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Becoming A multidemenstional Being

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posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 02:35 PM
And just incase there are any Christians wondering, my name (rapturas) has nothing to do with the rapture lol I came up with that name around 7 years ago. Evolved from rapta => rapta raptura => rapturas lol how I love evolution. Oh, and rapturas coincidently spells out my real name if you drop the p and rearrange the other letters (stuart),

A bit of trivia for ya'll

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 02:49 PM
What other posters on this thread have suggested is true - we do exist on a multi-dimensional level.

You may perhaps wonder what the point of my probability assessments are in that case; well i'll spell it out for you in a way i could've done at any point.

Conciously we are aware of only three dimensions, however we are only semi-concious of the fourth, which is time - this is because it is a theoretical dimension, one that can be debated as to it's true existence in reality.

When you 'ascend' you become concious of others, but there is a problem which i am moving onto now.

You, I and everyone here are blinded by our physical senses, the ones we use in order to perceive the original three dimensions get in the way of our true ability to perceive dimensions.

For example, if Time does exist, then you perceive it with your mind, not your senses.

Are there dimensions that exist that no one has labelled yet?

Theoretically speaking, yes - your imagination is a micro-dimension unto itself, and what you cannot imagine exists within a much larger dimension of theories and ideas.

The dimension of 'idea' of reality, likely runs alongside our own, providing the blueprints for what we know.

There has been research done into this - in academic circles it is commonly accepted that there is 10 dimensions, however the way that they went about understanding these is essentially like climbing a ladder and tell people what you can see at different points on it.

To illustrate - at the bottom of the ladder you perceive the original three dimensions, the same as everyone else.

After you've climbed up a bit, say to the fifth step, you can see an extra dimension underneath the original three, like a pattern emerging - this is time, and you see everything that the original three dimensions were and what the original three dimensions will become.

The continuation of this merely moves through a spatial understanding of dimensionary theory, which is flawed, in my opinion;

Dimensions defy the imagination, and yet it is possible to imagine a dimensions wherein exists no point of reference other than time, which is perceived with the mind.

In a religious sense, this particular dimension would be that of purgatory, and i believe it exists below the physical reality of which we perceive - that which comes before everything.

At the top... My mind cannot even comprehend anything other than it's sheer complexity.

It's like looking at a christmas tree that's been over-adorned with baubles.

Can we become aware of these other dimensions?

Potentially, yes - But either you'd have to die or you'd have to remove yourself of your senses, and become void, which is akin to the dimension of purgatory, but exists above our physical reality.

EDIT: What the f happened to my avatar?

P.S; I *am* looking at this without the inevitable distraction of string theory, to my mind the scientists are way ahead of themselves with that one.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by Throbber]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 03:43 PM
Good read ! I personally believe that when we die we undergo a similar thing. I believe that when we die our souls frequency rises and we become multi-dimensional.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by rapturas
Your post is phenomally well put, you got me seriously thinking of things I've never taken too seriously!

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by eRauzed

Finally someone appreciates it. thanks

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Ulidar

It is good that you read it through. Hopefully the others would not just say

My Post=Lie,Disinformation,Impossible

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 06:24 PM
zakd619 I did appreciate your thread lol sorry for not being more vocal about it until now =/

Ulidar Im glad i have inspired you, may be your thing, it may not be but, most things are worth a try once =]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

1. stay on task
2. read the rules

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:29 PM
Zak, what you saw as a "joke" at your expense, was mild disagreement. I don't find you wrong as much as young. With humor I was trying to point out that things are often seen one way when thy are another.

Trust me, one day it will all appear less urgent. That will not because anything in the external world is different, but because you are. Decades on this planet will make for more serenity. You will accept what you cannot alter.

Getting old and preparing to face death is a vibratory experience. You learn to trust in a whole new level of reality. This doesn't make you any crazier than you ever were, just more accepting of all the possible outcomes of life.

I'm not laughing at you, but at the cosmic joke that I am party to.

My apology for any bad feeling.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by NGC2736]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by zakd619

wow...i just thought that meant i was smoking to much grass

But a few days ago i would of thought this as jibberish...but after reading flashstorminc's thread this kinda makes some sense. Ive been doing my homework. so to say, over the past couple days and this now strikes me as a very real possibility. And to zak, cool your jets turbo, i dont think anyones bashing you yet man, but be wary because some people will prolly come into your thread to do just that.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:47 PM
Thanks, Good subject to dive into.

Yes it is said we are already fully realized beings, but using 99.99% of our energy to be who we are now and stave off awareness that scares the ego to death.

In a book by Ken Wilbur, "No Boundary" he makes a statement that when someone experiences oneness, Samadhior the unclothing of the true being, that all the things we have given names to like telepathy, psychic or intuitive, premonition, healer, Telekinesis, Physcokinesis, seeing, are all one thing.

All those things, or then, this one thing that is the self , our ego has separated out by illusion (mental diffraction) to maintain our existence here. If we realized our true power, we could not stay here long enough to subject ourselves to the experiences we need to live, grow or evolve our being. Or it is like a video game we decide to go into to have fun for a while where we have suspend our belief to enjoy the learning adventure.

But ancient stories tell of those of great wisdom who have grown outside the world and come back to tell of it's greatness, in telling how they did it so others can choose to follow. Some stories became religions and the original spirit organized out of it, and or hunger for power made men lead their people to benefit their earthly things like ego, power and gold. The ancient text where most times beautiful inspired wonderful poetic thought forms attached to the actual greater awareness, and, for those things we could not know yet, we where asked to have faith. As true as that was, we let those who had addictions to power use the same ideas to control us. For those who can understand the original messages in their language-specific meanings there is great wisdom. But many kings and powerful keepers of the "faith" took our given love and faith for themselves and corrupted or obliterated what was left of the original spirit. Time and changes in culture took the rest and then the interpreters of the leftovers, not understanding took us farther out of the garden.

Now we are being given new experiences to interpret, and the real universe that is not Islam, Christian, Buddhist, or Atheist will give many beautiful and wondrous stories to tell. We have been given means to express our experiences to each other in our current technologies, and each experience is unique because outside this bubble the world is beyond infinite. Beyond anything imagined, and the place we go after this life is completely up to us. To follow another's dream is rarely real. We can find some parallel, but each path is wholly our own.

Now the great teachers are us and each other, showing others by example we are responsible to ourselves and others, we give all we can in whatever way is ours to those who need. Seeing and making the world love wherever we are. Soon enough the world for us has changed and we can then go on beyond this existence by merely walking out. Because death is just graffiti on this side of the bubble. On the other side it is not real. Neither is the bubble.

Multi dimensions are the natural state of the universes. The only limits are the ones we imagine and weave with our fears and ignorance.

I listen to everyones experience for the sheer beauty of the stories. The diversity is absolute. Even as we all experience the same streets and stars, they are actually different to each, because they are all looking at this world from their personal dimension (ego boundary and maybe beyond). Their descriptions they where told from birth, by others with different descriptions and experiences. Infinite branching.

Every time I hear a persons description of their spiritual awakenings and trips outside the world I see a different path up the same mountain. Some stay still like being caught on a cliff, afraid to move for fear. But everything and everyone speaks of the same mountain.

The Ego is likely this universes polarized awareness. Divided as such, it cannot leave until death, and then maybe stuck in lower bands of frequencies if the fear and illusions are taken. Cause you can't take it with you. Not even your fears.

If you want to know your path to this boundless world, check out what you love. Your passion and all you feel you want to do. Most times, thats it. It might be Islam for a week, Catholic for a day, and Yoga the life. It might be art, or mathematics. It could be helping a child understand or a world wake up. But it is certainly you.

Muliverse science is just taking off, and the explanations for all we are seeing in UFO, Alien and spiritual experiences are the dissolving of the great walls of illusion. I sense within the decade we will see enough for all to know this is true and then have to make a decision to grow or recycle. I hear this from many others implied in their simple wisdom. Everyone is our teacher. So I shut up and listen for fear of cutting ANYBODY off.

Am I shutting up yet?



posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by evanmontegarde
Well, I see how I could have come off as condescending so I apologize.

Wikipedia is always good to get you started. I don't pretend to understand any of the complexities but the basics are pretty easy to grasp.

Try this link Imagining the 10'th Dimension for a pretty interesting animation that explains it.

Although even at the end of it, I still find myself thinking "Huh, wait.. Uhh.. What??"

[edit on 4/11/2007 by badw0lf]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:15 PM
Nice thread op, that article does make sense to me. I've been dealing with a few of those symptoms written in the article. Don't know if i'm going to another dimension or not, lol. I'm getting more forgetfull by the day, and the more I do stuff, I think I did it, but I really never did (long story). Anyway the past 1-2 years has been really annoying.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 06:39 AM
Wow! This is some angry kid :p
Chill sunshine.

I think that what's spoken of is completely plausible, however unlikely. As mentioned above there are others means to this end that seem like a more concrete option.

And I think it's more a case of gaining awareness and perception of 'higher' dimensions more than entering them. I feel we are already a part of things far beyond our understanding, we need only to learn to percieve them.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by zakd619

There was also a contest to make a video explaining String Theory in two minutes or less... Here is a link to Slashdot's coverage of the contest.

From there you will be able to find and view the contest winners.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:02 AM
Thank you for the thread Zakd, I forwarded the link to my wife as I am sure she will find it most helpful. It's something we have discussed and experience for the last three years and the more we understand what's happening to us the better. I'll just say that we are being taught this, and to expect this. Prepared so to speak.

Off topic though, a lot of posters so far have been very critical and condescending, even needlessly picking apart spelling and post methods and I think it's really unnecessary and a bit rude. Instead of focusing on the article and topic you turn to the OP's minor errors.

The article in question doesn't warrant that type of reaction. Unless what was stated is some sort of threat to your belief system in which case I'd say simply relax and look at it objectively.

Even if you don't believe it, it really is no threat to you regardless.

Originally posted by Skyfloating
3. Beware of offers that tell you you can "become" something that you already are.

I believe you miss the point here my friend.

The article DOES indicate that we are multi-dimensional to a lesser extent however that aspect seems heavily one sided in the physical. The article seems to indicate that a broader version of this dimensionality will come to view over time as the shift gradually takes place. It's about progressive change.

In essence we become more aware and in control of our multi-dimensionality and less dependent on the limitations of the physical. This sort of existence I believe is cyclical and is approaching.

So yes we are multi-dimensional now but in a limited and misunderstood sense. That will change and become more defined. That's nothing to be wary of, or fear.

Unless we think we've got our multi-dimensionality completely and utterly figured out already. If so, then I'd wonder why we're constantly in such a terrible state of self-destruction.

- Lee

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by badw0lf

Originally posted by evanmontegarde
Well, I see how I could have come off as condescending so I apologize.

Wikipedia is always good to get you started. I don't pretend to understand any of the complexities but the basics are pretty easy to grasp.

Try this link Imagining the 10'th Dimension for a pretty interesting animation that explains it.

Although even at the end of it, I still find myself thinking "Huh, wait.. Uhh.. What??"

[edit on 4/11/2007 by badw0lf]

I also found this video of imagining the 10th dimension to be helpful, but you just have to try hard and take it step by step to understand all of the dimensions and what we are capable at higher ones.

So at the 10th dimension, there really isn't any space, time, but one point where everything and everything is happening simaltaneously.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by badw0lf
Try this link Imagining the 10'th Dimension for a pretty interesting animation that explains it.

Although even at the end of it, I still find myself thinking "Huh, wait.. Uhh.. What??"

Great link! I've actually never seen it explained that simply before, and I'm able to actually comprehend what they're talking about. Although it is not an accepted theory for string theory (as the end disclaimer states) I still found it to be a good introduction to the idea of multiple dimensions.

Thanks OP for posting this thread. I think it's a very interesting idea for why I walk into a room for a reason and when I get there I totally forget why I'd even gone there! I'd just thought it was because I'm so introverted that I'd lost track of where I was in my mind when I made the original decision to go into a certain room, but the article you posted and this thread has given me a new possibility to explore

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 06:51 PM
I like your post, and would like to encourage you to ponder, investigate, further. Perhaps all the man made electrical currents are creating a worldwide "Hutchensen Effect", causing smaller, less pronounced dimensions to open further. ----------PC

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:02 PM
sravanam mananam nididhyasanam samadhi


All is Brahman, without attributes and action, eternal and pure, free from stain and desire, changeless and formless, and always free. I fill all things, inside and out, like ether. I see though the eye of knowledge, the entire universe in my own Self and regard everything as the Self and nothing else.

(atmabodha, nikhilananda)

but its still ok if you call "me",

Sri Oracle

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