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Forbidden Colours. Are There Colours We've Never Seen Before?

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posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 05:25 AM
Xilvius and jpm 1602, what amazing experiences! Thank you for sharing

I wish I could experience something like that. I've always been a dreamer lol, and it just amazes me to think that there are things we haven't yet seen, that could look so beautiful and wow! It's just so fascinating

I mentioned before about the possibilities of alien life forms elsewhere in the universe that have colours we've never seen. That would be amazing too. Well, if there are alien life forms. I know most scientists say that it's close minded to think we're alone, but I don't know. But if there were and we got to see them and they weren't hostile, that would be so amazing.

I've always believed in God too, and Heaven, and I've always wondered what it would be like, knowing that I never could imagine or know exactly. But I've always thought it must be something amazing. And those experiences, maybe they are to do with that. I don't know, but it sure is amazing to wonder.

reply to post by Sparky63

I don't think I've ever heard about Tetrachromatics, thanks for mentioning it, it sounds very interesting
. Only two people who could be Tetrachromatics have ever been found, wow..

reply to post by Neurocksones

Hi Neurocksones, welcome to ATS

So you're an artist too? Cool

Mm, I guess I agree with you that each shade from the colours we know, are technically "different" colours, but I guess my point was they can be traced back to the Primary colours. And there are only three, but I was wondering what if there were more, you know? How awesome would that be?

Thanks for your response
, that's interesting to think about

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 06:44 AM
reply to [url=]post by Sparkly_Eyed7

My mother passed away while I was holding her hand many years ago. That was a transforming experience that I will share another time. Long before her death, we had promised each other that whoever passed over first would, if she could, contact the other to let them know what reality is like after death. About six months after her death, I dreamed I was shopping at a sidewalk sale outside a store when I suddenly turned to find her standing there with a beautiful smile on her face. I told her I loved and missed her and she told me she loved me too (I guess she didn't say she missed me b/c time has no relevance where she is). I asked her what it was like on the other side and she said "It's wonderful. I'm a part of everything and everything is a part of me." I told her I didn't understand and she said "Let me show you." She then proceeded to transform into all these diverse things in repid succession, including a rainbow with colors I have never seen. She then transformed back to herself. It was a beautiful gift. I have also had dreams where the landscape has colors that are different from the colors we perceive. So yes, I believe there are colcors we can't perceive with our senses, and it may have to do with our loss of connection to the spirit world. But on a more scientific level, we only capable of perceiving a small percentage of the light spectrum, so it would make sense that there would be colors that exist that we can't see. Interesting and though provoking thread.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by searchingforthetruth

Hi, searchingforthetruth, I'm sorry for your loss

That is truly amazing, what you have experienced. Interesting what your mother said, about the next life. Thank you for sharing that

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:28 AM
If I were to expound about it Sparkly. I would say we were graced by 'a presence.'
Marty and I were hitting our marks and throwing as hard as we could.
Kathleen and I were enjoying a most beautiful day, and full of love for each other.
If that is like anything the here after is.....I can't wait.
It was a spiritual thing as well as visual and mentally.

[edit on 7/17/2008 by jpm1602]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by jpm1602

Originally posted by jpm1602
If I were to expound about it Sparkly. I would say we were graced by 'a presence.'

Hmm, interesting. What kind of presence do you think? By an entity or a place or feeling from another dimension or the next life?

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 11:38 AM
If having to guess. I would say almost angelic. Like we were being observed by a high power with great love. The only explanation I can wrap my mind around.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:11 PM
I think this is brilliant because of the fact that we CAN'T imagine any colour we don't already know/perceive. To try and think up something new, in this context, would inherently mean we can compare something we have seen to it, thereby rendering the 'new' colour really not so new at all, just another part of a spectrum which is - to my knowledge at least - at it's known limit. If I were to ask "what colour could it possibly be?", someone would most likely respond with "Well, it would be like ___ and ____, which would be false. Even if we were to perceive something like this in a dream, how are you going to replicate it? How will you create it for you and others to see physically? Without even a starting point, being as anything you would reach for would already be of our known colour spectrum and therefore the 'new' one would not be new at all? You can twist your brain pretty fast speculating on this.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by jpm1602

Wow, that must have been some experience. Maybe the higher power wanted to let you know it was watching over you or something??

If your experience has anything to do with Heaven, then I can't wait either, amazing! Imagine the colours! Well I guess, no one really can exactly, but still awesome to think about

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by Orion Crystal Ice

Interesting. What if instead of describing a new colour with colours we already know (which as you say wouldn't really make sense) you could describe it with a feeling? Or a smell or a certain pattern or something like that?

I don't know but maybe it could have something to do with Synesthesia?

Wikipedia - Synesthesia

Maybe there are colours that could best be described as certain feelings, not just how we see them with our eyes. Maybe there's a whole new way of sensing things, instead of the five we already know? I don't know about anyone else, but that's how I feel about Heaven, although I'm sure it would be even more wonderful than that

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by blupblup

it's not that they aren't in our environment. It's that we cannot perceive them. Birds for example can see into the ultraviolet spectrum. They see "colors" that we cannot. For some species of birds, male and females look exactly the same to us. But in fact, they have ultraviolet signatures/patterns/markings on their feathers that the birds can see.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by JPhish
reply to post by blupblup

it's not that they aren't in our environment. It's that we cannot perceive them. Birds for example can see into the ultraviolet spectrum. They see "colors" that we cannot. For some species of birds, male and females look exactly the same to us. But in fact, they have ultraviolet signatures/patterns/markings on their feathers that the birds can see.

Hmm, that's interesting. I suppose that's kind of like dogs hearing frequencies that we can't because they're too high for us to hear. So, of course it would make sense to reason that there'd be colours that we can't see because they're of a "higher frequency" than what we can percieve.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:48 AM
I've been thinking about colours and whether there are shades that we haven't seen/don't know about. As an art student I naturally asked on of my teachers for his opinion and he called me an 'Anorack' is it?
But I believe there are and I also believe there are notes (as in sound) that we have not heard. Still, to actually find them might be disastrous to us as Humans. Still, brill thread!

Ramadwarf of the noises colours make

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Ramadwarf Philes

You might like reading some art theory books about color, since you seem to be so interested in the subject. Try "Chromophobia" for starters. It is about fear of color and the use of color in western culture to denote the 'other' or a 'fall'.

As for colors we have never seen... neon colors were invented in the 1950's starting with neon green!

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Ramadwarf Philes

Oh hey thanks for the reply, I only read it just now so, sorry for not replying sooner

Originally posted by Ramadwarf Philes
As an art student I naturally asked on of my teachers for his opinion and he called me an 'Anorack'

I had to look up what that (Anorack) meant. It's slang for someone who is interested in niche subjects?

But yeah, I also wonder about if there are notes we haven't heard. There is still so much we don't know about the universe yet. The possibilities are truly endless.

Still, to actually find them might be disastrous to us as Humans.

That's an interesting idea. It's possible that there are notes that might not be good for human beings. There may be some notes that the human body wouldn't be able to handle. Or maybe we need to evolve a bit more before we can handle them?? Or they might hold some secret or hidden knowledge?? Lol, who knows I guess...

Still, brill thread!

Hey thanks

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by rhizomes

Originally posted by rhizomes
As for colors we have never seen... neon colors were invented in the 1950's starting with neon green!

I was thinking more along the lines of colours not in the colour spectrum as we know it. But I think neon lights were a step in the right direction for humanity in finding out if there are colours not related to any we know now.

Colour exists because of light, and there are so many things in the universe we don't know and haven't discovered so I think it's definitely possible that we could discover different colours

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:23 AM
My 8th grade art teaher used this exact argument for the argument that no-human has seen an alien. Or if they had they are bat crazy, he said our colours are caused by our relation to the sun and the way in which in reflects here on earth. Our colours are only present to us, so he made the assumption that if there were alien races out there, their colours and shapes would have been formed by their sun ('s). So if a human mind were to ever see an alien species one of two things would occur. Our eye would see them but our brain would not be able to interpret what it was seeing as it has no refference and they would appear invisible to us. Or secondly the sight of such colours and shapes would render us crazy, from the system crash in our brain.
That was his theory, my understanding of the universe has changed alot since than and i am not sure about this whole different colours and shapes things. I have never researched the science however.

[edit on 10-12-2009 by Hack28]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Hack28

Wow, never thought of that. I suppose it might possibly apply to some alien races but I don't think it was fair of him to assume that that could apply to all alien races. I'm sure that there are and would be extraterrestrials that developed in similar circumstances to us here on Earth. They might have a similar sun, chemicals, body structure etc.

Not exactly sure how it works though, whether light works the same throughout the universe. But then again, there are different types of stars i.e supergiants, white dwarves. So I don't know
. Like I said before, I guess it's possible it would apply to some.

I'm not really sure on the science of it, which is I why I made this thread. I was just really wondering about it and if it really were possible.

I definitely think it's possible in a spiritual sense, if you believe in that sort of thing, which I do. I think it's possible you would be able to understand different colours and recognise them in a spiritual sense or with your astral self, because your astral self isn't exactly bound by how the physical body reacts to things.

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