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Interaction with the Spirit World

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posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 11:39 AM
We are surrounded by life. Everything has life, a conciousness, an existance. Each of us do. Every plant, animal, rock..Every spark of fire, roar of thunder, drop of rain that has ever existed. All of this is conciousness. Within every conciousness exists on a tiny scale, every other conciousness.

On a large scale, each individual conciousness/entity also belongs to a collective mind. This is God. We are the atoms that make up God. God is an impersonal collective entity, that simply acts as the totality of oneness with all that exists.

Each entity that exists within God can be considered as a "spirit." Or as an energy. Or as a thought form, etc. Depending on the model you adhere to. All of these are correct.

Each entity that exists within this collective fulfills a few functions.
#1 It has a conciousness.
#2 It is interdependent on the collective.
#3 It acts as both a causing agent, and an effect to a cause.
#4 It's form gradually changes over time until it's form is no longer recognizeable as such.
There are many other functions, but they become more and more abstract and difficult to understand.

Let me give you the example of a shirt. A shirt is created, this is the cause. As it exists it continues to fulfill a role, whether that role is fill a drawer, warm a body, etc. After time, the shirt gets worn out, and eventually, it is no longer recognizable as a shirt. Very few of us keep one long enough to wtach it become something different.

People are the same. We are born, we live. We interact with the world around us, we age, our bodies deterioate, and our form changes. The knowledge we gained is not lost, it remains as it always has, in the collective mind. However, in the current state we are in now, as the human form changes, and we are reborn, we do not maintain our knowledge, in general. Instead, we forget everything, or much of what we have learned.

As a human being, we need the temperature to be at a certain level. We need water, and food, and exercise, and mental stimulation. If we do not get proper exercise, if our food is not nutritious, if the water we drink is not pure, if we breathe in a shallow manner, our health will decline, and we will deteriorate more quickly than if we functioned and fueled our bodies the way nature intended. By working along with the design of nature, our performance will be much higher, than if we operate in a way other than we are designed to.

Now, what does all this have to do with the Spirit World? Everything. Many of us disrespect ourselves by operating in a means other than we are designed to. We mentally abuse ourselves. We are mentally and socially conditioned to think and act a certain way over eons. As a result, we drift further from nature.

Then, we disrespect nature. We waste food, step on ants, pollute the oceans. We treat our possessions as things, and do not treat them with respect.In our minds, animals exist to serve us.

So, we disrespect ourselves by operating contrary to our nature, and then we further seperate ourselves from nature and disrespect it by trying to dominate rather than live in harmony with it.

As a result, we are effectively deaf, dumb, and blind. The Spirit World is all around us. It is constantly trying to give us messages. Physical manifestations of disasters, wars, illness...In the last 50 years asthma, autism, obesity, and many other malodies have become common place, when once they were rare. With all of our science and technology, we still cannot see the cause.

Nature is trying to warn us. The Spirit World is screaming. It is begging us, it's brothers, sisters, children...We need to wake up.

All around us we are surrounded by life, if only we could listen. The wind is giving us messages. The air we breathe nourishes us and tries to convey secret knowledge that we lost long ago.

Everything around us has that potential, to give us messages. Everything that exists has a role it plays, and also a higher spiritual conciousness associated with it.

Deja-vu, dreams, visions, gut feelings, this is the spirit world trying to tell us "hey, wake up. I have much to teach you." But we ignore it. I bet the majority of people reading this probably have music playing, or a tv in the background, several windows, open, IMing. We cannot even enjoy a single thing, we convince ourselves we need to have this this and this and this and some of that, and still we are not satisfied, we are not happy.

Remember when I said a micro version of all entities exists within you? In this way, and others, we are interconnected with all. One need look no further than inside themselves to find the infinate abundance of God. We having everything already. We are never alone, for we are surrounded by life, by friends and family, we are supported by the entire universe.

We are like handicapped children to Nature. We are loved, it understands that we cannot see, or hear. I tries to teach us, but we do not listen, we cannot, we don't know how. It's trying to tell us, listen, or you will continue to hurt yourselves, and your bretheren.

Spirits are all around telling us to please wake up. It pains them to see us so crippled. But as long as we convince ourselves they don't exist, we cannot demonstrate them in a lab, we will be deaf and blind to their wisdom.

When I look at the lamp on my desk, it would be easy for me to sell a present my grandmother bought for my birthday years ago. But it has been there for me. Amusing me with it's interesting shape, providing light. It has seen me hurt, and seen me smile. I look deeper into the lamp, and ask what it has to teach me. I learn of the pain of not being able to help those you wish. I learn the patience and the perserverance to continue to fulfill your role, in hopes that your words will one day be heard. I learn the comfort and warmth of knowledge. I understand how I at times function much the same as this lamp. I learn that even though the answers are plain to see, and revealed for the masses, that still they may be ignored. I learn that sometimes you must be quiet with your message, and wait for the correct time to shine for it to be apreciated. I learn so much from this lamp, my friend who guides me.

We are surrounded by life, by spirit, but we refuse to hear what they are teaching us. It is a shame, but yet, they persist, for one day we may understand.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 12:27 PM
I applaud your message. and before the ones that want to tarnish it come out, I want to say continue with your messages for the ones that need them will see them and don't be discourages by the ones that want to spew negativity on it for they are living in a dark world.

[edit on 10/2/2007 by stellawayten]

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 12:48 PM
In dealing with the Spirit World, one may at times encounter the unsavory. These are beings that at same level do not believe or understand the infinate universe that they are connected with. Instead of abundance, they see LACK. To them, something is missing.

With people, we see murder, rape, toture, theft, and any number of other crimes commited on one another. These are due to a feeling of LACK. They want that sexual release, they want that adrenaline flow from killing, they want that money because it'll get them a new car. They are motivated by a desire. A desire to get for themselves that which they lack.

There is the desire to control others, to dominate, to accumulate wealth and power. These stem from a belief in a lack of power, of money, etc.

It is from this feeling of LACK, that they are motivated. Motivated to get MORE than someone else. Motivated to gain power or control over someone else.

From a spiritual point of view, we are all equal. We all have the infinate abundance of the universe to draw on. However, seeing others succeed where you have failed can easily twist your mind to teach you that the world is cruel, and there is no spiritual equality or abundance.

God, Nature, is infinate abundance. Everything and more. Every thought, feeling, entity, and thing. God is all. Yet, when an entity is motivated by a belief in lack, this is where evil will manifest.

In come the Dark Arts. Methods of establishing more control, gaining power. One gains control through subtle manipulation, whether through fear, or pain, or using charisma to alter one's beliefs.

There are many spirits that have a dark motivation. There are places that because of deeds that have occured there, or natural flow become infested with dark energy. The world we live in is full of ungrounded energy, or demonic energy.

Whenever a corporation, a government, a religious organization, or other similarly powerful group makes a shift or transition motivated by a feeling of lack, they become magnets for this type of dark power. When a place becomes polarized as such, these become locations where such entities may flock, or become more easily channeled.

Dark entities can gain power in many ways. Through deeds. Through gaining control of others and draining their power. Through joining a collective body of entities and drawing on their power. These entities like to follow around people who are in positions of power. If they can establish control over that person to some degree, they could influence world affairs, and thus gain a larger influence over the populace, and increase their might.

Now, since these beings are motivated by lack, there is definately a limit to their power. However, as most people are motivated in a belief in lack, a powerful entity of the dark can seem like a God to them.

Many religious organizations that push an agenda can be manipulated to feed the dark. Any organization seeks to increase power, gain more members, gain influence and power over the community. While the flock may be well intentioned, they are also vulnerable to manipulation. In the veil of light, the dark can thrive.

In fact, in righteousness, most of the dark's greatest work has been achieved. Hitler, Stalin, and others they didn't go around saying they were evil. They gained power, by standing for supposedly good and true causes, representing the people, and at times, the Kingdom of Heaven itself.

We've all heard stories of haunted houses, demons, and the like.
Indeed, there are dark forces at work in the world. However, they are vastly outnumbered by the good and true. How may one learn to differentiate one from the other?

There are many ways. You may feel a certain type of energy from the entity. You may hear your inner voice warning you. Your allies may warn you. Many times, their actions will give them away. There are very charismatic and subtle entities that exist in the spirit world indeed, and you must be careful. However, with practice, you'll have little to no trouble identifying them. If their presence begins to unground(or try to) your energy, they're no good. If they're trying to make a deal, that's usually a warning sign. Remember, they will play on your belief in a lack of abundance.

There are many details that I refuse to share in this format. The information could be strongly abused, and gain control of an unbalanced person.

Remember however, the Light is about abundance, an infinity. When you are balanced, and virtuous, you can easily discern an entity's alignment. However, if you start to unbalance, you become vulnerable. Power lies beyond the soul. The only true power is endless. If a power has a limit, it is self-imposed, and false. If you cannot do something with a limitless power, it is your fault, you are restricting it's flow through yourself.

Dark entities feed off of limited powers, that may seem vast and endless, so they should not be messed around with. Even the skullful need to beware, one slip from the razor's edge, and your balancing act is defeated, and you are vulnerable.

Look at yourself throughout your day. Observe your thoughts, and reactions. If anything you do, say, think, or feel is motivated by a lack, there is an opportunity for you to transform into something greater. There is no lack. Live powerfully. As you do this, you will begin to recieve and be able to interpret with greater accuracy more messages from the spirit world.

Remember, that little force in your head that tells you that you can't, or says you're weak, fat, ugly, dumb, poor, etc, that is the dark. That is the lie we've had progarmed into us. Delete, delete, delete! Accept the whole of the universe without reservation, embrace the abundant world, and ask Spirit for guidance.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by stellawayten
I applaud your message. and before the ones that want to tarnish it come out, I want to say continue with your messages for the ones that need them will see them and don't be discourages by the ones that want to spew negativity on it for they are living in a dark world.

[edit on 10/2/2007 by stellawayten]

Thank you kindly for your words of encouragment. I will use them to fuel my message and keep strong my heart when faced with the false ideals of the dark.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 12:50 PM
double post

[edit on 2-10-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 01:40 PM
In your interactions with the spirit world, you will encounter many different types of entities. I will list them by category. This is by no means a comprehensive list, only an exposure.

Spirits of
People, Loved ones
Inanimate objects

These are far and away the most common spirits you will encounter. I include totem guides in this category. They make up the very world, and everything common and easily to grasp. They are our bretheren. Here you will find the spirits of dead stars, of lightning flashes, blackholes, your pets, even at times, previous incarnations of yourself, ie past lives. Each and every spirit has much to teach, and 99.9999% of all you encounter of this nature are benevolent, with the exception of some human spirits. Every one has an infinity of wisdom to share from their point of view. Every entity that exists, or ever will exist has a higher spiritual form, an equivalent of a "Totem/spirit guide" form. When commincating, they generally will not/cannot use words The most common means of communication is via feeling/imagery. Then, it is your job to interpret what that tell you. This is a very profound and dynamic way to communicate. Some people may communicate via speech, however the messages are generally less profound.

Spirits of

Every thought that pops in someone's head is given life to some extent. In certain cultures throughout history, men have empowered concepts of dieties and demons to amazing proportions. As mainstream belief in them declines, their power diminishes. However, they are still mighty. It is not unheard of to encounter, say, Zeus, or an Oni, or what have you. Deal with these carefully. They may grant power, or favors, but they are VERY dangerous. People may control them, but this should only be attempted by experts.

Residual spirits-
These are entities that continually play through a specific action for all of time, though unconciously. These are pieces that a spirit can leave behind when they cling to a beloved place, or a painful event. Then, a soul retrieval may be required to put this residual spirit to rest. A soul retrieval is a process of regaining lost portions of ourselves.

You may encounter various forms of energy in your travels. Grounded energy, ungrounded. Holy, demonic, ect. Because of acts, and efforts on the parts of entities over time, specific places have attained a certain affinity. I touched on this briefly before. At these places, spirits that are drawn to that particular type of energy are common. These types of situations include sacred sports, but there are also spiritual centers of the world, and meridians through which global energies flow, in much the same way that we have chakras and meridians. Unbalanced energy can also flow through parts of the world, there may be rifts created where there is a blockage in the flow, etc.

I've touched on generally, what you will encounter. There are many more that I have not listed, but you get the idea. Now, why did I list all of this?

I want you to begin to understand the nature of the world around you. But also, I want you to begin treating the world with respect. Nature is alive, and will respect and be kind to you if you do the same.

Thank you car for taking you home safely. Be thankful for your health, your life, your family, or nature may take it away. Apologize for disrespect. Establish a solid relationship with the world around you. View life with reverence, and as you practice meditations, and vision work to get closer to this life, view the techniques and practice with reverence.

A quick story. I do martial arts. We NEVER step over a weapon placed on the ground. It's disrespectful to the weapon. Well, one night I was dancing around a weapon placed on the ground in sort of a mocking fashion. I did this several times, each time we would rotate partners, I'd do this little jig around the weapon.

Well, after a few turns, I went to do my dance, and my foot passed close to the weapon. Then my movement jerked, I didn't touch the weapon by my foot felt like something grabbed it and held it. This caused me to trip.

I then apologized to the weapon for being so rude, I was simply trying to have fun, but did not mean to be disrespectful.

We must always be concious of our actions. Be thankful for what we have. Look for the dual nature in everything, even problems. For problems that occur, and pain, are opportunities as well. We must learn to interact with the world around us, and we will begin to get more out of our lives.

It's so important that we all understand what respect really means. We need to respect ourselves, and our power, but also, respect everything we interact with, and treat the world as we would like to be treated. For if we do not have this compassion, the world will not be so willing to help us should we need it. Give consideration, and nature will give thanks by honoring your requests, and teaching you to know your power.

It is this relationship with the true nature of things that will plug you back into your divine nature that you've lost so very long ago.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 05:10 PM
I am adept at talking with my spirit guides/totems.
They are some of the best friends I could have.

I love that you had the courage to say what you did. I agree with all of it, and although some will undoubtedly come in and mess things up, as was stated above, your message is still worth reading, and there are those who agree fully with you.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 07:48 PM
This reminds me of native american teaching.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by stellawayten
This reminds me of native american teaching.

These types of teachings are not specific to native americans. There are many shamans of the asian persuasion that follow are very much the same. Many of the principles I mentioned are also, verbatim straight out of Buddhism, Kabbalah, and Hermetic Magick. When you see the same teachings line up across cultures, across the world, it is usually a good idea to take another squint at them.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by MinHawk
I am adept at talking with my spirit guides/totems.
They are some of the best friends I could have.

I love that you had the courage to say what you did. I agree with all of it, and although some will undoubtedly come in and mess things up, as was stated above, your message is still worth reading, and there are those who agree fully with you.

I'm glad that you like my message. I was called to make write this thread, and it took the stage today over some things that I was supposed to do instead. Oh well, I am glad that it is well recieved.

Thanks for supporting the thread.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by TheGreySwordsman

Thank you very much for your posts. Pretty much everything strikes a chord with me. It is very difficult trying to study Shinto here in the US but I consider myself to be part of the religion, and I have to say that much of what you have said is part of the core of our beliefs.... geez I wish I had someone Japanese around to back me up. All of what you mentioned from rocks, trees, etc have spirits attached to them in the form of kami (gods, though I hate to use that term in reference to them). I tend to attempt communion with the Matsukodama near my home as well as Amaterasu (the sun goddess) on a regular basis. Though the rituals I use are simple, I have faith. Many say it is a dying religion, but then so is our respect for our earth and the essence that surrounds us. Thank you again for posting.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Osiris1953
reply to post by TheGreySwordsman

Thank you very much for your posts. Pretty much everything strikes a chord with me. It is very difficult trying to study Shinto here in the US but I consider myself to be part of the religion, and I have to say that much of what you have said is part of the core of our beliefs.... geez I wish I had someone Japanese around to back me up. All of what you mentioned from rocks, trees, etc have spirits attached to them in the form of kami (gods, though I hate to use that term in reference to them). I tend to attempt communion with the Matsukodama near my home as well as Amaterasu (the sun goddess) on a regular basis. Though the rituals I use are simple, I have faith. Many say it is a dying religion, but then so is our respect for our earth and the essence that surrounds us. Thank you again for posting.

I am familiar with Shinto practices, though not quite as much as I would like to be. An interesting system. There is a great deal of overlap between these religions and beliefs. An example ritual you can do would be, for Amaterasu, for example, do a purification first, have your offering bowels displayed on your alter. When the first rays of the sun rise from the east(or enter into your designated area of worship) you may light an incense and bow to the floor for a moment, and later as the sunsets in the west repeat the ritual and bow to the west.

As you perform these rituals, recite a prayer if you know any, but most importantly feel reverence in your heart for her and what she brings to the world and you life. Have a thankful, humble attitude. One need not do this every day, but a few times a year, to affirm you committment to your practice. Amaterasu is a major diety in Shinto and must be viewed with the utmost respect. The feeling in your heart must be strong. As your practice becomes more fruitful, the intention you hold within will increase, and Amaterasu may begin to establish a relationship with you. However, when dealing with these types of spirits/dieties it is very important to be persistant. She has had many bow to her without intention. Once your faithfulness is established, your understanding of her role in your life with expand, and you will begin to feel the rays of the sun warm your heart and reveal that which you are hiding. Remember the story of when she hid herself from the world? How dark and cold the world was without her! Since she has returned, look at all the wonders she has brought. With such respectful patrons as you, she should have no need or feeling of neglect!

While I have no problem with people having a central spirit they focus on, remember not to neglect other spirits around you, especially when entering a new place, feel reverence in your heart. When spirits can feel this openmindedness, they feel more free to communicate with you.

Feel free to talk more about your practice though, it is quite similar, and interesting! Thank you for your response!

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 10:01 PM
i have a question.
the evil entities you talked of, i could feel them draining my energy. i did not like this.
is there any way to keep it or drain the evil entities energy?


posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
i have a question.
the evil entities you talked of, i could feel them draining my energy. i did not like this.
is there any way to keep it or drain the evil entities energy?


This can vary a great deal depending on your belief. If you have established a working relationship with your guardian spirits you can ask them to protect you, and they will do so for you.

If you have not done so yet, visualizing a strong protective barrier around yourself of brilliant light helps. Being grounded helps, for this there are many techniques. I like to take 10 deep breaths, and visualize energy coming up from the ground and anchoring my spirit, and energy coming from the sky and protecting strengthening me. Inside the energies merge and infuse my spirit with power. When one is ungrounded it is easy to become unbalanced.

However, avoidance, especially for the inexperienced is what I will always suggest. Sure there are talismans and rituals, but just not being there will get you out of most situations. If I may ask, where are you encountering these entities, and what communication do you have with them? If you don't want to say in public you can u2u me.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 10:13 PM
Beautifully written thread. It is good to see this level of connectivity here. Continue to share if you will, it is more than welcome.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by TheGreySwordsman

they encounter me, i am just happy to be left alone actully, being i have never encountered any positive ones.

it mostly happens in a sleep parylisis state, but i can see and feel the entities prescence, and i can feel it sucking energy away from me, draining me. i dont fear them anymore, but i can still feel the energy loss. when i snap out of the state i am so tired from the energy loss all i want to do is sleep... its very odd. but i know they feed off fear so i am not afraid but i still feel the energy loss. i have never heard them tell me anything of substance (once on just told me "there is something evil in the room") one night i woke up with what felt like a spirit of rage screaming in my ear.

very odd, believe me i dont look for this type of stuff

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by antar
Beautifully written thread. It is good to see this level of connectivity here. Continue to share if you will, it is more than welcome.

Thanks! I was actually afraid I got too repetitive.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 10:25 PM
I very much appreciate your input, and actually I do enough about Shinto to perform rituals like the one you mentioned. Usually on my simple altar, I offer rice to Amaterasu and try to keep my practices as traditionally Japanese as possible while remaining true to myself. The way I see it, if I fall too much into the constructs of what others do I'd be missing the point of having any type of belief system. I was drawn to the religion as a way to express the beliefs that I already held by looking at the world around me. It just a gave me more direction and drive then just being able to state how I believed the spiritual world operated. I have to say that the opportunity to have conversations such as these is the very reason I joined ATS. I'm glad to be able to talk about Shinto and the respect of the natural spirits around us with people who are actually knowledgeable on the subject, and I hope that I can continue to converse with you over the coming days and weeks. Thank you again.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
reply to post by TheGreySwordsman

they encounter me, i am just happy to be left alone actully, being i have never encountered any positive ones.

I believe that you don't conciously ask to be harrassed. Unconciously, they must be drawn to something. A thought about what they may be, perhaps this type of thing is on your mind often, or perhaps you find yourself drawn to something they represent. If you have a short temper, they may be drawn to this type of emotion.

You are clearly vulnerable to their influence. Regular stretching/proper diet and deep breathing will over time bring more balance to your life. Grounding exercises, and picturing an energy barrier will help. There is some area of your life that is out of balanced that is making you especially vulnerable to their influence, and where you live could also play a role. Once you identify what area of your life they are drawn by, dealing with them will become easier.

Open up an email or a word document, somewhere that will let you type a lot. Type about your last experience in full vivid detail 22 times. This is incredibly tedious. But the more you type, the more information you'll remember. This should give you an idea of what area of your life needs balance.

From there, if you cannot come to a solution, post again with what you have uncovered about them, and we'll see if we can find some help for you.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by TheGreySwordsman

Also I am interested to get your opinion on a thread I posted concerning empathic abilities that I believe I have, but have been suppressed. No one has really replied. If you have the time, please check it out.'

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