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Aspartame... the BAD news!

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posted on Dec, 8 2002 @ 05:28 PM
Aspartame was not approved until 1981, in dry foods. For over eight years the FDA refused to approve it because of the seizures and brain tumors this drug produced in lab animals. The FDA continued to refuse to approve it until President Reagan took office (a friend of Searle) and fired the FDA Commissioner who wouldn't approve it. Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes was appointed as commissioner. Even then there was so much opposition to approval that a Board of Inquiry was set up. The Board said: "Do not approve aspartame". Dr. Hayes OVERRULED his own Board of Inquiry.

The rest of the story:

posted on Dec, 8 2002 @ 05:54 PM
The answer...
Don't give aspartine to any more lab rats!!!

posted on Dec, 8 2002 @ 06:08 PM
It is only part of bigger picture. The same problem with MSG which is everywhere � (additive developed in Japan to add meat � broth like flavor to cheap foods) � Mac Donald, all fast-foods, all instant soups etc. and finally only those two (Aspartam and MSG) are far more dangerous than smoking cigarettes�
BTW Aspartam = NutraSweet- most artificial sweeteners. Read the labels pls.

Good site for diet-coke fans

posted on Dec, 8 2002 @ 09:16 PM
Check Snopes for the truth.

In a nutshell, this is someone who has an allergy to aspertane trying to make it into the Most Evil Compound Ever Fed To People. It's the equivalent of someone with peanut allergies trying to tell you that peanuts are poison.

Don't believe me? Do a bit of checking. Aspertane's been in soft drinks and other stuff for the past 25 years. If it was true, you should see a HUGE caseload of these problems to the point where half the people over 35 are in the hospital with these problems. Instead, there hasn't been a significant rise in those syndromes.

Do personal research: find out how many people you know have been drinking diet drinks for the past 10 or more years (I have been.) Then check that group and see how many have health problems.

This is information by a hysterical (and aspertane allergic/sensitive) person. Yes, some folks are sensitive to it and some are allergic. Most aren't.

If you have any of the symptoms of sensitivity, do your system a favor and don't use it! But there's no problem for the rest of the population -- as simple questioning and observation will quickly tell you.

posted on Dec, 9 2002 @ 12:38 AM
A good topic and one of my favourite �additive� horrors. Since manufacturers are invariably at a loss to explain quite what either �refined� or �natural� actually mean �the air is thick with fog here; but what little evidence there is suggests allergic reactions rather than mass-poisoning.
However, here�s a good anti-site (style is appallingly unscientific, but full of names and dates, plenty on Searle)

And on the other hand, the �aspartame� site �run by Ajinomoto- which will attempt to convince you that the stuff is the elixir of life, ambrosia of the gods.
You pays your money and you makes your choice.

posted on Dec, 9 2002 @ 09:08 AM
Byrd,The assertion that you drink diet soft drinks and you're OK therefore this is rubbish is absurd.

You're previous post could well have been written by somebody who has significant shareholdings in aspartame so dismissive was it.

I think it's fair to say that you can not dismiss any man made additive that causes side effects as merely an allergy.You seem to be saying that if there were long term health problems then these claim would be legitimate where as short term health problems are merely allergies.So if someone has a short term problem,say he has a seizure and drowns,thats not the fault of aspartame that is his fault.
As you can not through evolution or experience from a young age build up an imunity to a new man made chemical.I think your allergy excuse is poor.

posted on Dec, 9 2002 @ 10:08 AM
Actually, JB, I base my statements on the huge number of diet coke guzzlers around and the fact that the hosptials aren't full of people with aspertane induced problems.

According to BevNet (beverage site), the average US citizen consumes 45 to 54 gallons of sodas (depends on what website you read) per year. Diet soft drinks make up the majority of this.

Diet Coke was introduced in 1982

The Centers for Disease Control track both afflictions and death, and they do a good job of it (this is how we know when we've got a disease outbreak, how big it is, where it's confined, etc. Every week they publish a weekly "morbidity and mortality report" ... I used them in doing a medical paper for an epidemiology journal one time, and they've got records that go back 50 years of leading illnesses and deaths.

You can access it online... if you wanted to check the records, best place to try is a med school. The local library doesn't carry this one.

There's a strong reported correlation between canine distemper and MS: (note that rates went up with canine distemper but not iwth the intro of diet sodas)

In fact, there's a decent link with MS and some other viral diseases, including chicken pox (varicella):

On a geographic basis, the distribution shows fewer cases in the US (which consumes the most diet soda) than in Europe, Canada, Russia, and Israel. In the US, it's higher in the North than the South.

...and so on and so forth.

Didn't want to go into details, but I did work at a medical school as a researcher and when questions of disease epidemiology come up, I do know a bit about data and how it's done. If there was a correlation, we'd see a stronger pattern than we do with the varicella-MS link... and Hollywood and New York City would be FULL of people with MS. It would be a major health problem and they'd be scrambling to build facilities to house these people for long term care.

And that's part of why I say the report is Just Plain Bunk by someone who does have problems which are undoubtedly related to aspertane... but are problems which do NOT occur in most people.

posted on Dec, 9 2002 @ 03:09 PM
Kronos makes a good point on MSG. I havent studyed all of what MSG does But I have Heard that It can change the Relitivity Spin of the body. When it comes to the Aspartame. There are alot of Sodas that have that in as a additive. And when the Body Absorbs this cemical it can cause Fermaldihide poison. Some bad spelling forgive me on that I am not the best speller. Besides that Kronos makes another good point when it comes to the Big Picture.

Take the Additve MTBE it is a natural Bi Product when it comes to Ethanol gasoline. It only takes about 1 cap full the cap in size being about the average size of a bleach bottle cap to contaminate 500,000 gallons of drinking water.

Then there is the wonderfull but dangerous EDTA. While this is a usefull lead detoxifier it is also used to make the blood clot better. Over use and long term exposer documents on this I dont belive have been realesed yet but someone probley has them.

Then another one. Poly Ethilne Di Bromide.

This one above is used mostly in antifreeze. But is also in cool whip and most of the frosting's inside of Things like Twinkies and other's Intersting thing that a twinkie cant be set on fire. And it takes about 35 minuites in a 1000 watt microwave to make the damm thing expload.

If you think aspertane and some of these are bad you should look and see what goes into the Meat Industry.

Another topic for another day.

This is my 2 cents on this topic.


posted on Dec, 9 2002 @ 09:01 PM
Humans are �designed� to digest only substances taken from the living organisms. Few others like water, salt etc, are not digested but rather processed and eliminated.
All other, especially artificial chemicals like aspartame are poisons and should be eliminated by healthy body. And proper elimination is possible only if given individual have strong personal immunity. These specific body abilities are immeasurable and are strongly related to mind-body connection plus millions of known and unknown factors. Well trained people (like Yoga masters) will eliminate almost all known toxins. But not digest. Weak organism will isolate them in fat cells, joints etc. Excess weight, joint pain, some food cravings are the first symptoms of bad immunity and lack of balance.
Anyway less poison means lower stress to you immune system. That is quite simple truth.
But additives tweaking your taste are very dangerous as the very early and important stage in digestion process is seriously affected.
And you may wait for the effect long time as one day all those diet cokes will strike you unexpectedly.
Food and drugs industry know the truth but they will never reveal it. It is closed loop. They are feeding you with poisons to treat you with another poison. And they will artificially keep you alive to keep the loop running. It is real conspiracy against you and me. And your posts is kind of proof of their success.

You still have time to review your knowledge Byrd. Start with Ayurveda, TCM � those systems were developed before industry made a plan to kill you.

There is another level of food related conspiracy � but it is for future thread.

Links for start � but not ready to digest as served, proceed with caution:

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 09:57 AM
I ran into this thread while doing a bit of tagging.

Since this thread was started, Splenda has been introduced into the foods we eat. It has it's issues, too becasue splenda is sugar that has been chemically altered.

Stevia is also on store shelves. It is a sweetener dervide from the stevia plant. It appears to be natural and without chemical additives.
I even tried growing the plant and it is indeed a very sweet tasting leaf.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 10:10 AM
I've tried Stevia, have you..
The type I bought was like a very strong brewed leaf..
Delivered by an eye dropper.
Did you notice that it imparted any of it's own flavor, other than the sweetness?

I like it in Tea, but not coffee..

And lastly, where did you get the plant?

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Nikita

Since this thread was started, Splenda has been introduced into the foods we eat. It has it's issues, too becasue splenda is sugar that has been chemically altered.

Very true. From what I understand the sugar molecule that contains the calorie is somehow removed and replaced with a chlorine molecule. It can't be too safe putting chlorine into your body. Real sugar may have no nutritional value, but from all I've heard about artificial sweeteners it sounds like real sugar is far less harmful. I'll take my chances with real sugar.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 11:12 AM
Mmmmmmm... phenylalaninicious!

Fresca is your friend. Fresca just wants you to be happy. Stop talking bad about Fresca.


posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 01:12 PM
And who passed Aspartame? Donald Rumsfeld. Looks good on a resume...

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 01:27 PM
i'm sorry if i'm unable to read all the replies , and also i'm sorry if i'm repeating anything that is being said here.
aspartame is found in many DIET products as an example a diet "tempogen" would have aspartame instead of sugar .
anyway , diet products would be used mostly by diabetics , since they can't have too much sugar . the irony in this - and i say this without mentioning any reliable sources because i simply have none - is that aspartame allegedly increases the incidence of dibetic complications such as catarcts and neuropathy etc..
i would appreciate any confirmation / rejection of these claims because i simply can't remember where i heard them

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
I like it in Tea, but not coffee..

And lastly, where did you get the plant?

that's pretty interesting...I like it better in coffee than in tea. Andi, I think it works better in hot beverages.
You can definitely use too much, so just a few drops is all that is needed.

I grew mine from seed, fairly easy to grow, available here:

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by BRCMontana
Real sugar may have no nutritional value, but from all I've heard about artificial sweeteners it sounds like real sugar is far less harmful. I'll take my chances with real sugar.

True. Splenda really made a lot of money for McNeil. What luck that the low-carb diet skyrocketed shortly after Splenda hit the market.

After awhile, I also decided that sugar, in moderation, was better than splenda for cooking/baking.
IF I make a cake, I will usually use half and half.

And, I recently tried Diet Coke with splenda. It was quite good and I would prefer it to regular diet coke. But, then, diet soda is a rare treat for me.

I just don't trust the science on this, no matter what any scientist claims. Splenda is too new, imho.
Mayber fifty years from now, I would feel differently...


posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

The Centers for Disease Control track both afflictions and death, and they do a good job of it (this is how we know when we've got a disease outbreak, how big it is, where it's confined, etc. Every week they publish a weekly "morbidity and mortality report" ... I used them in doing a medical paper for an epidemiology journal one time, and they've got records that go back 50 years of leading illnesses and deaths.

Are you implying that this branch of the government is providing us with the hard core facts? And if so, why do they conflict with the NEIHS reports?
The CDC is in the same pockets you can find the EPA, DEA, Dept of Ag, the ONDCP and nearly every agency in this system.
The truth is, the same people who hold the patent for aspartame also hold the patent for the synthetic cow hormone (rBGH) that is injected into almost all of our dairy products, for no reason other than to fatten their pockets.
The same people also control the U.S. government and with that, the Justice system as well. In science it is very rare to find a 'fact'. And even more uncommon to find a fact or evidence against a major bio-tech/pharmacutical company like Monsanto.
Any 'study' that I could produce that gives evidence showing that aspartame, (rBGH), genetically modified seeds (GE), and/or any of the pesticides and herbicides they are using in our crops are dangerous for human consumption,
could be dismissed by a study that you produced showing conflicting results.
You see, they are in control of the government, the food, the courts, the law, the land, the food, and even the seeds we are planting now. We are just pawns in their system, eating their 'frankenfood' (a term you should find interest in) and everyonce in a while somebody is able to scratch something on the wall that they cannot erase.
If you look, I mean honestly research this issue and the studies that always go against what individual scientist, and independent labratories are trying to warn us about,
for the most part you will find the science that is killing us behind the science that produces the 'studies' that you would rather read when it comes to defending their products, or the products you chose to put into your body.
Why is it that the most powerfull source of science in the world is never on our side? They are always defending themselves in a court of law that they own, and as outlandish as some of their suits have been, in this country, they never ever lose.

Check Snopes for the stories about Monsanto that you will find in my signature link.

Originally posted by Byrd
Check Snopes for the truth.

In a nutshell, this is someone who has an allergy to aspertane trying to make it into the Most Evil Compound Ever Fed To People. It's the equivalent of someone with peanut allergies trying to tell you that peanuts are poison.

Don't believe me? Do a bit of checking. Aspertane's been in soft drinks and other stuff for the past 25 years. If it was true, you should see a HUGE caseload of these problems to the point where half the people over 35 are in the hospital with these problems. Instead, there hasn't been a significant rise in those syndromes.

Do personal research: find out how many people you know have been drinking diet drinks for the past 10 or more years (I have been.) Then check that group and see how many have health problems.

This is information by a hysterical (and aspertane allergic/sensitive) person. Yes, some folks are sensitive to it and some are allergic. Most aren't.

If you have any of the symptoms of sensitivity, do your system a favor and don't use it! But there's no problem for the rest of the population -- as simple questioning and observation will quickly tell you.

United States Department of Health and Human Services

"Among U.S. residents, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer at some point in their lifetimes.“
Is that HUGE enough for ya'?

I'm sure you enjoy your diet coke, and for someone who has battled with a weight problem for most of their life, I would much rather look at my fat ass in the mirror than suck the bottom out of another can of formaldehyde.
That's what aspartame converts to in your body... see.

Several other sources for this can be found by searching (aspartame, formaldehyde), it's not just information that somebody conjured up to talk you into growing your love handles again

Nobody is telling you what to eat or drink, just trying to make others aware of what is going into our only sources of food and MILK.

It's not as if they don't have the ability to produce an artificial sweetener that doesn't kill us.
Click the link in my sig, look at what they pulled off at the white house, right in front of our faces..... and you never hear this either do ya'?

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 12:44 AM
Yeah, cancer sucks. For the people that are quick to jump to the "so you're saying aspartame causes all that cancer?" then throw on the
as if to drive home the point that they think they're crazy, well yes and no. It's the cumulative effect of all the toxins we breath, eat, drink, produce/fail to purge because of our lazy, bad habits and diets these days. People take for granted their bodies ability to handle and purge all the crap we take in until long after their bodies have been overwhelmed and they find out they got cancer. Oops. It's about the money for some, because everyone has to eat and this is how the world works. For others, though, I'm not so sure since I don't think where the world has wound up was any accident.

But you have wonder what would happen to all these really unhealthy americans if ever a depression hits and people start going hungry. Methinks some horrible realization will surface, and people will wish they hadn't revolved their lives around all these manufactured substances as they break out in all sorts of hideous ailments.

So it's an effort in futility, guys. You get one thing banned, and another will take its place. We have to stop the bad science. Cause and effect ought to be enough to put a stop to all the ignorance, and show people how our lifestyles and dependency on all these things have affected us with all these diseases. But no, the ignorant enjoy their "rights" while the few who know better have to sit back and watch it all go down. A million people aren't necessarily smarter than one.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by bigpappadiaz]

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by bigpappadiaz

But you have wonder what would happen to all these really unhealthy americans if ever a depression hits and people start going hungry. Methinks some horrible realization will surface, and people will wish they hadn't revolved their lives around all these manufactured substances as they break out in all sorts of hideous ailments.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by bigpappadiaz]

Did you see what was happening in New Orleans 5 days after the Hurricane hit? I'm sure you can imagine what the scene would have turned into if there was nobody to come and rescue them... like if we were to ever come down to an 'every man for himself' situation.
One of my biggest fears is the amount of drugs the American people are on today to restrain the diseases we carry. We do not know what it is like to suffer with an illness, we take medicine for the symptoms untill the virus or the pain goes away.
In some ways, I do not believe this government or many people in this country ever stop to consider what would happen if our drug supply was completely shut-down. After a few months, I think New Orleans would still remind people of Mardi Gras'.
It would be 10x worse than if the War On Drugs was somehow able to remove all of the non-FDA approved drugs from the American people.
But ole' Mary-jane, Crystal and the other recreational drugs people chose to consume are still considered to be the real threat, according to our governPIMPS.

I don't believe any one chemical can be proven to cause cancer in humans, but in test after test after test after test, it has been proven that the addition of aspartame to a rat's diet multiplies his chances of developing cacer, brain tumors, and lymphnomas(sp?),
as many times as the scientist multiply the rat's intake of aspartame.
It is directly related., connected.... LINKED to Cancer.
It's just a slap in the face that these people can produce drugs that are proven to cause cancer in rats, and they also provide the pharmacutical drugs to treat people who have developed cancer, but they cannot do anything to help prevent or cure cancer.... or anything else that we are infected with for that matter.

Take A.I.D.S. for example, where DID we acquire that immune deficiency syndrome?
Aspartame and (rBGH) have been proven to be destructive to the developmental and immune system abilities in humans. So we know that some of our mental and health problems have been acquired by these chemicals. And, we know where these deadly high profit drugs come from.
I also believe these mongrels have the cure's to most of our diseases, simply because it appears to be very likely that they are the origin.

It's not like they are coming out with anything 'natural' for us in the future, it's all full of synthetic chemicals and genetically modified seeds, and high dollar pharmacuticals to fill the drug store shelves with.
To keep us hooked!

I ain't watching it all go down.

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