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I have a few words about Mr. Paul

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posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 09:36 AM
The biggest most blatant conspiracy in the last 20 years, Ron Paul's popularity. This is not a theory, this is fact and one of a few subjects on ATS with absolute proof and all you have to do is turn on your TV or read a main stream newspaper.
Ron Paul has been completely shut out, ignored and when he is mentioned on CNN, Fox, MSNBC it is with humorous disdain. We have all watched the video snips where the RP voters were snubbed, we have all seen the videos where high paid "reporters" coughed it all up to webbots or technical malfunctions. The lies and cover up are so blatant that I 100% believe that our media is 100% controlled, I need no more proof.
Now, I don't even think we have (or they have) a clue as to how big the Ron Paul "Revolution" is or how massive it will become. I think they are scared which can be the only reason I can see for the absolute shut out of Mr. Paul.
Ron Paul is much, much bigger than this 2% number that keeps getting thrown around by naysayers if you need proof just look at his donations. The 4.2 million that was raised on Nov. 5th was donated by everyday citizens like you and me, not big massive corporations, it was $25 here, $50 there. Can you imagine the number of individual donations it took to reach 4.2 miilion? That's a whole lot of people folks!!! Last night he did it once again we are not talking massive $$$ from corporations, these donations are coming from middle America.

This day keeps getting more unbelievable! For those of you who might not know yet, today is quickly turning into a spectacular fundraising day for Ron Paul. You've already raised over $3.6 million since midnight!

We are close to making history. In November, we mentioned that the all-time, single-day primary fundraising record is John Kerry’s $5.7 million in 2004. At this hour, Ron Paul stands at $5.4 million.

By the way, we are closing in on 25,000 FIRST-time donors today. That’s unbelievable!

With two weeks remaining in the fourth quarter, the Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign has already surpassed its $12 million fourth quarter fundraising goal.

I live in a VERY, VERY tiny rural town about 45 miles North of Atlanta, laid back country folks that do not talk about politics and don't care to. My community is a lovely place to raise children but a converstion about fringe politicians is not the norm. Now with that said, yesterday I was taking a ride and on the side of the road was a massive "homemade" sign that said... "The Revolution has begun, Ron Paul 2008, Google it" with some very nice graphics. I thought I was the only person in my small town that even knew Mr. Paul's name for someone else to take the time and energy to make this massive sign and dig a hole for the sign, for someone else in this very small town to have joined the "revolution" is amazing. It just doesnt happen here and my friends, that is a whole lot of proof that Ron Paul is much, much, much, much bigger than we are being led to believe.

Mr. Paul will get my vote no matter what, I will write him in if I have to. The actual voter turn out in America is pathetic and I think this is why TPTB are so scared, they see RP supporters are vehement about their man. They will show up and vote come rain, sleet or snow, nothing is going to stop us from voting for him. So lets say 38% of Americans actually vote in this election, how many of those voters will be Ron Paul voters? I would say a very big %, why? because RP voters will actually vote and not just talk about voting.
If the election is not rigged, America could be getting their "Revolution" in 2008. I pray that we do sisters and brothers, I pray that we do.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 09:42 AM
I advise all RP supporters to discuss the 'revolution' over xmas dinner with their family, friends, colleagues over the coming weeks and at whatever party, lunch, dinner, function comes up. Every person needs to tell at least 11 people.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Shar_Chi

I agree, before I reeducated my very conservative mother, she actually believed Mr. Paul was almost a terrorist because of Fox news's (Sean Hannity) biased reporting. For those in the general population who get their "news" from main stream media will need a complete and total reeducation.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 11:16 AM
´´Ron Paul has been completely shut out, ignored and when he is mentioned on CNN, Fox, MSNBC it is with humorous disdain. We have all watched the video snips where the RP voters were snubbed, we have all seen the videos where high paid "reporters" coughed it all up to webbots or technical malfunctions. The lies and cover up are so blatant that I 100% believe that our media is 100% controlled, I need no more proof.´´

yes, its all NWO puppets theatre.
What will be important for 2008 is he polling system, if anyone is interested in Paul winning, then the electronic polling stations have to be exchanged to traditional ones.
we remember Florida.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 11:22 AM
I was wondering...
If the popular vote was overwhelmingly RP but the electoral votes were for another, what would happen?
I know this happened in 2000/2004 but it was a slight margin and Gore/Kerry just gave up, I don't think RP would just give up.
If RP does not when the primary but runs as an independent and wins the popular vote by a landslide, what happens?
If he won by write in, what would happen?

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 11:47 AM
I do not quite understand it myself either. I do think the media runs with whoever THEY feel are in the lead. We saw this early with McCain, then later it seemed to be all news about Rudy and then Romney and now it is Huckabee that is getting all the coverage.

With Paul it seems he is getting a bigger percent of the younger crowd, and so all his accomplishments are played off as either false or are not covered at all.

I remember where on one FOX polling he was leading the polls and FOX contributed it to nothing more than younger computer savvy people manipulating the polls, and so they disregarded it.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by SEEWHATUDO
I was wondering...
If the popular vote was overwhelmingly RP but the electoral votes were for another, what would happen?
I know this happened in 2000/2004 but it was a slight margin and Gore/Kerry just gave up, I don't think RP would just give up.
If RP does not when the primary but runs as an independent and wins the popular vote by a landslide, what happens?
If he won by write in, what would happen?


posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

I think he would just win in both scenarios. If the popular vote was a land slide, the electoral vote wouldn't be off, it's a flawed system but i don't think it's that flawed. If it is we would get shafted unless we did something.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by SEEWHATUDO
If the election is not rigged, America could be getting their "Revolution" in 2008. I pray that we do sisters and brothers, I pray that we do.

Key phrase being if it's not rigged, this will be my first chance to vote in a major election, being 20 years old, but the majority of my are group believe the whole election process is rigged because we were tweens(oh god how I hate that word) or teenagers during the 2000 debacle. I know I'm going to vote, but I still have to force myself to believe that it will even matter.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 04:14 PM
To the OP - this is an excellent post,

I was just thinking this myself today. I admit that I had already begun to lose faith in the mainstream media because of the way they have been handling just about everything concerning the Bush administration starting but certainly not ending with their coverage of the 2000 election and the many questions surrounding 911.

But this Ron Paul phenomenon has pretty much sealed the deal on MSM for me. In a way they have really only managed to hurt themselves even more by further proving once and for all that they are completely biased and untruthful and willfully complicent in attempting to manipulate public opinion.

It has truly been interesting because what we are able to see on the internet versus what they are reporting on TV are so vastly different that it gives us a very revealing look at how the Mass Media actually operates and what their actual subvert agendas are - a clear look behind the hypnotic curtain so to speak - though it seems more like catching these people with their pants down - and they don't like it.

It's really quite sad to see how as they begin to lose the faith and influence of the public, they seem to try even more desperately and ridiculously to control them.

In my opinion, they are have already lost and they are simply behaving like sorry losers in failing to admit they are wrong - And because of their continued actions, they can never and never will be trusted or taken seriously ever again.

[edit on 17-12-2007 by CyberTruth]

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 04:24 PM

I was 26 and voted in 2000, I had no clue elections were rigged or even thought about it at that time. It wasnt until last year when 9/11 questions started sneaking up and I decided to do some investigating and stumbled upon this site, my world was completely turned around, upside down over night.
Yes, you have to take a good percentage of the info. at ATS with a pinch of salt but the political, American and World views tend to be dead on and they scare the hell out of me.
Up until last year I was a die hard conservative republican without a care in the world, I tuned in to my daily dose of Sean Hannity every evening and was perfectly content, proud of being an American and believed I was absolutely free. What a bunch of lies!
It was easier living in that world but I feel that we all need to know the truth, no matter how horrible it is, and always strive to improve not only ourselves but our world. I have 3 beautiful children that I love with all of my heart and I will do anything and everything to provide them with a bright future. I will not stand by and let my children suffer for my blind contentment, now if I could only get the rest of the world to see it my way,lol.

[edit on 17-12-2007 by SEEWHATUDO]

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

The home made sign in your original post reminded me of a thread I started:

I'm still trying to figure out where and how this Good Conspiracy got started. I'm also all for expanding the concept and using the idea.

We have to keep hope alive that this system gets an overhaul, in the form of a return to the Constitution, before it's too late for anything except bloodshed.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by CyberTruth

But this Ron Paul phenomenon has pretty much sealed the deal on MSM for me. In a way they have really only managed to hurt themselves even more by further proving once and for all that they are completely biased and untruthful and willfully complicent in attempting to manipulate public opinion.

[edit on 17-12-2007 by CyberTruth]

The very scary, scary, SCARY thing is, I don't think they care anymore .
They do not hide their lies anymore, it is in your face and they do not give 2 figs how we feel or what we think. Nothing is sacred anymore and they do not fear retribution, like I said that is VERY SCARY at least to me.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by NGC2736

Yes, when I saw the sign it reminded me of your boxer thread (which by the way my family and I did last weekend) but this one was HUGE massive piece of plywood? on some sort of stand dug in to the ground, it is amazing!!
I have also seen a signifigant increase in Ron Paul bumper stickers around town and driving all over Atlanta and the suburban areas. I went down to Macon, Ga. over Thanksgiving and was pleasantly surprised at the RP lawn signs and bumper stickers. Atlanta is one thing but to see such widespread support in the suburbs and surrounding counties is so wonderful. I really believe we have not even seen the tip of the iceberg yet when it comes to Ron Paul support.I know the numbers are skewed, there is no other explanation for the massive nickel and dime donations that add up to millions without any corporate big $$$.
If we can pull this off maybe I will be able to enjoy my at one time favorite holiday again, July 4th. Maybe I will feel proud to be an American again and that would feel so good.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by SEEWHATUDO
The very scary, scary, SCARY thing is, I don't think they care anymore .
They do not hide their lies anymore, it is in your face and they do not give 2 figs how we feel or what we think. Nothing is sacred anymore and they do not fear retribution, like I said that is VERY SCARY at least to me.

You're right - it is scary and I think they want us to be sacred. I almost feel like they are directly threatening us. They want us to be scared one way or another - either by hyping up the whole "terrorist" thing or by taking away our rights and creating secret prisons. In a way they are not giving us any choice but to be scared. We are definitely under attack. But perhaps it is slowly starting to turn on them - maybe all this fear mongering is happening because in reality they are scared. I don't know what is going to happen but I definitely feel a mass consciousness slowly coming to a boil.

I also don't believe this "momentum" started or will end with Ron Paul.

[edit on 17-12-2007 by CyberTruth]

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 05:34 PM

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 17-12-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 06:26 PM
Just got a new email from Mr. Paul:
I dont know how to link to an email so i will just quote what I found to be the most important parts.
This man knows exactly what is going on, read between the lines... This is our last stand, our knight in shining armor, our future.

What a day! I am humbled and inspired, grateful and thrilled for this vast outpouring of support.

On just one day, in honor of the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, the new American revolutionaries brought in $6.04 million, another one-day record. The average donation was $102; we had 58,407 individual contributors, of whom an astounding 24,915 were first-time donors. And it was an entirely voluntary, self-organized, decentralized, independent effort on the internet. Must be the "spammers" I keep hearing about!

As I dropped in on a cheering, laughing crowd of about 600 near my home in Freeport, Texas, I noted that they call us "angry." Well, we are the happiest, most optimistic "angry" movement ever, and the most diverse. What unites us is a love of liberty, and a determination to fix what is wrong with our country, from the Fed to the IRS, from warfare to welfare. But otherwise we are a big tent.

Love this quote, pay attention to what he is saying in the most pc way possible:

The establishment is baffled and worried, and well they should be. They keep asking me who runs our internet fundraising and controls our volunteers. To these top-down central planners, a spontaneous order like our movement is science-fiction. But you and I know it's real: as real as the American people's yearning for freedom, peace, and prosperity, as real as all the men and women who have sacrificed for our ideals, in the past and today.

Said the local newspaper ( "The elderly sat with teens barely old enough to vote. The faces were black, Hispanic, Asian and white. There was no fear in their voices as they spoke boldly with each other about the way the country should be. Held close like a deeply held secret, Paul has brought them out of the disconnect they feel between what they know to be true and where the country has been led."

All over America, all over the world, we are inspiring real change. With the wars and the spying, the spending and the taxing, the inflation and the credit crisis, our ideas have never been more needed. Victory for liberty! That is our goal, and nothing less.

God I love this man.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 06:35 PM
Personally I think Paul's so-called revolution is nothing more than spammers. Just because you put signs everywhere doesn't mean you're popular. If he was so popular like people claim why isn't he going up in national polls? Look for example at Bill Richardson. He's been doing the hard campaigning work and he's been going up in the polls. Oh and I could never support someone who has racists Nazi wannabe's supporting him like Paul does.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 06:37 PM
If he can get through a jury first. Do you know how a court room works? Kerry knew since he's a former prosecutor. I guess you don't.

reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 06:42 PM
Why aren't you talking about the other national polls that have him at the bottom? I guess all of them are hired by Fox too right?

Originally posted by Xtrozero

I do not quite understand it myself either. I do think the media runs with whoever THEY feel are in the lead. We saw this early with McCain, then later it seemed to be all news about Rudy and then Romney and now it is Huckabee that is getting all the coverage.

With Paul it seems he is getting a bigger percent of the younger crowd, and so all his accomplishments are played off as either false or are not covered at all.

I remember where on one FOX polling he was leading the polls and FOX contributed it to nothing more than younger computer savvy people manipulating the polls, and so they disregarded it.

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