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Competing Hoaxes? Is This an ATS Game?

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posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by alienj

Bad idea, you open that door and everyone with a differing opinion on anything will see that regardless of whether a thread is bad or good, will get shuttled off the front page. Don't lke DD's threads? Just vote them off where most people wont see them, regardless of whether or not he has evidence in the thread or not.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Question Fate

Bad idea, you open that door and everyone with a differing opinion on anything will see that regardless of whether a thread is bad or good, will get shuttled off the front page. Don't lke DD's threads? Just vote them off where most people wont see them, regardless of whether or not he has evidence in the thread or not.

Well i dont think they should be voted off, just another way to express your opinion using the flag system.

What do you think?

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Denied]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:44 PM
A friend of mine recently was telling me about something he saw on one of the largest web forums, people were organizing to create a large, or the largest worldwide UFO hoax. He wasn't sure but he felt the number of people involved was somewhere between a few hundred and low thousands of people. I don't know if this will extend to alien visit hoaxes or such, from the way he described it, their plans were more to release multiple balloons with leds on, chinese lanterns, and such things, more a real world hoax than online, but it's worth considering that these people may be up to other stuff.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Question Fate

Whats the difference from voting them on to the front page or voting them off the front page......If you can vote them on the front page then there should be a checks and balance unless ATS just wants the shock treatment for people visiting this site,,, I think ATS would rather take care of its members than just have a shock value. Think about it Question Fate...if someone else on this site has a rate to rate something good, then why dont I have the right to rate it bad>>>>>makes sense to me. Seems like right now we need more common sense too.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by alienj]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by nexusmagazine

As a journalist, do you get frustrated that people will contact you and not want to get the interview in your magazine? I would expect that to be thier goal if they contact you knowing what you do. You are a good person to provide "cpunseling" when you are not getting the story for incentive. What you said sounds a lot like tthe misconceptions people have about women who "cry rape"- I mean make false reports. The statistics are surprising.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by alienj

But my point is, we have mods to decide if content should be moved or deleted. Personal feelings shouldnt have an impact on the sites content. Evidence and feelings should be handled should be handled on a "you can either believe it or not" bases as long as its in the realm of the site and threads dont get too far out of hand (with flame wars and such).

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna
My thread is a real event, that really happend, to real people with as much information as we could possibly give with the limited available to myself and my wife.

people came in, got mod censored, didn't like it and started the parody.

The person making the second thread actually got censored and his entire post removed from my one for being way off topic.

Dude, give it up. holy crap

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:13 PM
I highly doubt it's a game. I had something happen to me last night as well, a repeat occurence of something that has only happened 3 other times in my life. I dont know what to make of it, but all you so called debunkers need to crawl back in your hole. If you experienced something like that who would you turn to? The police? Would you meticulousy collect evidence? This site is a joke for feedback since its so polluted by thick minded idiots when it comes to this sort of thing. Who should I tell... friends family? Should I tell a doctor? A psychologist? This sort of phenomena is not fake, we just arent savvy enough to understand it as the way we are. The constant debunkers only make it worse, and leave me feel disenchanted. I am going to make a post about what I experienced last night anyway. Feel free to come on there and call me names or crazy. Maybe at least one kindred soul will read it and care.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by darkelf
We need a new forum category on ATS. Whenever someone makes claims like this, it needs to go to the HOAX forum until the OP has provided definative proof. Once this has been met, the thread can be moved to the applicable category.

Terrible idea - a person who has a real experience would never post in such a rarely get the forensic evidence you need in brief brutal encounter with humans let alone anything else....such a forum would be a waste of server space...

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by garyo1954

Speaking of ignore button, I'm sure more than a few have used theirs on me... If I had the time and money to run my own discussion site, I'd make it as close to hoaxproof as possible; by requiring an oath (from those with plainly unusual claims) that's stronger than the one in the courtroom (of at least the US system). Sounds extreme, but I'd want the most discerning possible readership, therefore the most credibility. In absense of corroberating evidence, such an oath would be the closest to an airtight guarantee of truth possible.

Otherwise I'd also allow profanity (that's clearly NOT directed TOWARD another poster); with a warning to children and parents on the home page...

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Lightworth]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by garyo1954

The poster for Violent encounter with an alien being has many many posts on ATS... If he was a hoaxer he would have posted a Hoax long ago... This is the first time he has every claimed somthing so Extrodinary... Remember just because you think its a hoax. does not meant that it is.. works the same the other way... He may or may not be telling the truth.. However considering the pictures of a triangular ufo that he took during the same time frame.. the pics of injuries and how serious he is and his wife.. I doubt it was a hoax.. Now on the other post.. the pic looks like a piece of chicken.. and I would say chances of that being a hoax is higher.. But remember if somthing ever happens to you.. and when you try to tell the truth , and people call you a liar or a hoaxer, you will have a taste of your own medicine.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by thefreepatriot]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by dedalive
I highly doubt it's a game. I had something happen to me last night as well, a repeat occurence of something that has only happened 3 other times in my life. I dont know what to make of it, but all you so called debunkers need to crawl back in your hole. If you experienced something like that who would you turn to? The police? Would you meticulousy collect evidence? This site is a joke for feedback since its so polluted by thick minded idiots when it comes to this sort of thing. Who should I tell... friends family? Should I tell a doctor? A psychologist? This sort of phenomena is not fake, we just arent savvy enough to understand it as the way we are. The constant debunkers only make it worse, and leave me feel disenchanted. I am going to make a post about what I experienced last night anyway. Feel free to come on there and call me names or crazy. Maybe at least one kindred soul will read it and care.

Then what should people do? Ignore it? If he didn't want attention drawn to this, he should not have posted in on an Internet board. Worse, he posted it on a board where debunkers hang out and try to make sense of the myriad of ridiculous claims made every day. What we he expecting, honestly? Do you think everyone should just believe him on faith?

In my opinion, the only was things will come to light, be disclosed by our governement, get folks educated, make people more aware of what's going on, is to truly study it. Since our friends from wherever they hail are not so considerate as to be more helpful with producing solid evidence for us, it falls on us to investigate these incidents. What's the point of this board? Is it a magical place where we swap stories? I don't think so. It's a place where people try to study and get the truth of matters.

If someone make incredulous claims, they should be prepared to produce incredible evidence.

As it stands in this case, you have a fellow who amazingly was able to stab a fish creature over 100 times. Do you realize how implausible that alone sounds? Even when I was in great shape and was involved in martial arts, I can't imagine a frenzied bout of 100 blows. You are exhausted over 10 or 15. And have bruises to match, if they are as violent as he claims. I came away from each sparring night with a lot of bruises, and a lot of exhaustion. I doubt Dan is a profession boxer or martial artist.

Then he produces "proof" in the way of some very minor scratches—I've gotten worse trimming hedges. He should be bruised. He should be battered. He is not. A creature which bleeds a thick orange blood-like substance, after the fray is able to not only survive this unlikely attack, but clean up completely afterwards. Not a speck of the blood anywhere. Does that really seem rational to you?

Would an alien really have handy the technology to 100% remove every trace of blood from the blankets, Dan, the knife, the walls, and anywhere else it go? Most especially, consider if you are grappling on the carpet. It is ground into the fibers. They were able to completely remove it from the carpet.

The reaction, the creature, the attack, the creature living, the reaction of the victim afterwards (and the following day), the lack of evidence, the electric eel attack, all of this sounds very implausible. It's not just one weird event. It's a series of incredulous claims. And none have been backed up. I think the state of UFO study actually is in dire trouble, when people just take stuff at face value, and are NOT skeptics. This field demands solid study of events, it's the only real way the truth will be discovered.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by raven bombshell
reply to post by nexusmagazine

As a journalist, do you get frustrated that people will contact you and not want to get the interview in your magazine? I would expect that to be thier goal if they contact you knowing what you do. You are a good person to provide "cpunseling" when you are not getting the story for incentive. What you said sounds a lot like tthe misconceptions people have about women who "cry rape"- I mean make false reports. The statistics are surprising.

Yes I get frustrated, but after seeing what happens to the few people who do insist on making it public, I can understand why they don't want their life ruined any more than it has been.

Most of the calls I get on this matter have been referred by someone in the victim's circle of friends or acquaintances. They usually have never read a ufo book or watched even a UFO documentary - heck, to most of these people, aliens and ets are the last thing they would think about. Yet the descriptions of their experiences are so so similar.

It reminds me of just a few decades ago, when people cried rape over their local church minister or priest. Then, people wouldn't believe you, and your social and church life was ruined for ever by even mentioning it. Same with telling people that aliens have been having sex with you against your will, or similar.

I wish that more people appreciated just how many cases there are, that they are never ever going to hear about. Even in the cases where there is physical evidence left behind, these people most want it destroyed or they toss it away.

Take a look at the level of attacks on Dan after he decided to go public with his case. Would YOU ever tell ATS if you had a traumatic encounter with non-humans after seeing what he has had thrown at him?

The days of innocent until proven guilty are long gone.


posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by nexusmagazine

Personally, Im on the fence about Dan's story, but I wouldnt attck him for it, just ask questions. I have learned from reading it that NO, I will not be posting any such events (not that I have any) on here. I was thinking that very thing even before I read your reply.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by fleabit

Ya, big muscular fish man can't even break the skin. Burns that look like he pinched himself too hard. Could also be birth marks for all we know. That's how much they don't even look like injuries from a struggle. Oh, and don't forget about the incredible shrinking people that adds to the credibility.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 12:23 AM
Are people "competing" with hoaxes? Whether they are or not, unless they make a critical error, there is no way to prove it, so there is not much to do about it.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 12:37 AM
Sorry guys. I didn't mean to drop this topic, but today was busy.

Everybody seems to be raising some interesting point.

Thanks to everybody who pointed out these threads are in Skunkworks and carry exceptions. I'll keep that in mind in the future.

I have probably flagged and starred a handful of posts so I'm not at all familiar with it work. We could raise this issue in the Board and Business forum I suppose.

(Okay guys you guys are making me feel like I need to go back to freshmen forum here.)

I wouldn't discount the idea this may be a game. So far nobody from the higher ups has said it is not.

I'm hoping no one perceives this as an attack on either of those threads. It should be just third place to discuss them together and separately; a place to compare and contrast, if you will.

I still visit both those threads so this is nothing personal against either of the OPs. If anything both threads prove people come to conclusions based on their standard of proof. Amazingly simple concept which remains hard to understand simply because people are people. Some have rigid standards; others have flexible standards.

My second thought is if something like this ever happened, would I share it?
After some thought, I'd say yes. I'd hope to handle it like Wrecking Crew, with some humor.

A thick-skinned person would be better equipped to handle the adversity and the detractors, I suppose.

I'm not sure I could answer every question, but I do know "I don't know" is a perfectly acceptable answer rather than try to fill in the blanks.

But that's just me.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by garyo1954
Violent Encounter with an Alien Being
Alien ran out of my bedroom window

I checked these threads and I found nothing that looks like it could be part of a new ATS game. So far the hunt for the game has yielded only a link found on every ATS page. Scroll down to the bottom of any page and look for "( The Above Top Secret Conspiracy Community Web site is a wholly owned social content community of The Above Network, LLC. )" The brackets enclosing this statment are a link to

Join the hunt here: thread

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 12:45 AM
Been on ATS for over a year now, I have come to realize that is during the summer that we get the most number of hoaxes or lets called them unverifiable stories.

I have come to the conclusion as many others here that it is just because the college and school kids have more time in their hands to mess around with us. This summer has been no different than previous just with difference that this year stories have nothing compare to last year.

Last year:
[HOAX] Isaac CARET - Drones [HOAX] DATE: 26-06-07

[HOAX] Haiti UFO Video - YouTube - [HOAX] DATE:09-08-07

[HOAX] 'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin in August [HOAX] DATE: 22-06-07

These 3 threads rank #1, #6 and #7 respectively in the ALL Time Active Topics list for UFO related threads.

Now the biggest thread this year is:

Interesting character in my ER has me spooked DATE:03-06-08, TOTAL REPLIES:348

There have been others like the ones you mention but they dont even come close to garner as much attention as others did, mainly becuase I think that people earned their lesson from last year and dont pay much attention to this kind of story telling threads.

So in the sense yes I will agree that some members do have a competition to post the most outrageous stuff outhere, not only in skunkworks or UFO but also in 9-11 for that matter, but in my opinion they dont get as much attention or cause that much of a stir as previous hoaxers/storytellers use to on this site.

[edit on 8-7-2008 by Bunch]

[edit on 8-7-2008 by Bunch]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by garyo1954

Hello all!

Let me start by saying thanks to everyone understanding and the ridicule! Believe it or not, you can learn things from both sides of the track.

I briefly became familiar with DT's thread the other night. My night if you will. That being said. I don't discredit DT, I can't. I am interested in what he has to say, but like most people here, I wish I had more time. I am also in the process of moving in 2 months, so I am packing as well.

All I want to do in this post is to extend my had in friendship to everyone interested and that can help us.

If you don't want to shake my hand, that is fine as well.

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