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EU - Flooded Britain.

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posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 02:41 PM
It is impossible in this day and age within the Uk not to notice the worrying high amount of immigrants entering the UK. I would like to state that i am not racist and have no problems with any one else on this planet. I am simply worried.

In 2004 an estimated 223,000 more people migrated to the UK than migrated abroad. This estimated net inflow is much higher than for 2003 when 151,000 more people arrived to live in the UK than left to live abroad.

This statement wraps up alot of what is to come in this post. The Uk can only hold a certain amount of peolpe before problems start to arise. An issue that is strong within the Uk is benifits, some, not all immigrants are coming to the Uk and just claiming benifits, which means they do nothing. They are nothing more than a burden on a country that is to kind.

I belive that the Uk needs to strengthen its policies on EU immigration, we need to stop letting this glorious nation of ours be flooded. I have no problem with people from other countrys coming here. My problem is simply the amount.

I would like to hear your feed back on this issue.

Dorian Gray

mod edit: changed quote tags to external quote tags and corrected title spelling.

[edit on 10-2-2008 by UK Wizard]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 02:58 PM
For our country to continue to grow, and be this fair and green land we love, we need a certain about of immigration, and if you look at our history our country has expanded off the back of immigrants.

Being part of the EU means we can not restrict the right of EU nationals to move and work in any part of the EU. There have been some exceptions with the newer member countries.

I suppose if we had huge levels of unemployment amongst UK citizens and the finger could be pointed at EU migration, then that would change things.

It seems that many of the jobs being done by these EU immigrants are jobs we do not want to do. I believe that anyone who wants to come to the UK and work, must add value to the greater good

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 03:37 PM
Hello Dorian...Freedom...
I have question.
Does the UK seem to think the same thing about the US immigration issue as either of you do?
I guess what I am asking...does America look like idots bickering about a problem all nations have or does seem like an actual issue of concern?

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:53 PM
A fundamental right of every EU citizen is that they have the freedom of movement within in ANY EU country, to live, work, education and even benefits (exceptions with some of the new accession countries).

If you want to put a hold on in the UK, then how about we also put a hold on the thousands of British people moving to Spain and Portugal every year, or put a hold on all the British buying property in Bulgaria. You can’t have it both ways.


posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 04:16 AM
Having many immigrants is normal in various countries. We must become comfortable with meek immigrants, and support those, who want the evil ones to be removed.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 07:59 AM

One of Britain’s most senior military strategists has warned that the threat posed by migration to western civilisation is on a par with the barbarian invasions that destroyed the Roman empire. Rear Admiral Chris Parry, likened modern immigration to the Goths and Vandals, saying that Europe could be subjected to ‘reverse colonisation’ over the next twelve years.1 Not since the days of Enoch Powell has such apocalyptic language been so acceptable, and its message so widely accepted.

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EU Border Control,1,EU border control

EU migration and borders policies in a globalising world

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