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2012: Too Many Coincidences?

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posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:35 PM
We've all heard that 12/21/2012 is going to be special. Either the end of the world, or a time for the awakening of a new level of consciousness. Whatever your belief may be, I thought I would offer some startling details to consider when looking at the potential importance of this day.


The last book of Nostradamus includes a variety of illustrations that have supposedly decoded an end times scenario for a certain very rare cosmic alignment. It just so happens this cosmic alignment occurs on 12/21/2012 Bringing the world into alignment with a black hole in the center of our galaxy.

Mother Shipton, another well known seer with cryptic prophecy style also indicates a possibility of the destruction of the world in this time frame.

Matthias Stormberger, a 19th century German Psychic predicted a great war larger than all previous combined would occur in the lifetime of the great grandchildren of his readers.

Native American prophecy indicates that should mankind not find peace in time, there will be a third great war in the lifetime of the grandchildren of those who had experienced the second.

Other Native American prophecies follow similar tone.

St Malachi's prophecy of the Popes gave a symbolic description of every Pope that there would be until the end of days. We are on the second last Pope before the final, "Peter the Roman."

The i-ching, a Chinese system of divination indicates that 2012 will be a time of great transformation.

The Mayans had a calendar that was actually even more precise than the one we currently use. This calendar indicates that an end-times scenario will occur on 12/21/2012

Many Bible scholars have seen most of the signs warning of the end of days have already taken place.

Buddhists and Hindus say we are in the "Dark Age", which they call Kali Yuga. This age is almost over, but will get considerably worse before it gets better. Buddhists also Predict a new Spiritual Leader, Matreya to appear shortly.


There will be solar flares effecting the earth in 2012, but as early as 2010.

Predictions for the time of a polar shift often indicate around the year 2012, interestingly enough, this is when a black hole in the center of the galaxy will be aligned with earth. What effect this could have, who knows?

Mathematically, the stream of time cannot be calculated beyond the year 2012.

Misc: For the Chinese and throughout Asia, the number 4 is a number associated with Death and bad luck. Many buildings will not have a 4th floor, a 14th floor, or a 24th floor, etc, also skipping 13 as 1+3=4. Their method of numerical divination says anything with 4 in it will be extremely terrible and unlucky. A bit of research shows that on dates marked with a 4, many terrible natural and political events have occurred. That said, this year the United States is electing it's 44th President. Which is predicted to be a truly unfortunate reign. The 44th President's first term will conclude with the year 2012.

Now, I am not saying I believe in an End-Times prophecy. But I will say this, as there are so many sources from around the world, indicating misfortune, this is the ONLY time of Prophecy that I consider to have some potential. More than 8/11, or Y2K. Whenever I see this many sources agreeing on something, I pay attention.

As I do not know how to properly include sources for the material I have referenced, feel free to post follow up info on this thread if you'd like.

If 12/21/2012 passes and NOTHING happens, then I don't see myself being concerned about any other prophecy, But like I said, there's a little too much to ignore a brush off as just another whacky prediction.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:03 PM
2012 is officially the last time sensitive prediction I believe in, only because of the coincidences. I didnt believe Y2K would be anything but people freaking out about it and possibly rioting, but that didnt even happen, so who knows. Im still waiting for it to be a mainstream concern, at which point will be very interesting. Of course its been talked about on the discovery channel and history channel, but it has yet to make it to the local broadcasters, speak of stocking up on foodstuffs and survival supplies.

IF we do not ever see it on the local media or MSM, then I would find that a little fishy, why would they not tell us, regardless of the outcome or truth of the matter, people stocking up on things would be good for the market like it was for Y2K.

Since there are later dates predicted for such a fall or other situation, perhaps this date is the great deception, set up to create an even more deeply programmed race of subordinates.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by psychedeliack

Since there are later dates predicted for such a fall or other situation, perhaps this date is the great deception, set up to create an even more deeply programmed race of subordinates.

Quite possibly. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. Sure, all of the information I just mentioned could be fabricated, or at least altered in some way for the purpose of deception. But if that is not the case, I simply feel there is too much out there for it to be a non-event.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 02:08 AM
I am not 100% sold on 2012 just yet, but I do agree with the OP, that there are just way to any things connected with 2012 for us just to overlook it and treat it like nothing. I think we should be keeping a closer eye on this.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 02:19 AM
I complete agree with the OP there are way to many coincidences with 2012 for us to just brush it off.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 08:02 AM
All of the prophecies are rubbish.

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman
The Mayans had a calendar that was actually even more precise than the one we currently use. This calendar indicates that an end-times scenario will occur on 12/21/2012
How is it more accurate?

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman

There will be solar flares effecting the earth in 2012, but as early as 2010.
Solar flare activity peak every 11 years, solar activity in 2012 will be nothing special.

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman
Predictions for the time of a polar shift often indicate around the year 2012, interestingly enough, this is when a black hole in the center of the galaxy will be aligned with earth. What effect this could have, who knows?

There are no predictions of when the magnetic poles will swap. How exactly is something at the center of the galaxy meant to align with Earth? There's always a line between 2 objects. Our solar system is always spinning around it.

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman
Mathematically, the stream of time cannot be calculated beyond the year 2012.
Stream of time? what do you mean? I'm not sure what mathematics has to do with anything here? it certainly has nothing to do with prophecy.

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman
Misc: For the Chinese and throughout Asia, the number 4 is a number associated with Death and bad luck. Many buildings will not have a 4th floor, a 14th floor, or a 24th floor, etc, also skipping 13 as 1+3=4. Their method of numerical divination says anything with 4 in it will be extremely terrible and unlucky. A bit of research shows that on dates marked with a 4, many terrible natural and political events have occurred. That said, this year the United States is electing it's 44th President. Which is predicted to be a truly unfortunate reign. The 44th President's first term will conclude with the year 2012.

Pick a number and I'll give you a list of horrible events related to it.

[edit on 15-8-2008 by science lol]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by TheGreySwordsman

The last book of Nostradamus was not written by him. The book was tested by professionals and the paper, while old, was from the 19th Century. The book is a fake. History Channel did a show on it:

2012 will be a little different from other years:
leap year
Olympic year
Presidential elections

Other than that, just a normal year.

Edited to add reference

[edit on 8/15/2008 by kidflash2008]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 12:25 PM
good thread btw and ye there are just too many coincidences for it to be nothing.

i definitely think something is going to happen on 21/12/12 whether it be good or bad.

just my 2 cents

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 02:42 PM
21\12\12 ?

what are you from some other galaxy?

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