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The Illuminati's Perversion Of Religion

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posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 06:45 PM
Most of you may know that I am quite the Illuminati theorist. Well, here's another one for you.

I believe that the Illuminati has plagued and perversed the two religions, Judaism and Christianity. I have a little bit of information about Judaism, but more about Christianity fyi, though.

First about symbolism in Judaism. Just about every one knows about the Jew's symbol, the David's star. You may have also heard that the symbol was a Pagan symbol first, that being the Star Of Molech. This would prove that the six-sided star is a Pagan symbol. So, why did the Jews start to use this symbol? Why?

I have a friend who was a Reformed Jew. He says that they use this symbol as their main symbol...yet the Orthodox Jews use the Menorah as their main symbol. Why is that? Why do two offshoots of the same religion use different symbols?

My theory is that the Illuminati were able to gain control of Judaism in order to perverse the religion so that the followers of said religion would be praising false symbols, therefore practicing the religion wrong and not succeeding with being enlightened (thus would be the goal of the Illuminati).

This evidence is secure with the Orthodox Jews practicing unchanged, unaltered verses from the Talmud and from the Torah, which is not so for. Reformed Judaism. With changes being made to the Torah, the Torah could have been made to mislead and disinform people.

The next theory pertains to both religions, Judaism and Chrisitianity. The Christian faith has long been a very...traditional religion. Sabbath on this day, this Holy ceremony followed by this Holy Ceremony, followed by that Holy Ceremony. The worst that I have ever seen this get is for a Traditional Catholic wedding, and a Jewish Bar Mitzvah (or Bah Mitzvah if you prefer). I have attended both, so I know what I am talking about. Part of this therory is that the Illuminati not only got involved in religion not to only have people praise ther deity the wrong way, but to also have many long ceremonies, which people will eventually never put their meaning into, then just...go through the motions. It's no longer "I am going to partake of Communion, eating the flesh and blood of Christ. I am so thankful for his sacrifice.", but instead it's, "Okay. I HAVE to get up, go eat a hunk of bread, drink a bit of wine, and sit back down.". I do have to agree that some ceremonies are Holy, but they are no longer so when you don't put any more thought to them. Thus distancing you further away from religion.

This next theory is just for Christianity. It is the conspiracy involving Orthodox churches in the Christian faith. Let it be known that I am part of a sect in Christianity called the Community Of Christ. We believe in the Bible, the writings in the Book Of Mormon, and the writings of Joseph Smith, the Doctrine of the Covenants. This pretty much classifies me as being part of an
Unorthodox religion. I have studied the Orthodox religion's ways for some time now. I see how they do all of their ceremonies, and what not, see how they almost get their prayers out of a can, and heat it up in the 'nuker whenever it is appropriate. This is kind of going back to that ceremony thing. By transforming a conversation with God, to a rhetoric prayer that has no meaning in in the prayer's heart.

Not only that, but I have seen great Evil in the Orthodox Churches. I once attended a Lutheran church service, and the pastor gave an explanation of one woman who did not behave properly, and he said that because of that, she went to Hell. I was in an outrage. The door to Heaven or lack thereof is not by what you do, it's by what you believe. This man just disregarded that fact, and made the mass of people attending the mass shove that B.S. right down their throat. Not only that, but in the Catholic faith, the Pope has the right to excommunicate somebody. That means that they no longer have any communication with God. If the Catholics seriously believe this...I mean, come on! No man has that kind of power. God would not entrust this kind of power to a mere sinner. YES! THE POPE IS A SINNER! Not a demigod. This would be apparent evidence of the Illumianti's changes in religion because having a Pope being revered to that of a demigod gives the Illuminati put in a Pope of their choosing, basically screwing the relgion over, until the next Pope who shows up. Then he will screw over the religion, so on and so forth.

I even have an interesting story about the above paragraph! The Knights Templar. Many of you have probably heard this one during the Da Vinci craze. The Knights Templar were killed many a year ago by order of the current Pope of the time, on suspicion of doing Satanic deeds. Before the Pope ordered this, however, the Pope was sent from London to the capitol of France, by order of the King. Then, the King ordered the Templars to France, to the Capitol. The next day that they were there, they were imprisoned, and some killed because apparently they were practicing Satanic deeds. The ones who lived were tortured to get answers out of them, to the point where any man would lie to get out of the pain. The Pope back in the Medieval Ages had the power to kill on a massive basis. Imagine what goes on right now behind the curtains.

Also, I have noticed that many Orthodox religions pray to patron saints, or the Virgin Mary, or whoever. Isn't praying to saints basically calling them Gods? This would mean that Orthodox churches who pray to patron saints, or just saints in general would be Polytheistic religions, or for a better description, Pagans. Christianity strictly forbids Paganism. This would be evidence of the Illuminati's changes in the Religion because of the apparent paradox.

This will be continued in Part 2, so stay tuned!

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:00 PM
Alright, part where were we...ah yes! Part 2 is about the Illuminati created Religion, but first I will finish out on my orthodox Christianity rant.

The orthodox Christians always seem to be up in arms about which Religion is better. When you get down to it, that's why Ireland is still a battlefield in some parts. There is always someone who is going to say that this congregation is bad because they don't do this the right way, or that this denomination is not good because it's bad for you. The Illuminati has implanted the need into everyday life in the everyday Western man the need to compete. This seems to come out in religion too much though. Although, on my side of the table, I have gotten used to people believing that I am not a Christian at all. Just because of my Unorthodox beliefs.

Anyway, I think you kind of get the picture when I mean that the Illuminati has tampered with the Christian faith. But there was one more tampering. The creation of what I believe to be a Religion that was made to emulate the devout Orthodox, and blind Christian's look on life, and those that don't believe in their word.

Both when devout and blind feel that every other Religion's member should die.

Both when " " are constantly chewing each other out.

" " have killed thousands in the name of their faith.

" " Both have their own land where the country or countries follow the religion's rules.

Both say that there is a reward to whoever does their deity's bidding.

Both preach peace but in reality show hate.

If you haven't figured it out yet, the other religion is Islam.

I believe that Islam was created so that the average person would look at the Christians being violent for their beliefs, (i.e. the exploration of South America) and Islamic people being violent for their beliefs (i.e. stepping foot in a country controlled by Islam). Then they will say that neither one makes sense, and they just skip over both. Making them totally Atheist. All of this proof is surmountuos to the increasingly possible explanation that the Illuminati has been trying to thwart Christianity very hard and for a long time. But why? That is for you to decide my friend.


(Oh, I'm sorry if I offended you by said post. I did mean every word that I said, I will not lie, but if you want to comment about my thread, please U2U me.)

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by TechnoFan21
I believe that the Illuminati has plagued and perversed the two religions, Judaism and Christianity. I have a little bit of information about Judaism, but more about Christianity fyi, though.

Oh, my dear one. The "Illuminati" (or really those behind them) have perverted messages, CAUSED perverted messages, encouraged misinterpretation of messages, and otherwise foisted bad data on ALL the world's religions. Anything that divides us and causes an excuse to war against one another is encouraged.

Read The Terra Papers ( ).

First about symbolism in Judaism. Just about every one knows about the Jew's symbol, the David's star. You may have also heard that the symbol was a Pagan symbol first, that being the Star Of Molech. This would prove that the six-sided star is a Pagan symbol. So, why did the Jews start to use this symbol? Why?

Truth has been mixed with lies. Both The Terra Papers and this guy hold many answers:

Take the time to watch and read.

I have a friend who was a Reformed Jew. He says that they use this symbol as their main symbol...yet the Orthodox Jews use the Menorah as their main symbol. Why is that? Why do two offshoots of the same religion use different symbols?

"Divide and Conquer."

My theory is that the Illuminati were able to gain control of Judaism in order to perverse the religion so that the followers of said religion would be praising false symbols, therefore practicing the religion wrong and not succeeding with being enlightened (thus would be the goal of the Illuminati).

Or... All of it is a perversion of the truth, with intent to foment war...

This evidence is secure with the Orthodox Jews practicing unchanged, unaltered verses from the Talmud and from the Torah, which is not so for. Reformed Judaism. With changes being made to the Torah, the Torah could have been made to mislead and disinform people.

Right from the beginning, I think. The "unchanged," etc., was started with disinfo.

This next theory is just for Christianity. It is the conspiracy involving Orthodox churches in the Christian faith. Let it be known that I am part of a sect in Christianity called the Community Of Christ. We believe in the Bible, the writings in the Book Of Mormon, and the writings of Joseph Smith, the Doctrine of the Covenants. This pretty much classifies me as being part of an
Unorthodox religion.

You should read William Bramley's The Gods of Eden, which is available somewhere on the web in PDF form (the paperback version that lacks most of the illustrations, sadly, but it's still excellent information).

Not only that, but I have seen great Evil in the Orthodox Churches. I once attended a Lutheran church service, and the pastor gave an explanation of one woman who did not behave properly, and he said that because of that, she went to Hell. I was in an outrage. The door to Heaven or lack thereof is not by what you do, it's by what you believe.

And you know this because...? I'm not saying that the Lutheran pastor has it right. I personally doubt it. But I also doubt you have it right either. But if you read and watch what I suggest, maybe you will have a different view and see where I'm coming from all the better.

I will address the rest, and anything you want, if you read fully (not skim) The Terra Papers, and watch Nassim's presentation in full. Regardless of your take on the material.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:01 AM
Okay. I do revere your reply. However I will reply to you once I have digested this...epic, amount of information.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by TechnoFan21

I await your educated reply. [smile]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 08:24 AM
Checking in to see where you're at. Any thoughts yet?

Thanks for looking into what I offered.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:42 AM
The Illuminati didn't tamper with Christianity, Constantine and the Bishops of Rome did when they passed their edicts. Jesus was considered a regular man until it was voted on that he was divine. The virgin birth was added then, even though he was the son of Joseph. The most recent new rule is Mary being the Immaculate Conception, meaning she never had sex with her husband (what about Jesus' brothers and sisters?) I could go on and on.
The truth is no one is sure who or what the Illuminati is and if they are still around. I have heard so many different stories of them from people who claim it is the truth I don't know what to believe. If they truly are secret, they are staying that way.
The Terra Papers, while interesting, are nothing more than a variation of Von Daniken's ancient astronaut theory. Now if the author of the Terra Papers can come up with an alien body...

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by kidflash2008

As far as I know, the Catholics are the only ones who revere Mary as the Immaculate Conception. While I DO believe that Mary was a virgin and conceived Christ through the Holy Spirit, I am well aware that she did not remain a virgin for her entire life. She did indeed consumate her relationship with Joseph and they went on to have several biological children together, Jesus' half brothers and sisters if you will.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by quaple_pouge

The Immaculate Conception is rather new (19th Century) and Catholic. I have argued about Jesus having brothers and sisters with my family (who is very Catholic) and they still say there was only Jesus. (I don't even try to tell them Jesus was a regular man.) I was trying to point out there was no need for an Illuminati to change anything as the leaders of Christianity did much of the change themselves.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Sorry, it's taking a while. I haven't had much time lately. This is the first time I have been actually post on ATS for a while.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
The Terra Papers, while interesting, are nothing more than a variation of Von Daniken's ancient astronaut theory. Now if the author of the Terra Papers can come up with an alien body...

Heh. First, the Papers were written BEFORE VD's stuff. Second, the Hopi are keeping this mostly to themselves merely because most people would not accept it. Pearls and swine, sort of.

And the Papers are not the half of the whole story, I am sure. There is more that we are not told in that story.

Third, there was ONE alien, and that ONE alien went their own way. So there is no "body" to offer up.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
The Terra Papers, while interesting, are nothing more than a variation of Von Daniken's ancient astronaut theory. Now if the author of the Terra Papers can come up with an alien body...

Heh. First, the Papers were written BEFORE VD's stuff. Second, the Hopi are keeping this mostly to themselves merely because most people would not accept it. Pearls and swine, sort of.

And the Papers are not the half of the whole story, I am sure. There is more that we are not told in that story.

Third, there was ONE alien, and that ONE alien went their own way. So there is no "body" to offer up.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 10:16 PM
Triple, post, it would seem! (Wiggy net!)

[edit on 7/18/2008 by Amaterasu]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:10 PM
Double post.

[edit on 7/18/2008 by Amaterasu]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Von Daniken's first book came out in 1968. The Terra Papers were written in the 1970s. There are ancient astronaut ideas even before then, but Von Daniken sold millions of books, creating a huge market for the "ancient astronaut" theorists. I was surprised the Nova special debunking those theories came out in 1978. I had thought it was much later.
PS I got the link and am reading the Terra Papers. It is quite interesting, but I believe it is more fiction than anything else. Maybe the author was writing a novel to cash in on the craze?

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by quaple_pouge

The Immaculate Conception is rather new (19th Century) and Catholic. I have argued about Jesus having brothers and sisters with my family (who is very Catholic) and they still say there was only Jesus. (I don't even try to tell them Jesus was a regular man.) I was trying to point out there was no need for an Illuminati to change anything as the leaders of Christianity did much of the change themselves.

The Immaculate Conception has nothing to do with whether or not Mary had other children. It's a Catholic dogma that she was born without the stain of original sin.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Jabronie

You are correct about the Immaculate Conception. Catholics also believe in the Perpetual Virgin, where Mary never consummated with Joseph.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by TechnoFan21
reply to post by Amaterasu

Sorry, it's taking a while. I haven't had much time lately. This is the first time I have been actually post on ATS for a while.

Not a problem. [smile] Sorry for the delay. Having connectivity issues.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by Amaterasu

Von Daniken's first book came out in 1968. The Terra Papers were written in the 1970s. There are ancient astronaut ideas even before then, but Von Daniken sold millions of books, creating a huge market for the "ancient astronaut" theorists. I was surprised the Nova special debunking those theories came out in 1978. I had thought it was much later.

Well... Then it was VD's work that prompted Robert to ask for the release of the information the Hopi hold, with the explanation that a distorted version was already out there. He did not release much that was not already addressed. I know there is much more that has NOT been released.

PS I got the link and am reading the Terra Papers. It is quite interesting, but I believe it is more fiction than anything else. Maybe the author was writing a novel to cash in on the craze?

Heh. It was written for a college class. I thought it was fiction (nearly quit reading at P. 25) until about page 45. Then... I had a radical paradigm shift.

But you make of it what you will. Would love to hear your thoughts by the end.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:23 AM
It's kinda funny, when I started reading the Terra Papers, combined with my knowledge and much experience with Reptillians, I had a "Holy S***!" moment right when the Papers started to mention Reptillians. I knew just a little bit about the Reptillians, and what the Terra Papers said matched up with that perfectly.

I am still not done with them, and time is still again short, but I am working tirelessly through it!

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