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Fretling joined the Army

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posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:50 PM
And I'm very sad about it.


I don't know how to act about this. She has so many talents in so many areas and she is deciding to ignore them and go this route.

She has had so many physical problems that possibly will make her unable to pull off the physical part of boot camp and yet she thinks she can do this. I am concerned for her mental state if she should fail from physical limitations.

I want her to know I am proud of her, but at the same time I absolutely don't understand this decision when so much was available to her in other directions.


posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:01 PM
Valhall, it's so very hard to watch when those we care about make decisions we do not understand.
But I'm sure you know, there are lessons in life to be learned, whether through choice, or happenstance,success or failure.
All that is needed is caring arms and a soft place to fall if needed.
Perhaps the very things that could hold her back, will be what drives her to succeed, and it will be all the sweeter.
Courage Hon,
She will be fine.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by AccessDenied

She will be fine.

I sure hope so. *wrings hands*

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:15 PM
Sometimes I think people, especially as they're growing up, decide to do things to attempt to prove to themselves that they can. In this case it's possible she might see a limitation and want to try and prove to herself that she can get past it.

If she does, cool. If not, she has a great support system and caring family around her and I know she'll be just fine.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Valhall

Djarums and AccessDenied are right Val. I don't know what to add, except I'll keep Fretling and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
May God Bless you and give you strength, during these hard times.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:40 AM
Do you think she will be offended by you posting personal information on here, "She has had so many physical problems that possibly will make her unable to pull off the physical part of boot camp and yet she thinks she can do this". I know that if someone posted that about me then I would be kinda mad.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by hawaiigurl
Do you think she will be offended by you posting personal information on here,

I don't you think your son will resent you discussing his "weird behavior" on a public board after he grows up???

My daughter was sworn in this morning and has left for basic - my thoughts and prayers will be for her success in something she has proven her commitment to; and to her safe completion of that commitment so that she can pursue the dreams she has for her life.

I'm very very proud of her and very very sad she's gone.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:23 PM
Is it too soon to know where she will be stationed? I can't imagine the weight of worry you carry from her decision but you have people here who care for you if you need someone to wring hands with you. Praying for you both, Val.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:38 PM
I know you're going to be continously worried about Fretling, but she's a big girl and honestly if this is the path she wants to thread, all you as a mother can do is give her your support and love. The greatest gift we as parents can give our children is the right and freedom to make their own choices no matter how we may feel about those choices. Stay strong for her no matter what but let her know how worried you are about her without adding pressure to the situation... the last thing you need to is to a determined kid try to prove you wrong.

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