posted on May, 15 2004 @ 10:45 PM
Go figure, read Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle."
Most of it was about simple social justice, concerns about low wages, bad working conditions and numerous other things.
En passant or "in passing," the stockyards and impure conditions are mentioned. The Federal Government creates the FDA, which is meant of course to
be totally distinct from the industries it regulates. The consequence was for the most part much cleaner food.
Some social concerns may have tended to be cared during the New Deal.
Now transport yourself to the Federal Government today, the "revolving door." Yup, the fox has been guarding the chicken coop for quite a while now.
The response to what would have been a fourth estate complaint gets put to the back pages. The USDA now forbids mad cow testing when a business
request it for exported beef? I mean duh already. Science is manipulated and that substitute is utilized by industry to approve whatever the corporate
campaign contributor wants. Say look at Rumsfeld, he "pulls all his markers," in Washington in the early 1980s and the whole country gets aspartame
pushed down its throat. How sweet it is? Well read the FDA literature before this guy sold out the country, dumbed people down with this chemical
warfare agent, and once promising ulcer drug.
If actual science and actual health is what government must do, then it is failing extremely badly on any semblance of it. Public relations and
propaganda is no substitute for good sense or even some rule of thumb. But the science is the problem, what is the actual chemistry involved say in
this milk analysis? Do you really want to drink a growth hormone in cow�s milk that is the same as a human growth hormone, when obesity is epidemic
Do you want pus in your milk, when some "waste," of the liquid is good farming practice for purity? Homogenization reduces fat particles to such
smallness, that they more readily arrive at the capillaries. Pasteurization is too often conducted for too brief an interval, so there is a bacterial
count. Try test the difference from regular milk and super pasteurized milk, see which one goes sour in a sealed carton first.
Yeah you can wake up and figure out all this stuff, but when nothing gets done, are you going to just go back to sleep when the next "expert," or
paid debunker just tells you forcibly what actual science obviously disputes?
[Edited on 15-5-2004 by SkipShipman]