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He thinks he's an alien (i think)

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posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:49 AM
[edit on 27-11-2007 by justnotsure]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:19 AM
Edit: This thread was previously in ATS', Aliens and UFOs forum.

This poor woman must be at her wits end if she's a consulting an Aliens and UFO forum for advice on what to do next with her husband who thinks he's an alien. That someone would stop by here to ask for advice on this is almost, at least in the situation she has described here, as improbable as something from "Fargo"; yet, it's really happening. Amazing.

From a distance, as a reader of this story, it's element of black humor is as striking as it is tragic. A wife goes to an Alien and UFO forum where in excruciating details gives us a minute by minute account of her husband's mental breakdown. That he says he's an alien is only an inconsequential detail of a much larger picture that clearly indicates something much more obvious is going on, yet his wife, the OP, fails to really recognize this on several different levels.

And the fact that she is here, telling her story like this, indicates that she needs more help than her husband but in any case, here we've got the blind leading the blind -- the sick, leading the sick -- and I will pray for these 2 individuals that they each get the help they so desperately need... and deserve.

My message to the OP:
As much as you are trying to help your husband, I think at this point you need to move out of the house and get help yourself. It's very clear that your sense of judgement and clarity is "off" at this moment in time and if this story is true, I seriously don't think that your husband is safe with you around at the present time -- your presence here in this forum is a crystal clear indication of this. Get professional help. Let someone else take care of your husband now.

The above are only my opinions and nothing more.

[edit on 27-11-2007 by Palasheea]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 06:06 AM
Palasheea what on earth made you come up with that? There is absolutely no indication that the Op needs help here herself. I personally don't think you have the right to tell her what to do and not to do based on reading a few posts, leave her husband so she can get help herself?? what for?? How is her Judgement and Clarity off? She was simply looking for advice.

[edit on 27/11/07 by October]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 08:19 AM
And what gives YOU the right to tell me that I don't have the right to voice MY OWN on opinion on this -- which is exactly what I did!

In my own opinion, based on the information she gave us and also based on my post-graduate training and work in the mental health field, this woman needs professional help -- just as much as her husband needs it. I gave my reasons for why I believe this to be so in my post on this. If you have a problem with my insights on all of this -- including those suggestions I gave to her... well, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do to help you with that; except perhaps to suggest for you to read some books on the subject of addictions and co-dependency... that would be a good place for you to begin to understand what's going on with these 2 individuals now at the present time. They are both sick.

This woman's whole world is falling apart -- all hell has broken loose in her home... but for her to go to an Aliens and UFO forum of all places.. to seek advice on all of this is PURE INSANITY while her husband sounds like he might even be suicidal!! He needs to be at a facility right now under suicide observation yet instead she's asking for advice in an Aliens and UFO forum??

You are not helping this person out at all by telling her that she did the right thing by coming here for advice. You as well as a few others here are waaaaay off on that one!

[edit on 27-11-2007 by Palasheea]

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