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the Central Race

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posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 11:03 AM
mild warning: all images posted here, unless otherwise, are copyright of the galactic Wingmaker's group, who consist of Central Race beings who have no desire to own or otherwise control art profits whatsoever (find these nice fun folks at )
the Central Race is a concept I picked up from another site. it's essentially the "forerunner" of humanoid species spread throughout the 7 superunivereses (this 7 U's is still a concept I'm working on ..)

the idea is that the CR created master templates for DNA (I'm assuming all sentient life forms, which would be an immense pallete for sure)

the claim is that humanoid species are spread quite widely across the cosmos, and the elemental conflict seems to be where sentience without soul- connection to the Unification Force (call it God or First Source) is posing a problem of usurping naturally bred creation.

naturally, that is by means of cell fertilization etc. well this is complex. as an introduction, it's a feeble attempt at synthesis. the thing is also predicated on the existence of the "Multi-verse" along the lines of shamanic reasoning, so non physical realities having energy or such reality.

I'm going to put this more definitely, maybe even tomorrow.

but having started the topic, I've created irresistible momentum.
HA !!!

[Edited on 14-3-2004 by oba]

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 11:12 AM
Too complex, sorry.

Look for the simpler answer and you will find the truth.

Life is, as Life was intended, whether on this planet or on a multitude of other planets.

I suspect that Humanoid life, will resemble all stages of humanoid life as we have seen on Earth.

Some planets in "different" stages from other planets.

Co-habitation by multiple Humanoid "stages" without evidence of cross evalution shows direct intervention by an outside influence.

Maybe Earth is unique in that respect. And then again maybe it was an "accident" that placed that other Humanoid "stage" on this planet.

I am sure we will never know.


posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 11:26 AM
yeah. the CR concept is like a "genetic library executive committee".

add a super theological adeptness, and POW.

major power. HA HA .... !!!!


posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 11:30 AM

Co-habitation by multiple Humanoid "stages" without evidence of cross evalution shows direct intervention by an outside influence.

Maybe Earth is unique in that respect. And then again maybe it was an "accident" that placed that other Humanoid "stage" on this planet.

you really think that the human species shows signs of different evolutionary progress?

wow. that's controversial. but what would you measure that by, what scale?

IQ tests?? reasoning capacity or some test score?

also what about compensation in other areas? say, weaker mechanically but superior athletically? musically?

well I had to ask. anyway.

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by oba]

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 04:16 PM

the idea is that the CR created master templates for DNA (I'm assuming all sentient life forms, which would be an immense pallete for sure)

wasnt their a storyline in Star Trek TNG along these lines?

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 06:56 PM
Its was either in TNG or DS9, I can't remember which, but all humanoid races came from one master race that seperated into the universe. Thats how they explained the piss poor make up jobs most of the time and how almost everyone looked pretty damn similar.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 07:04 PM
The universe is replete with life
That is all that matters

posted on Mar, 11 2004 @ 08:43 AM
This all seems a bit odd but a nice concept . DNA isn't just something you can come up with though.


posted on Mar, 11 2004 @ 09:19 AM
a little more on the subject ...

The Central Race is known ...(by) .. the mythological status they enjoy in many ancient texts including the Bible and Koran, where they are referred to as the Shining Ones or Elohim. The Corteum are also familiar with the mythological status of the Central Race, although the WingMakers are a mystery to them as well.

the idea is that the Central Race, via their time travelling representatives (WM) left behind on Earth seven time capsules that contain instructions about dealing with events in the early part of the 21st C.

locations of such capsules ....

Excerpt From Liminal Cosmogony-
The Central Race is the progenitor of the humanoid race. In effect, they are our future selves. Quite literally they represent what we will evolve into in time and towards in terms of space.

it's a very compelling subject.
DNA boutique-style design seems rather advanced I'd readily admit.

On the fringe of the central universe resides the Central Race, which contains the original human DNA template of creation.

However, they are such an ancient race that they appear to us as Gods, when indeed they represent our future selves. Time and space are the only variables of distinction.

The Central Race is known to our elder race as the creator gods who developed the primal template of the human species and then, working in conjunction with the Life Carriers, seeded the galaxies as the universes expanded.

Each of the seven superuniverses has a distinctive purpose and relationship with the central universe via the Central Race based on how the Central Race experimented with the DNA to achieve compatible physical embodiments to be soul carriers.

one thing about this, is that it effectively takes all your wildest notions about God and religion, and cranks them into a new context .....

also what I like is that it tends to be a good news message in the face of a future that appears at time chaotic or unordered ..... .


[Edited on 11-3-2004 by oba]


posted on Mar, 11 2004 @ 09:23 AM
love the implications of this ...

they appear to us as Gods, when indeed they represent our future selves

it sort of speaks about how veneration takes place, and the emotional content thereof ...
anyway, that's for the God thread ...


what you get from that map, is a marker for each of the 7 continents.

(the number 7 is played out often here, as though it represents a metaphor, numerically, for the basic family unit of things, perhaps) .. anyways ..

... so on each continent there is a marker, and the one has been discovered already (in New Mexico ... known as the Ancient Arrow site) while the other 6 remain, although the rumor is that the 2nd one is already found, being in South America near Cuzco Peru, and it has features of its own, that rank it in importance to the others.

the CR are insistent that the early part of the 21st C will bring unique challenges, and that humankind's defence system must rely on more than just fluke, luck, or whim.

they are looking at it from a wide perspective by the looks of it. they apparently know of many things which happened on other worlds ....

these are scientists, the CR, and they don't want unexpected things to be messing up their priceless genetic library.

(meaning planet Earth which they consider a rare jewel among planets, for its incredible diversity of life forms)

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by oba]


posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 10:59 AM
I haven't really got a lot more to say about this ...

except I think the Genetic Mind is a key issue that hasn't been dealt with properly.

"The essence of this passage was validating what the ACIO had already known -- that the Animus were sending probes in 2011, and it was written in the form of a warning. It stated that the WingMakers had installed a defensive weapon on earth that would render the planet invisible to the Animus probes."

there's some admittedly impressive stuff on that site ....

They have encoded the discovery of language, mathematics, music, and so forth into our genetic structures. As we evolve, certain forerunners of our species -- people like you and I -- activate a part of their DNA before the rest of us. These forerunners are able to retrieve this encoded information and share it with the species. In subsequent generations, this insight is transmitted, and pretty soon, the entire species encompasses this new information or skill.

I'm going to try and make the whole subject more practical for one thing ...
transformative concepts are not easy to take. always...

but in a way, the net is a transformative tool, that cannot be denied. so how do you manage the beast (proactively, that is ..)

we're also looking at the time frame going into into the short term (10 to 15 years) and also the OLIN3 term (out to 2075 ad)

... it's related to the Internet and a new communication technology that the WingMakers referred to as OLIN or the One Language Intelligent Network.

(they) ..seem to feel confident that the OLIN technology will help create the global culture through the Internet. This incidentally is consistent with prophecies that the Labyrinth Group was privy to dating as far back as 1,500 years ago.

Of course the enabling technology wasn't called OLIN, but the notion of a global culture and unified governance has been predicted for many centuries."

the issue of global culture is also a real vector of sorts, impacting everything, especially these cultural conflicts ...

it will happen through the digital economy and then through the Internet's OLIN technology platform. And through this global network, entertainment and educational content will be globalized.

This is the basis of a global culture with unified commerce, content, and communities. Once these pieces of the infrastructure are in place, then the need to govern this infrastructure will loom as the preeminent issue of the day.

And the United Nations is the logical ruling body for such an endeavor. As long as the World's people allow the digitization of the economy and embrace the OLIN technology platform, a global government and culture is virtually assured to emerge...

anyways. there\'s a whole bunch more and this internet shop is closing, so later ....


posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 11:17 AM
also what I want to mention is something called sensory encoded data streams and the idea here is that micro data is being picked up but by alternative areas of cognition. (that is, by non traditional non logical areas of perception and cognition)

this admittedly sounds invasive (as in subliminal programming) well, it surely will be a core ethics issue in years to come ...

the idea is that DNA has energy and information capabilities. it morphs according to energy and data feilds with which it comes into contact.

I don't knowwhat the process is, or what rate it happens at. it's something I heard about.

b.t.w. "encoded" signifies encrypted and so forth. ie: not in plain view...

to be honest, I think what they're doing, is taking a communications media that's based on XY bits per second of recognition ability (theirs) and "stepping it down" to where the Terrestial mind is able to make it coherent.

like using fire to build a statue or something. not always easy ..

that's exactly why a multi media presentation is necessary. what one mind misses because of cognitive specialty, another will pick up and interpret usefully and the whole idea is that the race as a whole advances firmly to the Federation stage. essentially. ok.

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by oba]


posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 12:02 PM
well, just a couple more quotes, then I'm done for his day's posting .... heh heh ...

so back to the ever brilliant neruda ...

The Labyrinth Group - and I'm including the Corteum when I say that - was in agreement that it was an authentic disclosure from the Central Race ..

The Central Race is responsible for seeding and cultivating higher life forms throughout the universe, they're vitally interested in protecting their genetics from the Animus.

Earth isn't the only genetic repository that they protect in this manner. Our RV sessions uncovered a database of planets throughout our superuniverse that was incalculably large. ..

The site is part of a larger structure that's interconnected through some means I don't understand. We know there're seven sites that have been constructed on earth - presumably in the ninth century.

We know that these sites have some defensive purpose, and we know that the sites planners represent themselves are culture bearers, and are most likely representatives from the Central Race

Bell Labs hired him for a short stint because his research on quantum objects and how they could be influenced by consciousness interested them.... Quantum objects are fundamental building blocks of matter, and they can appear both as a wave and a particle ..

Few people realize that their conscious mind only processes about 15 bits of information per second of linear time. However, in vertical time, the unconscious mind is processing approximately 70-80 million bits of information.

Thus, in normal consciousness, humans are aware of only an infinitesimal amount of the information that is constantly being fed to them at the unconscious level.

The Corteum technology was designed to reduce the filtering aspects of the conscious mind and enable the higher frequency information packets to be fed to the conscious mind.

there are formative principles of physics that reside in a dimensional matrix that are completely foreign to all beings except the most penetrating intellects ...

ZEMI had 62 different analyses of the 24th chamber painting, and each of them had probabilities of over 40%. This is unheard of unless an object is coded in sufficient complexity, and this coding is consistently applied to produce a web effect of possibilities.

This painting, along with the glyphs on the opposite wall, achieved that end. The ACIO calls this phenomenon, Complexity Interlocks, with factors on a scale of zero to one hundred.

If an object or event has a CI of 15, it's considered a coded object. The artifacts of the 24th chamber had the highest CI of all the chambers: 94.6. To put it into perspective, the next highest chamber, chamber six, had a CI of 56.3


posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 09:55 AM
b.t.w. -- I'm really intersted if anyone here has info on goings-on regarding out of the way places like Perseus, Orion, and SiriusB.

the reason I ask is that finding reliable info on the net seems to be a hit & miss thing esp. as it pertains to the larger picture such as these places, and also where conflicts have been reported.

the Perseus thing was news to me, but from what I've heard, Sirius B has been a long simmering situation, and since it involves humanoid populations, such as the ones known to inhabit Altair (in the Aquila system) , along with some of the planets in the Plaiedies environment, it sure would be comforting to know more about the status of those places.

while on the subject, here is an awesome view of Orion B (sometimes known by the Arabic name "Rigel")

this object has a mass 55,000 times that of the Sun and is a blue color. if that's not enough, it also pulsates. what an object !! spectacular to put it mildly ....

Distance 773 light years [ 237 parsecs ]
Magnitude Apparent: +0.2 Absolute: -6.7
Spectral Class- B8 Blue Supergiant

I'm essentially waiting for my confirmed reservation to visit the place, but please don't tell anyone just yet ... thx.

this is a basic overview of the local neighborhood ...

to focus in on Perseus and Sirius B (Sirius is practically next door b.t.w. )

a pan- out view ... of the local group. like really close in ...

that will show another important star system, namely Procyon. which is said to also be inhabited mainly with humanoid populations. which really means... yes ... RELATIVES. anyway. enough for this post I guess.

[Edited on 15-3-2004 by oba]

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 11:21 AM
You seem to be almost the only one posting, isn�t that a bit odd?

Oba, if there is such a race, then riddle me this:

Under whose authority are these beings from this so-called Central Race?

If this race is in contact with the human race, under whose authority were they given this access?

Who is their sovereign?

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 11:37 AM
The whole thing is very interesting, But after reading the site, there are a few things, hopefully you can help.

The Wall Paintings: Who recreated them? Are the still encoded after the redo, and are there any REAL pictures of these? I mean anyone can go to these caves right, is it being partolled by the Gov etc.

Any docs on the AICO Goverment etc. beng this guy left from them and a reporter etc. he took stuff, is there any real pictures of these etc.

Those are for starters,


posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by FieryIce1
Oba You seem to be almost the only one posting, isn�t that a bit odd?
Oba, if there is such a race, then riddle me this:
Under whose authority are these beings from this so-called Central Race?
If this race is in contact with the human race, under whose authority were they given this access?
Who is their sovereign?

actually fiery ice , I count SIX other posters besides me and that isn't including you either.
but I guess what's even more odd is how you somehow missed those other posters. (beer?) so yes, it is VERY odd you are correct.

anyway I could forgive all of that if the location you're at on the island is a place like Port Hardy or even Duncan ! ...

ANYWAYS. I will attempt to apply your riddle.
AUTHORITY may well be something loaded with someone's fear-domination (theology) paradigms. or ...
authority in your sense might be, "take me to your leader" or something. I don't know the motive for asking.


for example, I could say that First Source is their authority.
you'd ask " who/ what is this First Source"?

& I'd say, what I have to go on right now, is what I've read/ seen/ heard (they are multi-media, b.t.w.)

and beyond that, I would have to describe what I know of this teaching.

but the reason I mention it here, is that I have a feeling it goes into what the planet is going to experience in the next 75 or 100 years.

which is basically NO SMALL POTATOES.

so that's why I give it the credence that I do.

feel free to ask further.
that's why I started this "solitary endeavor"

hey , it is FUN on this end, so that's what counts isn't it ???

HEYYYY.. and also, I just LOVE that island !! really.

[Edited on 15-3-2004 by oba]


posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio
The whole thing is very interesting, But after reading the site, there are a few things, hopefully you can help.

The Wall Paintings: Who recreated them? Are the still encoded after the redo, and are there any REAL pictures of these? I mean anyone can go to these caves right, is it being partolled by the Gov etc.

Any docs on the AICO Goverment etc. beng this guy left from them and a reporter etc. he took stuff, is there any real pictures of these etc.
Those are for starters ...

first, shift trio -- puleeeeeease stop bangin that head like that
..... like OOOOWWWWWWch. all right already.

OK. what I know of so far, which is a little sketchy, is that the art is transposed from the Galactic Core where the vibration rate is a lot higher and so forth.

but collectively, they are called a TRIBUTARY ZONE, which is an embedded encoded data stream, that is supposed to paint a basic picture of the situation on Earth vis a vis the galaxy and the Federation. (and I presume the members called the Lyricus order - aka, Wingmakers.)

anyway I don't know enough about the techniques and the art, except that it was translated here on-planet by artists affiliated with the ACIO which itself is a cryptic name for , possibly, a branch of the SG. (satellite gov't)

and the story is half myth and half reportage.
the reason for the myth content is that myth escapes the scrutiny of the MDI (managed disinformation function) (my term) which, obviously, is necessary given the technologies in place on the planet even at this time, which is OLIN1, a distant prelude to OLIN3, the eventual hook up stage.

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 12:28 PM

which is maybe the way you want it, I don't know

The way I want it? Excuse me; I don�t understand what my wants have to with any of this. I do look for truthful answers.
For the record, I do not drink or like beer but I do like a good hot cup of coffee; still this has nothing to do with the subject matter.

Since you want to second guess my questions, then on your solitary endeavor please define what First Source is. Are you saying that under the authority of this First Source the WingMakers operate or are governed by this First Source?

AUTHORITY may well be something loaded with your fear-domination paradigms. or ... authority in your sense might be, "take me to your leader" or something. I don't know your motive for asking.

I don�t understand the personal attack, I am neither confined within or purport to be part of a fear-domination paradigm, and the same goes for �take me to your leader�.

My motive is simply to understand and get truthful information, nothing more, nothing less. I don�t see how that motive should be a problem unless the information possessor has something to hide. Wouldn�t it be logical that if the information possessor has something to hide, that one would become defensive?

[Edited on 15-3-2004 by FieryIce1]


posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 12:35 PM
when you get past all that emotion, and wish to ask a clear question, let me know.

I enjoy discussing the topic.

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