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New Morgellon's Fungus Theory (eerie with that recent cancer/fungus post, eh?)

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posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:18 AM
Seems like a very interesting theory and it does indeed live up to the symbiotic claim.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:16 AM
Well, I've had some interesting developments in my infection (since 2003). I've recently healed to a new level of sore resolution never before achieved. Unfortunately, there is not a definitive cause. A number of factors could be the or one of the reasons for my accelerating recovery:
1. began consuming 5 tsp of Salba (Salvia Hispanica) daily.
2. increased, more regular sleep.
3. unusually significant, recent progress in digestive system cleansing. I have been actively cleaning out my digestive tract (via various pills and additives, with daily, tangible success) for almost 5 years now and the end is still certainly beyond 30 days, probably much further away.
4. physical destruction/removal of "Queen" organisms from 2 to 4 areas of infection. (it's difficult to conclude a victory and I don't focus on maintaining memories of the events.)
5. diligence in blood cleansing. (kinda like leeching?)

This last one is an old issue but I have a new theory as to it's nature. It appears to me that in infected areas, there are reservoirs if you will, of infected blood. Active sores, when open, bleed too much and too fast. Furthermore, the blood is darker than normal blood. Via my method of immersing open, active sores in 91% isopropyl alcohol and by physically encouraging blood flow (gentle squeezing guidance), I have been able to determine directional origins of the presumed infected blood (generally to spots of original/first sore's occurrence), as well as reach the end of drainage processes - it often took quite a while and a stomach for seeing blood, but I was able to reach "empty" points for the presence of infected blood (or any bleeding for that matter) in active sores. my new persistence and patience for draining sores till "empty" was concurrent with my increased recovery - along with all the other factors listed above.

Anyway, there's some info for ya.

To whomever found success with some specified type olive oil i think it was - i had similar marked success with castor oil, so...?

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

I like your notion of it being fungal and concurrently attracting other parasites and organisms. That's a powerful theory for explaining the wide variety of symptom manifestations, some of which sometimes seem staunchly independent... hmmm...

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 09:47 PM
Hey verbal kint- I just discovered something new about these "things" and wondered if you or anyone else has noticed. I am a smoker and I have just noticed that these things are in the tobacco (in a cigarette) from a brand new pack. So, they are coming in your cigarettes (or some of them anyway). Don't know if it is like that anywhere else??

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by imysbbad
reply to post by verbal kint

"They will get into my hair and work their way towards my face so they an drop into my eye. You can actually see a long hair strand stand up and bend towards front of my head! No joking. "

\ Imysbbad, do you have pictures of these things? also could you be more specific I see these so called bright spots on cars all the time, but it is from the sun reflecting off the paint.

Anyone have pictures of any of these things they have pulled off or out of there body? please PM me, I want to believe but at the same time would want to see some pics.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by verbal kint

Here's an article I just found in the Scientific American, purely by chance.

What is Morgellons Disease? Is it a physical or psychological condition?

How do the patients describe these living things they believe are beneath their skin?
Often they describe them as tiny fibers. [According to the MRF, the fibers or "filaments" are "near microscopic" and may be white, blue, red or black. In addition to the filaments, there may also be black or white sandlike granules on or in the skin.].

Have you seen any evidence of these organisms?
Individuals and their physicians have sent me pictures of these filaments and skin samples purportedly containing them, but I have never found evidence of any parasites. Looking under the microscope, the samples look like amorphous skin, like a skin sample from a normal person might look. Some contain hair follicles. And apart from my personal experience, I am not aware of any evidence in the scientific literature suggesting that these patients have infectious agents crawling under their skin.

Do these patients have other signs of infectious disease?
Frequently, the patient's history and skin lesions are not consistent with what we know about infectious diseases. If, for example, a person had toxoplasmosis [a disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, often contracted via contact with soiled kitty litter, for example], he or she would have enlarged lymph nodes and flulike illness. Or if a patient had pinworm [a common parasitic infection in young children], he or she would have rectal itching. There are even parasitic infections that cause itching and skin manifestations, but none of them are consistent with the clinical presentation of Morgellons.

If there are no parasites, what else could cause the sores—some kind of skin disease?
To my knowledge, there is no consistent feature of these skin lesions that have been linked to a dermatological diagnosis. They are self-inflicted.

So what is wrong with these patients?
They are clearing suffering. My interpretation is that the symptoms are most consistent with a psychiatric condition.

I really don't lnow enough to comment, I just found this by coincidence, researching something else.

Interesting, either way I hope the find out what's going on so these poor people can be treated.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by VampireZio

Sorry so long to answer. No pics. To me, they look like miniature gnats but these things have stages they go thru or something. I'M not good with biology, microbiology... I know they do something with any and all insects in the house. I find lumps in the carpet and I dig it out and sometimes it is a fly that is covered(?) or something is being done to it. On the cars, well it is hard to explain how to know it is these things. It looks like it is because of the sun shining (and some are ), but these almost blind you. Even at night when yard light shines on them, or a flashlight. It could be in the exact same place on car during the day and also at night. I don't understand any of this but I do know what I see and what it is doing. Also, I have no lesions and if I did, it wouldn't be self inflicted that's for sure. The Morgellon victims are not lying. It is very strange what is going on and someone should help them.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:38 PM
Hey, I am going to take a minute to say publically that everytime this thread surfaces I am embarresed by my ravings I posted a long time ago.

It was a bad week for me, (obviously) I had been working double shifts at work and living on caffiene and I got caught up in something might be wrong with me thinking..............

I do not have or think I have this dis-ease, my heart goes out to those who do suffer with it as I can only imagine (as I did) what it must be like to try to live with such a condition.

No disrespect to the OP or anyone else who posted here. If I could ever retract anything posted on the board it would be my posts here, but it doesn't work that way.

Thank you for allowing me an attempt at redemption.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Pandaroo

Pandaroo, please take the time to read my reply on this other related thread - You are aware

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