If "Yes" vote then star & flag -- If "No" vote do not
Here is the full text of the survey question:
Is there an ongoing U.S.-Federal Reserve Bank/U.K.-Bank of England conspiracy against equal redistribution of wealth? -- using any of the following
war methods (also, please add any forms of warfare I overlooked -thx):
-- biological warfare -- chemical warfare -- covert warfare -- educational warfare -- food warfare -- economic warfare -- electronic warfare --
medical warfare -- military warfare -- mind control warfare -- nuclear warfare -- petroleum warfare -- political warfare -- propaganda warfare --
psychological warfare -- radiological warfare -- social engineering warfare -- space warfare -- terrorist warfare -- water warfare -- demonizing
(warfare) -- myth of scarcity of resources warfare -- spiritual warfare
Following video of companies (see charts below) owned by the private bankers that own the FED and BANK OF ENGLAND and the military-industsrial complex
(see charts below) -- and is accompanied by Bob Dylan singing, ‘Master of War’
http ://www .youtube. com/watch?v=g0ELgFGd2fs
MOD: I had a post in this general conspiracy forum called: "The only hope for this country is democratic socialism & equal redistribution of
wealth." But it was appropriately moved by a well-meaning mod to the political ideology forum. The reason it was moved was my fault for being
inarticulate and indiscriminantly ideological and philosophical instead of documenting the conspiracy behind it -- my fault, sorry for that. (That url
is www.abovetopsecret.com... -- & that entire thread is summed up in a page at
www.abovetopsecret.com... & in an introductory paragraph at
MOD (cont): Therefore, I'm doing this, new post that belongs in the conspiracy forum: "historical & ongoing British & U.S. conspiracy against equal
redistribution of wealth using mind control, demonizing & social engineering".
NO OPINION & NO PHILOSOPHY & NO POLITICAL IDEOLOGY ON THIS POST, okay? That means if you have anything to say, back it up with documentation from a
book or newspaper or video or other ATS post that includes documentation, okay? To make a political ideology or philosophical remark PLEASE USE the
following location: www.abovetopsecret.com...
This underlying premise prompting this conspiracy post is:
The British central Bank of England (for whom MI-6 is a private, terrorist army) and the U.S. privately-owned FED (for whom CIA is a private,
terrorist army) and the German central bank Bundesbank (for whom BND) is a private terrorist army) -- and the new proposed Saudi Arabian, & Bahrain &
Iranian oil stock exchanges (bourse) and/or currencies &/or central banks (and the Moslem Brotherhood being originated and funded by the western
central banks previously mentioned), and existing central banks in South America and Africa including upcoming &/or new currencies such as Amero, for
example ... ARE ALL DESIGNED specifically in a conspiracy against the redistribution of wealth in the world -- historically &/or currently employing
Which Fed-owned international investment banks own which banks which own which oil & which utility companies.
courtesy of Antony Sutton
who are the Fed private international bankers that own the Fed that owns the banks that own the oil companies & utility companies that also own most
of the major successful companies in the U.S.
courtesy of Eustace Mullins & U.S. Congress
courtesy of Eustace Mullins & U.S. Congress
add'l FED chart info
research courtesy of Eustace Mullins & U.S. Congress www.my2012.4t.com...
UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT the Christian West Concept was bringing Nazis in America to found CIA as a hit squad for the FED, skim through, For neo-Nazi
holocaust deniers www.abovetopsecret.com...
I just realized the other day that the Fed runs an inflation/deflation pyramid scheme to keep us poor … I just never realized it was a pyramid
scheme (I guess that’s what fractional banking really is).
also, the proposed new central banks & currencies & oil bourses, "and, "Iraq (& coming Iran) war not about oil, about what currency will oil be
traded in", at www.abovetopsecret.com...
and, "is it true EVERY German child in Germany gets 800euros a month free (about US$1,256) from the German Goverment for 18 years?", at
and, "NO ONE! will believe you about the No. 1 NWO bank conspiracy – 6% fixed rate mortgage is a 580% variable mortgage", at
and, "U.S. has enough energy here for 2,000 yrs w/o imports & w/o nuclear", www.abovetopsecret.com...
ok i def didn't have time to read through that whole post... but, what is this equal distribution of wealth that I have just heard of the past few
days. Whatever it is, I took a guess, will never happen
1. Elite
2.Upper class
3.Middle class
4.Lower class
The Elite profit from our misery, it would be foolish to let anyone else prosper.