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Fahrenheit 451

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posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 03:50 PM
This is the book that was made for ats. I strongly suggest you all read this book it shows what kinda world we are slipping into and how we should deny ignorance.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 03:59 PM
I read that book. It was pretty good. Another one to look into is "The Giver."

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 04:10 PM
I tried reading the book for my book report at my skool...but they wouldnt let me....its banned. So i had to read it at home and do another book for my book was great. Shows how censorship is taking over and how no one relaly gives a # bout anything anymore.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 05:47 PM
dream, are you serious? Why would they ban that book? our school reccomended us to read it.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by JustAnIllusion
I read that book. It was pretty good. Another one to look into is "The Giver."

The Giver is an excellent read, and good for younger kids, as well.
Farenheit 451 is an incredible read, just like pretty much all of Ray Bradburys works. He's an amazing writer.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by JustAnIllusion
dream, are you serious? Why would they ban that book? our school reccomended us to read it.

Yup...its on the list of banned books in the county or state or summin....maybe they dont wanna start summin wit the ideas in the book....i dunno.

[Edited on 7-3-2004 by dreamlandmafia]

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 07:45 PM
another good book is Brave New World... Huxley is one of my favorites. He wrote it in the 1950s I think, as a science fiction. But it is seeming more and more real everyday.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 06:38 PM
I loved fahrenheit 451. Really opened my mind. You should read "The Martian Chronicles". I loved that book.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 06:58 PM
I read it too ! I don't remember a lot about it though, it's been about 20 years since ....

I'll have to read it again.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 07:01 PM
did a google search on F-451, found this study guide site, looks pretty good,

gave me a reminder about the book, I sort of remember some of it now.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 09:52 PM

Farenheit 451 is easily the best booke ver written. Whoever said another good one is the giver is disturbed...the giver was good, but you cant even put it in the same CATEGORY as F451!!!

Yes, the book is banned in alot of places, and challenged daily. But not in the nation...maybe specific libraries or towns, but not the nation, I took a class on it.

Ok, go read the book. Then....go check out the publication date...1950 baby! This man predicted our lives basically (big screen TV's, virtual reality, BILLBOARDS THAT HAVE TO BE MADE LONGER BECAUSE OUR CARS GO FASTER???) and also predicted just whats happening in them. Digests, movie versions, bookstores are empty and replaced with shopping malls, book on tape, book on cd, the only books anyone reads are the books they are forced to read in education and school, and its seldom!

Now, in todays society, we read the same boks over and over. For example: nobody would go read A Wrinkle in Time if they didn't have to, shoot I think I'm the only person in my class who could pronounce L'Engle's name much less already read the book! F451 challenges everything- education, government, police force, advertising, the transportation system for crying out loud!

But here's the big clencher.....why RECENTLY alot of people have been taking it off their shelves...

it challenges the firefighters.

In the book, the antagonists, the evil guys...are the firefighters...and NOBODY wants to think that, what with september 11 and all. Now, of course, in the book firefighers play a much different rold than the ones of today, but still, in a country where everything is taken literally and as a threat, no one is safe.

When the youth group at a church in Pennysylvania suggests to have a book burning, as theyre friends and family members join in around a giant bonfire BURNING BOOKS AND MUSIC AND CD's...that's when you know that Ray was right from the beginning.

And that's when we start to get scared.

Ok and another thing........

I prmote Sparknotes and study guides for passing tests in AP English courses all the way.

But I will cry for ANYONE whoe ever tries to get a summary of this book.

That's complete and utter destruction of what the book is about.

Don't mess with me about this book, I will get angry.

If you happen to get a copy, read the Coda he wrote. It talks allll about that. You'll be blown away.

(sorry i went on about that for awhile)

Elevated..I aplaud you for posting this...but denounce it for having thought of sparknotes...dont you see thats what the whole book is against? just very passionate about censorship..ive got a jacket with the 100 most challenged books of the 1990's on the back. thats how much im for free speech.

ok...i still love you for making this thread

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by EmptyPlasticBag]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 09:56 PM
I'm going to pick it up over the weekend. I remember reading 1984 in 8th grade on my own and a sub for my reading teacher said I should'nt read it, it'll gie me ideas I should'nt have.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
I'm going to pick it up over the weekend. I remember reading 1984 in 8th grade on my own and a sub for my reading teacher said I should'nt read it, it'll gie me ideas I should'nt have.

Well's probably because your sub was satan.

Sorry! haha! I'm very against people saying that books will "give you ideas." THATS THE POINT!

Pick it up over the weekend. I rpmise you will never put it down. I wrote a biography on Bradbury if anyone is inteested in more info.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:12 PM
Sorry, posted in the wrong section. Still gettin the swing.

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by EmptyPlasticBag]

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 12:09 AM
Brave New World.

You might enjoy these books as well if you liked 451.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:51 PM
It was a great book. We we're taking those state assessment tests and brought it in to read, cause I would finish early. They had two teachers in the room, the sub for my English teacher and my science teacher. Sub saw the book and said "You should'nt be reading it, it'll give you ideas", then my science teacher walked over 5 minutes later and told me "Wow 1984, great book, read Fahernite 451 after it".

I'm heading up to Barns&Noble today to pick it up with some other books, read a little bit on-line and it looks great.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 12:52 PM
Read anything by Bradbury. He's an amazing writer. The Ray Bradbury hour is greatly missed, lol. His stories are crazy.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 01:02 PM
I read 1984 twice and Brave New World bnut never read F-451. I didn't know it was THAT good. I saw a bit of the Movie version late one night on the sci-fi channel but, I thought it was corny. I'll just get the book. And, what is Anthem about?

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
I read 1984 twice and Brave New World bnut never read F-451. I didn't know it was THAT good. I saw a bit of the Movie version late one night on the sci-fi channel but, I thought it was corny. I'll just get the book. And, what is Anthem about?

Anthem has the same kind of theme as 1984 and Brave New World. Throughout the book there is no use of the word 'I'... Individualism has been lost. The main character(s) is Equality 7-2521. Everything in life is dictated by certain councils, but Equality rebels against the extreme collectivism in society doing secret scientific research, eventually developing electricity. Equality takes this knowledge to a council, where he is condemned. He then flees and is joined by his love, Liberty 5-3000. They discover an old home in the forest in which they escaped to, and eventually rediscover 'I', and rename themselves Prometheus and Gaea, and vow to create a society based on individual freedoms.

This is from Ayn Rand, who is staunchly anti-collectivist. She escaped from Soviet Russia in the 20's, and most of her books carry the same theme. This one is my favorite, though.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 11:45 PM
Just saw the movie , think i'll READ the book soon

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