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Are the Greys and Abductions being phased out, and are human-like beings now at the forefront?

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posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:34 PM
I recall hearing some species had told the other that they had a limited amount of time to leave this planet. Maybe it was to finish something.It's also my understanding that they can use different bodies for different applications. Some seem to have a paranoia and nervousness about them as if they're not use to all of the senses we have.

As for the question though, I really can't say, but it is an interesting observation that they seem to have come to the end of a particular phase.

With war and missing people around the world, how can we really say abductions have stopped if these people don't return?

People who were abducted and implanted may eventually be replaced spiritually by their caretakers or watchers at a certain future event or as a coinhabitant such as having alleged alternate personalities or remote controlled. Borg?

Always someone asking for proof though. If they had it, would they share or would they make a DVD to sell? I think the answer is obvious for most.

I seriously doubt anyone here is in the loop that knows.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by WatchRider

The Pleiadeans have actually intervined to help mankind out in earths history as can be related in Native American legends of each "world" ending and the re-emergence of the new world. Basically they describe phases of earth that ended by global catastrophes the first being fire. the second Ice then water, and then the current world we are in now. In each legend we were sent to safe places inside the earth in the case of the first 2 worlds ending to save mankind from what was taking place on the surface of the planet. In the third flood legend we were sealed into reeds. I am not sure what that means.. many stories are metaphorical but in all cases it was our "true white brother" from the stars which depicts the Pleiadean star cluster that saved our people.

So our very continued existence is proof that they exist and that they help us when our survival depends on it. They also taught agriculture to the ancients among other things.

All in all they can call on me anytime, we are in their debt in my opinion however I do not believe they would ever see it that way. They were just being good samaritans so to speak

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by WatchRider

The concept of human hybrids is a scary one, Mr Green, you've made an interesting statement.
Do you care to let us know what the score is with hybrids?

[edit on 3-6-2008 by WatchRider]

Ive done a few threads on these as I believe its a very important part of modern day abductions. I'll link a couple of the threads below. Ive definatly been visited by one that was 1/3 Gray, 1/3 human and possibly 1/3 reptile as it appeared to a have a green tinge to its skin.''

[edit on 4-6-2008 by Mr Green]

[edit on 4-6-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by dave420

I understand where you are coming from and I would probably feel the same way if I hadn't been taken from my bedroom for as long as I can remember (since at least 4 years old). I am turning 40 this summer.

Understand please: When I was four, it was 1972. We didn't have 300 channels of TV. We had three chan and the only thing they said about UFOs is that there was nothing to them. Aliens where either hot sluts in space or robot looking dudes. But I was visited by greys. When close encounters came out I neary sh_t myself as it was the first time I had seen similar creatures in media.

1. I was having the experience prior to the media exposure.
2. I never have seen these really old movies or comic books that are often sited as the source for the look of the greys.
3. My experiences finally stopped in august of 2000. I figured they lost interest in me. (My kids just turned 8 months and 21 months and I wondered if it had anything to do with them.) THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE HEARD THAT ABDUCTIONS ARE WAY DOWN. I had no idea until I checked this thread today.
4. I'm not open about it - except on Anonomous threads that I have been abducted. I do not want attention. I do not think I am "special" or in a special club and it pisses me off when people make that blanket assertion. Do I blame you? heck no! The only people you are going to be familiar with who come forward with accounts of experiences are more outgoing about it and thus you meet one particular kind of personality type and that can lead to some unfortunate stereotyping of abductees.

Take this for what it's worth... I am skeptical of most people I see on TV claiming to have had the experience - most seem kinda like fruit loops. I don't blame you at all for getting a bad impression. The people who have the most to lose, the really credible ones (I'm a design engineer in a Senior position for the DoD) sure aren't going to be in a documentary on abductions.
I'm sorry. From a person who is a skeptic about almost everything I totally understand where you are coming from. But from the standpoint of being a person who has been "visited" my whole life and now this next coincidence that it stopped for me recently... I don't have a lot of doubts that my experiences were real and your tone came off very harsh. Ok - I vented. No hard feelings... I wouldn't believe me either.

In regards to evidence. That may be coming sooner than later. Something recently came up in my life. It's in my blood. I recently found out that I am not really type AB-neg like I thought. I am actually CIS-AB-neg. If it weren't weird enough that my blood occurs in only 0.7% of the population... the CIS-AB gene mutation is only present in 0.012% of all AB blood groupings.... meaning that it occurs very very rarely... like less than 1 in a million.

I also have another weird mutation in my genes called PKU (Phenylketonuria is a genetic mutation/an inability of the body to utilize the essential amino acid, phenylalanine.) Basically it makes me allergic to Aspartame. I am in perfect health with the exception to that allergy which occures 1 in 20,000 and primarily to people with roots in a british isles / celtic decent (I am Welsh, Scott, English, Austrian). I am working deeper into my geneology (back 10 gens now) and there are some indications that my roots may play a significant roll in being taken.

Could there be a link between abduction and genetics? I'd like to know! ats_link

Ok... so here is a thought: Could it be that with all of our new found ability to track genetics around the world (like the recent work done linking the Basque Country to the Myans!) that the cat will be out of the bag on hybrids... whether the gov likes it or not!


[edit on 4-6-2008 by JonInMichigan]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

I am so sorry for your experiences from such a young age. I can't imagine what it must be like for those taken against their will repeatedly throughout their entire lifetime. I do think you may be onto something with the genetics research. I do believe it does indeed have alot to do with those that are chosen for study.

I have always felt that something to that extent was responsible for why I was contacted by the "nordic" type at 4 years old and watched by them ever since.

Unlike the greys however.. they do not take me against my will and as I have only just recently realized.. I am able to communicate with at will in so much as they do listen and respond to telepathic messages if I direct them to them. Or at least.. that appears to be the case from a recent experience.

I wish you the best and I hope that your abductions stop. Have you tried any method of asserting your resistance mentally? Sending them a telepathic message that you do not wish to be taken and that they are violating universal law if they take you?

You might try it.. not sure the ones that take you would respect that.. but it couldn't hurt.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

Hey Thanks for sharing your experiences....In regards to my OP, do you think that these human looking beings presence has anything to do with your abductions stopping? Have you seen any of these types of beings outside of the greys?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by NephraTari

Seeing as no-one knows even if greys or reptillians exist, so no-one can say what their relationship is. Anyone claiming they can is full of it.

It's like me saying "The Easter Bunny hates Jesus. Jesus owes him $200". Clearly I, nor anyone else, has any way of knowing this, so presenting it as fact (or even presenting it as something someone else said) is completely devoid of purpose, as it accomplishes nothing, instead highlighting the gullibility of the speaker.

Fourteen percent of Americans have seen ufos according to a

Saying no-one knows even if greys,etc. exists isn't true, because many people have reported abductee experiences. They would argue with you. Perhaps a better wording would be, it hasn't been officially proven yet.

I've seen 3 ufos now, excluding the fourth that occurred when I was too young to remember, all in the presence of others. Two were this year, in our new hometown. It makes me wonder why here? The one we saw on April 12 th, had a psi contact portion that, the words formed in my head were: 'WE represent the human race" and it happened while I was inside, in response to a kind of internal political rant I was having. I went outside for a smoke and saw it, and called my family out. The contact part has led me to believe that there were hybrids onboard. It made me think that we were being invaded, so to speak, over a long period of time. Now, I think they have a sense of dry humor and it wasn't as ominous as I had originally thought. Anyway, because of abduction reports and my brother's, and his partners, missing 2 hours while driving truck after seeing a ufo, I was especially concerned for my children. Starting to get less so though.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by WatchRider

For some info. on what is happening with the Pledians, and why they might be seen in more numbers now, one could try reading the books of the New Paradigm. The books are available on Amazon or at NoMoreHoaxes (or for free on-line via some searching for the Arcadian Society).

I would also suggest going to ProjectCamelot and viewing (or reading the transcript) of the recent George Green (who made these books available) interview.

And if you have read the above books (which are said to be channeled via the Pedians), then you would know that actually seeing a Pledian here on earth would be a miracle in and of itself.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by seircram

I have not read any of those books. My knowledge comes from a personal experience. What are the authors source of information?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by JonInMichigan
reply to post by dave420

I understand where you are coming from and I would probably feel the same way if I hadn't been taken from my bedroom for as long as I can remember (since at least 4 years old). I am turning 40 this summer.

Understand please: When I was four, it was 1972. We didn't have 300 channels of TV. We had three chan and the only thing they said about UFOs is that there was nothing to them. Aliens where either hot sluts in space or robot looking dudes. But I was visited by greys. When close encounters came out I neary sh_t myself as it was the first time I had seen similar creatures in media.

1. I was having the experience prior to the media exposure.
2. I never have seen these really old movies or comic books that are often sited as the source for the look of the greys.
3. My experiences finally stopped in august of 2000. I figured they lost interest in me. (My kids just turned 8 months and 21 months and I wondered if it had anything to do with them.) THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE HEARD THAT ABDUCTIONS ARE WAY DOWN. I had no idea until I checked this thread today.
4. I'm not open about it - except on Anonomous threads that I have been abducted. I do not want attention...

Take this for what it's worth... I am skeptical of most people I see on TV claiming to have had the experience...

I can support this with our family's experiences. My abductions started in 1960 when I too was 4 years old, and my mother reported to me that hers began when SHE was 4 in 1938. In those days there was absolutely NO literature on the subject, nothing at all in the popular media and the subject of 'alien abductions' simply and absolutely did not exist in the public domain ANYWHERE. We never understood what the heck was happening to us, and kept it secret for obvious reasons.

When I was about 8 years old I talked about the night time visitations with my grandmother (maternal side). She understood, and referred to them as 'The Pixies.' She told me there was nothing I could do about it but they would always bring me back and not harm me. So there is strong evidence that she was an abductee in the very early part of the C20, about 1915 or thereabouts. This in my view makes this phenomenon 100% real and rules out any fantasy about it being the result of some popular media fabrication in the 1980s.

It was only in recent years when I hooked up with the IF

that I started to understand these patterns have been reported by tens of thousands of people for decades, and that the narratives are essentially all the same. The public exposure of this phenomenon has come very late in the day, and the abductions pre-date ANY mention of it in the media or in the public domain by at least 50 years.

There is absolutely, definitely, unequivocably a strong intergenerational element to these abductions. It is reported over and again that one genetic line is followed and sperm/ova harvested over 3 or 4 generations of one family. Maybe the genes are interfered with at the conception stage and they want to follow and modify what they are doing intergenerationally. We can only speculate about this.

Like you, and virtually all abductees, very few people know about our family's history with this thing. None of my professional colleagues, who I have worked with for decades, know about it. Like 95% of serial abductees, there is absolutely no way we want to be burdened with all the issues which would inevitably come with public exposure. So we keep it quiet, and out of the public eye. I respect those who can go on record with their experiences (like Brigette Grant for instance) but I am not one of them - not in the current climate anyway. Internet forums are anonymous, so they are a different ball game entirely.

We do have strong evidence of a huge hybrid/transgenic breeding program carried out over most of the C20, but I won't go into that. Most of this research evidence is now in the public domain, thanks to pioneering researchers like Budd Hopkins, Professor David Jacobs, the late John Mack (Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard until his death in 2004), Raymond Fowler, Yvonne Smith, John Carpenter and many others worldwide too numerous to mention. Some skeptics of course do not accept the evidence, but there is a lot of it. Some of the cases have been deeply researched and are supported by independent witnesses, forensic traces and external and internal biological scarring.

Abductees report that they have been told by the Grays that there are three phases to their program: gradual (over 80 years/several generations), accelerated (10-15 years), and sudden. The precise form and meaning of the 'sudden' phase is not clear, but leaves abductees with the strong lfe-long feeling of a sense of 'mission', that 'something important/transformativew/revelatory' will occur in their lifetimes and they will be part of it, etc. etc. Like thousands of other abductees, both my mother and I felt this way all our lives. It was conditioned into us by the abductors. Maybe we were deceived, but it's difficult to get rid of the conditioning as they permanently change your neural pathways in some way and cause you to think differently. The abductors do deceive to placate their chosen subjects and enable them to carry out their program as efficiently as possible with the least interference. It's totally goal-directed and pragmatic.

There are reports about 'human-looking aliens' over several decades. These may be the result of alien genetic engineering to look like us, for what purpose we can't know. Maybe we'll never know.

If the reported program is nearing its final objective, then maybe we will know one day. Maybe soon. Maybe it will be good news for the human race. Maybe not. It's a real phenomenon though, regardless of any confusion over details.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 11:51 PM
good aliens for the win!!!!!

i have been waitng/dreaming for this for most of my life..

take care and much love for all

our human looking space brothers and sisters

[edit on 4-6-2008 by Skipper1975]

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Skipper1975
good aliens for the win!!!!!

i have been waitng/dreaming for this for most of my life..

take care and much love for all

our human looking space brothers and sisters

[edit on 4-6-2008 by Skipper1975]

They're all, well, nordic looking. I have nordic blood in me, but surely the universe must have some gorgeous jrock types, like Yasu, or Hakeui, or Asagi!

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 01:20 AM
I have some very suppressed stuff (and one clearer incident of the lot) back from when I was a little younger, won't go into detail here again though.

Pretty much half nordic half pom and a little bit of other stuff in there. I'll try drop the 'question' with my father tomorrow as he's out tonight doing promo crap (having a well known person in your family _sucks_).

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by GhostR1der

what do you mean by pom?

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Skipper1975

Thanks for the second video skipper. Its a good compilation of examples and accurate as well. ty

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by NephraTari

you are very welcome..

i love to spread the news on our space friends

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 12:47 PM
I just watched an interesting spontaneous meeting taped by Project Camelot between Jim Sparks and Bill Holden. Really enjoyed it. Of course abductions are continuing but they discussed the agenda, or the purpose behind their experiences and the similar messages they had received.
Bill Holden, when discussing his abduction says:"Under separate occasions I've been given a message to tell this: Tell them to stop destroying mother earth. Okay second message: Tell them to learn to love one another. Thirdly, increase your mental and heart to a higher level. We only use 3-5% of our brain and they're telling us: use it, learn how to use the powers you have within yourself."

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by bovarcher

So then it's not really diminishing you're saying but rather just hitting different families now? Those timespans if they all just coincidentally are ending then now we will be saying a ramp up of just younger generations which would explain less coverage etc.

The only reason why I wouldn't believe it's tapering off is if what most abductees say is right that they have been here since Day 1 messing with us genetically then (and if you believe we have built up our civilization several times before) I can't see them stopping now. Or ever for that matter. Not unless the human race overtakes them in terms of brainpower, firepower etc. ...and I don't see that happening anytime soon.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 01:45 PM
I'm not sure whether Bill Hoden's abductions have stopped, but Jim Spark's hasn't. And these are with greys. From everything I've researched it seems that they have been with us since day 1, and it's not likely to stop at any point, even if we fail "again" and a remnant has to start over at the stone age so to speak. I hope it wouldn't fire power that would end this , if it does end. I personally hope its because we don't fail the test yet again, so to speak. That we develop ourselves and through environmental projects and diplomacy, perhaps by ordinary people meeting with other groups throughout the world and co-creating a new world, rather than the rulers who make money off of war, hopefully because our children demand a peaceful world and we listen to them with love in our hearts. But we surpass our obstacles, we may one day be meeting as co-members in a larger confederation.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 03:14 PM
Is there anybody here who's experiences SHIFTED from interaction with greys, to human looking beings? I know Travis Walton saw both types of beings on the same craft...

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