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What are the chances that Aliens are all in the mind?

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posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:30 PM
Hello Folks.

I have been interested in the study of UFOs and Aliens for about 15 years. I have researched quite a bit into them, read many reports, viewed many articles along with many pictures. I have looked at a million and one video's of UFO's and Aliens, attended many UFO discssion event and as a result of which I have been thought off as mad!

Recently, I spent more than a year looking over alot of the research that I have carried out, along with others research and I have to say, there is nothing at all that stands out and say, these things are real!

What I mean is quite simple! We are all quick to believe in the fact that we are being visited by people from other planets. Yeah? Who stands to gain the most from that? The government! Hear me out here. We all know that the government have technology that goes way beyond anything that we can dream about, why not use that to their advantage? I mean, if the government have projection technology, why not use that to give out a projection of a UFO, to cover up another more top secret experinment? Do you not find it strange that these UFOs seem to appear from know where and disappear just as quick?

They make no sound and seem to leave no trace of themselves in the sky whatsoever! However, what it does do is creat attention! It diverts away from other projects that are on going. It make sense to me. Now, I know that people will be thinking that we are not that advanced to make such technology, to that I would reply never doubt the human mind. We are a hell of a lot more intelliogent as a race than we give ourselves credit for.

I know that we like to thinko that this has come fom Alien beings our their crashed ships, but I do not see any evidence of this. I mean, this has been ongoing for over 50 years and we have not got one bit of proof.No Aline bodies to show the world, no proper discs on video at government/military installations. Without that it is always going to be a struggle. I personally want to believe, but I am finding it really hard to.

I can say the same for many of the big researcher. Where has hopkins and Timothy Good gone? There is no sign of the "big guns" showing much support for this any longer.

What are your thought?

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by wow23

good post

all i can say is...most of the time i guess you could say it was someones imagination and it might explain what happened.

the problem with this theory is the mass sightings such as the 1952 washington flyover event....
YouTube - UFO Over Washington 1952 (History Pt.1)

now you would have to say alot of people were having the same illusion at the same time and i dont really believe thats possible imho. also these ufo "s were seen on radar screens so i dont see how it could be imaginary

[edit on 16-2-2008 by easynow]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:00 PM
We know from eye witness accounts years ago before man have these wonderful machines that there was something. Nowadays, we cannot be sure, we are seeing alien craft, so you could be right nowadays, but not years ago.

Also remember that it only takes one to be real, for aliens to be real.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by easynow

I do not dispute the fact that it was not a mass illusion nor the fact that they where caught on radar! However, at that time, technology was very weak compared to the modern day. However, that goes on what the government want us to see theory. It is quite possible the it could be some sort of air force project?

Again, it is theory. I just find it strange that they would do that in those times, when peoples minds where not intune to understand what was goin on around them. Remember, those days God was the way, the only way. Accepting something like UFOs' and Aliens was way above and beyond understanding. Therefore, I struggle to see why they would not do it today in an age where people are ready and willing to accept Aliens?

I doubt it would not be down to our known technology being a threat to them. Considering the amazing things that they are able to do.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by andy1033

I agree that there was some form of visits that occured in the distant past, but I do not see the evidence for it now. That is not to say it is not happening! I believe that it was/is happening in some way shape or form. However, It is a pitty we cannot get that one bit of evidence that says, there ya go, Aliens just for you. Until that evidence is presented, we will struggle with it. Perhaps some of the evidence that we have is correct, real! However, it is the millions of pieces of junk presented that we are having to deal with that makes the whole subject a joke to the media/ general public!

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by wow23

i think there is alot more evidence today than there ever was . the abduction phenomena is proof something weird is going on imho.

could it all be part of the New World Order scam ? i dont know

but i believe some ufo"s are real without a doubt....

here is one of my favorite encounters...
329 BC: Alexander the Great records two great 'flying shields' - Central Asia, - 329 BC - UFO Evidence

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by easynow

To be honest, I want to believe it. However, what we have is the statements of people, that can be easilymade to believe in anything. It is not enough to point to statements made by people regarding being abducted. As bad as that sounds, it is a fact. People are not going to listen to peoples statements any longer, because the fact is we have had that many false statements made by people looking for attention/money that the world has come to ignore what seems at face value, honest statements.

I weould not be to sure abiut this "New world order". I am not a big fan of that research field. That is some scary stuff that is.

With regards to the evidence being there, we cannot say that 100%. We have that much good technology in the open market that it is easy enough to do a UFO yourself.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:32 PM
Yes, there are all in the mind, as far as I know nobody could show any evidence of an alien, so they must be all in the mind.

And I think we should never mix UFOs with aliens until we have some kind of proof that links them both.

And yes, your idea could be usable if it was not the fact that UFO sightings have been experienced for many centuries, at times when the government could not have made them.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

I understand the fact that UFO's have visited us many times in the past. Espically in the old world. However, my point relates to the present when the worlds governments are more than able to have a good effort in making them.

Ufos and aliens should not be linked until string evidence is there to support this, of that we can agree on.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:51 PM
Dear wow.... You may be too close to the trees to see the forest. Try a view from a historical point that goes back 10,000 years or so. The "Dropa" in China have a facinating story which is online. The Chinese government has a open door policy on it's research with the Dropa evidence. There are many civilations that speak in art of UFO's and alien visitors. The Mayan clivilation has recorded their experiences in buidlings of art. Research, research, research. There is so much more that 50 years of data to take from.

There is way too much credible evidence to begin to "backpedle". If it is too much for your mind to grasp, forget it and find a hobby. It will be better for you.


posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Motherwolf999

Wolf, I am not disputing this from an historical point of view. If you had read my other posts, you would have seen that I am not disputing that point. As far as the Chinese Government goes, well, I would be more open to believeing the American Government than the Chinese government. Wolf, if you have the concret evidence to show that they are here today, present it and this discussion will end just like that!

And on a personal note (to ehich this will be my last), I have may hobbies my friend. One of which just happens to be this subject.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by wow23

i just cant believe the Goverments of the world could actually succeed in creating every ufo event.
Project Blue Beam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

project blue beam imho is not capable of creating every ufo sighting. there are way too many ufo"s reported and not reported. and then tie in the abduction phenomenon and i dont see how they could control the orchestration of it all. huge can of worms imho

it is possible that some ufo"s are from blue beam.

And I think we should never mix UFOs with aliens until we have some kind of proof that links them both.

this is good advice ArMap but i think the word "never" might be extreme.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by easynow

I was not saying that they where all from the government, may be I did not make that clear. However, would it not be safe to say that ther= governments of the World are all involved in some sort of secret development of aircraft, that, until we know what they are, are in fact termed as UFOs?

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:19 PM

I firmly believe that the ufo/alien phenomena is real,and that on this site, a handful of members are actually only a whisker away from learning the truth.

I myself have witnessed 2 different ufo's many years apart,once when i was alone and the other when i was accompanied by another person.

I am an intelligent,open minded person and i am in no doubt that what i saw was the real deal and not imagined.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by wow23

This topic has been discussed many times on ATS. I don't mean that in a negative way, I'm just bringing this to your attention

In my opinion the best thread about this subject, was written by a member here that goes by the name MikeBoydUS. His thread on quantum entanglement is a must read if you subscribe to the notion that it is all in our minds.

They come from within

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by wow23
reply to post by easynow

I was not saying that they where all from the government, may be I did not make that clear. However, would it not be safe to say that ther= governments of the World are all involved in some sort of secret development of aircraft, that, until we know what they are, are in fact termed as UFOs?

i know you didnt say they were all from the goverment.

i believe some ufo"s are the real thing.

i absolutely agree that area 51 and other secret military bases are operating some kind of flying craft that would seem like ufo"s to us.
YouTube - [HST] UFO Files - Area 51-5

i would also like to say that there is no way this is all in our minds and we are having a mass hallucination. that dog dont hunt imho

[edit on 16-2-2008 by easynow]

[edit on 16-2-2008 by easynow]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by wow23

To assume in the infinite universe of ours that we are the only life form and we are the most advanced in the regard that because we can't do it, other beings from other worlds can't either is quite simply naive.

We are NOT alone in this universe. Repeat after me.


posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by scobro

I firmly believe that the ufo/alien phenomena is real,and that on this site, a handful of members are actually only a whisker away from learning the truth.

I myself have witnessed 2 different ufo's many years apart,once when i was alone and the other when i was accompanied by another person.

I am an intelligent,open minded person and i am in no doubt that what i saw was the real deal and not imagined.

Scobro, I do not dipute the fact that your are an intelligent man, and if you feel I have ensulted your intelligence, then I apologise. I also do not dispute the fact that what you have seen was a solid object, but was it Alien in origin? Or, just another secret Air force project?

We have heard many people in the past say that they are close to the truth, but then we see them say the goal post has been moved. Therefore, I will reserve judgement on that point for now.

I apologise highfreq. if this thread has been done before, I was not aware of that when I put this subject line in the search box, It did not return me that thread. Excellent read by the way, and well researched.

Watchseitgeistnow, had you read my earlier posts, I do not believe that we are alone in the universe, far from it. I am far from naive, hence the reason I will not swallow alot of the BS that we get on this subject matter.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by wow23

No need to apologise friend.
I saw nothing derogatory in your comments.I was merely stating that i don't see my self as being impressionable or easily led.


posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by scobro

Thankyou. You may not be, but a lot of people are eaisly lead, and that is a big part of the problem.

Check out some of the sites on this search engine and you will see my point.

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