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posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 05:16 PM
Hi. I finally joined ATS and I am soo happy
. Anyway about a month ago, I was walking out of my school when I looked up into the night sky and saw a triangular shaped object moving slowly (like a commercial aircraft). I knew it was triangular because the sky was only lightly black (dark bluish) and the craft was dark black. The only visible lights I was on the craft were white and one on each point of the triangle (please excuse me and my terms for the triangle, because I hate geometry). That pretty much describes it and I really want to know what it was. If anybody has some info and/or pics I would be really happy...

P.S.: I am 100% shure it was NOT an airplane so please dont tell me I saw an airplane thank you...

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 05:21 PM
This thread might make for an interesting start,

Welcome to ATS!

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 05:28 PM
Thank You Phoenix 4 being so kind.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:08 PM
... why is it that NY is the only place in the united states that no secret aircraft come out of hiding, im outside all the time, i look up at the sky all the time, why dont i ever see something important, god im worthless.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:13 PM
I cant believe its not a commercial aircraft!

Well you see its not, its a giant moving blimp! With lasers attacthed to it! Death from above baby!

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by ShatteredSkies
... why is it that NY is the only place in the united states that no secret aircraft come out of hiding, im outside all the time, i look up at the sky all the time, why dont i ever see something important, god im worthless.

Well...are you in a part of NY that has a lot of airports/commercial traffic? It would be quite silly to expose a secret plane to a crowded sky.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:19 PM
you saw an airplane. sorry, couldn't resist

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:19 PM
Most likely saw a stealth fighter or bomber. The Goblins are triangle and fly over public places all the time.

posted on Feb, 25 2004 @ 06:03 PM
Lol, nice picture, anyway how fast was it flying give more details.

posted on Feb, 25 2004 @ 06:09 PM
it problably was not a stealth fighter because it was moving SLOWLY that is why this is called TOP SECRET COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT...

ShatteredSkies--- I live in NY so ure theory is wrong...

posted on Feb, 25 2004 @ 06:11 PM
Well then. Guess you will figure it out!

posted on Feb, 25 2004 @ 06:21 PM
Wait a second i may of seen this! i was in my near by woods heading home after scouting aroud for later hunting i hunt deer
well i saw this black plane and it was moving slowly as said i had no binoculers and it didnt look like a b2 or stealth fighter and this was i think yesterday that i saw this or 2 days ago and i said to my mother "that would be hot if it was a goverment plane" and then it got out of sight behind the trees and just kept on going thats the last i saw of it... this woods is private property by the way but i know the security guards i live in yonkers btw

posted on Feb, 25 2004 @ 06:35 PM

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by they see ALL

Theres a Yonkers NY?

I had no clue, man i need to get out.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 11:06 AM
Something that may be of interest - on the nuforc database if you search by shape you'll notice there were many triangle sightings last month all around NY, NJ, CT, ME, PA

Sbadowman, are you hunting deer in Yonkers or elsewhere in the state?

[Edited on 26-2-2004 by Condorcet]

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
it problably was not a stealth fighter because it was moving SLOWLY that is why this is called TOP SECRET COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT...

ShatteredSkies--- I live in NY so ure theory is wrong...

i didnt make theory, you live in a different part of NY than i do. Plus there is no such thing as a top secret commercial aircraft, if there were it would not be concidered Commercial, Commercial is public not secret.

Plus the JANET terminal is wut i thought you were referring to when i first saw this.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 12:37 PM
A lot of UFO sightings can be explained fairly easily-like this one. I'll give you the answer to a few more if you'd care to continue reading.

A few years ago I was an additional crew member on B-52G's on numerous occasions. More than once was I party to an incident like this.

We were flying a low level route over Eastern Colorado on a very dark moonless night at about 800' AGL, at about 360Kts IAS. The pilot spotted a vehicle (on the FLIR) out on the horizon traveling more or less perpendicular to our course and for the sheer fun of it he pushed the nose down. I don't know how low we got but the terrain warning light was on, which is supposed to occur at 200'. Anyway, we passed directly over this poor Bas+ard with all eight engines at the firewall-I'll wager the guy(?) wet himself when we went overhead.
Imagine, it would be a nice, dark, peaceful night in a desolate part of east Co., when suddenly out of nowhere, an aircraft with a 200' wingspan, completely blacked out appears overhead screaming at 400+ mph, and thundering by at 125DB+.
Come to think of it I don't know what the EWO (electronic warfare officer) was doing behind me, but I'll bet he could do some jamming that would appear for all the world to be like your typical Sci Fi movie depiction of a UFO encounter. (Electrical system failures, St Elmo's fire, radio going out, the whole works)
I wonder how many other UFO reports are related to stunts like this one! Looking back on it I guess it wasn't all that funny----well, YEAH, I SUPPOSE IT WAS, FUNNY AS HELL!

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 02:17 PM
Sargon of Agade

Very twisted! One significant discrepancy from run of the mill UFO encounters would obviously be the distinctive noise jet aircraft make in contrast to the silence or mild hum & whistling noises reported in the presence of UFOs.

Didn't people call the AFB to complain about these pilots? Sounds like a potential way to ruin your flying career.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 02:22 PM
Shadowman, didn't know we could hunt deer in spring in NY... Time to check my sight then because our new house is on wetlands and the deer walk all over my yard. I'll sit in the hottub and fire out my sliding glass door...

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 02:28 PM
Still sounds like the white lights of regular commercial aircraft, and just missing the shape of the fuselage... Still, I've seen B2's fly fairly slowly here before, so it could be it....(i.e. MacDill AFB)

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