Do they still have that little electonic gizmo belt game for sex?
You set yours STRAIGHT MALE LOOKING ORAL... and it goes off when you get near STRAIGHT FEMALE LOOKING ORAL... and according to the game you have to
find each other and erm, you know.
It hit big in San Fran with gay guys a while back.
bah thoseare like those shirts you see old fat ladies wearing on the beach which have the image of a sexy womans body on the shirt stretched across
their hides.
and I was thinking that plastic see through clothing was in style over there.... FEH
Only in Japan...... Whats the point I ask? I've heard Japan also has beer in vending machines. It amazes me what they come up with. But is it just
me or do many people in Japan have an obsession with sex.
Haha! Ya ive seen these before. I remember one time I saw some of them and it was a gimmick website talking about the Japanese leading the race to
stealth camoflauge or something haha.
It seems to me that everything that comes out of Japan get s more and more related to Sex ... and it is stranger everytime.
Even in some of the video games .... nothing but sex related puns and such ....
Gotta love photoshop. Just like everyone else, now that Japan is not an isolated environment, they've run out of ideas. Won't be long before the
USA reflects the same... gonna have a lot of pissed off christians on our hands. JOY