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"RODS": aliens or a species native to Earth?

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posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:29 AM
Rods, sometimes known as Sky Fish or Solar Entities, are a rather new entry in the field of cryptozoology. They are said to be creatures which flit about in the air at such a high speed as to not be seen by the naked eye. Practically all sightings of rods are based on video evidence, due to the propensity of video cameras to produce characteristic stroboscopic artifacts when imaging rapidly flying animals, especially insects, but also including birds.

Rods gain their name from their rodlike shape. However, they have also been called "flying rods", "skyfish" and "solar entities". They appear to be anywhere from 12 cm to 50 metres in length. Rods can control their flight path as birds and insects do.
Rods are not classified as atmospheric beasts (see: because we all love Wikipedia), because rods are nearly always described as much smaller than atmospheric beasts and as invisible to the naked eye; in addition, rods have a much shorter history as a subject of research in cryptozoology and the paranormal.

So far, the two most important explanation for rods are:

1. An unknown species of being. When viewing rods on camera they appear to be able to behave and move on their own. It is proposed that they have a thin membrane across their axis which is used for propulsion through the air, in a manner similar to the way a cuttlefish uses its fins. It has been suggested that Rods are possible relatives of anomalocarids which have taken to the air.

2. Beings/crafts related to the UFO phenomenom, or aliens from somewhere else

Another thougt is that they are extra-dimensional creatures. Since they are not limited by gravity, wind or any other earth-based, 4th dimensional obstruction, this would explain a lot about the speed and appearent invisibility that these things posses. This is my theory. I really want to know what others think about the topic. What do you think these strange beings are? Does anyone here have ever captured one on film? Personally, I have seen some on CSI: Miami. I always tape the show cause its on too late, so I can stop the film and play it really slowly...Amazing what you discover then!!

More info:

Note: Since Iassume that the folks who are truly interested in this topic know that these beings are not: 1. a trick of light, 2. a very fast flying known animal, such as a bee or a bird, and 3. a fault in the camera, I hope that people who think that the so-called "Rods" are one of the three explanations stated above please refrain from posting a reply. I really dont wish to be rude, so I'm sorry if I offended anyone. If you really MUST let me know that you think they are a farce, you can post
But please post the url of the source wich PROVES that they are a hoax.

[edit on 23-2-2008 by LeopardSeal]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:32 AM
The rod phenomena was a proven hoax. High speed cameras were set up and these things turned out to be bugs.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by LeopardSeal

I have always wondered about Rods. I am one of the biggest skepticss out there, but there was no way for me to deny there was clearly something being seen.
I saw this clip on youtube of Monsterquest where they did a whole show on them. They were trying to figure them out. This is the link to the last segment of the show, but the whole thing is there to watch on the site if you would like.

I don't think it explains all of them, but maybe some?
Thought you might want to see it.
Now, I don't know if Monsterquest sets out to disprove things rather than take an objective look...being as how they never find anything...but it was a new take on it.
I'd like to hear what you think...

I don't know that I hold an opinion either way.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 12:02 PM
Stanton Friedman is famous for saying something like, "People are asking if all UFOs are alien spacecraft. That's the wrong question. I know all UFOS are not alien spacecraft; but what if some of them are? I'm only interested in the 5% that are unexplained."

I know some rods were bugs close to the lens, but it doesn't disprove all the rod footage.

[edit on 2/23/2008 by Bigwhammy]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
The rod phenomena was a proven hoax. High speed cameras were set up and these things turned out to be bugs.

Yes, there was a solid demonstration made on a cable show that illustrated just how Rods come to be seen as they are.

Of course, I'm sure the technical proof and repeatable results don't matter much. Just add rods along with the fuzzy orbs people see in photos and video which have also been technically explained. Oh well...

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by nullster

I know this is an Old Thread , but I was just wondering if there has been any New Evidence presented by anyone since this " Rod " story was first brought to the Publics attention Proving or Disproving the Phenomena . I did find one source that claims it still is consided by them to be nothing more than Motion-Blurred Bugs Captured on Film . Is this Evidence Conclusive ? You decide..........

The Explaination ? .........

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit

I know this is an Old Thread , but I was just wondering if there has been any New Evidence presented by anyone since this " Rod " story was first brought to the Publics attention Proving or Disproving the Phenomena.

Yes, there is no "phenomena" there to "prove."
They are bugs - usually moths, and that's that.
So, yes, "RODS" are explained.

On the other hand, nobody has explained the SHAFTS that skeptics keep getting in threads like this one.


posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:26 PM
Some researeches say these things are interdimensional beings that operate usually on light frequencies we cannot see and flying at massive speed.
This is why you need to use very high shutter speed to catch them, the naked eye can bearly spot them.

They could very much be native to earth, simply work at a different dimension.

Perhaps humanity is starting to notice different dimensions....

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
Stanton Friedman is famous for saying something like, "People are asking if all UFOs are alien spacecraft. That's the wrong question. I know all UFOS are not alien spacecraft; but what if some of them are? I'm only interested in the 5% that are unexplained."

I know some rods were bugs close to the lens, but it doesn't disprove all the rod footage.

Can you please show me examples of the "unexplained" rod footage that you are alluding to?

By the way...It doesn't matter how many rod videos you have -- you could have 10 or 1000 or 100,000 examples, but all 10 or 1000 or 100,000 videos could be due to the blur caused by the camera shutter speed and frame rate.

A large number of examples does not guarantee that a genuine video must be among them.

[edit on 2/3/2010 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:37 PM
Bugs are all you see.
One never points out any cigar UFOs.
The first rod I noticed as a quad coil Tesla torpedo or zeppelin.
Since the football coil seems more appropriate from my first
estimate back in 1996 or so when seeing the FOX NEWS Albany
rod as a quad coil ship, I'm going with the football dual cone
coil propulsion.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by freebourn
Some researeches say these things are interdimensional beings that operate usually on light frequencies we cannot see and flying at massive speed.
This is why you need to use very high shutter speed to catch them, the naked eye can bearly spot them.

They could very much be native to earth, simply work at a different dimension.

Perhaps humanity is starting to notice different dimensions....

Funny I thought the reason you see them is a slow shutter speed so the wings and movement blurs and you get your so called rod.
When the shutter speed is faster guess what you see the insect or bug for what it is ie not a rod a bug!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:58 PM
"Rods" serve as a good test of ignorance. If one is ignorant enough to consider them a reality then we all know who's opinion counts a little less in the next discussion.

Rods are not real, plain and simple. It never ceases to amaze me that some folks need to believe in anything unexplained so bad that it leaves their minds so open their brains are in danger of falling out if they take a corner too hard.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:53 PM
They are BUGS god not this old chestnut ! How many times does this have to be explained ? They are the same as ORBS when ghost hunters are p1ssin about ! Flying BUGS !

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 04:04 PM
Just to be clear here on what we are saying rods are...

...the image below shows ten separate images of an insect in flight, beating its wings. Image that a shutter speed on a camera is 1/30th of a second, an in that time the insect beats its wings 3 times. what you would end up with is a blurred picture similar to what I illustrated in the bottom part of the image below (NOTE: this is not a real image of a blurred insect, but just an illustration)

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit

I know this is an Old Thread , but I was just wondering if there has been any New Evidence presented by anyone since this " Rod " story was first brought to the Publics attention Proving or Disproving the Phenomena.

Yes, there is no "phenomena" there to "prove."
They are bugs - usually moths, and that's that.
So, yes, "RODS" are explained.

On the other hand, nobody has explained the SHAFTS that skeptics keep getting in threads like this one.


Now THAT was funny

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:06 PM
LOL , Bugs it is then ! ..............FINI .......

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:18 PM
yeah if rods are aliens then lens flare is the face of god

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