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The Chinese banned John Titor's site!

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posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 02:17 PM
Apparently (according to the completely accurate and truthful John Titor website) the Chinese government block/banned his website from being accessed by the Chinese. How will all those Chinese people manage without the *wisdom* and *knowledge* that John Titor has to give to the world.

Is there a Chinese government conspiracy to stop John Titor as he appears to think? Or is he just talking out of his ....

Answers on a postcard.

And a footnote to this, why is John Titor's site going on about the censorship of reporting at an Olympics he predicted would be cancelled?

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by UFOpsychiczebra
why is John Titor's site going on about the censorship of reporting at an Olympics he predicted would be cancelled?

Because there is still 14-17 days left for them to be cancelled. He did not say they would be postponed, he said "cancelled"....there still is some time left to cancel them.

Just a side note: I am waiting to see if these Olympics will be cancelled here in the next few weeks....I have only been hearing about John Titors predictions recently. Right now I am neutral to his predictions....Guess we will find out the truth here soon.


posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 02:31 PM
everyone realizes that there already has been an olympic's come and go, right? I don't remember him specifically saying SUMMER olympics....his prediction is already a sham.

[edit on 9-8-2008 by White Chapel]

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 03:50 PM
I think he might mean summer olympics. I know their is winter. I really think John Titor is a hoax however I want to see what happens to this summer event.

I notice that there is a possiblility about it being cancled I mean we got protestests.

I am just saying if this event this summer in china does get cancled I then will get more interested in John Titor. I right now think he is full of it.

I mean he said in 2005 a civil war will happen. I don't know what he means by that, some think like te civil war in the past but this could also mean that the U.S citizens turn against Bush, civil war means a domestic fight this dosne't have to be a war like event it would just be people verbally fighting each other.This could mean the fights the democrats and republicans have in congress it could be many things.

I am open minded and willing to let those one slide. He did say the olypics will be cancled which there is no way there is many meanings for cancled.
How ever he didn't really specified summer or winter so this varied.

Now this event this summer in china is the only thing that makes some of us hope and are just watching to see what happens.

If it gets cancled we will bealive john titor more and pay more attension to his other predictions. If not then everyone would say what a great Hoax.

SO this even is what it comes down too.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by computerwiz32
I think he might mean summer olympics. I know their is winter. I really think John Titor is a hoax however I want to see what happens to this summer event.

Isn't it good for him that he didn’t specify which Olympics. Also, he said there would be no more Olympics AFTER 2004! So he got that wrong didn't he! lol.

I notice that there is a possiblility about it being cancled I mean we got protestests.

There are protests at every Olympics. There have been far tougher Olympics to get through than the current Chinese one. Read history!

I mean he said in 2005 a civil war will happen. I don't know what he means by that,

Neither does John Titor. lol.

some think like te civil war in the past but this could also mean that the U.S citizens turn against Bush, civil war means a domestic fight this dosne't have to be a war like event it would just be people verbally fighting each other.

Errr, no it doesn't. Where do you get that definition from? People are ALWAYS verbally 'fighting' each other - that isn't civil war.

Now this event this summer in china is the only thing that makes some of us hope and are just watching to see what happens.

Hoping for what? Don't you think it's kind of selfish for anyone to be HOPING the Chinese Olympics gets cancelled when thousands of sportspeople have trained for YEARS to get there?

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by kdial1
Because there is still 14-17 days left for them to be cancelled. He did not say they would be postponed, he said "cancelled"....there still is some time left to cancel them.

RLMAO. You Titor fans are hilarious! What he DID say was there would be no more Olympics after 2004, so what's your answer to that?

Just a side note: I am waiting to see if these Olympics will be cancelled here in the next few weeks....

What do you mean by "In the next few weeks..."? The Olympics will be well finished by then.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 09:47 PM
yes your right about the civilwar but I have heard that he might of used the wrong works and meant like the upset of bush ect ect. He might of wanted to use a word that decribed us americans upset with the gov.

I still don't buy it I am more on the side that he is a fake. I just want to see if china stops if not then the guy is a fake. Else if they do stop then I would further see what happens??

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 10:52 PM
Hehehe, oh, but John Titor covered his back-side, because didn't he say something like "the (ours and his) timelines differ by a small percentage"?
I seem to remember something like that.. any of his predictions that don't come true, well that's simply the difference in timelines.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 12:42 AM
china also banned must be some missing link to the answers to life over on the page two blog at espn....


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