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Hell the way society explains it, is it real according to the bible?

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posted on May, 6 2008 @ 08:48 AM
Indeed. BTW I am just about to watch a TV program about the Inquisision.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

I am from PR, grow up with very strict Catholic teachings, we study the inquisition historical references through church teachings and during our history classes in school when it came to our mother land, Spain.

Enjoy the movie, the inquisition was a very dark chapter of the original church history.


posted on May, 6 2008 @ 09:42 AM
The early inquisision targeted the Cathars mostly, they based most of their teachings on gnostic writings and traditions. Later the Templars were hunted down and soon the witch processes would take over where often children were used to propose claims of herecy, the children were believed to being able to "smell" a witch. Did you know that you would be charged with herecy and suffer severe torture if you owned and/or read the Bible?

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Yes, the bible was to be only for the cleric eyes as they believe that the regular people didn't have the blessing from God to understand it.

It was Pope Innocent III in 1199 that declare the bible no to be understood by regular men.

Pope Gregory VII also made statements regarding the same issue.

But as usual the scriptures were stolen and the first translation were tried in English.

Bede (673-735) the biblical scholar and father of the English history was the first to start the translations, but it took several centuries to get the versions we have today.

The Venerable Bede - Biblical scholar and 'Father of English History'

Long story but interesting.

Inglish bible history

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 02:05 PM
I read through both linked pages and found them very interesting. The below quote is related to the OP and serves as a great testimony of the fallacy of the Catholic Church with all it's gibberish, unsound worship and taxes:

Having God's Word available to the public in the language of the common man, English, would have meant disaster to the church. No longer would they control access to the scriptures. If people were able to read the Bible in their own tongue, the church's income and power would crumble. They could not possibly continue to get away with selling indulgences (the forgiveness of sins) or selling the release of loved ones from a church-manufactured "Purgatory". People would begin to challenge the church's authority if the church were exposed as frauds and thieves. The contradictions between what God's Word said, and what the priests taught, would open the public's eyes and the truth would set them free from the grip of fear that the institutional church held. Salvation through faith, not works or donations, would be understood. The need for priests would vanish through the priesthood of all believers. The veneration of church-canonized Saints and Mary would be called into question (together with their icons and fine arts, Neo Christian Mystic's note). The availability of the scriptures in English was the biggest threat imaginable to the wicked church. Neither side would give up without a fight.

NB: I have added some "u-tags" and a note to the quote.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 03:02 PM
Yes is many angles to understand the power and the corruption of men when it comes to the Church and the different views of the bible writings.

In today Christian society is more of a base faith believes that targets the learning and research outside of bible scripts as evil and Satan geared to obfuscate people's minds.

But history tells a different story is just depend which side you are inclined to believe and how open minded your are even in your christian faith.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 03:22 PM
Comeon, Satan isn't more evil than other deities, he is simply old news. His way was with the dinosaurs and the classes of society. Division and destruction is his way, and it is crucial for the continuance of reality. Unless we move and lay behind/destroy memories and such, we drown in knowledge and products. Shiva, the Destroyer, is crucial for the system of succession and creation in Eastern thought. Interrestingly enough Shiva is Eve in Hebrew, the woman who detroyed mans prospects of becoming God, by aquiring God's knowledge.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Or more like the worshiping of day and night, as early men learned to cope with their environment and decided to separate themselves from the rest of the animal kingdom and establish their supremacy.

Day was the bringing of light while night more often than not was a bringer of death.

Good and evil was born and so the deities in between.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 08:13 PM
I always saw the warning of God like "Don't stay up late at night, it will bloody well kill you". The moon appears to be eaten up during it's cyclus, and it moves like a serpent along the horizon, it's cyclus equals the mestruation cyclus, and it thereby connects with procretaion, it brings us knowledge about dates and times, all this is knowledge of good and evil, but the moon will not tell us when to sow and when to harvest like the sun does. The sun is the tree of life in the Garden, while the moon is the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

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