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what about Buddhism

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:07 AM
The Muslim faith came after Jesus you're right, but Judaism, was here allot longer, and Buddhism was around many years earlier. It is possible that the religion was influenced by aliens, and so was Hinduism, as a painting I seen depicts. but as for them being reptilians, I don't think so. Maybe a few of their leaders, but not the whole religion.
I do think that Mecca/ the holy land is an important area for them for some reason. Three major religions look to it as the most holy of areas. They all claim it is the center of their faith. Why? Does the land have some strange energy, or material we haven't noticed yet, Maybe their is some lost tech that is buried their that they all want, or even the origins of the human race.
I think other races, have a vested interest in the area, some are influencing other religions to fight for it. They want what ever it is bad enough to destroy all of mankind in the process . I have an idea but no evidence, but there is some thing there they want beyond any thing else, there are many groups after it, and they will stop at nothing to win the prize.


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