finger at Bush as the troublemaker should consider that he is just a pawn amongst many players vying for power.

So to answer the question, I don't particularly agree with a majority of the Bush agenda. This stems from my view on him as a person, his actions (some which are listed above) and the people he surrounds himself...I tend not to look at party affiliations. One last word though, to stand behind an individual just because you "belong" to their "party" and believe you have to follow a majority of what they say is just playing stupid. Stop being sheeple and form your own opinion through research.

Oh yeah, and this so-called "Liberal Media" was supporting him on the path to the Iraq war, which was really odd!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:34 AM
Thank God for the Patriot act.

While not perfect, it has helped root out much in the terms of financing and the organized support of terrorist activities.

Yes the Patriot Act is a Dangerous vehicle in the hands of B. Hussein Obama, but it is not a threat when used by our current patriots.

That is like the fools who say NO WAR FOR OIL.

If they only knew what the world was about and what would happend if oil flow stopped.


WHile i dont blindly support anyone--I definately support America's Defender--George Bush---probably the only defender of America anymore.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:42 AM
Is this ATS or some Yahoo newsgroup?? My God what are you people smoking?? History will look kindly on our dear leader? PUKE!!

Does history look kindly on Prescott Bush? Why sure!! So what if he aided and abetted Hitler? That typical liberal propaganda machine in motion! Who cares if it's public record. Bush Sr and Iran Contra, oh yes won't show up in any history books will it? That's why history is kind-it's rewritten to suit the criminals in power.

GWB is an unmitigated disaster -he should have never been president to begin with, respect the office all you like, when the supreme court appoints a president-the illusion of democracy is shattered for those who are paying even one jot of attention.

The fact that we have a dynasty in power should tip off a few of you who really believe that we live in a democracy. WE DON'T-and the Bush cabal has made it crystal clear, yet you go on debating his merit, as if that is what got him the position!!


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:45 AM
Ya know I still have a serious question about BUSH LIED. Did he really? What specifically did he lie about. Did he lie that Saddam hussein had WMD's, OH really, then what did he kill 8000 kurds with?

The simple fact of the matter is that there were WMDs, but they were moved out of country, just like Osama Bin Laden moved out of Afghanistan, if it were up to the libs and they had a chance in hell of proving it, they would claim that Osama doesnt even exist just like the WMD's but they know that AMerica is not quite that stupid, close but not quite. Europe on the other hand, well they did not want us to attack Saddam cause they were making lots of money from Saddam.


[edit on 13-8-2008 by Standingby]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:45 AM
Well considering that Al Gore could have been our President, George W. Bush is just fine.
Two things I like that he did. He cut taxes and he fought the war overseas. Besides that he didn't do anything for the education system that he said he would do. ( No child left behind is dumbing down in my opinion ) He spent money like it was growing on trees, government grew in size, but all in all I think he will go down in history as a good President. I like the guy, I just wish he could have done more with education.

[edit on 8/13/2008 by Solarskye]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Pilot
Is this ATS or some Yahoo newsgroup?? My God what are you people smoking?? History will look kindly on our dear leader? PUKE!!

Does history look kindly on Prescott Bush? Why sure!! So what if he aided and abetted Hitler? That typical liberal propaganda machine in motion! Who cares if it's public record. Bush Sr and Iran Contra, oh yes won't show up in any history books will it? That's why history is kind-it's rewritten to suit the criminals in power.

GWB is an unmitigated disaster -he should have never been president to begin with, respect the office all you like, when the supreme court appoints a president-the illusion of democracy is shattered for those who are paying even one jot of attention.

The fact that we have a dynasty in power should tip off a few of you who really believe that we live in a democracy. WE DON'T-and the Bush cabal has made it crystal clear, yet you go on debating his merit, as if that is what got him the position!!



Get your emotional venom spitting rage at the leader of the US correct at least.

I love it watching people who seete hatred of GW, they can hardly speak logically, all they can do is cling to anything that sounds like it will make GW look bad.

HAHAH SO i guess by your logic then we should have never elected Kennedy since his Father was a NAZI sympathisor who agreed with the Nazi propoganda. Remember he was the Ambassader to Germany during that time.

I watched the David Letterman Interview last night with O'rielly on youtube. It is stupid funny how much David L, just seethes with animosity to Bush.

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