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What would prove to you that 9/11 was not a conspiracy?

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posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Dmantex

What would it take to make me feel there is no conspiracy? Hmmm tuff one. As no matter how you look at 911 its a conspiracy.
But you are asking what it would take for me to feel it was not an inside job, or that our government was not part of this conspiracy.

Well first off.. I would like to see a few independant investigations going on. Other than the 911 Com report. And many other outside investigators working at this.
I would also have to say.. All that material that was shipped across the seas for melting would have been sent to an independant lab for testing!

So many things could have been done differently. Theres so many things that make this a big mess! The list could go on and on.
But what I stated would have been a big help.

Also just come out with those pentagon tapes!! Being the command center you would think they would have clear tapes showing a plane hitting the building.. Then it would be game over, end of story for me on that issue.. But no they have to lie and say no tapes.. Thats a bunch of BS. Straight out of BS land..

Also I would like much being looking into building #7 And why it fell the way it did.. I mean it really looked like a control Demo!
But the government claims they are doing everything in their power to bring those who did this to justice.
Yet personally in my eyes they have done everything in their power to cover up and hide the truth from you and me.
To much covering up and lies. If our government was honest with us atleast 30% of the time I might be more willing to belive them.

But they lie constantly.. Even Rummy said.. Alot of people lie and they get away with it. Right.

[edit on 15-3-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Forgot to post this here.. But here is a little taste of the lies we are fed every day.. For a long time!!

Warning. This is a powerful video, may not be suitable for younger children. Yes it has 2 F bombs in this video. However I think its prudent at this junction. I am sorry if this gets me in hot water, but Im willing to take one for the team here if you feel it is nessary.

"alot of people lie, and get away with it."

Oh really.. Yeah I guess our government is a perfect example!
Why is it so hard to belive that prehaps our government had much to do with the 911 attacks? They lie so much that you can't belive them when they are telling you the truth!

I think if I was going to belive our government.. They need to just come out with it.. And stop telling lie after lie!!

O what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!!!

I normally stay out of 911 threads.. But I just had to say it.
Agin sorry if this gets me in trouble.. I have no desire to offend or break anyrules.. But we are mostly adults here and I think we can handle this.

The gov'ment prefers to pee on our legs, and tell us its raining.

[edit on 15-3-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 02:19 PM
I have one disagreement with that video.

They should not be in jail, they should be #ing hung in a public execution.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Double Eights

Right alot of people would agree with you. Treason is punishable by death!
But my own personal veiw is I dont want to see any more blood. We just want the truth. And if they got put in jail.. I would be okay with that.

I would be okay with them being locked up in some kind of place where they are taken out of the public eye, and not able to do any more harm to anyone else ever agin.

I think we have enough death in this world. I think they should be held for treason! And let the courts and the people decide their fate.

There is a saying that goes around.. I would rather know a theif than a lier. Alteast you know a theif is going to steal from you.
But you never know what a lier is up too.

Trust is very important. Without trust, you never know whats going on.
Most of us have lost all trust we had from the days of JFK.
He was a trust worthy President. Since his death.. I lost all trust in the USA government.

[edit on 15-3-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 02:34 PM
Oh high and mighty jackinthebox, would you please allow me to respond to your post?

What an arrogant (censored)

Originally posted by jackinthebox
You are in no position to challenge my expertise. Your own assumption is sorely lacking in objectivity. If you care to provide such evidence that I have shown to be lacking, please, by all means, do so. But to sit there and say there is such evidence when clearly there is none, only further validates your stance as the fabrication of pure ignorance.

You don't have to look any further than on this very board.
What evidence do you have that the pictures of the bodies and the plane parts were fabricated??
It's simply 1) you don't want to believe the pictures are real or 2) I don't know how but you simply haven't seen them yet. The only way that's possible is if you're getting your information from conspiracy websites that are extremely one sided.
What? You think the government only tells half truths?

International flights?

I'm sure there were some.

Argumentative. Another key point where the facts are obscured. A variety of sources make different claims. Why don't we have an official report, or clear documentation of the flights in question?

We have the flight manifest.
They arrived in Paris on the 20th.
Congress (well a member of congress) released the document.
Even the 9/11 Commission confirms that a bunch of Saudis left. But there's no evidence they left before the flight ban was lifted though.

An erroneous presumption. Are you claiming that in the US, anarchy would have prevailed and these 140 people would have been the subject of some public "lynching"?

What? I didn't say all that

But yeah, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have remained safe.

Remember a Sheik was killed simply for looking Middle Eastern. If someone caught wind that a person was the family member of bin Laden, what do you think would have happened?


You think or were you were told by Mass Media Government Intel
Control that the Bin Laden Family would be killed.

The mass media didn't even talk about them. But I know Americans' mentality back then.
I have no problem with them being allowed to leave, unless again, there is any evidence to suggest they were responsible or even had foreknowledge (but if they knew beforehand, why would they wait until after to leave??).

The only thing we saw, was the same government who spirited these 140 Arabs out of the country, decided to arbitrarily arrest and imprison thousands of Muslims for questioning without probable cause, and strictly based on racial/religious profiling.

EDIT to add: ...The same government who has launched an imperialist invasion of the Middle East based on fabricated evidence and false ideology. The same government who systematically imprisons, tortures, and imprisons innocents by the thousands.

Yes, which is contradictory no?
So, is there any evidence the ones that left had anything to do with it or knew about it? They could have easily took them away and tortured them without a second thought.

The evidence was probably on the plane, if it existed at all. After all, what evidence do we have that Osama bin-Laden himself was actually responsible for the 9/11 attacks?

We don't.
We have evidence Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was responsible. Bin Laden probably knew about and maybe financed part of it, but that's probably it.

Again, you make foolish presumptions about my opinions. Where have I ever stated that there were no terrorists invloved in 9/11?

You enjoy putting words in people's mouth.

I didn't state you ever stated no terrorists were involved. According to previous statements however, you're apparently waiting for evidence though.
From previous page:

If I were to see any such evidence. I would certainly be willing to accept any and all evidence proving involvement by foreign terrorists.

EDIT to add: Your arguments are weak and unsubstantiated. Kindly refrain from engaging me again, until you have something of merit to say.

Your majesty, could you please inform me, oh great one, which of my arguments are unsubstantiated?

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by jfj123What would it take to convince you it WAS a conspiracy?

I already tried to ask that, Disclosed called the Mod for derailing the thread.

Strange how its ok for people that believe the official story to ask questions but others cannot.

Originally posted by zysin5 We just want the truth.

Yes, most of us want the truth. But it seems others do not, they want to believe what they have been told so they can live in a safe fantasy world.

[edit on 15-3-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird


You think or were you were told by Mass Media Government Intel
Control that the Bin Laden Family would be killed.

The mass media didn't even talk about them. But I know Americans' mentality back then.
I have no problem with them being allowed to leave, unless again, there is any evidence to suggest they were responsible or even had foreknowledge (but if they knew beforehand, why would they wait until after to leave??).

That news I did hear on the internet.
The Government is deep into the net and now helps Mass Media
with the latest NET NEWS like the Kristen whore's website.
I Googled and found nothing. Look like Gs is out of the loop.

On 911... the net had nothing. But I did pick up what must have
been a FEMA crew member photos of the aftermath.
Then appeared a 911 memorial with all the pictures of plane victims
and perhaps others.
Not much caught my attention until the 911 truth topic appeared
on the net.

Whos big idea was it to round up the Bin Ladins?
The State Department?

Every patriotic American with some Nathanial Hale in them should
want to now who did what and for what reason after and before 911.

A question of National pride.

At that time I was into stock message boards with Bin Laden connected
to many companies. Elites were sucking up to them because they are
money bags. A lot better players now than Hunt and Nixon.

What do you think of the next World Trade Center.
How long will that one last?

Figuring that it will be demolished with people inside again what will be
the ruse and technology to do the job?

Basic 911 was more than a plane crash, it was WTC demolition.
The reason for 911: demolition of the WTC.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
I already tried to ask that, Disclosed called the Mod for derailing the thread.
Strange how its ok for people that believe the official story to ask questions but others cannot.

Actually, the mod was asking you to ask your question in its own seperate thread....since it was opposite of the OPs request.

Since you have not created a seperate thread with your question, it obviously isnt that important to you.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Disclosed
Actually, the mod was asking you to ask your question in its own seperate thread....

Why should it be in another thread when i am asking the same basic question as the OP ?

Why are people the believe the official story so afraid of questions?

[edit on 15-3-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Why should it be in another thread when i am asking the same basic question as the OP ?

Because this thread is entitled "What would prove to you that 9/11 was not a conspiracy".

That is not what you are asking it?

Why are you so afraid to start your own thread with your specific question?

Please tell me we dont need more moderator intervention...

[edit on 15-3-2008 by Disclosed]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Disclosed
Because this thread is entitled "What would prove to you that 9/11 was not a conspiracy".That is not what you are asking it?

I am asking the same question but from the other point of view.

Besides others on here have asked for evidence why have you not told them what the thread is about ?

Why are you so biased ?

Originally posted by Jake the Dog Man
I have been waiting for years for any evidence of a conspiracy.

Originally posted by Cuhail
I don't see this thread as a request for evidence, but, a request for what evidence could convince you.

Originally posted by Cuhail
No, it's not asking for the evidence to be presented. It's asking for YOUR idea of good evidence.

[edit on 15-3-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by Disclosed
Because this thread is entitled "What would prove to you that 9/11 was not a conspiracy".That is not what you are asking it?

I am asking the same question but from the other point of view.

...then it is not the same question, is it?

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Disclosed
...then it is not the same question, is it?

Yes it is the same basic question so it is not derailing the thread no matter how much you want i to.

Besides others on here have asked for evidence why have you not told them what the thread is about ?

Why are you so biased ?

Originally posted by Jake the Dog Man
I have been waiting for years for any evidence of a conspiracy.

Originally posted by Cuhail
I don't see this thread as a request for evidence, but, a request for what evidence could convince you.

Originally posted by Cuhail
No, it's not asking for the evidence to be presented. It's asking for YOUR idea of good evidence.

[edit on 15-3-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
Yes it is the same basic question so it is not derailing the thread no matter how much you want i to.

Besides others on here have asked for evidence why have you not told them what the thread is about ?

Why are you so biased ?

Originally posted by Jake the Dog Man
I have been waiting for years for any evidence of a conspiracy.

Originally posted by Cuhail
I don't see this thread as a request for evidence, but, a request for what evidence could convince you.

Originally posted by Cuhail
No, it's not asking for the evidence to be presented. It's asking for YOUR idea of good evidence.

It's interesting that you linked 2 of the forum moderator Cuhails posts....which were requests telling you to post your question in a seperate thread. Cuhail explained to you before....your question is NOT the same as the OPs.

Please, just make your OWN thread with your question. It's so simple to do. Do you want me to do it for you?

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Disclosed
Please, just make your OWN thread with your question. It's so simple to do. Do you want me to do it for you?

Why would i waste my time making a new thread when i know you would not answer the question?

Why are people so afraid of looking for the truth, they just want to believe waht they are told ?

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Disclosed

Maybe you should spend more time trying to find the truth instead of trolling.

[edit on 15-3-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 07:37 PM

What would prove to you that 9/11 was not a conspiracy?

If your post consists of "you" on a regular basis, then the subject matter is not what is being discussed. Further off-topic posts will be handled by the staff and this thread will be allowed to continue on-topic.

So please restrict your post(s) to the topic at hand.

Last time guys.


[edit on 15-3-2008 by chissler]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by chissler

What would prove to you that 9/11 was not a conspiracy?

So why is it wrong to ask for what would prove the 9/11 official story?

Its basically the same question.

[edit on 15-3-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by ThatsJustWeird

What evidence do you have that the pictures of the bodies and the plane parts were fabricated??

Are you having trouble reading perhaps? I already stated that there are no pictures of the remains of anyone reported to be on-board the planes. I never claimed pictures were "fabricated." I have clearly stated that none exist. (With the possible exception being those held in secret.)

As far as pictures of aircraft parts go, the ones that are available prove nothing. They do not prove that the parts pictured came from a specific flight. Many do not even prove that they were indeed parts of an aircraft at all. And lastly, many of the shots were taken in a manner which does not even show their location. Example: A piece of fuselage laying on green grass proves nothing.

If you have the pictures I have been looking for, again, please, by all means, post them.

I'm sure there were some.

I really don't care what you're sure of.

We have the flight manifest.
They arrived in Paris on the 20th.
Congress (well a member of congress) released the document.
Even the 9/11 Commission confirms that a bunch of Saudis left. But there's no evidence they left before the flight ban was lifted though.

As I stated, that particular topic is argumentative, due to conflicting evidence.

I would like to see the manifest, along with any other evidence that the flight arrived in Paris on the date you claim. I am skeptical that such documentation comes from an obviously tainted and biased source without any corroboration.

But assuming that your claim is true, you still ignore all of the coast-to-coast domestic flights ferrying these people around the country while the families of the 9/11 victims were stranded on the ground.

Remember a Sheik was killed simply for looking Middle Eastern. If someone caught wind that a person was the family member of bin Laden, what do you think would have happened?

There's a big difference between a cabbie being the victim of a hate crime by some thug, and millionaires being lynched in the streets. Besides all of that, are you trying to tell me that our government was unable to provide them with extra protection, but could get them planes to wherever they wanted to go? Those people should have been placed in protective custody and sent to GTMO before any of the rest of the "suspected terrorists." Like the guys from Afghanistan who accidentally got in the Taxi to the Darkside.

So, is there any evidence the ones that left had anything to do with it or knew about it? They could have easily took them away and tortured them without a second thought.

Yes, they could have couldn't they. So why didn't they? Gee, maybe because factions of the US government were complicit in the attacks of 9/11, and helped to facilitate a coverup.

We don't.

We don't have much evidence of anything now do we? So who really attacked us on 9/11? Who is to blame for 3,000 murders? Not to mention, why did we invade two countries in the Middle East in a war that has cost a million lives?

[edit on 3/16/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
Are you having trouble reading perhaps? I already stated that there are no pictures of the remains of anyone reported to be on-board the planes. I never claimed pictures were "fabricated." I have clearly stated that none exist. (With the possible exception being those held in secret.)

There are pics from the trial. They have been posted on here. You can find them if you wanted to.

As far as pictures of aircraft parts go, the ones that are available prove nothing. They do not prove that the parts pictured came from a specific flight.

You're really stretching now....

So what happened? They crashed the hijacked planes elsewhere but crashed some other planes into the buildings and ground, then sent the parts of the hijacked planes to the attack sites? That makes no sense at all. Why make things so complicated? Wouldn't it have been easier to just crash the planes you hijacked into those buildings?

If you have the pictures I have been looking for, again, please, by all means, post them.

You don't have to go any further than this site buddy.

I really don't care what you're sure of.

Then why'd you ask?

As I stated, that particular topic is argumentative, due to conflicting evidence.

I would like to see the manifest, along with any other evidence that the flight arrived in Paris on the date you claim. I am skeptical that such documentation comes from an obviously tainted and biased source without any corroboration.


I think this has most of the details of most of the flights
FOIA at work

But assuming that your claim is true, you still ignore all of the coast-to-coast domestic flights ferrying these people around the country while the families of the 9/11 victims were stranded on the ground.

Do you have any evidence of this?

There's a big difference between a cabbie being the victim of a hate crime by some thug, and millionaires being lynched in the streets. Besides all of that, are you trying to tell me that our government was unable to provide them with extra protection, but could get them planes to wherever they wanted to go?

Sure they could have provided extra protection but....why? Isn't it easier to just send them away?

Yes, they could have couldn't they. So why didn't they? Gee, maybe because factions of the US government were complicit in the attacks of 9/11, and helped to facilitate a coverup.

So what does the Bin Laden family have to do with anything?

We don't have much evidence of anything now do we? So who really attacked us on 9/11? Who is to blame for 3,000 murders? Not to mention, why did we invade two countries in the Middle East in a war that has cost a million lives?

We have evidence of a lot of stuff. It's the interpretations that differ.

The first "invasion" is a global response to the attacks. Any president, any country would have done the same.

The second probably would have happened anyway regardless of 9/11...

[edit on 16-3-2008 by ThatsJustWeird]

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