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Ron Paul introduces Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act

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posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Shazam The Unbowed
A Ron Paul idea thats not nuts?
I didnt realise that was possible.

Yea Shazam. Like his warnings over a year ago about the economic crisis looming that got him laughed at during the debates. And where are we now? In the toilet. And the administration --- along with the 'major' candidates --- can't say the phrase 'the economy' enough now. Although THEY were the ones doing the laughing at Dr. Paul's expense. Everyone BUT Dr. Paul has acted as if this economic implosion jumped out from behind a tree. So who's really nuts? Give me a break. People need to open their eyes and stop being sheeple or we will end up with another 8yrs on the express train down the hole.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by runetang

Hi Runetang, this has already been done. About 5 or 6 years ago, my then boss at work had breast cancer. She told me that the doctor wanted to put her on a drug for the nausea from chemo. This drug was called "Marinol" and is synthetic pot basically. It's already on the market, has been for 5 or 6 years now. It costs something like $600 a month - a helluva price tag when you figure if you just grew a couple plants it would cost you nothing.
It also is not as potent or effective as real pot.
Yet, the govt (who is in bed with Big Pharma) keep saying pot has no real medical value. Now if that's not a contradiction that makes the feds look like real idiots, I don't know what is.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Adam West
With Ron Paul getting on in age, i really hope theirs going to be someone else like him to actually voice sense and reasonable thoughts once he's gone instead of all the other politicians who are all just walking price tags for their voice.

That's a darn good question. I for one have found little proof (almost none really) that our political gene pool is anything other than a glee club. I fear that even if Ron Paul were to accidentally 'win' (via write-in votes - if you still believe those are actually counted) he would be overwhelmed by the tasks at hand - especially since the entire political body would be instructed to resist his every move.

There's no doubt he is a bright man, with well considered perspective on the 'status-quo' and how it is exploited by some to the detriment of the American people. But we will be asking him to undertake an enormous charge, without help. It would be funny to see who would scurry around his feet looking for a cabinet position or posting.

I'll tell you what, I would volunteer (that's an inside joke, nobody would ask.)

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Adam West

Believe it or not there are a lot out there. Just some candidates don't get the support they need to get a fair chance.

Here in TN we have 5 Democrats running for the Seat... One of gives me the same feel as Paul... A little more liberal, but open to good ideas for the people.

Lamar is the Senator their trying to replace... So it's going to be a hard race.

If you support a candidate in a local election, you can change the way this country is run. But, we may need to start handing a little bit out of Ourpockets as well...


posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 12:54 PM
There is really ZERO reason for Pot not to be legal in every capacity.

Medical, recreational, hemp fiber, oil, etc...

Sad that the FEDS want to disallow pot use for people getting Chemo.

The Late Bill Hicks said htis about pot - Two people in a fight at a rock concet, are they drunk or stoned? (The audience yells DRUNK!), upon which Bill would reply, - Yeah, because we all know the truth don't we? It's impossible for two stoned people to get into a fight! LOL

I don't smoke it for a lot of reason's. But, the day this stupid law is repealed and pot is completely legal, is a day I wil celebrate. (probably with out weed, but I don't even drink, I'm different...sue me!)

I know this thread is about Medical Pot, but please! The whole issue is skewed because there is a backwards redneck attitude about pot that a lot of people have.

Seems like mass crops of hemp & pot is exactly what this country needs to spur the economy & our resources. Do your research! Hemp is an amazingly rich plant and has MANY uses!

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 01:10 PM
Starred/Flagged, another of the many reasons to support Ron Paul...., one of a very small handful of honest politicians left in Congress.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by christiansoldier
reply to post by runetang

Hi Runetang, this has already been done. About 5 or 6 years ago, my then boss at work had breast cancer. She told me that the doctor wanted to put her on a drug for the nausea from chemo. This drug was called "Marinol" and is synthetic pot basically. It's already on the market, has been for 5 or 6 years now. It costs something like $600 a month - a helluva price tag when you figure if you just grew a couple plants it would cost you nothing.
It also is not as potent or effective as real pot.

Right, yeah I know, I didnt mention it by name, but I know of it. I had a friend, a female friend 18 years of age, die from Cancer a few years ago, Lung Cancer as well as Leukemia. In her life right up until the month she fell really ill and passed, she was always high spirited, into the youth "marijuana culture" of the day. That is how I knew about that actually, because I recalled her telling me she had been prescribed "pot in a pill" for nausea and it was called Marinol. Upon further independent studying, I have read that it is indeed not as potent as the original. But my deceased friend? She was an advocate of usage .. she said it helped her, she did it even with her Lung Cancer. Same girl who'd stay away from a cigarette, not in the same car as a cigarette, would go to town on that stuff. It was amazing, really, and beautiful, to see someone enjoying themselves in such a dire situation.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by christiansoldier

Yeah its funny how Marijuana is illegal and big pharma goes out and synthetically makes a drug like Marinol that is virtually the same thing for an outrageous price. You make a good point and its obviously all about money and not about the wellbeing of individuals.

I had to go and look for myself at what Marinol was and you had it right on the money. This was new to me.

MARINOL is a type of medicine called a cannabinoid. MARINOL attaches to special receptors in the brain—much like a key fits in a lock.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved MARINOL to treat nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conventional treatments.

The FDA also approved MARINOL to treat appetite loss associated with weight loss in people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). If you have HIV/AIDS, your health care professional may prescribe MARINOL to help stimulate your appetite.

Other important facts about MARINOL:

The active ingredient in MARINOL is dronabinol

Dronabinol is a synthetic version of a naturally occurring compound known as
delta-9-THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol)

Delta-9-THC stimulates appetite and reduces nausea and vomiting by binding to special receptors found in your nervous system

Delta-9-THC is also one of many components in marijuana. In fact, delta-9-THC is the main ingredient responsible for most of marijuana’s effects

MARINOL is not marijuana. MARINOL does not contain the additional chemicals and impurities associated with marijuana.


posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
I had to go and look for myself at what Marinol was and you had it right on the money. This was new to me.

MARINOL is not marijuana. MARINOL does not contain the additional chemicals and impurities associated with marijuana.


Lol.... "chemicals and impurities"? It's a friggin plant. Gotta love the corporate spin eh?

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:14 PM
Yup, the process can be patented but they will NEVER be able to compete with mother nature.

They tried synthesizing sweeteners, vitamins, hormones, you name it. For the most part they all pale in comparison to the real thing.

Then they 'warn' you about the natural stuff and how bad it is for you. Meanwhile they kill and poison indiscriminately for profit.

Amazing hubris - good thing the cabal owns the media or they would have been out of business long ago.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

Hmmmm... I would like to surmise that Ron Paul is a pot smoking hippie.

I mean why would he want to push this agenda so hard?

Also I can also surmise that his followers are also a bunch of pot smoking hippes too...

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Macrotus

Stunning declaration. Especially since the crux of my reason for drawing attention to the legislature was because it is representative an effort to codify state's rights over federal. Clearly, you see that which you seek.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis
I expect him to veto it and the GOP and big pharma to try and get rid of Dr. Paul in the next election.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 03:22 AM
I see Ron Paul is getting desperate.

There is no chance for him in hell to win anything in the elections.

He's just making all this bold stance to get some attention.

He's too old, too hot-headed/pot-headed and too high on himself (pardon the pun) to ever make it for president.

There are other alternatives other than marijuana. Clearly he loves the stuff...

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Macrotus
I see Ron Paul is getting desperate.

There is no chance for him in hell to win anything in the elections.

He's just making all this bold stance to get some attention.

He's too old, too hot-headed/pot-headed and too high on himself (pardon the pun) to ever make it for president.

There are other alternatives other than marijuana. Clearly he loves the stuff...

I think its the electorate that's getting desperate.

This 'stance' is nothing new. It's hardly 'bold.'

Your opinion is noted.

There are also alternatives to petro-drugs. What's your point?

Are you just trolling? This conversation, as best as I could direct it, is not about politics, it's about legislation and the relationship between the federal government and the state government. I'm curious, did you actually read the thread or is this just commentary based on one or two posts?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Macrotus

And you're proud of this, why? Because HilLIARY and Bomb-Bomb Iran Boy are better potential leaders for our country? While you're correct that Paul probably has no chance of winning (due to the ever corrupt and rigged processes of our electoral and Media system), it is certainly nothing to be cheering about, particularly with the rest of the blatantly special-interest serving puppets who've been "chosen" for us to select from.

At least Paul had the balls to stand up against all the crookedness of the system that is ruining our nation, these other Elitists do nothing but continue on the path of their agendas.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Macrotus
reply to post by Maxmars

Hmmmm... I would like to surmise that Ron Paul is a pot smoking hippie.

I mean why would he want to push this agenda so hard?

Also I can also surmise that his followers are also a bunch of pot smoking hippes too...
This is the reason we end up with who we have in office,there will always be a bunch of hard drinking rednecks who believe everything the government tells them,kind of reminds me of old redneck uncle I had during hippie days,pot smoking made you have acne,grow breast's etc,the big drug makers have congress in their back pockets,it's about time people become educated about things before making pointless statements

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Oldtimer2

I just know I'm gonna get banged on this one...,

Having experienced first-hand what a nation under the leadership of drunks and hedonists can become, I think it might be refreshing to see what might happen if we were suddenly no longer led by elite socialite party animals.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Macrotus

If you know anything about this man you would not have said that. His stance is a strict constitutionalist. It is not the federal government's job to take on state issues.

If all 50 states criminalized cannabis that would be one thing.

And apparently you know nothing about cannabis. I'm sure you're A-OK with getting wasted and choking on cigarettes, but as soon as an "evil" drug that kills millions daily (actually 0 have ever died, but I can't say the same for the legal drugs) is talked about you jump all over a candidate.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Macrotus
I see Ron Paul is getting desperate.

There is no chance for him in hell to win anything in the elections.

He's just making all this bold stance to get some attention.

He has been the same candidate from day 1, have you been asleep since last year?

He's too old, too hot-headed/pot-headed and too high on himself (pardon the pun) to ever make it for president.

Yeah and McBush/Billary/Obama are less egotistical? Have you been paying attention at all? Must not be. Geez.

There are other alternatives other than marijuana.

He doesn't use cannabis. Nice try. And the alternatives are...pharmaceuticals? Right.

Clearly he loves the stuff...

Clearly he finds it absolute insanity that a plant is illegal. A plant that could solve the world's problems: a medicine, textile, fuel, food, cosmetic, etc etc.

Its insanity that its ILLEGAL.

[edit on 5/1/2008 by biggie smalls]

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