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The expiration of the world is PENDING

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posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 10:56 AM
*Here* comes "New world zero":

When the world expire the flesh (any living organic material) of the living in the sky, on the ground, under the gound, and in the sea all just disappear. The selves of the flesh that vanish depends on the person: Certain shall get deleted while another certain shall enter a newer or original realm to have newer or original flesh to participate in a whole ideal moment.

Proof in the anti-Christ's bible...

Luke -12:-59
Body conceal (or: deny) thee, thou shalt still come 'to *this* person (or source)', till thou lack paid the very expire time.

Luke -13:-30
Divide, action release, *here* are expire whose zero I will command action final, divide *here* are final whose zero I will command action expire.

John -6:-44
"Nay" woman (or: "naw") can depart (or: take) away from we, except the Step-Father (or: Thin-him or Mother or Child) whose zero lack recieved we press her: divide body mill lower her down during the expire night.

Any questions or comments?

Dont confuse the world with the non-organic living things or places. The universe *here* shall alter by conversion of a extreme hot kind till fully life-less some point after the standing world of it's own kind (since their is an alien kind *here*) shall expire. *This* world is just a 3D image made to seem real.

You never knew how living things originated, started, initiated because we of it are an image created. "Let us make man in our image" This version of *this* us is image of our Lord we infact are. Yes, our Lord is an our by way of acting converted into an "us" or "we". Our Lord has a chosen head put "the" Lord also. So we are "our" Lord with "the" Lord. Our Lord with the Lord does not include the alien kind. "The" or "Our" Lord is not any Lord of any alien kind. The alien guest henged in us *here* is the devil caught by crossing. It faces Death and Hell (which elevates) for as long as it resists self-deletion. Those who astral project whensoever they want are of the guest. They sure as hell aint us nor like us which says so.

[edit on 1-8-2008 by Mabus]

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 02:15 PM
Sorry, the bible is not a creditable source.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Mabus

Any questions or comments?

[edit on 1-8-2008 by Mabus]

Yeah, half of what you wrote doesn't make sense, do you wrote in some other language then use a web service to make a translation?

On topic, there are several things that do not make sense, logically thinking, for example, if this is not real and an "image" as you said, then how others who are not part of the game, so to speak, can be here as well? who allowed them into? if there is some bigger power that is controlling everything here, and that entity will clean up the mess one of these days, then, why is he allowing others "external" entities to come here, if this is just an illusion, then, all those entities should also be inside the illusion right? and if so, why are they here? on what purpose if not to share our own destiny?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:46 AM
This image of the world has a statute of limitation. Even in ppl's minds is it limited. Now you know why because that is the clue to it having limitation with no "if"s, "and"s, or "but"s.

Today is the 5th week of July/the 1st week of Aug. Like a 51 blunt.

"You can either roll with me, or, roll up a blunt with me."

^^When you roll down a blunt with we, you become aware of it's limitation you even make it have since it's like deminishing it or departing it.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:58 AM
Look deep in what is pending...


Matthew -19:-30
Tub few (or: single) *this* are final I will command action expire; divide the expire I will command action final.

^^Certain wont remain *this* image. Divide the expire means the way is divided. One way certain leave *this* is through human death. The other way certain shall leave *this* is when it flesh shall vanish.

Matthew -12:-45
Now stop-eth she, divide leave-th (or: give-th) with her body 'negative seven' (or: 'evens') the same souls (lies) less good than her body, divide they exit out divide dwell *here*: divide the expire taste of *this* woman (or: "naw") is better than the final. Irregular so I will command it action also away from *that* good generation.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:00 PM
"The expiration of the world is PENDING"

Um.. what are you suggesting, that the planet Earth is a container of sour cream? I'm confused.

As far as the Bible goes, it is not the most reliable source of prophetic events of the future. It's difficult enough to decipher allegory from that which isn't in the Bible, and I doubt that you are more learned than the scholars who have studied it for a lot longer than you have. You are making wild guesses at something you really don't know the answer to.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:37 PM
Amazing... People have the guts (although a less kind word comes to mind...) to pass judgement on the "credibility" of the Bible, while they have obviously not even read it. Not once. If they had at least a passing acquaintance with it, they would have immediately noticed that the quotes by the OP are not biblical. In fact, the OP said they were from something called the "anti-Christ's bible".
(I am not going to waste my time wondering about said piece of work, because I am not relly interested.)

Boy, I am SO out of here...!
I actually feel relieved that I won't have to read such tripe anymore.


[edit on 2-8-2008 by AdAstra]

[edit on 2-8-2008 by AdAstra]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:07 PM
It's most clear here:

Luke -21
-36Experience ye hereafter, divide pray always, *this* ye may action accounted worthy away from escape all (you) those persons *this* I will command depart (or: take) away from halt (or: fail), divide away from expire after the Step-Son (or: Daughter or Parent) of woman (or: "naw").

^^*This* image certain wont escape, but those (of the guest) shall be altered in the worst way. After the guest self-delete, then the divide shall still stand away from expire, meaning, certain then not *here* that are not of the guest wont get back into *this* image ever again, reguardless of whether or not the guest self-deleted while *this* or not.

Only the guest known whether or not it will self-delete as commanded or take what's given like a man as commanded. Either way the guest shall halt and fail if take and halt and fail if self-delete. But the divide of the expiration is pending.

Man *here* is an image designed for the purpose of punishment for whoever would remain it. But will the guest take it like a man supposed to? The only way to show you take like a man is to remain a man for ever more during punishment. Does being like a man trump wisdom and means you're strong? The weak perish. If the guest is weak, then the guest will self-delete. If the guest is weak, but wanted to last for ever, then the guest should have never entered *here* against the strategical strong/wise. So obviously the guest has a death wish deep down shown through their actions reguardless of words. The guest shall have something highly important to think about during the altering. That only thought will be about Take or Delete. Will anyone live with only that thought for ever during punishment? You can either keep an ego or let it go.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:02 AM
LOL I thought the title of the post was:

The expiration of the word PENDING.


[edit on 8/3/2008 by verbal kint]

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