posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 10:31 PM
Every once in a great long while (maybe 3 weeks...) ATS Chat takes a dive..
No one knows why, no answers given..
And so, it is here where we begin to delve into the great mystery of .. why.. and how could such a tragedy befall such a close group of individuals
that aspire to do nothing but chat friendly like to their peers?
We must assume, that as part of ATS, the Chat system is under the direct control of the ever mysterious Amigos .. and it is the Amigos that can, with
a flip of a switch (colored bright red, under a glass case next to SO's Dew) .. can End chat, and all friendly chatting, flirtations and sometimes
Whatuknow's desperation for female contact .. will come to an abrupt end.
The action of doing this, alone, does not bring joy to the Amigo's faces.. no, it's quite embarrassing when a seemingly simple chat function goes
bizerk .. so why let the terror continue? Why must the innocent suffer so much heartache leaving the likes of the ATS chat community in shambles?
A scientific study:
The Amigos, being agents of a dark and subversive power, have, in fact, begun a study on the ignorant Chatting community. While the chatters chat
away about meaningless topics and discuss their meager and unimportant lives, the Amigo's have in fact engaged a most dramatic study of Human Social
The Amigo's know the Chatters have no real friends, and have little to know social life..
When chat goes down, emotions run high .. those once desperate for any form of digital female contact (wuky again) begin to .. take it out on
themselves .. possibly furthering ... "addictions" .. others simply with no one to talk to will begin meaningless threads on BTS to attempt to keep
the connections of long lost "chatters" together.. fearing more then 48hrs apart, like everyone else in their lives, fellow chatters will forget
about them, and digress into other social terminating activities.
The Amigo's have a clear ability to read the unstable minds of chatters while they chat but, they have a better ability to study the isolation of a
desperate chatter once cut off from the community..
So chat is on. Then it's off.. then it's on .. they it's off.
Unknown lives have been lost to these cruel games, earning SkepticOverlord the title of "angle of Chat death) .. many chatters have, cut off from
their only known chatting links, their only companions, their only friends.. have disappeared.. never to be seen again .. whether abducted and
tortured by Amigo's .. it is not for certain.
One thing that IS for certain is chat will be back, eventually.. the emotionally scarred Chatters will come out of the dark basements, bedrooms,
offices, and they will rejoin their Chatting kin .. alas, family will once more be neglected, pets not fed, work production dropping dramatically, as
the Chatters head back to the one thing they are good at in life...